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Example 46 with StorageException

use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.

the class AzureBlobStoreBackend method addMetadataRecordImpl.

private void addMetadataRecordImpl(final InputStream input, String name, long recordLength) throws DataStoreException {
    try {
        CloudBlobDirectory metaDir = getAzureContainer().getDirectoryReference(META_DIR_NAME);
        CloudBlockBlob blob = metaDir.getBlockBlobReference(name);
        blob.upload(input, recordLength);
    } catch (StorageException e) {"Error adding metadata record. metadataName={} length={}", name, recordLength, e);
        throw new DataStoreException(e);
    } catch (URISyntaxException | IOException e) {
        throw new DataStoreException(e);
Also used : DataStoreException( CloudBlobDirectory( URISyntaxException( IOException( CloudBlockBlob( StorageException(

Example 47 with StorageException

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class BlockBlobAppendStream method commitAppendBlocks.

   * Method to commit all the uncommited blocks to azure storage.
   * If the commit fails then blocks are automatically cleaned up
   * by Azure storage.
   * @throws IOException
private synchronized void commitAppendBlocks() throws IOException {
    SelfRenewingLease lease = null;
    try {
        if (uncommittedBlockEntries.size() > 0) {
            //Acquiring lease on the blob.
            lease = new SelfRenewingLease(blob);
            // Downloading existing blocks
            List<BlockEntry> blockEntries = blob.downloadBlockList(BlockListingFilter.COMMITTED, new BlobRequestOptions(), opContext);
            // Adding uncommitted blocks.
            AccessCondition accessCondition = new AccessCondition();
            blob.commitBlockList(blockEntries, accessCondition, new BlobRequestOptions(), opContext);
    } catch (StorageException ex) {
        LOG.error("Storage exception encountered during block commit phase of append for blob" + " : {} Storage Exception : {} Error Code: {}", key, ex, ex.getErrorCode());
        throw new IOException("Encountered Exception while committing append blocks", ex);
    } finally {
        if (lease != null) {
            try {
            } catch (StorageException ex) {
                LOG.debug("Exception encountered while releasing lease for " + "blob : {} StorageException : {} ErrorCode : {}", key, ex, ex.getErrorCode());
            // Swallowing exception here as the lease is cleaned up by the SelfRenewingLease object.
Also used : BlobRequestOptions( BlockEntry( AccessCondition( IOException( StorageException(

Example 48 with StorageException

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class LocalSASKeyGeneratorImpl method getRelativeBlobSASUri.

   * Implementation for generation of Relative Path Blob SAS Uri.
public URI getRelativeBlobSASUri(String accountName, String container, String relativePath) throws SASKeyGenerationException {
    CloudBlobContainer sc = null;
    CloudBlobClient client = null;
    try {
        CloudStorageAccount account = getSASKeyBasedStorageAccountInstance(accountName);
        client = account.createCloudBlobClient();
        sc = client.getContainerReference(container);
    } catch (URISyntaxException uriSyntaxEx) {
        throw new SASKeyGenerationException("Encountered URISyntaxException " + "while getting container references for container " + container + " inside storage account : " + accountName, uriSyntaxEx);
    } catch (StorageException stoEx) {
        throw new SASKeyGenerationException("Encountered StorageException while " + "getting  container references for container " + container + " inside storage account : " + accountName, stoEx);
    CloudBlockBlob blob = null;
    try {
        blob = sc.getBlockBlobReference(relativePath);
    } catch (URISyntaxException uriSyntaxEx) {
        throw new SASKeyGenerationException("Encountered URISyntaxException while " + "getting Block Blob references for container " + container + " inside storage account : " + accountName, uriSyntaxEx);
    } catch (StorageException stoEx) {
        throw new SASKeyGenerationException("Encountered StorageException while " + "getting Block Blob references for container " + container + " inside storage account : " + accountName, stoEx);
    try {
        return client.getCredentials().transformUri(blob.getUri());
    } catch (StorageException stoEx) {
        throw new SASKeyGenerationException("Encountered StorageException while " + "generating SAS key for Blob: " + relativePath + " inside " + "container : " + container + " in Storage Account : " + accountName, stoEx);
    } catch (URISyntaxException uriSyntaxEx) {
        throw new SASKeyGenerationException("Encountered URISyntaxException " + "while generating SAS key for Blob: " + relativePath + " inside " + "container: " + container + " in Storage Account : " + accountName, uriSyntaxEx);
Also used : CloudBlobClient( CloudStorageAccount( CloudBlobContainer( URISyntaxException( CloudBlockBlob( StorageException(

Example 49 with StorageException

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class PageBlobInputStream method ensureDataInBuffer.

   * Check our buffer and download more from the server if needed.
   * If data is not available in the buffer, method downloads maximum
   * page blob download size (4MB) or if there is less then 4MB left,
   * all remaining pages.
   * If we are on the last page, method will return true even if
   * we reached the end of stream.
   * @return true if there's more data in the buffer, false if buffer is empty
   *         and we reached the end of the blob.
   * @throws IOException
private synchronized boolean ensureDataInBuffer() throws IOException {
    if (dataAvailableInBuffer()) {
        // We still have some data in our buffer.
        return true;
    currentBuffer = null;
    if (numberOfPagesRemaining == 0) {
        // No more data to read.
        return false;
    final long pagesToRead = Math.min(MAX_PAGES_PER_DOWNLOAD, numberOfPagesRemaining);
    final int bufferSize = (int) (pagesToRead * PAGE_SIZE);
    // Download page to current buffer.
    try {
        // Create a byte array output stream to capture the results of the
        // download.
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(bufferSize);
        blob.downloadRange(currentOffsetInBlob, bufferSize, baos, withMD5Checking(), opContext);
        currentBuffer = baos.toByteArray();
    } catch (StorageException e) {
        throw new IOException(e);
    numberOfPagesRemaining -= pagesToRead;
    currentOffsetInBlob += bufferSize;
    currentOffsetInBuffer = PAGE_HEADER_SIZE;
    // Since we just downloaded a new buffer, validate its consistency.
    return true;
Also used : ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException( StorageException(

Example 50 with StorageException

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class PageBlobOutputStream method conditionalExtendFile.

   * Extend the page blob file if we are close to the end.
private void conditionalExtendFile() {
    // maximum allowed size of an Azure page blob (1 terabyte)
    final long MAX_PAGE_BLOB_SIZE = 1024L * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L;
    // If blob is already at the maximum size, then don't try to extend it.
    if (currentBlobSize == MAX_PAGE_BLOB_SIZE) {
    // If we are within the maximum write size of the end of the file,
    if (currentBlobSize - currentBlobOffset <= MAX_RAW_BYTES_PER_REQUEST) {
        // Extend the file. Retry up to 3 times with back-off.
        CloudPageBlob cloudPageBlob = (CloudPageBlob) blob.getBlob();
        long newSize = currentBlobSize + configuredPageBlobExtensionSize;
        // Make sure we don't exceed maximum blob size.
        if (newSize > MAX_PAGE_BLOB_SIZE) {
            newSize = MAX_PAGE_BLOB_SIZE;
        final int MAX_RETRIES = 3;
        int retries = 1;
        boolean resizeDone = false;
        while (!resizeDone && retries <= MAX_RETRIES) {
            try {
                resizeDone = true;
                currentBlobSize = newSize;
            } catch (StorageException e) {
                LOG.warn("Failed to extend size of " + cloudPageBlob.getUri());
                try {
                    // sleep 2, 8, 18 seconds for up to 3 retries
                    Thread.sleep(2000 * retries * retries);
                } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
                    // Restore the interrupted status
            } finally {
Also used : StorageException( CloudPageBlob(


StorageException ( URISyntaxException ( IOException ( Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)13 FileNotFoundException ( DataStoreException ( CloudBlockBlob ( InputStream ( JsonParseException (com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException)5 JsonMappingException (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException)5 CloudStorageAccount ( CloudBlob ( EOFException ( InvalidKeyException ( FileAlreadyExistsException (org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException)5 AccessCondition ( BlobRequestOptions ( CloudBlobClient ( CloudBlobContainer ( CloudBlobDirectory (