use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class IotHubSasTokenTest method signatureSetCorrectly.
// Tests_SRS_IOTHUBSASTOKEN_11_005: [The signature shall be correctly computed and set.]
// Tests_SRS_IOTHUBSASTOKEN_11_006: [The function shall return the string representation of the SAS token.]
public void signatureSetCorrectly() throws URISyntaxException {
final long expiryTime = 100;
final String signature = "sample-sig";
final IotHubConnectionString iotHubConnectionString = Deencapsulation.newInstance(IotHubConnectionString.class, new Class[] { String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class }, "", "sample-device-ID", "sample-device-key", null);
new NonStrictExpectations() {
result = signature;
IotHubSasToken token = new IotHubSasToken(new DeviceClientConfig(iotHubConnectionString), expiryTime);
String tokenStr = token.toString();
// extract the value assigned to sig.
int signatureKeyIdx = tokenStr.indexOf("sig=");
int signatureStartIdx = signatureKeyIdx + 4;
int signatureEndIdx = tokenStr.indexOf("&", signatureStartIdx);
if (signatureEndIdx == -1) {
signatureEndIdx = tokenStr.length();
String testSignature = tokenStr.substring(signatureStartIdx, signatureEndIdx);
final String expectedSignature = signature;
assertThat(testSignature, is(expectedSignature));
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class IotHubSasTokenTest method sasTokenHasCorrectFormat.
// Tests_SRS_IOTHUBSASTOKEN_11_001: [The SAS token shall have the format "SharedAccessSignature sig=<signature>&se=<expiryTime>&sr=<resourceURI>". The params can be in any order.]
public void sasTokenHasCorrectFormat() throws URISyntaxException {
final long expiryTime = 100;
final String signature = "sample-sig";
final IotHubConnectionString iotHubConnectionString = Deencapsulation.newInstance(IotHubConnectionString.class, new Class[] { String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class }, "", "sample-device-ID", "sample-device-key", null);
new NonStrictExpectations() {
result = signature;
IotHubSasToken token = new IotHubSasToken(new DeviceClientConfig(iotHubConnectionString), expiryTime);
String tokenStr = token.toString();
// assert that sig, se and sr exist in the token in any order.
assertThat(tokenStr.indexOf("SharedAccessSignature "), is(not(-1)));
assertThat(tokenStr.indexOf("sig="), is(not(-1)));
assertThat(tokenStr.indexOf("se="), is(not(-1)));
assertThat(tokenStr.indexOf("sr="), is(not(-1)));
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class MqttIotHubConnection method open.
* Establishes a connection for the device and IoT Hub given in the client
* configuration. If the connection is already open, the function shall do
* nothing.
* @throws IOException if a connection could not to be established.
public void open() throws IOException {
synchronized (MQTT_CONNECTION_LOCK) {
// the function shall do nothing.]
if (this.state == State.OPEN) {
// with an IoT Hub using the provided host name, user name, device ID, and sas token.]
try {
IotHubSasToken sasToken = new IotHubSasToken(this.config, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L + this.config.getTokenValidSecs() + 1L);
this.iotHubUserPassword = sasToken.toString();
String clientIdentifier = "DeviceClientType=" + URLEncoder.encode(TransportUtils.JAVA_DEVICE_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER + TransportUtils.CLIENT_VERSION, "UTF-8");
this.iotHubUserName = this.config.getIotHubHostname() + "/" + this.config.getDeviceId() + "/" + TWIN_API_VERSION + "/" + clientIdentifier;
this.deviceMessaging = new MqttMessaging(SSL_PREFIX + this.config.getIotHubHostname() + SSL_PORT_SUFFIX, this.config.getDeviceId(), this.iotHubUserName, this.iotHubUserPassword, this.config.getIotHubSSLContext());
this.deviceMethod = new MqttDeviceMethod();
this.deviceTwin = new MqttDeviceTwin();
this.state = State.OPEN;
} catch (Exception e) {
this.state = State.CLOSED;
// for any reason, the function shall throw an IOException.]
if (this.deviceMethod != null) {
if (this.deviceTwin != null) {
if (this.deviceMessaging != null) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class HttpsIotHubConnection method sendEvent.
* Sends an event message.
* @param msg the event message.
* @return the ResponseMessage including status code and payload from sending the event message.
* @throws IOException if the IoT Hub could not be reached.
public ResponseMessage sendEvent(HttpsMessage msg) throws IOException {
synchronized (HTTPS_CONNECTION_LOCK) {
String iotHubHostname = this.config.getIotHubHostname();
String deviceId = this.config.getDeviceId();
int readTimeoutMillis = this.config.getReadTimeoutMillis();
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_002: [The function shall send a request to the URL 'https://[iotHubHostname]/devices/[deviceId]/messages/events?api-version=2016-02-03'.]
IotHubEventUri eventUri = new IotHubEventUri(iotHubHostname, deviceId);
URL eventUrl = new URL("https://" + eventUri.toString());
IotHubSasToken sasToken = new IotHubSasToken(this.config, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L + this.config.getTokenValidSecs() + 1L);
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_003: [The function shall send a POST request.]
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_004: [The function shall set the request body to the message body.]
HttpsRequest request = new HttpsRequest(eventUrl, HttpsMethod.POST, msg.getBody());
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_005: [The function shall write each message property as a request header.]
for (MessageProperty property : msg.getProperties()) {
request.setHeaderField(property.getName(), property.getValue());
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_006: [The function shall set the request read timeout to be the configuration parameter readTimeoutMillis.]
request.setReadTimeoutMillis(readTimeoutMillis).setHeaderField("authorization", sasToken.toString()).setHeaderField("iothub-to", eventUri.getPath()).setHeaderField("content-type", msg.getContentType());
//Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_25_040: [The function shall set the IotHub SSL context by calling setSSLContext on the request.]
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_012: [If the IoT Hub could not be reached, the function shall throw an IOException.]
HttpsResponse response = request.send();
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_010: [The function shall return a ResponseMessage with the status and payload.]
IotHubStatusCode status = IotHubStatusCode.getIotHubStatusCode(response.getStatus());
byte[] body = response.getBody();
return new ResponseMessage(body, status);
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class HttpsIotHubConnection method sendMessageResult.
* Sends the message result for the previously received
* message.
* @param result the message result (one of {@link IotHubMessageResult#COMPLETE},
* {@link IotHubMessageResult#ABANDON}, or {@link IotHubMessageResult#REJECT}).
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@code sendMessageResult} is called before
* {@link #receiveMessage()} is called.
* @throws IOException if the IoT Hub could not be reached.
public void sendMessageResult(IotHubMessageResult result) throws IOException {
synchronized (HTTPS_CONNECTION_LOCK) {
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_039: [If the function is called before receiveMessage() returns a message, the function shall throw an IllegalStateException.]
if (this.messageEtag == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot send a message " + "result before a message is received.");
String iotHubHostname = this.config.getIotHubHostname();
String deviceId = this.config.getDeviceId();
int readTimeoutMillis = this.config.getReadTimeoutMillis();
String resultUri = "https://";
String resultPath;
URL resultUrl;
HttpsRequest request;
switch(result) {
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_024: [If the result is COMPLETE, the function shall send a request to the URL 'https://[iotHubHostname]/devices/[deviceId]/messages/devicebound/[eTag]?api-version=2016-02-03'.]
IotHubCompleteUri completeUri = new IotHubCompleteUri(iotHubHostname, deviceId, this.messageEtag);
resultUri += completeUri.toString();
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_026: [If the result is COMPLETE, the function shall set the header field 'iothub-to' to be '/devices/[deviceId]/messages/devicebound/[eTag]'.]
resultPath = completeUri.getPath();
resultUrl = new URL(resultUri);
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_025: [If the result is COMPLETE, the function shall send a DELETE request.]
request = new HttpsRequest(resultUrl, HttpsMethod.DELETE, new byte[0]);
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_027: [If the result is ABANDON, the function shall send a request to the URL 'https://[iotHubHostname]/devices/[deviceId]/messages/devicebound/[eTag]/abandon?api-version=2016-02-03'.]
IotHubAbandonUri abandonUri = new IotHubAbandonUri(iotHubHostname, deviceId, this.messageEtag);
resultUri += abandonUri.toString();
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_029: [If the result is ABANDON, the function shall set the header field 'iothub-to' to be '/devices/[deviceId]/messages/devicebound/[eTag]/abandon'.]
resultPath = abandonUri.getPath();
resultUrl = new URL(resultUri);
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_028: [If the result is ABANDON, the function shall send a POST request.]
// The IoT Hub service requires the content-length header to be
// set but the Java SE connection omits content-length
// if content-length == 0. We include a placeholder body to
// make the connection include a content-length.
request = new HttpsRequest(resultUrl, HttpsMethod.POST, new byte[1]);
case REJECT:
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_030: [If the result is REJECT, the function shall send a request to the URL 'https://[iotHubHostname]/devices/[deviceId]/messages/devicebound/[eTag]??reject=true&api-version=2016-02-03' (the query parameters can be in any order).]
IotHubRejectUri rejectUri = new IotHubRejectUri(iotHubHostname, deviceId, this.messageEtag);
resultUri += rejectUri.toString();
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_032: [If the result is REJECT, the function shall set the header field 'iothub-to' to be '/devices/[deviceId]/messages/devicebound/[eTag]'.]
resultPath = rejectUri.getPath();
resultUrl = new URL(resultUri);
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_031: [If the result is REJECT, the function shall send a DELETE request.]
request = new HttpsRequest(resultUrl, HttpsMethod.DELETE, new byte[0]);
// should never happen.
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid message result specified.");
IotHubSasToken sasToken = new IotHubSasToken(this.config, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L + this.config.getTokenValidSecs() + 1L);
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_033: [The function shall set the request read timeout to be the configuration parameter readTimeoutMillis.]
request.setReadTimeoutMillis(readTimeoutMillis).setHeaderField("authorization", sasToken.toString()).setHeaderField("iothub-to", resultPath).setHeaderField("if-match", this.messageEtag);
//Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_25_042: [The function shall set the IotHub SSL context by calling setSSLContext on the request.]
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_037: [If the IoT Hub could not be reached, the function shall throw an IOException.]
HttpsResponse response = request.send();
// Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_038: [If the IoT Hub status code in the response is not OK_EMPTY, the function shall throw an IOException.]
IotHubStatusCode resultStatus = IotHubStatusCode.getIotHubStatusCode(response.getStatus());
if (resultStatus != IotHubStatusCode.OK_EMPTY) {
String errMsg = String.format("Sending message result failed with status %s.%n",;
throw new IOException(errMsg);