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Example 11 with SQLServerPreparedStatement

use of in project mssql-jdbc by Microsoft.

the class TVPTypesTest method testLongNVarchar.

 * Test longnvarchar
 * @throws SQLException
public void testLongNVarchar() throws SQLException {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 0; i < 8001; i++) buffer.append("سس");
    value = buffer.toString();
    tvp = new SQLServerDataTable();
    tvp.addColumnMetadata("c1", java.sql.Types.LONGNVARCHAR);
    SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + table + " select * from ? ;");
    pstmt.setStructured(1, tvpName, tvp);
    rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery("select * from " + table);
    while ( {
        assertEquals(rs.getString(1), value);
    if (null != pstmt) {
Also used : SQLServerPreparedStatement( SQLServerDataTable( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) AbstractTest(

Example 12 with SQLServerPreparedStatement

use of in project mssql-jdbc by Microsoft.

the class PreparedStatementTest method testStatementPoolingPreparedStatementExecAndUnprepareConfig.

 * Test handling of the two configuration knobs related to prepared statement handling.
 * @throws SQLException
public void testStatementPoolingPreparedStatementExecAndUnprepareConfig() throws SQLException {
    // Test Data Source properties
    SQLServerDataSource dataSource = new SQLServerDataSource();
    // Verify defaults.
    assertTrue(0 == dataSource.getStatementPoolingCacheSize());
    // Verify change
    assertSame(0, dataSource.getStatementPoolingCacheSize());
    dataSource.setServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold(dataSource.getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold() + 1);
    // Verify connection from data source has same parameters.
    SQLServerConnection connDataSource = (SQLServerConnection) dataSource.getConnection();
    assertSame(dataSource.getStatementPoolingCacheSize(), connDataSource.getStatementPoolingCacheSize());
    assertSame(dataSource.getEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall(), connDataSource.getEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall());
    assertSame(dataSource.getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold(), connDataSource.getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold());
    // Test connection string properties.
    // Test disableStatementPooling
    String connectionStringDisableStatementPooling = connectionString + ";disableStatementPooling=true;";
    SQLServerConnection connectionDisableStatementPooling = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionStringDisableStatementPooling);
    // to turn on caching and check if disableStatementPooling is true, even setting cachesize won't matter and will disable it.
    assertSame(10, connectionDisableStatementPooling.getStatementPoolingCacheSize());
    String connectionStringEnableStatementPooling = connectionString + ";disableStatementPooling=false;";
    SQLServerConnection connectionEnableStatementPooling = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionStringEnableStatementPooling);
    // to turn on caching.
    // for now, it won't affect if disable is false or true. Since statementPoolingCacheSize is set to 0 as default.
    assertTrue(0 < connectionEnableStatementPooling.getStatementPoolingCacheSize());
    // If only disableStatementPooling is set to true, it makes sure that statementPoolingCacheSize is zero, thus disabling the prepared statement metadata caching.
    String connectionPropertyStringEnableStatementPooling = connectionString + ";disableStatementPooling=false;statementPoolingCacheSize=10";
    SQLServerConnection connectionPropertyEnableStatementPooling = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionPropertyStringEnableStatementPooling);
    // for now, it won't affect if disable is false or true. Since statementPoolingCacheSize is set to 0 as default.
    assertTrue(0 < connectionPropertyEnableStatementPooling.getStatementPoolingCacheSize());
    // If only disableStatementPooling is set to true, it makes sure that statementPoolingCacheSize is zero, thus disabling the prepared statement metadata caching.
    String connectionPropertyStringDisableStatementPooling = connectionString + ";disableStatementPooling=true;statementPoolingCacheSize=10";
    SQLServerConnection connectionPropertyDisableStatementPooling = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionPropertyStringDisableStatementPooling);
    // for now, it won't affect if disable is false or true. Since statementPoolingCacheSize is set to 0 as default.
    assertTrue(0 < connectionPropertyDisableStatementPooling.getStatementPoolingCacheSize());
    // If only disableStatementPooling is set to true, it makes sure that statementPoolingCacheSize is zero, thus disabling the prepared statement metadata caching.
    String connectionPropertyStringDisableStatementPooling2 = connectionString + ";disableStatementPooling=false;statementPoolingCacheSize=0";
    SQLServerConnection connectionPropertyDisableStatementPooling2 = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionPropertyStringDisableStatementPooling2);
    // for now, it won't affect if disable is false or true. Since statementPoolingCacheSize is set to 0 as default.
    assertTrue(0 == connectionPropertyDisableStatementPooling2.getStatementPoolingCacheSize());
    // If only disableStatementPooling is set to true, it makes sure that statementPoolingCacheSize is zero, thus disabling the prepared statement metadata caching.
    // Test EnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall
    String connectionStringNoExecuteSQL = connectionString + ";enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall=true;";
    SQLServerConnection connectionNoExecuteSQL = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionStringNoExecuteSQL);
    assertSame(true, connectionNoExecuteSQL.getEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall());
    // Test ServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold
    String connectionStringThreshold3 = connectionString + ";ServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold=3;";
    SQLServerConnection connectionThreshold3 = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionStringThreshold3);
    assertSame(3, connectionThreshold3.getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold());
    // Test combination of EnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall and ServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold
    String connectionStringThresholdAndNoExecuteSQL = connectionString + ";ServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold=3;enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall=true;";
    SQLServerConnection connectionThresholdAndNoExecuteSQL = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionStringThresholdAndNoExecuteSQL);
    assertSame(true, connectionThresholdAndNoExecuteSQL.getEnablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall());
    assertSame(3, connectionThresholdAndNoExecuteSQL.getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold());
    // Test that an error is thrown for invalid connection string property values (non int/bool).
    try {
        String connectionStringThresholdError = connectionString + ";ServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold=hej;";
        fail("Error for invalid ServerPreparedStatementDiscardThresholdexpected.");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    // Good!
    try {
        String connectionStringNoExecuteSQLError = connectionString + ";enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall=dobidoo;";
        fail("Error for invalid enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall expected.");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    // Good!
    // Verify instance setting is followed.
    try (SQLServerConnection con = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString)) {
        // Turn off use of prepared statement cache.
        String query = "/*unprepSettingsTest*/SELECT * FROM sys.objects;";
        // Verify initial default is not serial:
        assertTrue(1 < con.getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold());
        // Verify first use is batched.
        try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(query)) {
            // sp_executesql
            // sp_prepexec
        // Verify that the un-prepare action was not handled immediately.
        assertSame(1, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
        // Force un-prepares.
        // Verify that queue is now empty.
        assertSame(0, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
        // Set instance setting to serial execution of un-prepare actions.
        try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(query)) {
        // Verify that the un-prepare action was handled immediately.
        assertSame(0, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
Also used : SQLServerConnection( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) SQLServerDataSource( SQLServerPreparedStatement( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) AbstractTest(

Example 13 with SQLServerPreparedStatement

use of in project mssql-jdbc by Microsoft.

the class PreparedStatementTest method testBatchedUnprepare.

 * Test handling of unpreparing prepared statements.
 * @throws SQLException
public void testBatchedUnprepare() throws SQLException {
    SQLServerConnection conOuter = null;
    try (SQLServerConnection con = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString)) {
        conOuter = con;
        // Turn off use of prepared statement cache.
        // Clean-up proc cache
        this.executeSQL(con, "DBCC FREEPROCCACHE;");
        String lookupUniqueifier = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        String queryCacheLookup = String.format("%%/*unpreparetest_%s%%*/SELECT * FROM sys.tables;", lookupUniqueifier);
        String query = String.format("/*unpreparetest_%s only sp_executesql*/SELECT * FROM sys.tables;", lookupUniqueifier);
        // Verify nothing in cache.
        String verifyTotalCacheUsesQuery = String.format("SELECT CAST(ISNULL(SUM(usecounts), 0) AS INT) FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS p CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(p.plan_handle) AS s WHERE s.text LIKE '%s'", queryCacheLookup);
        assertSame(0, executeSQLReturnFirstInt(con, verifyTotalCacheUsesQuery));
        int iterations = 25;
        query = String.format("/*unpreparetest_%s, sp_executesql->sp_prepexec->sp_execute- batched sp_unprepare*/SELECT * FROM sys.tables;", lookupUniqueifier);
        int prevDiscardActionCount = 0;
        // Now verify unprepares are needed.
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
            // Verify current queue depth is expected.
            assertSame(prevDiscardActionCount, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
            try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(String.format("%s--%s", query, i))) {
                // sp_executesql
                // sp_prepexec
                // sp_execute
            // Verify clean-up is happening as expected.
            if (prevDiscardActionCount > con.getServerPreparedStatementDiscardThreshold()) {
                prevDiscardActionCount = 0;
            assertSame(prevDiscardActionCount, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
    // Skipped for now due to unexpected failures. Not functional so not critical.
            // Verify total cache use.
            int expectedCacheHits = iterations * 4;
            int allowedDiscrepency = 20;
            // Allow some discrepency in number of cache hits to not fail test (
            // TODO: Follow up on why there is sometimes a discrepency in number of cache hits (less than expected).
            assertTrue(expectedCacheHits >= executeSQLReturnFirstInt(con, verifyTotalCacheUsesQuery));              
            assertTrue(expectedCacheHits - allowedDiscrepency < executeSQLReturnFirstInt(con, verifyTotalCacheUsesQuery));              
    // Verify clean-up happened on connection close.
    assertSame(0, conOuter.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
Also used : SQLServerConnection( SQLServerPreparedStatement( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) AbstractTest(

Example 14 with SQLServerPreparedStatement

use of in project mssql-jdbc by Microsoft.

the class PreparedStatementTest method testStatementPooling.

 * Test handling of statement pooling for prepared statements.
 * @throws SQLException
public void testStatementPooling() throws SQLException {
    // Test % handle re-use
    try (SQLServerConnection con = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString)) {
        String query = String.format("/*statementpoolingtest_re-use_%s*/SELECT TOP(1) * FROM sys.tables;", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
        boolean[] prepOnFirstCalls = { false, true };
        for (boolean prepOnFirstCall : prepOnFirstCalls) {
            int[] queryCounts = { 10, 20, 30, 40 };
            for (int queryCount : queryCounts) {
                String[] queries = new String[queryCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) {
                    queries[i] = String.format("%s--%s--%s--%s", query, i, queryCount, prepOnFirstCall);
                int testsWithHandleReuse = 0;
                final int testCount = 500;
                for (int i = 0; i < testCount; ++i) {
                    Random random = new Random();
                    int queryNumber = random.nextInt(queries.length);
                    try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(queries[queryNumber])) {
                        // Grab handle-reuse before it would be populated if initially created.
                        if (0 < pstmt.getPreparedStatementHandle())
                        // Make sure handle is updated.
                System.out.println(String.format("Prep on first call: %s Query count:%s: %s of %s (%s)", prepOnFirstCall, queryCount, testsWithHandleReuse, testCount, (double) testsWithHandleReuse / (double) testCount));
    try (SQLServerConnection con = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString)) {
        // Test behvaior with statement pooling.
        this.executeSQL(con, "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.messages WHERE message_id = 99586) EXEC sp_addmessage 99586, 16, 'Prepared handle GAH!';");
        // Test with missing handle failures (fake).
        this.executeSQL(con, "CREATE TABLE #update1 (col INT);INSERT #update1 VALUES (1);");
        this.executeSQL(con, "CREATE PROC #updateProc1 AS UPDATE #update1 SET col += 1; IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #update1 WHERE col % 5 = 0) RAISERROR(99586,16,1);");
        try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement("#updateProc1")) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
                try {
                    assertSame(1, pstmt.executeUpdate());
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    // Since the original "Could not find prepared statement with handle" error does not terminate the execution after it.
                    if (!e.getMessage().contains("Prepared handle GAH")) {
                        throw e;
        // although executeUpdate() throws exception, update operation should be executed successfully.
        try (ResultSet rs = con.createStatement().executeQuery("select * from #update1")) {
            assertSame(101, rs.getInt(1));
        // Test batching with missing handle failures (fake).
        this.executeSQL(con, "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.messages WHERE message_id = 99586) EXEC sp_addmessage 99586, 16, 'Prepared handle GAH!';");
        this.executeSQL(con, "CREATE TABLE #update2 (col INT);INSERT #update2 VALUES (1);");
        this.executeSQL(con, "CREATE PROC #updateProc2 AS UPDATE #update2 SET col += 1; IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #update2 WHERE col % 5 = 0) RAISERROR(99586,16,1);");
        try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement("#updateProc2")) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
            int[] updateCounts = null;
            try {
                updateCounts = pstmt.executeBatch();
            } catch (BatchUpdateException e) {
                // Since the original "Could not find prepared statement with handle" error does not terminate the execution after it.
                if (!e.getMessage().contains("Prepared handle GAH")) {
                    throw e;
            // since executeBatch() throws exception, it does not return anthing. So updateCounts is still null.
            assertSame(null, updateCounts);
            // although executeBatch() throws exception, update operation should be executed successfully.
            try (ResultSet rs = con.createStatement().executeQuery("select * from #update2")) {
                assertSame(101, rs.getInt(1));
    try (SQLServerConnection con = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString)) {
        // Test behvaior with statement pooling.
        String lookupUniqueifier = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        String query = String.format("/*statementpoolingtest_%s*/SELECT * FROM sys.tables;", lookupUniqueifier);
        // Execute statement first, should create cache entry WITHOUT handle (since sp_executesql was used).
        try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(query)) {
            // sp_executesql
            // Make sure handle is updated.
            assertSame(0, pstmt.getPreparedStatementHandle());
        // Execute statement again, should now create handle.
        int handle = 0;
        try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(query)) {
            // sp_prepexec
            // Make sure handle is updated.
            handle = pstmt.getPreparedStatementHandle();
            assertNotSame(0, handle);
        // Execute statement again and verify same handle was used.
        try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(query)) {
            // sp_execute
            // Make sure handle is updated.
            assertNotSame(0, pstmt.getPreparedStatementHandle());
            assertSame(handle, pstmt.getPreparedStatementHandle());
        // Execute new statement with different SQL text and verify it does NOT get same handle (should now fall back to using sp_executesql).
        SQLServerPreparedStatement outer = null;
        try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(query + ";")) {
            outer = pstmt;
            // sp_executesql
            // Make sure handle is updated.
            assertSame(0, pstmt.getPreparedStatementHandle());
            assertNotSame(handle, pstmt.getPreparedStatementHandle());
        try {
            fail("Error for invalid use of getPreparedStatementHandle() after statement close expected.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // Good!
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) SQLServerPreparedStatement( BatchUpdateException(java.sql.BatchUpdateException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) SQLServerConnection( Random(java.util.Random) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) BatchUpdateException(java.sql.BatchUpdateException) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) AbstractTest( Tag(org.junit.jupiter.api.Tag)

Example 15 with SQLServerPreparedStatement

use of in project mssql-jdbc by Microsoft.

the class PreparedStatementTest method testStatementPoolingEviction.

 * Test handling of eviction from statement pooling for prepared statements.
 * @throws SQLException
public void testStatementPoolingEviction() throws SQLException {
    for (int testNo = 0; testNo < 2; ++testNo) {
        try (SQLServerConnection con = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString)) {
            int cacheSize = 10;
            int discardedStatementCount = testNo == 0 ? 5 : /*batched unprepares*/
            // enabling caching
            String lookupUniqueifier = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
            String query = String.format("/*statementpoolingevictiontest_%s*/SELECT * FROM sys.tables; -- ", lookupUniqueifier);
            // Add new statements to fill up the statement pool.
            for (int i = 0; i < cacheSize; ++i) {
                try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(query + new Integer(i).toString())) {
                    // sp_executesql
                    // sp_prepexec, actual handle created and cached.
                // Make sure no handles in discard queue (still only in statement pool).
                assertSame(0, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
            // No discarded handles yet, all in statement pool.
            assertSame(0, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
            // action queue).
            for (int i = cacheSize; i < cacheSize + 5; ++i) {
                try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(query + new Integer(i).toString())) {
                    // sp_executesql
                    // sp_prepexec, actual handle created and cached.
                // If we use discard queue handles should start going into discard queue.
                if (0 == testNo)
                    assertNotSame(0, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
                    assertSame(0, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
            // If we use it, now discard queue should be "full".
            if (0 == testNo)
                assertSame(discardedStatementCount, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
                assertSame(0, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
            // action queue.
            try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(query)) {
                // sp_executesql
                // sp_prepexec, actual handle created and cached.
            // Discard queue should now be empty.
            assertSame(0, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
            // Set statement pool size to 0 and verify statements get discarded.
            int statementsInCache = con.getStatementHandleCacheEntryCount();
            assertSame(0, con.getStatementHandleCacheEntryCount());
            if (0 == testNo)
                // Verify statements moved over to discard action queue.
                assertSame(statementsInCache, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
            // Run discard actions (otherwise run on pstmt.close)
            assertSame(0, con.getDiscardedServerPreparedStatementCount());
            // Verify new statement does not go into cache (since cache is now off)
            try (SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(query)) {
                // sp_executesql
                // sp_prepexec, actual handle created and cached.
                assertSame(0, con.getStatementHandleCacheEntryCount());
Also used : SQLServerConnection( SQLServerPreparedStatement( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) AbstractTest(


SQLServerPreparedStatement ( AbstractTest ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)31 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)17 SQLServerDataTable ( Connection (java.sql.Connection)9 SQLServerResultSet ( SQLServerConnection ( Statement (java.sql.Statement)5 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)4 Calendar (java.util.Calendar)4 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)3 DisplayName (org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName)3 SQLServerCallableStatement ( SQLServerStatement ( DBConnection ( Properties (java.util.Properties)2 SQLServerBulkCopy ( SQLServerDataSource ( SQLServerException (