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Example 26 with WarningMessage

use of com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.WarningMessage in project EliteMobs by MagmaGuy.

the class ItemLootShower method dropTwenty.

private void dropTwenty(Location location) {
    Item currencyItem;
    try {
        currencyItem = generateCurrencyItem(Material.getMaterial(EconomySettingsConfig.getLootShowerMaterial20()), location, 20);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        new WarningMessage("Material for EliteMob shower 20 is invalid. Defaulting to emerald.");
        currencyItem = generateCurrencyItem(Material.EMERALD, location, 20);
    currencyItem.setCustomName(ChatColorConverter.convert("&2" + 20 + " " + EconomySettingsConfig.getCurrencyName()));
Also used : Item(org.bukkit.entity.Item) WarningMessage(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.WarningMessage)

Example 27 with WarningMessage

use of com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.WarningMessage in project EliteMobs by MagmaGuy.

the class ActionEvent method instantiateEvent.

public void instantiateEvent(Location location, Player player) {
    this.player = player;
    ActionEvent actionEvent = new ActionEvent(customEventsConfigFields);
    CustomEventStartEvent customEventStartEvent = new CustomEventStartEvent(actionEvent);
    if (customEventStartEvent.isCancelled())
    if (!actionEvent.startConditions.areValid())
    for (String filename : primaryCustomBossFilenames) {
        CustomBossEntity customBossEntity = CustomBossEntity.createCustomBossEntity(filename);
        if (customBossEntity == null) {
            new WarningMessage("Failed to generate custom boss " + filename + " ! This has cancelled action event " + customEventsConfigFields.getFilename() + " !");
        customBossEntity.spawn(actionEvent.getEventStartLocation(), false);
Also used : WarningMessage(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.WarningMessage) CustomBossEntity(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.mobconstructor.custombosses.CustomBossEntity) CustomEventStartEvent(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.api.CustomEventStartEvent)

Example 28 with WarningMessage

use of com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.WarningMessage in project EliteMobs by MagmaGuy.

the class CustomTreasureChestConfigFields method processConfigFields.

public void processConfigFields() {
    this.isEnabled = processBoolean("isEnabled", isEnabled, false, false);
    this.chestMaterial = processEnum("chestType", chestMaterial, Material.CHEST, Material.class, true);
    this.facing = processEnum("facing", facing, BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.class, true);
    this.chestTier = processInt("chestTier", chestTier, 0, true);
    this.worldName = processString("location", worldName, null, false);
    if (worldName != null)
        worldName = worldName.split(",")[0];
    this.dropStyle = processEnum("dropStyle", dropStyle, TreasureChest.DropStyle.SINGLE, TreasureChest.DropStyle.class, true);
    this.restockTimer = processInt("restockTimer", restockTimer, 0, true);
    this.lootList = processStringList("lootList", lootList, new ArrayList<>(), true);
    this.customLootTable = new CustomLootTable(this);
    this.mimicChance = processDouble("mimicChance", mimicChance, 0, true);
    this.mimicCustomBossesList = processStringList("mimicCustomBossesList", mimicCustomBossesList, new ArrayList<>(), true);
    this.restockTime = processLong("restockTime", restockTimer, 0, false);
    this.restockTimers = processStringList("restockTimers", restockTimers, new ArrayList<>(), false);
    this.effects = processStringList("effects", effects, new ArrayList<>(), false);
    this.locations = processStringList("locations", locations, new ArrayList<>(), false);
    this.location = processLocation("location", location, null, false);
    if (location == null && locations.isEmpty())
        new InfoMessage("Custom Treasure Chest in file " + filename + " does not have a defined location(s)! It will not spawn.");
        new TreasureChest(this, location, restockTime);
    for (String string : locations) {
        String[] strings = string.split(":");
        Location location = ConfigurationLocation.serialize(strings[0]);
        if (location == null) {
            new WarningMessage("Bad location entry in locations for " + filename + " . Entry: " + strings[0]);
        long timestamp = 0;
        if (strings.length > 1) {
            try {
                timestamp = Long.parseLong(strings[1]);
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                new WarningMessage("Bad unix timestamp in locations for " + filename + " . Entry: " + strings[0]);
        new TreasureChest(this, location, timestamp);
Also used : TreasureChest(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.treasurechest.TreasureChest) WarningMessage(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.WarningMessage) BlockFace(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Material(org.bukkit.Material) CustomLootTable(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.items.customloottable.CustomLootTable) InfoMessage(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.InfoMessage) ConfigurationLocation(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.ConfigurationLocation) Location(org.bukkit.Location)

Example 29 with WarningMessage

use of com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.WarningMessage in project EliteMobs by MagmaGuy.

the class CustomBossesConfigFields method setOnRemoveBlockStates.

public void setOnRemoveBlockStates(List<String> onRemoveBlockStates) {
    this.onRemoveBlockStates = onRemoveBlockStates;
    fileConfiguration.set("onRemoveBlockStates", onRemoveBlockStates);
    try {;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        new WarningMessage("Failed to save on remove block states!", true);
Also used : WarningMessage(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.WarningMessage)

Example 30 with WarningMessage

use of com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.WarningMessage in project EliteMobs by MagmaGuy.

the class EliteMobs method onEnable.

public void onEnable() {
    Bukkit.getLogger().info(" _____ _     _____ _____ ________  ______________  _____");
    Bukkit.getLogger().info("|  ___| |   |_   _|_   _|  ___|  \\/  |  _  | ___ \\/  ___|");
    Bukkit.getLogger().info("| |__ | |     | |   | | | |__ | .  . | | | | |_/ /\\ `--.");
    Bukkit.getLogger().info("|  __|| |     | |   | | |  __|| |\\/| | | | | ___ \\ `--. \\");
    Bukkit.getLogger().info("| |___| |_____| |_  | | | |___| |  | \\ \\_/ / |_/ //\\__/ /");
    Bukkit.getLogger().info("\\____/\\_____/\\___/  \\_/ \\____/\\_|  |_/\\___/\\____/ \\____/");
    MetadataHandler.PLUGIN = this;
    Bukkit.getLogger().info("By MagmaGuy - v. " + MetadataHandler.PLUGIN.getDescription().getVersion());
    if (Bukkit.getServer().spigot().getConfig().getDouble("settings.attribute.maxHealth.max") < 100000000) {
        Bukkit.getServer().spigot().getConfig().set("settings.attribute.maxHealth.max", 100000000);
        try {
            File spigotConfigContainer = new File(Paths.get(MetadataHandler.PLUGIN.getDataFolder().getParentFile().getCanonicalFile().getParentFile().toString() + "/spigot.yml").toString());
            new InfoMessage("New default max health set correctly!");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            new WarningMessage("Failed to save max health value! For the plugin to work correctly, you should increase your max health on the spigot.yml config file to " + 100000000);
    // Remove entities that should not exist
        New config loading
    if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("LibsDisguises"))
    if (worldGuardIsEnabled)
        Bukkit.getLogger().info("[EliteMobs] WorldGuard compatibility is enabled!");
        Bukkit.getLogger().warning("[EliteMobs] WorldGuard compatibility is not enabled!");
    // Enable Vault
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Bukkit.getLogger().warning("[EliteMobs] Something went wrong with the vault configuration - your Vault " + "version is probably not compatible with this EliteMobs version. Please contact the dev about this error.");
        VaultCompatibility.VAULT_ENABLED = false;
    // Hook up all listeners, some depend on config
    // Launch the local data cache
    // Get world list
    // Start the repeating tasks such as scanners
    // launch events
    // launch internal clock for attack cooldown
        Initialize mob values
        Cache animation vectors
        Scan for loaded SuperMobs
    // Small check to make sure that PlaceholderAPI is installed
    if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("PlaceholderAPI") != null) {
        Placeholders placeholders = new Placeholders();
        this.placeholders = placeholders;
    // Enable stats
    metrics = new Metrics(this, 1081);
    // Initialize custom charts
    new CustomCharts();
    // Imports custom configurations and mindungeons from the import folder
    // Import custom items after potentially importing new items
    new CustomItemsConfig();
    // Load minidungeons, most of all load the worlds of minidungeons
    new DungeonPackagerConfig();
    // Load Adventurer's Guild
    if (AdventurersGuildConfig.isGuildWorldIsEnabled()) {
        try {
            if (AdventurersGuildConfig.getGuildWorldLocation() == null)
        } catch (Exception e) {
            new WarningMessage("Failed to initialize the Adventurer's Guild Hub! It is now disabled. You can try to" + "reenable it in /em setup");
    // Load all regional bosses
    new CustomBossesConfig();
    new CustomTreasureChestsConfig();
    // Find the stats of bosses in minidungeons
    for (Minidungeon minidungeon : Minidungeon.getMinidungeons().values()) {
        if (minidungeon.getDungeonPackagerConfigFields().getDungeonLocationType() != null)
            if (minidungeon.getDungeonPackagerConfigFields().getDungeonLocationType().equals(DungeonPackagerConfigFields.DungeonLocationType.WORLD))
            else if (minidungeon.getDungeonPackagerConfigFields().getDungeonLocationType().equals(DungeonPackagerConfigFields.DungeonLocationType.SCHEMATIC))
    // Initialize npcs
    new NPCsConfig();
    // Initialize custom spawn methods, this runs late because it compares loaded worlds against worlds listed in the config
    try {
        new CustomSpawnConfig();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        new WarningMessage("You are using a version of Spigot or a branch thereof (Paper, Purpur, so on) that is (probably) HORRIBLY outdated!" + " This issue will probably be fixed if you update your server version to the latest patch of the version you are running.");
        new WarningMessage(" This does not mean that you have to update your Minecraft version, but it does mean you must update your server version to the latest patch" + " available for that Minecraft version. Download from trustworthy sources, as if you download Spigot from some random website other than Spigot," + " you are probably not getting the latest version (and also there's a high chance you'll get a virus).");
    new CustomQuestsConfig();
    new WormholeConfig();
    // Commands
    new CommandHandler();
        Check for new plugin version or for dungeon updates
Also used : WarningMessage(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.WarningMessage) CustomItemsConfig(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.config.customitems.CustomItemsConfig) Minidungeon(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.dungeons.Minidungeon) CustomQuestsConfig(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.config.customquests.CustomQuestsConfig) CustomTreasureChestsConfig(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.config.customtreasurechests.CustomTreasureChestsConfig) IOException( CommandHandler(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.commands.CommandHandler) IOException( CustomCharts(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.thirdparty.bstats.CustomCharts) DungeonPackagerConfig(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.config.dungeonpackager.DungeonPackagerConfig) WormholeConfig(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.config.wormholes.WormholeConfig) Metrics(org.bstats.bukkit.Metrics) Placeholders(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.thirdparty.placeholderapi.Placeholders) InfoMessage(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.InfoMessage) NPCsConfig(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.config.npcs.NPCsConfig) CustomSpawnConfig(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.config.customspawns.CustomSpawnConfig) File( CustomBossesConfig(com.magmaguy.elitemobs.config.custombosses.CustomBossesConfig)


WarningMessage (com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.WarningMessage)76 InfoMessage (com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.InfoMessage)11 Vector (org.bukkit.util.Vector)11 Item (org.bukkit.entity.Item)10 File ( CustomBossEntity (com.magmaguy.elitemobs.mobconstructor.custombosses.CustomBossEntity)8 FlagConflictException ( RegionManager ( RegionContainer ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 ZipFile (com.magmaguy.elitemobs.utils.ZipFile)5 GlobalProtectedRegion ( ProtectedRegion ( Location (org.bukkit.Location)5 ItemStack (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)5 CustomBossesConfigFields (com.magmaguy.elitemobs.config.custombosses.CustomBossesConfigFields)3 Minidungeon (com.magmaguy.elitemobs.dungeons.Minidungeon)3 IOException ( Material (org.bukkit.Material)3 BukkitRunnable (org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable)3