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Example 6 with ASN1DER

use of com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1DER in project SpringRemote by HaleyWang.

the class NetscapeKeyStore method engineGetKey.

public Key engineGetKey(String alias, char[] password) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnrecoverableKeyException {
    KeyEntry keyEntry = getKeyEntry(alias);
    if (!passwordCheck(password)) {
        throw new UnrecoverableKeyException("Invalid password");
    if (keyEntry != null) {
        try {
            EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo epki = new EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo();
            ASN1DER ber = new ASN1DER();
            ByteArrayInputStream ba = new ByteArrayInputStream(keyEntry.encryptedKey);
            ber.decode(ba, epki);
            byte[] enc = epki.encryptedData.getRaw();
            byte[] dec = new byte[enc.length];
            do3DESCipher(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, password, enc, 0, enc.length, dec, globalSalt(), keyEntry.salt);
            ba = new ByteArrayInputStream(dec);
            return PKCS12KeyStore.extractPrivateKey(dec);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UnrecoverableKeyException(e.getMessage());
    return null;
Also used : UnrecoverableKeyException( ASN1DER(com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1DER) ByteArrayInputStream( EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo( IOException(

Example 7 with ASN1DER

use of com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1DER in project SpringRemote by HaleyWang.

the class SSH2KeyPairFile method writeKeyPair.

public static byte[] writeKeyPair(ASCIIArmour armour, String password, SecureRandom random, KeyPair keyPair) throws SSH2FatalException {
    ASN1Object pem;
    PublicKey publicKey = keyPair.getPublic();
    int headType;
    if (publicKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
        DSAPublicKey pubKey = (DSAPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic();
        DSAPrivateKey prvKey = (DSAPrivateKey) keyPair.getPrivate();
        DSAParams params = pubKey.getParams();
        pem = new PEMDSAPrivate(0, params.getP(), params.getQ(), params.getG(), pubKey.getY(), prvKey.getX());
        headType = TYPE_PEM_DSA;
    } else if (publicKey instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
        RSAPublicKey pubKey = (RSAPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic();
        RSAPrivateCrtKey prvKey = (RSAPrivateCrtKey) keyPair.getPrivate();
        pem = new PEMRSAPrivate(0, pubKey.getModulus(), pubKey.getPublicExponent(), prvKey.getPrivateExponent(), prvKey.getPrimeP(), prvKey.getPrimeQ(), prvKey.getCrtCoefficient());
        headType = TYPE_PEM_RSA;
    } else if (publicKey instanceof ECPublicKey) {
        ECPublicKey pubKey = (ECPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic();
        ECPrivateKey prvKey = (ECPrivateKey) keyPair.getPrivate();
        pem = new PEMECPrivate(pubKey, prvKey);
        headType = TYPE_PEM_EC;
    } else {
        throw new SSH2FatalException("Unsupported key type: " + publicKey);
    ByteArrayOutputStream enc = new ByteArrayOutputStream(128);
    ASN1DER der = new ASN1DER();
    try {
        der.encode(enc, pem);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new SSH2FatalException("Error while DER encoding");
    byte[] keyBlob = enc.toByteArray();
    if (password != null && password.length() > 0) {
        byte[] iv = new byte[16];
        for (int i = 0; i < iv.length; i++) {
            byte[] r = new byte[1];
            do {
                iv[i] = r[0];
            } while (iv[i] == 0x00);
        armour.setHeaderField(PRV_PROCTYPE, "4,ENCRYPTED");
        armour.setHeaderField(PRV_DEKINFO, "AES-128-CBC," + HexDump.toString(iv).toUpperCase());
        int encLen = (16 - (keyBlob.length % 16)) + keyBlob.length;
        byte[] encBuf = new byte[encLen];
        doCipher(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", password, keyBlob, keyBlob.length, encBuf, iv);
        keyBlob = encBuf;
    return keyBlob;
Also used : ECPrivateKey( RSAPrivateCrtKey( ASN1DER(com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1DER) RSAPublicKey( ECPublicKey( PublicKey( DSAPublicKey( DSAParams( ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException( DSAPublicKey( RSAPublicKey( ECPublicKey( DSAPrivateKey( ASN1Object(com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1Object)

Example 8 with ASN1DER

use of com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1DER in project SpringRemote by HaleyWang.

the class SSH2KeyPairFile method readKeyPair.

public static KeyPair readKeyPair(ASCIIArmour armour, byte[] keyBlob, String password) throws SSH2Exception {
    String procType = armour.getHeaderField(PRV_PROCTYPE);
    if (procType != null && password != null) {
        String dekInfo = armour.getHeaderField(PRV_DEKINFO);
        if (dekInfo == null || !(dekInfo.startsWith("DES-EDE3-CBC,") || dekInfo.startsWith("AES-128-CBC,"))) {
            throw new SSH2FatalException("Proc type not supported: " + procType);
        boolean isdes = dekInfo.startsWith("DES");
        dekInfo = dekInfo.substring(dekInfo.indexOf(',') + 1);
        BigInteger dekI = new BigInteger(dekInfo, 16);
        byte[] iv = dekI.toByteArray();
        if (isdes) {
            if (iv.length > 8) {
                byte[] tmp = iv;
                iv = new byte[8];
                System.arraycopy(tmp, 1, iv, 0, 8);
        } else {
            if (iv.length > 16) {
                byte[] tmp = iv;
                iv = new byte[16];
                System.arraycopy(tmp, 1, iv, 0, 16);
        doCipher(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, isdes ? "DESEDE/CBC/PKCS5Padding" : "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", password, keyBlob, keyBlob.length, keyBlob, iv);
    ByteArrayInputStream enc = new ByteArrayInputStream(keyBlob);
    ASN1DER der = new ASN1DER();
    KeySpec prvSpec = null;
    KeySpec pubSpec = null;
    String keyFactType = null;
    String head = armour.getHeaderLine();
    if (head.indexOf("DSA") != -1) {
        keyFactType = "DSA";
    } else if (head.indexOf("RSA") != -1) {
        keyFactType = "RSA";
    } else if (head.indexOf("EC") != -1) {
        keyFactType = "EC";
    try {
        if ("DSA".equals(keyFactType)) {
            PEMDSAPrivate dsa = new PEMDSAPrivate();
            der.decode(enc, dsa);
            BigInteger p, q, g, x, y;
            p = dsa.p.getValue();
            q = dsa.q.getValue();
            g = dsa.g.getValue();
            y = dsa.y.getValue();
            x = dsa.x.getValue();
            prvSpec = new DSAPrivateKeySpec(x, p, q, g);
            pubSpec = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y, p, q, g);
        } else if ("RSA".equals(keyFactType)) {
            PEMRSAPrivate rsa = new PEMRSAPrivate();
            der.decode(enc, rsa);
            BigInteger n, e, d, p, q, pe, qe, u;
            n = rsa.modulus.getValue();
            e = rsa.publicExponent.getValue();
            d = rsa.privateExponent.getValue();
            p = rsa.prime1.getValue();
            q = rsa.prime2.getValue();
            pe = rsa.exponent1.getValue();
            qe = rsa.exponent2.getValue();
            u = rsa.coefficient.getValue();
            prvSpec = new RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec(n, e, d, p, q, pe, qe, u);
            pubSpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(n, e);
        } else if ("EC".equals(keyFactType)) {
            PEMECPrivate ec = new PEMECPrivate();
            der.decode(enc, ec);
            String curve;
            String curveid = ec.curveid.getString();
            if (curveid.equals(EC_CURVE_SECP256R1_OID)) {
                curve = EC_CURVE_SECP256R1_NAME;
            } else if (curveid.equals(EC_CURVE_SECP384R1_OID)) {
                curve = EC_CURVE_SECP384R1_NAME;
            } else {
                curve = EC_CURVE_SECP521R1_NAME;
            ECParameterSpec ecspec = SSH2ECDSASHA2NIST.getParamsForCurve(curve);
            byte[] privraw = ec.privateKey.getRaw();
            byte[] privb = new byte[privraw.length + 1];
            System.arraycopy(privraw, 0, privb, 1, privraw.length);
            prvSpec = new ECPrivateKeySpec(new BigInteger(privb), ecspec);
            byte[] pubb = ec.publicKey.getBitArray();
            pubSpec = new ECPublicKeySpec(SSH2KEXECDHSHA2NIST.frombytes(pubb, ecspec.getCurve()), ecspec);
        } else {
            throw new SSH2FatalException("Unsupported key type: " + keyFactType);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new SSH2AccessDeniedException("Invalid password or corrupt key blob");
    try {
        KeyFactory keyFact = Crypto.getKeyFactory(keyFactType);
        return new KeyPair(keyFact.generatePublic(pubSpec), keyFact.generatePrivate(prvSpec));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SSH2FatalException("Error in readKeyPair: " + e);
Also used : RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec( KeyPair( ECPrivateKeySpec( ASN1DER(com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1DER) ECPublicKeySpec( SecretKeySpec(javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec) KeySpec( DSAPrivateKeySpec( RSAPublicKeySpec( RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec( ECPrivateKeySpec( DSAPublicKeySpec( RSAPrivateKeySpec( ASN1BitString(com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1BitString) ASN1OctetString(com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1OctetString) RSAPublicKeySpec( IOException( ECPublicKeySpec( GeneralSecurityException( NoSuchAlgorithmException( InvalidKeySpecException( IOException( BadPaddingException(javax.crypto.BadPaddingException) DSAPrivateKeySpec( ByteArrayInputStream( ECParameterSpec( BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) KeyFactory( DSAPublicKeySpec(

Example 9 with ASN1DER

use of com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1DER in project SpringRemote by HaleyWang.

the class SSH2ECDSASHA2NIST method sign.

public byte[] sign(byte[] data) throws SSH2SignatureException {
    try {
        byte[] sigRaw = signature.sign();
        try {
            SSH2DSS.DSASIG sign = new SSH2DSS.DSASIG();
            ASN1DER der = new ASN1DER();
            ByteArrayInputStream dec = new ByteArrayInputStream(sigRaw);
            der.decode(dec, sign);
            SSH2DataBuffer buf = new SSH2DataBuffer(256);
            sigRaw = buf.readRestRaw();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new SSH2SignatureException("DER decode failed: " + ioe.getMessage());
        return encodeSignature(sigRaw);
    } catch (SignatureException e) {
        throw new SSH2SignatureException("Error in " + algorithm + " sign: " + e.getMessage());
Also used : ASN1DER(com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1DER) ByteArrayInputStream( IOException( SignatureException(

Example 10 with ASN1DER

use of com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1DER in project SpringRemote by HaleyWang.

the class SSH2DSS method sign.

public byte[] sign(byte[] data) throws SSH2SignatureException {
    try {
        byte[] sigRaw = signature.sign();
        try {
            DSASIG sign = new DSASIG();
            ASN1DER der = new ASN1DER();
            ByteArrayInputStream dec = new ByteArrayInputStream(sigRaw);
            der.decode(dec, sign);
            sigRaw = new byte[40];
            byte[] tmp = unsignedBigIntToBytes(sign.r.getValue(), 20);
            System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, sigRaw, 0, 20);
            tmp = unsignedBigIntToBytes(sign.s.getValue(), 20);
            System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, sigRaw, 20, 20);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new SSH2SignatureException("DER decode failed: " + ioe.getMessage());
        return encodeSignature(sigRaw);
    } catch (SignatureException e) {
        throw new SSH2SignatureException("Error in " + algorithm + " sign: " + e.getMessage());
Also used : ASN1DER(com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1DER) ByteArrayInputStream( IOException( SignatureException(


ASN1DER (com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1DER)15 IOException ( ByteArrayInputStream ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)7 ASN1OctetString (com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1OctetString)5 SignatureException ( ASN1CharString (com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1CharString)4 ByteArrayOutputStream ( EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo ( KeyFactory ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ( DSAParams ( ASN1Object (com.mindbright.asn1.ASN1Object)2 PKCS12PbeParams ( GeneralSecurityException ( InvalidKeyException ( UnrecoverableKeyException ( CertificateException ( DSAPrivateKey ( DSAPublicKey (