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Example 6 with StorageException

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class NativeAzureFileSystem method delete.

   * Delete the specified file or folder. The parameter
   * skipParentFolderLastModifidedTimeUpdate
   * is used in the case of atomic folder rename redo. In that case, there is
   * a lease on the parent folder, so (without reworking the code) modifying
   * the parent folder update time will fail because of a conflict with the
   * lease. Since we are going to delete the folder soon anyway so accurate
   * modified time is not necessary, it's easier to just skip
   * the modified time update.
   * @param f file path to be deleted.
   * @param recursive specify deleting recursively or not.
   * @param skipParentFolderLastModifidedTimeUpdate If true, don't update the folder last
   * modified time.
   * @return true if and only if the file is deleted
   * @throws IOException Thrown when fail to delete file or directory.
public boolean delete(Path f, boolean recursive, boolean skipParentFolderLastModifidedTimeUpdate) throws IOException {
    LOG.debug("Deleting file: {}", f.toString());
    Path absolutePath = makeAbsolute(f);
    performAuthCheck(absolutePath.toString(), WasbAuthorizationOperations.EXECUTE.toString(), "delete");
    String key = pathToKey(absolutePath);
    // Capture the metadata for the path.
    FileMetadata metaFile = null;
    try {
        metaFile = store.retrieveMetadata(key);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Throwable innerException = NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.checkForAzureStorageException(e);
        if (innerException instanceof StorageException && NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.isFileNotFoundException((StorageException) innerException)) {
            return false;
        throw e;
    if (null == metaFile) {
        // The path to be deleted does not exist.
        return false;
    // an empty folder, or a simple file and take the appropriate actions.
    if (!metaFile.isDir()) {
        // The path specifies a file. We need to check the parent path
        // to make sure it's a proper materialized directory before we
        // delete the file. Otherwise we may get into a situation where
        // the file we were deleting was the last one in an implicit directory
        // (e.g. the blob store only contains the blob a/b and there's no
        // corresponding directory blob a) and that would implicitly delete
        // the directory as well, which is not correct.
        Path parentPath = absolutePath.getParent();
        if (parentPath.getParent() != null) {
            // Not root
            String parentKey = pathToKey(parentPath);
            FileMetadata parentMetadata = null;
            try {
                parentMetadata = store.retrieveMetadata(parentKey);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Throwable innerException = NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.checkForAzureStorageException(e);
                if (innerException instanceof StorageException) {
                    // hence throwing a IOException
                    if (NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.isFileNotFoundException((StorageException) innerException)) {
                        throw new IOException("File " + f + " has a parent directory " + parentPath + " whose metadata cannot be retrieved. Can't resolve");
                throw e;
            // hence throwing a IOException
            if (parentMetadata == null) {
                throw new IOException("File " + f + " has a parent directory " + parentPath + " whose metadata cannot be retrieved. Can't resolve");
            if (!parentMetadata.isDir()) {
                // Invalid state: the parent path is actually a file. Throw.
                throw new AzureException("File " + f + " has a parent directory " + parentPath + " which is also a file. Can't resolve.");
            if (parentMetadata.getBlobMaterialization() == BlobMaterialization.Implicit) {
                LOG.debug("Found an implicit parent directory while trying to" + " delete the file {}. Creating the directory blob for" + " it in {}.", f, parentKey);
                store.storeEmptyFolder(parentKey, createPermissionStatus(FsPermission.getDefault()));
            } else {
                if (!skipParentFolderLastModifidedTimeUpdate) {
        try {
            if (store.delete(key)) {
            } else {
                return false;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Throwable innerException = NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.checkForAzureStorageException(e);
            if (innerException instanceof StorageException && NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.isFileNotFoundException((StorageException) innerException)) {
                return false;
            throw e;
    } else {
        // The path specifies a folder. Recursively delete all entries under the
        // folder.
        LOG.debug("Directory Delete encountered: {}", f.toString());
        Path parentPath = absolutePath.getParent();
        if (parentPath.getParent() != null) {
            String parentKey = pathToKey(parentPath);
            FileMetadata parentMetadata = null;
            try {
                parentMetadata = store.retrieveMetadata(parentKey);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Throwable innerException = NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.checkForAzureStorageException(e);
                if (innerException instanceof StorageException) {
                    // hence throwing a IOException
                    if (NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.isFileNotFoundException((StorageException) innerException)) {
                        throw new IOException("File " + f + " has a parent directory " + parentPath + " whose metadata cannot be retrieved. Can't resolve");
                throw e;
            // hence throwing a IOException
            if (parentMetadata == null) {
                throw new IOException("File " + f + " has a parent directory " + parentPath + " whose metadata cannot be retrieved. Can't resolve");
            if (parentMetadata.getBlobMaterialization() == BlobMaterialization.Implicit) {
                LOG.debug("Found an implicit parent directory while trying to" + " delete the directory {}. Creating the directory blob for" + " it in {}. ", f, parentKey);
                store.storeEmptyFolder(parentKey, createPermissionStatus(FsPermission.getDefault()));
        // List all the blobs in the current folder.
        String priorLastKey = null;
        // Start time for list operation
        long start = Time.monotonicNow();
        ArrayList<FileMetadata> fileMetadataList = new ArrayList<FileMetadata>();
        // List all the files in the folder with AZURE_UNBOUNDED_DEPTH depth.
        do {
            try {
                PartialListing listing = store.listAll(key, AZURE_LIST_ALL, AZURE_UNBOUNDED_DEPTH, priorLastKey);
                for (FileMetadata file : listing.getFiles()) {
                priorLastKey = listing.getPriorLastKey();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Throwable innerException = NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.checkForAzureStorageException(e);
                if (innerException instanceof StorageException && NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.isFileNotFoundException((StorageException) innerException)) {
                    return false;
                throw e;
        } while (priorLastKey != null);
        long end = Time.monotonicNow();
        LOG.debug("Time taken to list {} blobs for delete operation: {} ms", fileMetadataList.size(), (end - start));
        final FileMetadata[] contents = fileMetadataList.toArray(new FileMetadata[fileMetadataList.size()]);
        if (!recursive && contents.length > 0) {
            // specified for a non-empty folder.
            throw new IOException("Non-recursive delete of non-empty directory " + f.toString());
        // Delete all files / folders in current directory stored as list in 'contents'.
        AzureFileSystemThreadTask task = new AzureFileSystemThreadTask() {

            public boolean execute(FileMetadata file) throws IOException {
                return deleteFile(file.getKey(), file.isDir());
        AzureFileSystemThreadPoolExecutor executor = getThreadPoolExecutor(this.deleteThreadCount, "AzureBlobDeleteThread", "Delete", key, AZURE_DELETE_THREADS);
        if (!executor.executeParallel(contents, task)) {
            LOG.error("Failed to delete files / subfolders in blob {}", key);
            return false;
        // Delete the current directory
        if (store.retrieveMetadata(metaFile.getKey()) != null && !deleteFile(metaFile.getKey(), metaFile.isDir())) {
            LOG.error("Failed delete directory {}", f.toString());
            return false;
        // Update parent directory last modified time
        Path parent = absolutePath.getParent();
        if (parent != null && parent.getParent() != null) {
            // not root
            if (!skipParentFolderLastModifidedTimeUpdate) {
    // File or directory was successfully deleted.
    LOG.debug("Delete Successful for : {}", f.toString());
    return true;
Also used : Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( StorageException(

Example 7 with StorageException

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class NativeAzureFileSystem method rename.

public boolean rename(Path src, Path dst) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    FolderRenamePending renamePending = null;
    LOG.debug("Moving {} to {}", src, dst);
    if (containsColon(dst)) {
        throw new IOException("Cannot rename to file " + dst + " through WASB that has colons in the name");
    Path absolutePath = makeAbsolute(src);
    performAuthCheck(absolutePath.toString(), WasbAuthorizationOperations.EXECUTE.toString(), "rename");
    String srcKey = pathToKey(absolutePath);
    if (srcKey.length() == 0) {
        // Cannot rename root of file system
        return false;
    // Figure out the final destination
    Path absoluteDst = makeAbsolute(dst);
    String dstKey = pathToKey(absoluteDst);
    FileMetadata dstMetadata = null;
    try {
        dstMetadata = store.retrieveMetadata(dstKey);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Throwable innerException = NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.checkForAzureStorageException(ex);
        // rename gracefully. Hence the StorageException is swallowed here.
        if (innerException instanceof StorageException) {
            if (NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.isFileNotFoundException((StorageException) innerException)) {
                LOG.debug("BlobNotFound exception encountered for Destination key : {}. " + "Swallowin the exception to handle race condition gracefully", dstKey);
        } else {
            throw ex;
    if (dstMetadata != null && dstMetadata.isDir()) {
        // It's an existing directory.
        dstKey = pathToKey(makeAbsolute(new Path(dst, src.getName())));
        LOG.debug("Destination {} " + " is a directory, adjusted the destination to be {}", dst, dstKey);
    } else if (dstMetadata != null) {
        // Attempting to overwrite a file using rename()
        LOG.debug("Destination {}" + " is an already existing file, failing the rename.", dst);
        return false;
    } else {
        // Check that the parent directory exists.
        FileMetadata parentOfDestMetadata = null;
        try {
            parentOfDestMetadata = store.retrieveMetadata(pathToKey(absoluteDst.getParent()));
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Throwable innerException = NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.checkForAzureStorageException(ex);
            if (innerException instanceof StorageException && NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.isFileNotFoundException((StorageException) innerException)) {
                LOG.debug("Parent of destination {} doesn't exists. Failing rename", dst);
                return false;
            throw ex;
        if (parentOfDestMetadata == null) {
            LOG.debug("Parent of the destination {}" + " doesn't exist, failing the rename.", dst);
            return false;
        } else if (!parentOfDestMetadata.isDir()) {
            LOG.debug("Parent of the destination {}" + " is a file, failing the rename.", dst);
            return false;
    FileMetadata srcMetadata = null;
    try {
        srcMetadata = store.retrieveMetadata(srcKey);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Throwable innerException = NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.checkForAzureStorageException(ex);
        if (innerException instanceof StorageException && NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.isFileNotFoundException((StorageException) innerException)) {
            LOG.debug("Source {} doesn't exists. Failing rename", src);
            return false;
        throw ex;
    if (srcMetadata == null) {
        // Source doesn't exist
        LOG.debug("Source {} doesn't exist, failing the rename.", src);
        return false;
    } else if (!srcMetadata.isDir()) {
        LOG.debug("Source {} found as a file, renaming.", src);
        try {
            store.rename(srcKey, dstKey);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Throwable innerException = NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.checkForAzureStorageException(ex);
            if (innerException instanceof StorageException && NativeAzureFileSystemHelper.isFileNotFoundException((StorageException) innerException)) {
                LOG.debug("BlobNotFoundException encountered. Failing rename", src);
                return false;
            throw ex;
    } else {
        // Prepare for, execute and clean up after of all files in folder, and
        // the root file, and update the last modified time of the source and
        // target parent folders. The operation can be redone if it fails part
        // way through, by applying the "Rename Pending" file.
        // The following code (internally) only does atomic rename preparation
        // and lease management for page blob folders, limiting the scope of the
        // operation to HBase log file folders, where atomic rename is required.
        // In the future, we could generalize it easily to all folders.
        renamePending = prepareAtomicFolderRename(srcKey, dstKey);
        LOG.debug("Renamed {} to {} successfully.", src, dst);
        return true;
    // Update the last-modified time of the parent folders of both source
    // and destination.
    LOG.debug("Renamed {} to {} successfully.", src, dst);
    return true;
Also used : Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) IOException( StorageException(

Example 8 with StorageException

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class AzureNativeFileSystemStore method rename.

public void rename(String srcKey, String dstKey, boolean acquireLease, SelfRenewingLease existingLease) throws IOException {
    LOG.debug("Moving {} to {}", srcKey, dstKey);
    if (acquireLease && existingLease != null) {
        throw new IOException("Cannot acquire new lease if one already exists.");
    CloudBlobWrapper srcBlob = null;
    CloudBlobWrapper dstBlob = null;
    SelfRenewingLease lease = null;
    try {
        // storage server.
        if (null == storageInteractionLayer) {
            final String errMsg = String.format("Storage session expected for URI '%s' but does not exist.", sessionUri);
            throw new AssertionError(errMsg);
        // Get the source blob and assert its existence. If the source key
        // needs to be normalized then normalize it.
        srcBlob = getBlobReference(srcKey);
        if (!srcBlob.exists(getInstrumentedContext())) {
            throw new AzureException("Source blob " + srcKey + " does not exist.");
       * Conditionally get a lease on the source blob to prevent other writers
       * from changing it. This is used for correctness in HBase when log files
       * are renamed. It generally should do no harm other than take a little
       * more time for other rename scenarios. When the HBase master renames a
       * log file folder, the lease locks out other writers.  This
       * prevents a region server that the master thinks is dead, but is still
       * alive, from committing additional updates.  This is different than
       * when HBase runs on HDFS, where the region server recovers the lease
       * on a log file, to gain exclusive access to it, before it splits it.
        if (acquireLease) {
            lease = srcBlob.acquireLease();
        } else if (existingLease != null) {
            lease = existingLease;
        // Get the destination blob. The destination key always needs to be
        // normalized.
        dstBlob = getBlobReference(dstKey);
        // throttled.
        try {
            dstBlob.startCopyFromBlob(srcBlob, null, getInstrumentedContext());
        } catch (StorageException se) {
            if (se.getHttpStatusCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE) {
                int copyBlobMinBackoff = sessionConfiguration.getInt(KEY_COPYBLOB_MIN_BACKOFF_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_COPYBLOB_MIN_BACKOFF_INTERVAL);
                int copyBlobMaxBackoff = sessionConfiguration.getInt(KEY_COPYBLOB_MAX_BACKOFF_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_COPYBLOB_MAX_BACKOFF_INTERVAL);
                int copyBlobDeltaBackoff = sessionConfiguration.getInt(KEY_COPYBLOB_BACKOFF_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_COPYBLOB_BACKOFF_INTERVAL);
                int copyBlobMaxRetries = sessionConfiguration.getInt(KEY_COPYBLOB_MAX_IO_RETRIES, DEFAULT_COPYBLOB_MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS);
                BlobRequestOptions options = new BlobRequestOptions();
                options.setRetryPolicyFactory(new RetryExponentialRetry(copyBlobMinBackoff, copyBlobDeltaBackoff, copyBlobMaxBackoff, copyBlobMaxRetries));
                dstBlob.startCopyFromBlob(srcBlob, options, getInstrumentedContext());
            } else {
                throw se;
        waitForCopyToComplete(dstBlob, getInstrumentedContext());
        safeDelete(srcBlob, lease);
    } catch (StorageException e) {
        if (e.getHttpStatusCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE) {
            LOG.warn("Rename: CopyBlob: StorageException: ServerBusy: Retry complete, will attempt client side copy for page blob");
            InputStream ipStream = null;
            OutputStream opStream = null;
            try {
                if (srcBlob.getProperties().getBlobType() == BlobType.PAGE_BLOB) {
                    ipStream = openInputStream(srcBlob);
                    opStream = openOutputStream(dstBlob);
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[PageBlobFormatHelpers.PAGE_SIZE];
                    int len;
                    while ((len = != -1) {
                        opStream.write(buffer, 0, len);
                } else {
                    throw new AzureException(e);
                safeDelete(srcBlob, lease);
            } catch (StorageException se) {
                LOG.warn("Rename: CopyBlob: StorageException: Failed");
                throw new AzureException(se);
            } finally {
        } else {
            throw new AzureException(e);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        // Re-throw exception as an Azure storage exception.
        throw new AzureException(e);
Also used : BlobRequestOptions( CloudBlobWrapper( BufferedInputStream( DataInputStream( InputStream( DataOutputStream( OutputStream( IOException( URISyntaxException( StorageException( RetryExponentialRetry(

Example 9 with StorageException

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class BlockBlobAppendStream method updateBlobAppendMetadata.

   * Helper method to updated the Blob metadata during Append lease operations.
   * Blob metadata is updated to holdLease value only if the current lease
   * status is equal to testCondition and the last update on the blob metadata
   * is less that 30 secs old.
   * @param holdLease
   * @param testCondition
   * @return true if the updated lease operation was successful or false otherwise
   * @throws StorageException
private boolean updateBlobAppendMetadata(boolean holdLease, boolean testCondition) throws StorageException {
    SelfRenewingLease lease = null;
    StorageException lastStorageException = null;
    int leaseRenewalRetryCount = 0;
     * Updating the Blob metadata honours following algorithm based on
     *  1) If the append lease metadata is present
     *  2) Last updated time of the append lease
     *  3) Previous value of the Append lease metadata.
     * The algorithm:
     *  1) If append lease metadata is not part of the Blob. In this case
     *     this is the first client to Append so we update the metadata.
     *  2) If append lease metadata is present and timeout has occurred.
     *     In this case irrespective of what the value of the append lease is we update the metadata.
     *  3) If append lease metadata is present and is equal to testCondition value (passed as parameter)
     *     and timeout has not occurred, we update the metadata.
     *  4) If append lease metadata is present and is not equal to testCondition value (passed as parameter)
     *     and timeout has not occurred, we do not update metadata and return false.
    while (leaseRenewalRetryCount < MAX_LEASE_RENEWAL_RETRY_COUNT) {
        lastStorageException = null;
        synchronized (this) {
            try {
                final Calendar currentCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US);
                long currentTime = currentCalendar.getTime().getTime();
                // Acquire lease on the blob.
                lease = new SelfRenewingLease(blob);
                HashMap<String, String> metadata = blob.getMetadata();
                if (metadata.containsKey(APPEND_LEASE) && currentTime - Long.parseLong(metadata.get(APPEND_LEASE_LAST_MODIFIED)) <= BlockBlobAppendStream.APPEND_LEASE_TIMEOUT && !metadata.get(APPEND_LEASE).equals(Boolean.toString(testCondition))) {
                    return false;
                metadata.put(APPEND_LEASE, Boolean.toString(holdLease));
                metadata.put(APPEND_LEASE_LAST_MODIFIED, Long.toString(currentTime));
                AccessCondition accessCondition = new AccessCondition();
                blob.uploadMetadata(accessCondition, null, opContext);
                return true;
            } catch (StorageException ex) {
                lastStorageException = ex;
                LOG.debug("Lease renewal for Blob : {} encountered Storage Exception : {} " + "Error Code : {}", key, ex, ex.getErrorCode());
            } finally {
                if (lease != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (StorageException ex) {
                        LOG.debug("Encountered Storage exception while releasing lease for Blob {} " + "during Append  metadata operation. Storage Exception {} " + "Error Code : {} ", key, ex, ex.getErrorCode());
                    } finally {
                        lease = null;
        if (leaseRenewalRetryCount == MAX_LEASE_RENEWAL_RETRY_COUNT) {
            throw lastStorageException;
        } else {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                LOG.debug("Blob append metadata updated method interrupted");
    // would returning from the while loop.
    return false;
Also used : AccessCondition( Calendar(java.util.Calendar) StorageException(

Example 10 with StorageException

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class BlockBlobAppendStream method setBlocksCountAndBlockIdPrefix.

   * Helper method used to generate the blockIDs. The algorithm used is similar to the Azure
   * storage SDK.
private void setBlocksCountAndBlockIdPrefix() throws IOException {
    try {
        if (nextBlockCount == UNSET_BLOCKS_COUNT && blockIdPrefix == null) {
            List<BlockEntry> blockEntries = blob.downloadBlockList(BlockListingFilter.COMMITTED, new BlobRequestOptions(), opContext);
            String blockZeroBlockId = (blockEntries.size() > 0) ? blockEntries.get(0).getId() : "";
            String prefix = UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "-";
            String sampleNewerVersionBlockId = generateNewerVersionBlockId(prefix, 0);
            if (blockEntries.size() > 0 && blockZeroBlockId.length() < sampleNewerVersionBlockId.length()) {
                // If blob has already been created with 2.2.0, append subsequent blocks with older version (2.2.0) blockId
                // compute nextBlockCount, the way it was done before; and don't use blockIdPrefix
                this.blockIdPrefix = "";
                nextBlockCount = (long) (sequenceGenerator.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) + sequenceGenerator.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE - MAX_BLOCK_COUNT);
                nextBlockCount += blockEntries.size();
            } else {
                // If there are no existing blocks, create the first block with newer version (4.2.0) blockId
                // If blob has already been created with 4.2.0, append subsequent blocks with newer version (4.2.0) blockId
                this.blockIdPrefix = prefix;
                nextBlockCount = blockEntries.size();
    } catch (StorageException ex) {
        LOG.debug("Encountered storage exception during setting next Block Count and BlockId prefix." + " StorageException : {} ErrorCode : {}", ex, ex.getErrorCode());
        throw new IOException(ex);
Also used : BlobRequestOptions( BlockEntry( IOException( StorageException(


StorageException ( URISyntaxException ( IOException ( Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)13 FileNotFoundException ( DataStoreException ( CloudBlockBlob ( InputStream ( JsonParseException (com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException)5 JsonMappingException (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException)5 CloudStorageAccount ( CloudBlob ( EOFException ( InvalidKeyException ( FileAlreadyExistsException (org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException)5 AccessCondition ( BlobRequestOptions ( CloudBlobClient ( CloudBlobContainer ( CloudBlobDirectory (