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Example 11 with HttpHeaders

use of com.lzy.okgo.model.HttpHeaders in project okhttp-OkGo by jeasonlzy.

the class ServerApi method getString.

public static Observable<String> getString(String header, String param) {
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.put("aaa", header);
    HttpParams params = new HttpParams();
    params.put("bbb", param);
    // 这个RxUtils的封装其实没有必要,只是有些人喜欢这么干,我就多此一举写出来了。。
    return RxUtils.request(HttpMethod.GET, Urls.URL_METHOD, String.class, params, headers);
Also used : HttpHeaders(com.lzy.okgo.model.HttpHeaders) HttpParams(com.lzy.okgo.model.HttpParams)

Example 12 with HttpHeaders

use of com.lzy.okgo.model.HttpHeaders in project okhttp-OkGo by jeasonlzy.

the class HeaderParser method addCacheHeaders.

 * 对每个请求添加默认的请求头,如果有缓存,并返回缓存实体对象
 * Cache-Control: max-age=0                            以秒为单位
 * If-Modified-Since: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 08:38:01 GMT    缓存文件的最后修改时间。
 * If-None-Match: "0693f67a67cc1:0"                    缓存文件的ETag值
 * Cache-Control: no-cache                             不使用缓存
 * Pragma: no-cache                                    不使用缓存
 * Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.8                     支持的语言
 * User-Agent:                                         用户代理,它的信息包括硬件平台、系统软件、应用软件和用户个人偏好
 * Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36
 * @param request     请求类
 * @param cacheEntity 缓存实体类
 * @param cacheMode   缓存模式
public static <T> void addCacheHeaders(Request request, CacheEntity<T> cacheEntity, CacheMode cacheMode) {
    // 1. 按照标准的 http 协议,添加304相关请求头
    if (cacheEntity != null && cacheMode == CacheMode.DEFAULT) {
        HttpHeaders responseHeaders = cacheEntity.getResponseHeaders();
        if (responseHeaders != null) {
            String eTag = responseHeaders.get(HttpHeaders.HEAD_KEY_E_TAG);
            if (eTag != null)
                request.headers(HttpHeaders.HEAD_KEY_IF_NONE_MATCH, eTag);
            long lastModified = HttpHeaders.getLastModified(responseHeaders.get(HttpHeaders.HEAD_KEY_LAST_MODIFIED));
            if (lastModified > 0)
                request.headers(HttpHeaders.HEAD_KEY_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, HttpHeaders.formatMillisToGMT(lastModified));
Also used : HttpHeaders(com.lzy.okgo.model.HttpHeaders)

Example 13 with HttpHeaders

use of com.lzy.okgo.model.HttpHeaders in project okhttp-OkGo by jeasonlzy.

the class HeaderParser method createCacheEntity.

 * 根据请求结果生成对应的缓存实体类,以下为缓存相关的响应头
 * Cache-Control: public                             响应被缓存,并且在多用户间共享
 * Cache-Control: private                            响应只能作为私有缓存,不能在用户之间共享
 * Cache-Control: no-cache                           提醒浏览器要从服务器提取文档进行验证
 * Cache-Control: no-store                           绝对禁止缓存(用于机密,敏感文件)
 * Cache-Control: max-age=60                         60秒之后缓存过期(相对时间),优先级比Expires高
 * Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 08:39:00 GMT               当前response发送的时间
 * Expires: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 08:40:01 GMT            缓存过期的时间(绝对时间)
 * Last-Modified: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 08:38:01 GMT      服务器端文件的最后修改时间
 * ETag: "20b1add7ec1cd1:0"                          服务器端文件的ETag值
 * 如果同时存在cache-control和Expires,浏览器总是优先使用cache-control
 * @param responseHeaders 返回数据中的响应头
 * @param data            解析出来的数据
 * @param cacheMode       缓存的模式
 * @param cacheKey        缓存的key
 * @return 缓存的实体类
public static <T> CacheEntity<T> createCacheEntity(Headers responseHeaders, T data, CacheMode cacheMode, String cacheKey) {
    // 缓存相对于本地的到期时间
    long localExpire = 0;
    if (cacheMode == CacheMode.DEFAULT) {
        long date = HttpHeaders.getDate(responseHeaders.get(HttpHeaders.HEAD_KEY_DATE));
        long expires = HttpHeaders.getExpiration(responseHeaders.get(HttpHeaders.HEAD_KEY_EXPIRES));
        String cacheControl = HttpHeaders.getCacheControl(responseHeaders.get(HttpHeaders.HEAD_KEY_CACHE_CONTROL), responseHeaders.get(HttpHeaders.HEAD_KEY_PRAGMA));
        // 没有缓存头控制,不需要缓存
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(cacheControl) && expires <= 0)
            return null;
        long maxAge = 0;
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(cacheControl)) {
            StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(cacheControl, ",");
            while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String token = tokens.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault());
                if (token.equals("no-cache") || token.equals("no-store")) {
                    // 服务器指定不缓存
                    return null;
                } else if (token.startsWith("max-age=")) {
                    try {
                        // 获取最大缓存时间
                        maxAge = Long.parseLong(token.substring(8));
                        // 服务器缓存设置立马过期,不缓存
                        if (maxAge <= 0)
                            return null;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
        // 获取基准缓存时间,优先使用response中的date头,如果没有就使用本地时间
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (date > 0)
            now = date;
        if (maxAge > 0) {
            // Http1.1 优先验证 Cache-Control 头
            localExpire = now + maxAge * 1000;
        } else if (expires >= 0) {
            // Http1.0 验证 Expires 头
            localExpire = expires;
    } else {
        localExpire = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // 将response中所有的头存入 HttpHeaders,原因是写入数据库的对象需要实现序列化,而ok默认的Header没有序列化
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    for (String headerName : responseHeaders.names()) {
        headers.put(headerName, responseHeaders.get(headerName));
    // 构建缓存实体对象
    CacheEntity<T> cacheEntity = new CacheEntity<>();
    return cacheEntity;
Also used : HttpHeaders(com.lzy.okgo.model.HttpHeaders) StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) CacheEntity(com.lzy.okgo.cache.CacheEntity)

Example 14 with HttpHeaders

use of com.lzy.okgo.model.HttpHeaders in project BaseProject by feer921.

the class HeaderParser method addCacheHeaders.

 * 对每个请求添加默认的请求头,如果有缓存,并返回缓存实体对象
 * Cache-Control: max-age=0                            以秒为单位
 * If-Modified-Since: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 08:38:01 GMT    缓存文件的最后修改时间。
 * If-None-Match: "0693f67a67cc1:0"                    缓存文件的ETag值
 * Cache-Control: no-cache                             不使用缓存
 * Pragma: no-cache                                    不使用缓存
 * Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.8                     支持的语言
 * User-Agent:                                         用户代理,它的信息包括硬件平台、系统软件、应用软件和用户个人偏好
 * Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36
 * @param request     请求类
 * @param cacheEntity 缓存实体类
 * @param cacheMode   缓存模式
public static <T> void addCacheHeaders(Request request, CacheEntity<T> cacheEntity, CacheMode cacheMode) {
    // 1. 按照标准的 http 协议,添加304相关请求头
    if (cacheEntity != null && cacheMode == CacheMode.DEFAULT) {
        HttpHeaders responseHeaders = cacheEntity.getResponseHeaders();
        if (responseHeaders != null) {
            String eTag = responseHeaders.get(HttpHeaders.HEAD_KEY_E_TAG);
            if (eTag != null)
                request.headers(HttpHeaders.HEAD_KEY_IF_NONE_MATCH, eTag);
            long lastModified = HttpHeaders.getLastModified(responseHeaders.get(HttpHeaders.HEAD_KEY_LAST_MODIFIED));
            if (lastModified > 0)
                request.headers(HttpHeaders.HEAD_KEY_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, HttpHeaders.formatMillisToGMT(lastModified));
Also used : HttpHeaders(com.lzy.okgo.model.HttpHeaders)


HttpHeaders (com.lzy.okgo.model.HttpHeaders)14 CacheMode (com.lzy.okgo.cache.CacheMode)4 HttpParams (com.lzy.okgo.model.HttpParams)4 CacheEntity (com.lzy.okgo.cache.CacheEntity)2 AbsCallbackWrapper (com.lzy.okgo.callback.AbsCallbackWrapper)2 OkGoException (com.lzy.okgo.exception.OkGoException)2 Response (com.lzy.okgo.model.Response)2 BaseRequest (com.lzy.okgo.request.BaseRequest)2 IOException ( SocketTimeoutException ( StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)2 Request (okhttp3.Request)2 RequestBody (okhttp3.RequestBody)2 CookieJarImpl (com.lzy.okgo.cookie.CookieJarImpl)1 DBCookieStore ( PersistentCookieStore ( HttpsUtils (com.lzy.okgo.https.HttpsUtils)1 HttpLoggingInterceptor (com.lzy.okgo.interceptor.HttpLoggingInterceptor)1 CertificateException ( OkHttpClient (okhttp3.OkHttpClient)1