use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class HttpsTransportManagerTest method closeSucceed.
/* Tests_SRS_HTTPSTRANSPORTMANAGER_21_006: [The close shall destroy the transport connection `HttpsIotHubConnection`.] */
public void closeSucceed() {
// arrange
final HttpsIotHubConnection httpsIotHubConnection = mockConn;
HttpsTransportManager httpsTransportManager = Deencapsulation.newInstance(HttpsTransportManager.class, new Class[] { DeviceClientConfig.class }, mockConfig);
// act
Deencapsulation.invoke(httpsTransportManager, "close");
// assert
assertNull(Deencapsulation.getField(httpsTransportManager, "httpsIotHubConnection"));
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class HttpsTransportManagerTest method invokeMethodOnDeviceSuccess.
// Tests_SRS_HTTPSTRANSPORTMANAGER_34_018: [If a moduleId is provided, this function shall call invokeMethod with the provided request and
// a uri in the format twins/<device id>/modules/<module id>/methods?api-version=<api_version>.]
// Tests_SRS_HTTPSTRANSPORTMANAGER_34_021: [This function shall set the methodrequest json as the body of the http message.]
// Tests_SRS_HTTPSTRANSPORTMANAGER_34_022: [This function shall set the http method to POST.]
// Tests_SRS_HTTPSTRANSPORTMANAGER_34_023: [This function shall set the http message's uri path to the provided uri path.]
// Tests_SRS_HTTPSTRANSPORTMANAGER_34_024 [This function shall set a custom property of 'x-ms-edge-moduleId' to the value of <device id>/<module id> of the sending module/device.]
// Tests_SRS_HTTPSTRANSPORTMANAGER_34_025 [This function shall send the built message.]
// Tests_SRS_HTTPSTRANSPORTMANAGER_34_027 [If the http response doesn't contain an error code, this function return a method result with the response message body as the method result body.]
public void invokeMethodOnDeviceSuccess() throws TransportException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
// arrange
final HttpsTransportManager transportManager = new HttpsTransportManager(mockConfig);
final String expectedDeviceId = "myDevice";
final String expectedModuleId = "myModule";
final String expectedSenderDeviceId = "mySenderDevice";
final String expectedSenderModuleId = "mySenderModule";
final String expectedMethodRequestJson = "someJson";
final String expectedResponseBody = "some body";
// assert
new Expectations(HttpsTransportManager.class) {
result = expectedMethodRequestJson;
new IotHubTransportMessage(expectedMethodRequestJson);
result = mockedTransportMessage;
mockedTransportMessage.setUriPath("/twins/" + expectedDeviceId + "/methods");
result = expectedSenderDeviceId;
result = expectedSenderModuleId;
transportManager.send(mockedTransportMessage, (Map) any);
result = mockResponseMessage;
result = IotHubStatusCode.OK_EMPTY;
result = expectedResponseBody.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
new MethodResult(expectedResponseBody);
// act
transportManager.invokeMethod(mockedMethodRequest, expectedDeviceId, "");
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class HttpsTransportManagerTest method sendCreateHttpMessageSucceed.
/* Tests_SRS_HTTPSTRANSPORTMANAGER_21_007: [The send shall create a new instance of the `HttpMessage`, by parsing the Message with `parseHttpsJsonMessage` from `HttpsSingleMessage`.] */
public void sendCreateHttpMessageSucceed() throws IOException, TransportException {
// arrange
final HttpsIotHubConnection httpsIotHubConnection = mockConn;
final String uriPath = "/files/notifications";
new NonStrictExpectations() {
Deencapsulation.newInstance(HttpsIotHubConnection.class, new Class[] { DeviceClientConfig.class }, mockConfig);
result = httpsIotHubConnection;
Deencapsulation.invoke(HttpsSingleMessage.class, "parseHttpsJsonMessage", new Class[] { Message.class }, mockTransportMsg);
result = mockHttpsMessage;
result = IotHubMethod.POST;
result = uriPath;
httpsIotHubConnection.sendHttpsMessage(mockHttpsMessage, (HttpsMethod) any, (String) any, (Map) any);
result = mockResponseMessage;
HttpsTransportManager httpsTransportManager = Deencapsulation.newInstance(HttpsTransportManager.class, new Class[] { DeviceClientConfig.class }, mockConfig);
Deencapsulation.invoke(httpsTransportManager, "open");
// act
Deencapsulation.invoke(httpsTransportManager, "send", new Class[] { IotHubTransportMessage.class, Map.class }, mockTransportMsg, new HashMap<String, String>());
// assert
new Verifications() {
Deencapsulation.invoke(HttpsSingleMessage.class, "parseHttpsJsonMessage", new Class[] { Message.class }, mockTransportMsg);
times = 1;
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class HttpsTransportManagerTest method sendFileUploadNotificationMessageSuccessWithoutModule.
// Tests_SRS_HTTPSTRANSPORTMANAGER_34_029 [This function shall set the uri path of the provided message to the
// format devices/<deviceid>/modules/<moduleid>/files/notifications if a moduleId is present or
// devices/<deviceid>/modules/<moduleid>/files/notifications otherwise, and then send it.]
public void sendFileUploadNotificationMessageSuccessWithoutModule() throws TransportException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
// arrange
final HttpsTransportManager transportManager = new HttpsTransportManager(mockConfig);
final String expectedDeviceId = "myDevice";
// assert
new Expectations(HttpsTransportManager.class) {
result = expectedDeviceId;
result = "";
mockedTransportMessage.setUriPath("/devices/" + expectedDeviceId + "/files/notifications");
transportManager.send(mockedTransportMessage, (Map) any);
result = mockResponseMessage;
// act
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class HttpsTransportManagerTest method receiveSucceed.
/* Tests_SRS_HTTPSTRANSPORTMANAGER_21_015: [The receive shall receive and bypass message from `HttpsIotHubConnection`, by calling `receiveMessage`.] */
public void receiveSucceed() throws TransportException {
// arrange
final HttpsIotHubConnection httpsIotHubConnection = mockConn;
final String uriPath = "/files/notifications";
new NonStrictExpectations() {
Deencapsulation.newInstance(HttpsIotHubConnection.class, new Class[] { DeviceClientConfig.class }, mockConfig);
result = httpsIotHubConnection;
result = mockedTransportMessage;
HttpsTransportManager httpsTransportManager = Deencapsulation.newInstance(HttpsTransportManager.class, new Class[] { DeviceClientConfig.class }, mockConfig);
Deencapsulation.invoke(httpsTransportManager, "open");
// act
Deencapsulation.invoke(httpsTransportManager, "receive");
// assert
new Verifications() {
times = 1;