use of com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.DetectionStatusDTO in project pinot by linkedin.
the class DetectionJobScheduler method runBackfill.
* Sequentially performs anomaly detection for all the monitoring windows that are located between backfillStartTime
* and backfillEndTime. A lightweight job is performed right after each detection job and notified is set to false in
* order to silence the mail alerts.
* NOTE: We assume that the backfill window for the same function DOES NOT overlap. In other words, this function
* does not guarantees correctness of the detections result if it is invoked twice with the same parameters.
* @param functionId the id of the anomaly function, which has to be an active function
* @param backfillStartTime the start time for backfilling
* @param backfillEndTime the end time for backfilling
* @param force set to false to resume from previous backfill if there exists any
* @return task id
public Long runBackfill(long functionId, DateTime backfillStartTime, DateTime backfillEndTime, boolean force) {
AnomalyFunctionDTO anomalyFunction = DAO_REGISTRY.getAnomalyFunctionDAO().findById(functionId);
Long jobId = null;
String dataset = anomalyFunction.getCollection();
boolean isActive = anomalyFunction.getIsActive();
if (!isActive) {"Skipping function {}", functionId);
return null;
BackfillKey backfillKey = new BackfillKey(functionId, backfillStartTime, backfillEndTime);
Thread returnedThread = existingBackfillJobs.putIfAbsent(backfillKey, Thread.currentThread());
// If returned thread is not current thread, then a backfill job is already running
if (returnedThread != null) {"Function: {} Dataset: {} Aborting... An existing back-fill job is running...", functionId, dataset);
return null;
try {
CronExpression cronExpression = null;
try {
cronExpression = new CronExpression(anomalyFunction.getCron());
} catch (ParseException e) {
LOG.error("Function: {} Dataset: {} Failed to parse cron expression", functionId, dataset);
return null;
long monitoringWindowSize = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(anomalyFunction.getWindowSize(), anomalyFunction.getWindowUnit());
DateTime currentStart;
if (force) {
currentStart = backfillStartTime;
} else {
currentStart = computeResumeStartTime(functionId, cronExpression, backfillStartTime, backfillEndTime);
DateTime currentEnd =;
// Make the end time inclusive
DateTime endBoundary = new DateTime(cronExpression.getNextValidTimeAfter(backfillEndTime.toDate()));
List<Long> startTimes = new ArrayList<>();
List<Long> endTimes = new ArrayList<>();"Function: {} Dataset: {} Begin regenerate anomalies for each monitoring window between {} and {}", functionId, dataset, currentStart, endBoundary);
while (currentEnd.isBefore(endBoundary)) {
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {"Function: {} Dataset: {} Terminating adhoc function.", functionId, dataset);
return null;
String monitoringWindowStart = ISODateTimeFormat.dateHourMinute().print(currentStart);
String monitoringWindowEnd = ISODateTimeFormat.dateHourMinute().print(currentEnd);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Adding adhoc time range {}({}) to {}({})", functionId, dataset, currentStart, monitoringWindowStart, currentEnd, monitoringWindowEnd);
currentStart = new DateTime(cronExpression.getNextValidTimeAfter(currentStart.toDate()));
currentEnd =;
// If any time periods found, for which detection needs to be run, run anomaly function update detection status
List<DetectionStatusDTO> findAllInTimeRange = DAO_REGISTRY.getDetectionStatusDAO().findAllInTimeRangeForFunctionAndDetectionRun(backfillStartTime.getMillis(), currentStart.getMillis(), functionId, false);
jobId = runAnomalyFunctionAndUpdateDetectionStatus(startTimes, endTimes, anomalyFunction, findAllInTimeRange);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Generated job for detecting anomalies for each monitoring window " + "whose start is located in range {} -- {}", functionId, dataset, backfillStartTime, currentStart);
} finally {
existingBackfillJobs.remove(backfillKey, Thread.currentThread());
return jobId;
use of com.linkedin.thirdeye.datalayer.dto.DetectionStatusDTO in project pinot by linkedin.
the class DetectionJobScheduler method run.
* Reads all active anomaly functions
* For each function, finds all time periods for which detection needs to be run
* Calls run anomaly function for all those periods, and updates detection status
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
public void run() {
// read all anomaly functions"Reading all anomaly functions");
List<AnomalyFunctionDTO> anomalyFunctions = DAO_REGISTRY.getAnomalyFunctionDAO().findAllActiveFunctions();
// for each active anomaly function
for (AnomalyFunctionDTO anomalyFunction : anomalyFunctions) {
try {"Function: {}", anomalyFunction);
long functionId = anomalyFunction.getId();
String dataset = anomalyFunction.getCollection();
DatasetConfigDTO datasetConfig = CACHE_REGISTRY.getDatasetConfigCache().get(dataset);
DateTimeZone dateTimeZone = Utils.getDataTimeZone(dataset);
DateTime currentDateTime = new DateTime(dateTimeZone);
// find last entry into detectionStatus table, for this function
DetectionStatusDTO lastEntryForFunction = DAO_REGISTRY.getDetectionStatusDAO().findLatestEntryForFunctionId(functionId);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Last entry is {}", functionId, dataset, lastEntryForFunction);
// calculate entries from last entry to current time
Map<String, Long> newEntries = DetectionJobSchedulerUtils.getNewEntries(currentDateTime, lastEntryForFunction, anomalyFunction, datasetConfig, dateTimeZone);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Creating {} new entries {}", functionId, dataset, newEntries.size(), newEntries);
// create these entries
for (Entry<String, Long> entry : newEntries.entrySet()) {
DetectionStatusDTO detectionStatus = new DetectionStatusDTO();
// find all entries in the past 3 days, which are still isRun = false
List<DetectionStatusDTO> entriesInLast3Days = DAO_REGISTRY.getDetectionStatusDAO().findAllInTimeRangeForFunctionAndDetectionRun(currentDateTime.minusDays(3).getMillis(), currentDateTime.getMillis(), functionId, false);
Collections.sort(entriesInLast3Days);"Function: {} Dataset: {} Entries in last 3 days {}", functionId, dataset, entriesInLast3Days);
// for each entry, collect startTime and endTime
List<Long> startTimes = new ArrayList<>();
List<Long> endTimes = new ArrayList<>();
List<DetectionStatusDTO> detectionStatusToUpdate = new ArrayList<>();
for (DetectionStatusDTO detectionStatus : entriesInLast3Days) {
try {"Function: {} Dataset: {} Entry : {}", functionId, dataset, detectionStatus);
long dateToCheck = detectionStatus.getDateToCheckInMS();
// check availability for monitoring window - delay
long endTime = dateToCheck - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(anomalyFunction.getWindowDelay(), anomalyFunction.getWindowDelayUnit());
long startTime = endTime - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(anomalyFunction.getWindowSize(), anomalyFunction.getWindowUnit());"Function: {} Dataset: {} Checking start:{} {} to end:{} {}", functionId, dataset, startTime, new DateTime(startTime, dateTimeZone), endTime, new DateTime(endTime, dateTimeZone));
boolean pass = checkIfDetectionRunCriteriaMet(startTime, endTime, datasetConfig, anomalyFunction);
if (pass) {
} else {
LOG.warn("Function: {} Dataset: {} Data incomplete for monitoring window {} ({}) to {} ({}), skipping anomaly detection", functionId, dataset, startTime, new DateTime(startTime), endTime, new DateTime(endTime));
// TODO: Send email to owners/dev team
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Function: {} Dataset: {} Exception in preparing entry {}", functionId, dataset, detectionStatus, e);
// If any time periods found, for which detection needs to be run
runAnomalyFunctionAndUpdateDetectionStatus(startTimes, endTimes, anomalyFunction, detectionStatusToUpdate);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Function: {} Dataset: {} Exception in running anomaly function {}", anomalyFunction.getId(), anomalyFunction.getCollection(), anomalyFunction, e);