use of in project Dat3M by hernanponcedeleon.
the class Power method satPowerPPO.
private static BoolExpr satPowerPPO(Set<Event> events, Context ctx) throws Z3Exception {
BoolExpr enc = ctx.mkTrue();
for (Event e1 : events) {
for (Event e2 : events) {
BoolExpr orClause1 = ctx.mkFalse();
BoolExpr orClause2 = ctx.mkFalse();
BoolExpr orClause3 = ctx.mkFalse();
BoolExpr orClause4 = ctx.mkFalse();
BoolExpr orClause5 = ctx.mkFalse();
BoolExpr orClause6 = ctx.mkFalse();
BoolExpr orClause7 = ctx.mkFalse();
BoolExpr orClause8 = ctx.mkFalse();
for (Event e3 : events) {
orClause1 = ctx.mkOr(orClause1, ctx.mkAnd(edge("ic", e1, e3, ctx), edge("ci", e3, e2, ctx)));
orClause2 = ctx.mkOr(orClause2, ctx.mkAnd(edge("ii", e1, e3, ctx), edge("ii", e3, e2, ctx)));
orClause3 = ctx.mkOr(orClause3, ctx.mkAnd(edge("ic", e1, e3, ctx), edge("cc", e3, e2, ctx)));
orClause4 = ctx.mkOr(orClause4, ctx.mkAnd(edge("ii", e1, e3, ctx), edge("ic", e3, e2, ctx)));
orClause5 = ctx.mkOr(orClause5, ctx.mkAnd(edge("ci", e1, e3, ctx), edge("ii", e3, e2, ctx)));
orClause6 = ctx.mkOr(orClause6, ctx.mkAnd(edge("cc", e1, e3, ctx), edge("ci", e3, e2, ctx)));
orClause7 = ctx.mkOr(orClause7, ctx.mkAnd(edge("ci", e1, e3, ctx), edge("ic", e3, e2, ctx)));
orClause8 = ctx.mkOr(orClause8, ctx.mkAnd(edge("cc", e1, e3, ctx), edge("cc", e3, e2, ctx)));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("(ic;ci)", e1, e2, ctx), orClause1));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("(ii;ii)", e1, e2, ctx), orClause2));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("(ic;cc)", e1, e2, ctx), orClause3));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("(ii;ic)", e1, e2, ctx), orClause4));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("(ci;ii)", e1, e2, ctx), orClause5));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("(cc;ci)", e1, e2, ctx), orClause6));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("(ci;ic)", e1, e2, ctx), orClause7));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("(cc;cc)", e1, e2, ctx), orClause8));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("ii", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkOr(edge("ii0", e1, e2, ctx), edge("ci", e1, e2, ctx), edge("(ic;ci)", e1, e2, ctx), edge("(ii;ii)", e1, e2, ctx))));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("ic", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkOr(edge("ic0", e1, e2, ctx), edge("ii", e1, e2, ctx), edge("cc", e1, e2, ctx), edge("(ic;cc)", e1, e2, ctx), edge("(ii;ic)", e1, e2, ctx))));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("ci", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkOr(edge("ci0", e1, e2, ctx), edge("(ci;ii)", e1, e2, ctx), edge("(cc;ci)", e1, e2, ctx))));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("cc", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkOr(edge("cc0", e1, e2, ctx), edge("ci", e1, e2, ctx), edge("(ci;ic)", e1, e2, ctx), edge("(cc;cc)", e1, e2, ctx))));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("ii", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkOr(ctx.mkAnd(edge("ii0", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("ii", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("ii0", e1, e2, ctx))), ctx.mkAnd(edge("ci", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("ii", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("ci", e1, e2, ctx))), ctx.mkAnd(edge("(ic;ci)", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("ii", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("(ic;ci)", e1, e2, ctx))), ctx.mkAnd(edge("(ii;ii)", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("ii", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("(ii;ii)", e1, e2, ctx))))));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("ic", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkOr(ctx.mkAnd(edge("ic0", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("ic", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("ic0", e1, e2, ctx))), ctx.mkAnd(edge("ii", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("ic", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("ii", e1, e2, ctx))), ctx.mkAnd(edge("cc", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("ic", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("cc", e1, e2, ctx))), ctx.mkAnd(edge("(ic;cc)", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("ic", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("(ic;cc)", e1, e2, ctx))), ctx.mkAnd(edge("(ii;ic)", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("ic", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("(ii;ic)", e1, e2, ctx))))));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("ci", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkOr(ctx.mkAnd(edge("ci0", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("ci", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("ci0", e1, e2, ctx))), ctx.mkAnd(edge("(ci;ii)", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("ci", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("(ci;ii)", e1, e2, ctx))), ctx.mkAnd(edge("(cc;ci)", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("ci", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("(cc;ci)", e1, e2, ctx))))));
enc = ctx.mkAnd(enc, ctx.mkEq(edge("cc", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkOr(ctx.mkAnd(edge("cc0", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("cc", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("cc0", e1, e2, ctx))), ctx.mkAnd(edge("ci", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("cc", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("ci", e1, e2, ctx))), ctx.mkAnd(edge("(ci;ic)", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("cc", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("(ci;ic)", e1, e2, ctx))), ctx.mkAnd(edge("(cc;cc)", e1, e2, ctx), ctx.mkGt(intCount("cc", e1, e2, ctx), intCount("(cc;cc)", e1, e2, ctx))))));
return enc;
use of in project Dat3M by hernanponcedeleon.
the class Encodings method initsUniquePath.
public static BoolExpr initsUniquePath(Program p, Context ctx) {
BoolExpr prec = ctx.mkTrue();
BoolExpr post = ctx.mkTrue();
for (Event e : p.getEvents().stream().filter(e -> e instanceof MemEvent).collect(Collectors.toSet())) {
prec = ctx.mkAnd(prec, ctx.mkOr(e.getGuard(), ctx.mkNot(e.executes(ctx))));
for (Event e : p.getEvents().stream().filter(e -> e instanceof Init && e.getLoc() instanceof HighLocation).collect(Collectors.toSet())) {
BoolExpr guards = ctx.mkAnd(ctx.mkLt(ctx.mkSub(uniqueValue(e, ctx), ctx.mkInt(1)), initValue(e, ctx)), ctx.mkGt(ctx.mkAdd(uniqueValue(e, ctx), ctx.mkInt(1)), initValue(e, ctx)));
post = ctx.mkAnd(post, guards);
return ctx.mkImplies(prec, post);
use of in project Dat3M by hernanponcedeleon.
the class Encodings method getReachedStateLow.
public static BoolExpr getReachedStateLow(Program p, Model model, Context ctx) {
Set<Location> locs = p.getEvents().stream().filter(e -> e instanceof MemEvent).map(e -> e.getLoc()).filter(l -> !(l instanceof HighLocation)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
BoolExpr reachedState = ctx.mkTrue();
for (Location loc : locs) {
reachedState = ctx.mkAnd(reachedState, ctx.mkEq(lastValueLoc(loc, ctx), model.getConstInterp(lastValueLoc(loc, ctx))));
return reachedState;
use of in project Dat3M by hernanponcedeleon.
the class Encodings method diffInitialHigh.
public static BoolExpr diffInitialHigh(Program p, Context ctx) {
Set<Event> highInits = p.getEvents().stream().filter(e -> e instanceof Init).filter(e -> e.getLoc() instanceof HighLocation).collect(Collectors.toSet());
BoolExpr initState = ctx.mkTrue();
for (Event e : highInits) {
if (e.getLoc().getIValue() == null) {
initState = ctx.mkAnd(initState, ctx.mkNot(ctx.mkEq(initValue(e, ctx), initValue2(e, ctx))));
return initState;
use of in project Dat3M by hernanponcedeleon.
the class Porthos method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Z3Exception, IOException {
List<String> MCMs = Arrays.asList("sc", "tso", "pso", "rmo", "alpha", "power", "arm");
Options options = new Options();
Option sourceOpt = new Option("s", "source", true, "source MCM");
Option targetOpt = new Option("t", "target", true, "target MCM");
Option inputOpt = new Option("i", "input", true, "input file path");
options.addOption("state", false, "PORTHOS performs state portability");
options.addOption(Option.builder("draw").hasArg().desc("If a buf is found, it outputs a graph \\").build());
options.addOption(Option.builder("rels").hasArgs().desc("Relations to be drawn in the graph").build());
options.addOption(Option.builder("unroll").hasArg().desc("Unrolling steps").build());
CommandLineParser parserCmd = new DefaultParser();
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
CommandLine cmd;
try {
cmd = parserCmd.parse(options, args);
} catch (ParseException e) {
formatter.printHelp("PORTHOS", options);
String source = cmd.getOptionValue("source");
if (! -> mcms.trim().equals(source))) {
System.out.println("Unrecognized source");
String target = cmd.getOptionValue("target");
if (! -> mcms.trim().equals(target))) {
System.out.println("Unrecognized target");
String inputFilePath = cmd.getOptionValue("input");
if (!inputFilePath.endsWith("pts") && !inputFilePath.endsWith("litmus")) {
System.out.println("Unrecognized program format");
File file = new File(inputFilePath);
boolean statePortability = cmd.hasOption("state");
String[] rels = new String[100];
if (cmd.hasOption("rels")) {
rels = cmd.getOptionValues("rels");
String program = FileUtils.readFileToString(file, "UTF-8");
ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(program);
Program p = new Program(inputFilePath);
if (inputFilePath.endsWith("litmus")) {
LitmusLexer lexer = new LitmusLexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
LitmusParser parser = new LitmusParser(tokens);
p = parser.program(inputFilePath).p;
if (inputFilePath.endsWith("pts")) {
PorthosLexer lexer = new PorthosLexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
PorthosParser parser = new PorthosParser(tokens);
p = parser.program(inputFilePath).p;
int steps = 1;
if (cmd.hasOption("unroll")) {
steps = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("unroll"));
Program pSource = p.clone();
Program pTarget = p.clone();
pSource.compile(source, false, true);
Integer startEId = Collections.max(pSource.getEvents().stream().filter(e -> e instanceof Init).map(e -> e.getEId()).collect(Collectors.toSet())) + 1;
pTarget.compile(target, false, true, startEId);
Context ctx = new Context();
Solver s = ctx.mkSolver();
Solver s2 = ctx.mkSolver();
BoolExpr sourceDF = pSource.encodeDF(ctx);
BoolExpr sourceCF = pSource.encodeCF(ctx);
BoolExpr sourceDF_RF = pSource.encodeDF_RF(ctx);
BoolExpr sourceDomain = Domain.encode(pSource, ctx);
BoolExpr sourceMM = pSource.encodeMM(ctx, source);
s.add(Domain.encode(pTarget, ctx));
s.add(pTarget.encodeMM(ctx, target));
s.add(pTarget.encodeConsistent(ctx, target));
s.add(pSource.encodeInconsistent(ctx, source));
s.add(encodeCommonExecutions(pTarget, pSource, ctx));
s2.add(pSource.encodeConsistent(ctx, source));
if (!statePortability) {
if (s.check() == Status.SATISFIABLE) {
System.out.println("The program is not portable");
// System.out.println(" 0");
if (cmd.hasOption("draw")) {
String outputPath = cmd.getOptionValue("draw");
Utils.drawGraph(p, pSource, pTarget, ctx, s.getModel(), outputPath, rels);
} else {
System.out.println("The program is portable");
// System.out.println(" 1");
int iterations = 0;
Status lastCheck = Status.SATISFIABLE;
Set<Expr> visited = new HashSet<Expr>();
while (lastCheck == Status.SATISFIABLE) {
lastCheck = s.check();
if (lastCheck == Status.SATISFIABLE) {
iterations = iterations + 1;
Model model = s.getModel();
BoolExpr reachedState = encodeReachedState(pTarget, model, ctx);
assert (iterations == visited.size());
if (s2.check() == Status.UNSATISFIABLE) {
System.out.println("The program is not state-portable");
System.out.println("Iterations: " + iterations);
// System.out.println(" 0");
} else {
} else {
System.out.println("The program is state-portable");
System.out.println("Iterations: " + iterations);
// System.out.println(" 1");