use of com.linkedin.pinot.common.restlet.swagger.Paths in project pinot by linkedin.
the class PinotTenantRestletResource method deleteTenant.
@Summary("Deletes a tenant")
@Tags({ "tenant" })
@Description("Deletes a tenant from the cluster")
@Paths({ "/tenants/{tenantName}", "/tenants/{tenantName}/" })
private StringRepresentation deleteTenant(@Parameter(name = "tenantName", in = "path", description = "The tenant id") String tenantName, @Parameter(name = "type", in = "query", description = "The type of tenant, either SERVER or BROKER", required = true) String type) {
StringRepresentation presentation;
if (type == null) {
presentation = new StringRepresentation("Not specify the type for the tenant name. Please try to append:" + "/?type=SERVER or /?type=BROKER ");
} else {
TenantRole tenantRole = TenantRole.valueOf(type.toUpperCase());
PinotResourceManagerResponse res = null;
switch(tenantRole) {
case BROKER:
if (_pinotHelixResourceManager.isBrokerTenantDeletable(tenantName)) {
res = _pinotHelixResourceManager.deleteBrokerTenantFor(tenantName);
} else {
res = new PinotResourceManagerResponse();
res.status = ResponseStatus.failure;
res.message = "Broker Tenant is not null, cannot delete it.";
case SERVER:
if (_pinotHelixResourceManager.isServerTenantDeletable(tenantName)) {
res = _pinotHelixResourceManager.deleteOfflineServerTenantFor(tenantName);
if (res.isSuccessful()) {
res = _pinotHelixResourceManager.deleteRealtimeServerTenantFor(tenantName);
} else {
res = new PinotResourceManagerResponse();
res.status = ResponseStatus.failure;
res.message = "Server Tenant is not null, cannot delete it.";
presentation = new StringRepresentation(res.toString());
return presentation;
use of com.linkedin.pinot.common.restlet.swagger.Paths in project pinot by linkedin.
the class PinotTenantRestletResource method createTenant.
@Summary("Creates a tenant")
@Tags({ "tenant" })
@Paths({ "/tenants", "/tenants/" })
private StringRepresentation createTenant(Tenant tenant) {
PinotResourceManagerResponse response;
StringRepresentation presentation;
switch(tenant.getTenantRole()) {
case BROKER:
response = _pinotHelixResourceManager.createBrokerTenant(tenant);
presentation = new StringRepresentation(response.toString());
case SERVER:
response = _pinotHelixResourceManager.createServerTenant(tenant);
presentation = new StringRepresentation(response.toString());
throw new RuntimeException("Not a valid tenant creation call");
return presentation;
use of com.linkedin.pinot.common.restlet.swagger.Paths in project pinot by linkedin.
the class PinotTenantRestletResource method getAllTenants.
@Summary("Gets information about all tenants")
@Tags({ "tenant" })
@Paths({ "/tenants", "/tenants/" })
private StringRepresentation getAllTenants(@Parameter(name = "type", in = "query", description = "The type of tenant, either SERVER or BROKER") String type) throws JSONException {
// Return all the tags.
StringRepresentation presentation;
final JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
if (type == null || type.equalsIgnoreCase("server")) {
ret.put("SERVER_TENANTS", _pinotHelixResourceManager.getAllServerTenantNames());
if (type == null || type.equalsIgnoreCase("broker")) {
ret.put("BROKER_TENANTS", _pinotHelixResourceManager.getAllBrokerTenantNames());
presentation = new StringRepresentation(ret.toString(), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
return presentation;