use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class HttpsTransport method moveInProgressListToCallbackList.
* Moves messages from the in progress list to the callback list, updating
* the message packets with the status code from the response.
* @param responseMessage the result from the IoT Hub that includes the status and message.
private void moveInProgressListToCallbackList(ResponseMessage responseMessage) {
while (!this.inProgressList.isEmpty()) {
IotHubOutboundPacket packet = this.inProgressList.remove();
addOutboundPacketToCallbackList(packet, responseMessage);
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class AmqpsTransportTest method sendMessagesAddsExpiredMessagesToCallbackListWithCorrectCode.
// Tests_SRS_AMQPSTRANSPORT_15_039: [If the message is expired, the function shall create a callback
// with the MESSAGE_EXPIRED status and add it to the callback list.]
public void sendMessagesAddsExpiredMessagesToCallbackListWithCorrectCode(@Mocked final Message mockMsg, @Mocked final IotHubEventCallback mockCallback, @Mocked final IotHubOutboundPacket mockPacket) throws IOException {
final Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
final byte[] messageBytes = new byte[] { 1, 2 };
new NonStrictExpectations() {
new AmqpsIotHubConnection(mockConfig, false);
result = mockConnection;
new IotHubOutboundPacket(mockMsg, mockCallback, context);
result = mockPacket;
result = mockMsg;
result = messageBytes;
returns(true, false);
mockConnection.sendMessage((org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message) any);
result = 1;
AmqpsTransport transport = new AmqpsTransport(mockConfig, false);;
transport.addMessage(mockMsg, mockCallback, context);
transport.addMessage(mockMsg, mockCallback, context);
Map<Integer, IotHubOutboundPacket> inProgressMessages = Deencapsulation.getField(transport, "inProgressMessages");
Assert.assertEquals(1, inProgressMessages.size());
Queue<IotHubOutboundPacket> waitingMessages = Deencapsulation.getField(transport, "waitingMessages");
Assert.assertEquals(0, waitingMessages.size());
Queue<IotHubCallbackPacket> callbackList = Deencapsulation.getField(transport, "callbackList");
Assert.assertEquals(1, callbackList.size());
new Verifications() {
new IotHubOutboundPacket(mockMsg, mockCallback, context);
times = 2;
times = 2;
mockConnection.sendMessage((org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message) any);
times = 1;
new IotHubCallbackPacket(IotHubStatusCode.MESSAGE_EXPIRED, (IotHubEventCallback) any, any);
times = 1;
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class AmqpsTransportTest method sendMessagesSendsAllMessages.
// Tests_SRS_AMQPSTRANSPORT_15_014: [The function shall attempt to send every message on its waiting list, one at a time.]
// Tests_SRS_AMQPSTRANSPORT_15_036: [The function shall create a new Proton message from the IoTHub message.]
// Tests_SRS_AMQPSTRANSPORT_15_037: [The function shall attempt to send the Proton message to IoTHub using the underlying AMQPS connection.]
public void sendMessagesSendsAllMessages(@Mocked final Message mockMsg, @Mocked final IotHubEventCallback mockCallback, @Mocked final IotHubOutboundPacket mockPacket) throws IOException {
final Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
final byte[] messageBytes = new byte[] { 1, 2 };
new NonStrictExpectations() {
new AmqpsIotHubConnection(mockConfig, false);
result = mockConnection;
new IotHubOutboundPacket(mockMsg, mockCallback, context);
result = mockPacket;
result = mockMsg;
result = messageBytes;
AmqpsTransport transport = new AmqpsTransport(mockConfig, false);;
transport.addMessage(mockMsg, mockCallback, context);
transport.addMessage(mockMsg, mockCallback, context);
new Verifications() {
new IotHubOutboundPacket(mockMsg, mockCallback, context);
times = 2;
times = 2;
mockConnection.sendMessage((org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message) any);
times = 2;
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class AmqpsTransportTest method sendMessagesAddsUserPropertiesToProtonApplicationProperties.
// Tests_SRS_AMQPSTRANSPORT_15_038: [The function shall add all user properties to the application properties of the Proton message.]
public void sendMessagesAddsUserPropertiesToProtonApplicationProperties(@Mocked final Message mockMsg, @Mocked final IotHubEventCallback mockCallback, @Mocked final IotHubOutboundPacket mockPacket) throws IOException {
final Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
final byte[] messageBytes = new byte[] { 1, 2 };
final MessageProperty[] iotHubMessageProperties = new MessageProperty[] { new MessageProperty("key1", "value1"), new MessageProperty("key2", "value2") };
final Map<String, String> userProperties = new HashMap<>(2);
userProperties.put(iotHubMessageProperties[0].getName(), iotHubMessageProperties[0].getValue());
userProperties.put(iotHubMessageProperties[1].getName(), iotHubMessageProperties[1].getValue());
new NonStrictExpectations() {
new AmqpsIotHubConnection(mockConfig, false);
result = mockConnection;
new IotHubOutboundPacket(mockMsg, mockCallback, context);
result = mockPacket;
result = mockMsg;
result = messageBytes;
new MessageImpl();
result = mockProtonMessage;
result = iotHubMessageProperties;
result = 1;
new ApplicationProperties(userProperties);
AmqpsTransport transport = new AmqpsTransport(mockConfig, false);;
transport.addMessage(mockMsg, mockCallback, context);
new Verifications() {
new IotHubOutboundPacket(mockMsg, mockCallback, context);
times = 1;
times = 1;
times = 1;
new ApplicationProperties(userProperties);
times = 1;
mockProtonMessage.setApplicationProperties((ApplicationProperties) any);
times = 1;
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class AmqpsTransportTest method messageSentRemovesSuccessfullyDeliveredMessageFromInProgressMap.
// Tests_SRS_AMQPSTRANSPORT_15_030: [If the message was successfully delivered,
// its callback is added to the list of callbacks to be executed.]
public void messageSentRemovesSuccessfullyDeliveredMessageFromInProgressMap() throws IOException {
new NonStrictExpectations() {
new AmqpsIotHubConnection(mockConfig, false);
result = mockConnection;
AmqpsTransport transport = new AmqpsTransport(mockConfig, false);;
Map<Integer, IotHubOutboundPacket> inProgressMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
inProgressMessages.put(1, new IotHubOutboundPacket(new Message(), mockIotHubEventCallback, new Object()));
inProgressMessages.put(2, new IotHubOutboundPacket(new Message(), mockIotHubEventCallback, new Object()));
Deencapsulation.setField(transport, "inProgressMessages", inProgressMessages);
transport.messageSent(1, true);
new Verifications() {
new IotHubCallbackPacket(IotHubStatusCode.OK_EMPTY, (IotHubEventCallback) any, any);
times = 1;
Queue<IotHubOutboundPacket> waitingMessages = Deencapsulation.getField(transport, "waitingMessages");
Queue<IotHubCallbackPacket> callbackList = Deencapsulation.getField(transport, "callbackList");
Assert.assertTrue(inProgressMessages.size() == 1);
Assert.assertTrue(waitingMessages.size() == 0);
Assert.assertTrue(callbackList.size() == 1);