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Example 6 with TransportException

use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.

the class Mqtt method publish.

 * Method to publish to mqtt broker connection.
 * @param publishTopic the topic to publish on mqtt broker connection.
 * @param message the message to publish.
 * @throws TransportException if sas token has expired, if connection hasn't been established yet, or if Paho throws
 * for any other reason
void publish(String publishTopic, Message message) throws TransportException {
    try {
        if (!this.mqttAsyncClient.isConnected()) {
            TransportException transportException = new TransportException("Cannot publish when mqtt client is disconnected");
            throw transportException;
        if (message == null || publishTopic == null || publishTopic.length() == 0 || message.getBytes() == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot publish on null or empty publish topic");
        byte[] payload = message.getBytes();
        // Or wait until the connection is lost so the message can be requeued for later
        while (this.mqttAsyncClient.getPendingDeliveryTokens().length >= MAX_IN_FLIGHT_COUNT) {
            // noinspection BusyWait
            if (!this.mqttAsyncClient.isConnected()) {
                TransportException transportException = new TransportException("Cannot publish when mqtt client is holding " + MAX_IN_FLIGHT_COUNT + " tokens and is disconnected");
                throw transportException;
        MqttMessage mqttMessage = (payload.length == 0) ? new MqttMessage() : new MqttMessage(payload);
        synchronized (this.unacknowledgedSentMessagesLock) {
            log.trace("Publishing message ({}) to MQTT topic {}", message, publishTopic);
            IMqttDeliveryToken publishToken = this.mqttAsyncClient.publish(publishTopic, mqttMessage);
            unacknowledgedSentMessages.put(publishToken.getMessageId(), message);
            log.trace("Message published to MQTT topic {}. Mqtt message id {} added to list of messages to wait for acknowledgement ({})", publishTopic, publishToken.getMessageId(), message);
    } catch (MqttException e) {
        log.warn("Message could not be published to MQTT topic {} ({})", publishTopic, message, e);
        throw PahoExceptionTranslator.convertToMqttException(e, "Unable to publish message on topic : " + publishTopic);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new TransportException("Interrupted, Unable to publish message on topic : " + publishTopic, e);
Also used : TransportException(

Example 7 with TransportException

use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.

the class Mqtt method connectionLost.

 * Event fired when the connection with the MQTT broker is lost.
 * @param throwable Reason for losing the connection.
public void connectionLost(Throwable throwable) {
    log.warn("Mqtt connection lost", throwable);
    if (this.listener != null) {
        if (throwable instanceof MqttException) {
            throwable = PahoExceptionTranslator.convertToMqttException((MqttException) throwable, "Mqtt connection lost");
            log.trace("Mqtt connection loss interpreted into transport exception", throwable);
        } else {
            throwable = new TransportException(throwable);
        ReconnectionNotifier.notifyDisconnectAsync(throwable, this.listener, this.connectionId);
Also used : TransportException(

Example 8 with TransportException

use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.

the class MqttDeviceTwin method throwDeviceTwinTransportException.

private void throwDeviceTwinTransportException(Exception e) throws TransportException {
    TransportException transportException = new TransportException(e);
    throw transportException;
Also used : TransportException(

Example 9 with TransportException

use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.

the class HttpsIotHubConnection method sendMessage.

 * Sends an event message.
 * @param message the event message.
 * @return the IotHubStatusCode from sending the event message.
 * @throws TransportException if the IoT Hub could not be reached.
public IotHubStatusCode sendMessage(Message message) throws TransportException {
    synchronized (HTTPS_CONNECTION_LOCK) {
        // Here we check if it's a bulk message and serialize it.
        HttpsMessage httpsMessage;
        if (message instanceof BatchMessage) {
            try {
                List<HttpsSingleMessage> httpsMessageList = new ArrayList<>();
                for (Message msg : ((BatchMessage) message).getNestedMessages()) {
                httpsMessage = new HttpsBatchMessage(httpsMessageList);
            } catch (IotHubSizeExceededException e) {
                throw new TransportException("Failed to create HTTPS batch message", e);
        } else {
            httpsMessage = HttpsSingleMessage.parseHttpsMessage(message);
        String iotHubHostname = getHostName();
        String deviceId = this.config.getDeviceId();
        String moduleId = this.config.getModuleId();
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_002: [The function shall send a request to the URL 'https://[iotHubHostname]/devices/[deviceId]/messages/events?api-version=2016-02-03'.]
        IotHubEventUri iotHubEventUri = new IotHubEventUri(iotHubHostname, deviceId, moduleId);
        URL eventUrl = this.buildUrlFromString(HTTPS_HEAD_TAG + iotHubEventUri.toString());
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_003: [The function shall send a POST request.]
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_004: [The function shall set the request body to the message body.]
        HttpsRequest request = new HttpsRequest(eventUrl, HttpsMethod.POST, httpsMessage.getBody(), this.config.getProductInfo().getUserAgentString(), config.getProxySettings());
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_005: [The function shall write each message property as a request header.]
        for (MessageProperty property : httpsMessage.getProperties()) {
            request.setHeaderField(property.getName(), property.getValue());
        if (message.getContentEncoding() != null) {
            // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_34_073: [If the provided message has a content encoding, this function shall set the request header to include that value with the key "iothub-contentencoding".]
            request.setHeaderField(MessageProperty.IOTHUB_CONTENT_ENCODING, message.getContentEncoding());
        if (message.getContentType() != null) {
            // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_34_074: [If the provided message has a content type, this function shall set the request header to include that value with the key "iothub-contenttype".]
            request.setHeaderField(MessageProperty.IOTHUB_CONTENT_TYPE, message.getContentType());
        if (message.getCreationTimeUTC() != null) {
            // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_34_075: [If the provided message has a creation time utc, this function shall set the request header to include that value with the key "iothub-contenttype".]
            request.setHeaderField(MessageProperty.IOTHUB_CREATION_TIME_UTC, message.getCreationTimeUTCString());
        if (message.isSecurityMessage()) {
            request.setHeaderField(MessageProperty.IOTHUB_SECURITY_INTERFACE_ID, MessageProperty.IOTHUB_SECURITY_INTERFACE_ID_VALUE);
        Map<String, String> systemProperties = httpsMessage.getSystemProperties();
        for (String systemProperty : systemProperties.keySet()) {
            request.setHeaderField(systemProperty, systemProperties.get(systemProperty));
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_008: [The function shall set the header field 'iothub-to' to be '/devices/[deviceId]/messages/events'.]
        request.setHeaderField(HTTPS_PROPERTY_IOTHUB_TO_TAG, iotHubEventUri.getPath()).setHeaderField(HTTPS_PROPERTY_CONTENT_TYPE_TAG, httpsMessage.getContentType());
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_25_040: [The function shall set the IotHub SSL context by calling setSSLContext on the request.]
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_007: [The function shall set the header field 'authorization' to be a valid SAS token generated from the configuration parameters.]
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_34_059: [If this config is using x509 authentication, this function shall retrieve its sslcontext from its x509 Authentication object.]
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_006: [The function shall set the request read timeout to be the configuration parameter readTimeoutMillis.]
        log.trace("Sending message using http request ({})", message);
        HttpsResponse response = this.sendRequest(request);
        IotHubStatusCode status = IotHubStatusCode.getIotHubStatusCode(response.getStatus());
        log.trace("Iot Hub responded to http message for iot hub message ({}) with status code {}", message, status);
        IotHubTransportMessage transportMessage = new IotHubTransportMessage(httpsMessage.getBody(), message.getMessageType(), message.getMessageId(), message.getCorrelationId(), message.getProperties());
        if (status == IotHubStatusCode.OK || status == IotHubStatusCode.OK_EMPTY) {
            // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_34_067: [If the response from the service is OK or OK_EMPTY, this function shall notify its listener that a message was sent with no exception.]
            this.listener.onMessageSent(transportMessage, this.config.getDeviceId(), null);
        return status;
Also used : IotHubTransportMessage( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IotHubTransportMessage( TransportException( URL( IotHubSizeExceededException(

Example 10 with TransportException

use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.

the class AmqpsIotHubConnectionTest method openWaitsForReactorToBeReadyAndForEnoughLinkCreditToBeAvailable.

// Tests_SRS_AMQPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_15_010: [The function shall wait for the reactor to be ready and for
// enough link credit to become available.]
public void openWaitsForReactorToBeReadyAndForEnoughLinkCreditToBeAvailable() throws TransportException, InterruptedException {
    // arrange
    final CountDownLatch closeLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
    new Expectations() {

            new CountDownLatch(anyInt);
            result = mockAuthLatch;
            mockAuthLatch.await(anyLong, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            result = true;
    final AmqpsIotHubConnection connection = new AmqpsIotHubConnection(mockConfig, "");
    // act
    try {;
    } catch (TransportException e) {
    // exception will be thrown, but we aren't testing for what it is nor do we care that it threw
Also used : NonStrictExpectations(mockit.NonStrictExpectations) Expectations(mockit.Expectations) CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) TransportException( Test(org.junit.Test)


TransportException ( Test (org.junit.Test)18 IOException ( ProtocolException ( MqttException (org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttException)7 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)4 Expectations (mockit.Expectations)4 NonStrictExpectations (mockit.NonStrictExpectations)4 Message ( HttpsConnection ( HttpsMethod ( MqttMessaging ( Pair (org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair)3 IotHubConnectionString ( ModuleClientException ( URISyntaxException ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ( IotHubSSLContext ( IotHubAuthenticationProvider ( SignatureProvider (