use of in project mongo-hadoop by mongodb.
the class BSONSerDeTest method testString.
public void testString() throws SerDeException {
String columnNames = "s";
String columnTypes = "string";
String value = "value";
BSONSerDe serde = new BSONSerDe();
Object result = helpDeserialize(serde, columnNames, columnTypes, value);
assertThat(value, equalTo(result));
ObjectInspector innerInspector = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.getPrimitiveObjectInspectorFromClass(String.class);
BasicBSONObject bObject = new BasicBSONObject();
Object serialized = helpSerialize(columnNames, innerInspector, bObject, value, serde);
assertThat(new BSONWritable(bObject), equalTo(serialized));
use of in project mongo-hadoop by mongodb.
the class BSONSerDeTest method testMap.
public void testMap() throws SerDeException {
String columnNames = "m";
String columnTypes = "map<string,int>";
BasicBSONObject value = new BasicBSONObject();
String oneKey = "one";
int oneValue = 10;
value.put(oneKey, oneValue);
String twoKey = "two";
int twoValue = 20;
value.put(twoKey, twoValue);
BSONSerDe serde = new BSONSerDe();
Object result = helpDeserialize(serde, columnNames, columnTypes, value);
assertThat(value.toMap(), equalTo(result));
// Since objectid is currently taken to be a string
ObjectInspector keyInspector = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.getPrimitiveObjectInspectorFromClass(String.class);
ObjectInspector valueInspector = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.getPrimitiveObjectInspectorFromClass(Integer.class);
MapObjectInspector mapInspector = ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardMapObjectInspector(keyInspector, valueInspector);
BasicBSONObject bObject = new BasicBSONObject();
Object serialized = helpSerialize(columnNames, mapInspector, bObject, value, serde);
assertThat(new BSONWritable(bObject), equalTo(serialized));
use of in project mongo-hadoop by mongodb.
the class BSONSerDeTest method testInt.
public void testInt() throws SerDeException {
String columnNames = "i";
String columnTypes = "int";
Integer value = 1234;
BSONSerDe serde = new BSONSerDe();
Object result = helpDeserialize(serde, columnNames, columnTypes, value);
assertThat(value, equalTo(result));
ObjectInspector innerInspector = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.getPrimitiveObjectInspectorFromClass(Integer.class);
BasicBSONObject bObject = new BasicBSONObject();
Object serialized = helpSerialize(columnNames, innerInspector, bObject, value, serde);
assertThat(new BSONWritable(bObject), equalTo(serialized));
use of in project mongo-hadoop by mongodb.
the class BSONSerDeTest method testBoolean.
public void testBoolean() throws SerDeException {
String columnNames = "bool";
String columnTypes = "boolean";
Boolean value = false;
BSONSerDe serde = new BSONSerDe();
Object result = helpDeserialize(serde, columnNames, columnTypes, value);
assertThat(value, equalTo(result));
ObjectInspector innerInspector = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.getPrimitiveObjectInspectorFromClass(Boolean.class);
BasicBSONObject bObject = new BasicBSONObject();
Object serialized = helpSerialize(columnNames, innerInspector, bObject, value, serde);
assertThat(new BSONWritable(bObject), equalTo(serialized));
use of in project mongo-hadoop by mongodb.
the class BSONSerDeTest method testDates.
public void testDates() throws SerDeException {
String columnNames = "d";
String columnTypes = "timestamp";
Date d = new Date();
Timestamp value = new Timestamp(d.getTime());
BSONSerDe serde = new BSONSerDe();
Object result = helpDeserialize(serde, columnNames, columnTypes, value);
assertThat(value, equalTo(result));
result = serde.deserializeField(d, serde.columnTypes.get(0), "");
assertThat(value, equalTo(result));
BSONTimestamp bts = new BSONTimestamp(((Long) (d.getTime() / 1000L)).intValue(), 1);
result = serde.deserializeField(bts, serde.columnTypes.get(0), "");
// BSONTimestamp only takes an int, so the long returned in the Timestamp won't be the same
assertThat((long) bts.getTime(), equalTo(((Timestamp) result).getTime() / 1000L));
// Utilizes a timestampWritable because there's no native timestamp type in java for
// object inspector class to relate to
ObjectInspector innerInspector = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.getPrimitiveObjectInspectorFromClass(TimestampWritable.class);
BasicBSONObject bObject = new BasicBSONObject();
BSONWritable serialized = (BSONWritable) helpSerialize(columnNames, innerInspector, bObject, new TimestampWritable(value), serde);
// The time going in to serialize is Timestamp but it comes out as BSONTimestamp
BasicBSONObject bsonWithTimestamp = new BasicBSONObject();
bsonWithTimestamp.put(columnNames, bts);
assertThat(value.getTime(), equalTo(((Date) serialized.getDoc().get(columnNames)).getTime()));