use of com.linkedin.r2.transport.common.bridge.common.TransportCallback in project by linkedin.
the class TestHttpNettyStreamClient method testBadAddress.
@Test(dataProvider = "badAddressClients")
public void testBadAddress(AbstractNettyStreamClient client) throws InterruptedException, IOException, TimeoutException {
RestRequest r = new RestRequestBuilder(URI.create("")).build();
FutureCallback<StreamResponse> cb = new FutureCallback<StreamResponse>();
TransportCallback<StreamResponse> callback = new TransportCallbackAdapter<StreamResponse>(cb);
client.streamRequest(Messages.toStreamRequest(r), new RequestContext(), new HashMap<String, String>(), callback);
try {
cb.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Get was supposed to fail");
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
verifyCauseChain(e, RemoteInvocationException.class, UnknownHostException.class);
use of com.linkedin.r2.transport.common.bridge.common.TransportCallback in project by linkedin.
the class AbstractNettyStreamClient method writeRequestWithTimeout.
private void writeRequestWithTimeout(final StreamRequest request, RequestContext requestContext, Map<String, String> wireAttrs, TransportCallback<StreamResponse> callback) {
StreamExecutionCallback executionCallback = new StreamExecutionCallback(_callbackExecutors, callback);
// By wrapping the callback in a Timeout callback before passing it along, we deny the rest
// of the code access to the unwrapped callback. This ensures two things:
// 1. The user callback will always be invoked, since the Timeout will eventually expire
// 2. The user callback is never invoked more than once
final TimeoutTransportCallback<StreamResponse> timeoutCallback = new TimeoutTransportCallback<StreamResponse>(_scheduler, _requestTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, executionCallback, _requestTimeoutMessage);
final StreamRequest requestWithWireAttrHeaders = request.builder().overwriteHeaders(WireAttributeHelper.toWireAttributes(wireAttrs)).build(request.getEntityStream());
// talk to legacy R2 servers without problem if they're just using restRequest (full request).
if (isFullRequest(requestContext)) {
Messages.toRestRequest(requestWithWireAttrHeaders, new Callback<RestRequest>() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
errorResponse(timeoutCallback, e);
public void onSuccess(RestRequest restRequest) {
writeRequest(restRequest, requestContext, timeoutCallback);
} else {
writeRequest(requestWithWireAttrHeaders, requestContext, timeoutCallback);
use of com.linkedin.r2.transport.common.bridge.common.TransportCallback in project by linkedin.
the class Http2FrameListener method onHeadersRead.
public void onHeadersRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, Http2Headers headers, int padding, boolean endOfStream) throws Http2Exception {
LOG.debug("Received HTTP/2 HEADERS frame, stream={}, end={}, headers={}, padding={}bytes", new Object[] { streamId, endOfStream, headers.size(), padding });
// Ignores response for the upgrade request
if (streamId == Http2CodecUtil.HTTP_UPGRADE_STREAM_ID) {
final StreamResponseBuilder builder = new StreamResponseBuilder();
// Process HTTP/2 pseudo headers
if (headers.status() != null) {
if (headers.authority() != null) {
builder.addHeaderValue(HttpHeaderNames.HOST.toString(), headers.authority().toString());
// Process other HTTP headers
for (Map.Entry<CharSequence, CharSequence> header : headers) {
if (Http2Headers.PseudoHeaderName.isPseudoHeader(header.getKey())) {
// Do no set HTTP/2 pseudo headers to response
final String key = header.getKey().toString();
final String value = header.getValue().toString();
if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(HttpConstants.RESPONSE_COOKIE_HEADER_NAME)) {
} else {
builder.unsafeAddHeaderValue(key, value);
// Gets async pool handle from stream properties
Http2Connection.PropertyKey handleKey =;
TimeoutAsyncPoolHandle<?> handle =;
if (handle == null) {
_lifecycleManager.onError(ctx, Http2Exception.connectionError(Http2Error.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "No channel pool handle is associated with this stream", streamId));
final StreamResponse response;
if (endOfStream) {
response =;
} else {
// Associate an entity stream writer to the HTTP/2 stream
final TimeoutBufferedWriter writer = new TimeoutBufferedWriter(ctx, streamId, _maxContentLength, handle);
if (, writer) != null) {
_lifecycleManager.onError(ctx, Http2Exception.connectionError(Http2Error.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Another writer has already been associated with current stream ID", streamId));
// Prepares StreamResponse for the channel pipeline
EntityStream entityStream = EntityStreams.newEntityStream(writer);
response =;
// Gets callback from stream properties
Http2Connection.PropertyKey callbackKey =;
TransportCallback<?> callback =;
if (callback != null) {
ctx.fireChannelRead(new ResponseWithCallback<Response, TransportCallback<?>>(response, callback));
use of com.linkedin.r2.transport.common.bridge.common.TransportCallback in project by linkedin.
the class TestHttpNettyClient method testBadAddress.
public void testBadAddress() throws InterruptedException, IOException, TimeoutException {
HttpNettyClient client = new HttpClientBuilder(_eventLoop, _scheduler).setRequestTimeout(30000).setIdleTimeout(10000).setShutdownTimeout(500).buildRest();
RestRequest r = new RestRequestBuilder(URI.create("")).build();
FutureCallback<RestResponse> cb = new FutureCallback<RestResponse>();
TransportCallback<RestResponse> callback = new TransportCallbackAdapter<RestResponse>(cb);
client.restRequest(r, new RequestContext(), new HashMap<String, String>(), callback);
try {
cb.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Get was supposed to fail");
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
verifyCauseChain(e, RemoteInvocationException.class, UnknownHostException.class);
use of com.linkedin.r2.transport.common.bridge.common.TransportCallback in project by linkedin.
the class TestHttpNettyClient method testNoResponseTimeout.
public void testNoResponseTimeout() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
TestServer testServer = new TestServer();
HttpNettyClient client = new HttpClientBuilder(_eventLoop, _scheduler).setRequestTimeout(500).setIdleTimeout(10000).setShutdownTimeout(500).buildRest();
RestRequest r = new RestRequestBuilder(testServer.getNoResponseURI()).build();
FutureCallback<RestResponse> cb = new FutureCallback<RestResponse>();
TransportCallback<RestResponse> callback = new TransportCallbackAdapter<RestResponse>(cb);
client.restRequest(r, new RequestContext(), new HashMap<String, String>(), callback);
try {
// This timeout needs to be significantly larger than the getTimeout of the netty client;
// we're testing that the client will generate its own timeout
cb.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Get was supposed to time out");
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
// TimeoutException means the timeout for Future.get() elapsed and nothing happened.
// Instead, we are expecting our callback to be invoked before the future timeout
// with a timeout generated by the HttpNettyClient."Unexpected TimeoutException, should have been ExecutionException", e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
verifyCauseChain(e, RemoteInvocationException.class, TimeoutException.class);