use of com.mozilla.bagheera.BagheeraProto.BagheeraMessage in project bagheera by mozilla-metrics.
the class SimpleProducer method testDeleteWithPartitions.
public void testDeleteWithPartitions() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Use a ReplaySink to send messages
String destPattern = String.format("http://localhost:%d/%s/%s/%s/partition1/partition2", BAGHEERA_PORT, SubmissionHandler.ENDPOINT_SUBMIT, TEST_NAMESPACE, ReplaySink.KEY_PLACEHOLDER);
ReplaySink sink = new ReplaySink(destPattern, "1", "true", "true");
assertEquals(1, producer.queueSize());
BagheeraMessage message = producer.getQueue().poll();
String payload = message.getPayload().toStringUtf8();
assertEquals("", payload);
// ReplaySink doesn't preserve timestamps.
assertNotSame(timestamp, message.getTimestamp());
assertEquals(key, message.getId());
assertEquals(BagheeraMessage.Operation.DELETE, message.getOperation());
// Ensure that partition information comes through.
assertEquals(2, message.getPartitionCount());
assertEquals("partition1", message.getPartition(0));
assertEquals("partition2", message.getPartition(1));
use of com.mozilla.bagheera.BagheeraProto.BagheeraMessage in project bagheera by mozilla-metrics.
the class SimpleProducer method testMessageWithApiVersion.
public void testMessageWithApiVersion() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Use a ReplaySink to send messages
String destPattern = String.format("http://localhost:%d/5.5/%s/%s/%s/partition1/partition2", BAGHEERA_PORT, SubmissionHandler.ENDPOINT_SUBMIT, TEST_NAMESPACE, ReplaySink.KEY_PLACEHOLDER);
ReplaySink sink = new ReplaySink(destPattern, "1", "true", "true");, json.getBytes(), timestamp);
assertEquals(1, producer.queueSize());
BagheeraMessage message = producer.getQueue().poll();
String payload = message.getPayload().toStringUtf8();
assertEquals(json, payload);
// ReplaySink doesn't preserve timestamps.
assertNotSame(timestamp, message.getTimestamp());
assertEquals(key, message.getId());
// Ensure that partition information comes through.
assertEquals(2, message.getPartitionCount());
assertEquals("partition1", message.getPartition(0));
assertEquals("partition2", message.getPartition(1));
assertEquals("5.5", message.getApiVersion());
use of com.mozilla.bagheera.BagheeraProto.BagheeraMessage in project bagheera by mozilla-metrics.
the class SimpleProducer method testMessageWithPartitions.
public void testMessageWithPartitions() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Use a ReplaySink to send messages
String destPattern = String.format("http://localhost:%d/%s/%s/%s/partition1/partition2", BAGHEERA_PORT, SubmissionHandler.ENDPOINT_SUBMIT, TEST_NAMESPACE, ReplaySink.KEY_PLACEHOLDER);
ReplaySink sink = new ReplaySink(destPattern, "1", "true", "true");, json.getBytes(), timestamp);
assertEquals(1, producer.queueSize());
BagheeraMessage message = producer.getQueue().poll();
String payload = message.getPayload().toStringUtf8();
assertEquals(json, payload);
// ReplaySink doesn't preserve timestamps.
assertNotSame(timestamp, message.getTimestamp());
assertEquals(key, message.getId());
assertEquals(BagheeraMessage.Operation.CREATE_UPDATE, message.getOperation());
// Ensure that partition information comes through.
assertEquals(2, message.getPartitionCount());
assertEquals("partition1", message.getPartition(0));
assertEquals("partition2", message.getPartition(1));
use of com.mozilla.bagheera.BagheeraProto.BagheeraMessage in project bagheera by mozilla-metrics.
the class ProducerTest method countMessages.
private int countMessages() throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
SimpleConsumer consumer = new SimpleConsumer("localhost", KAFKA_BROKER_PORT, 100, 1024);
long offset = 0l;
int messageCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < BATCH_SIZE; i++) {
ByteBufferMessageSet messageSet = consumer.fetch(new FetchRequest(KAFKA_TOPIC, 0, offset, 1024));
Iterator<MessageAndOffset> iterator = messageSet.iterator();
MessageAndOffset msgAndOff;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
msgAndOff =;
offset = msgAndOff.offset();
Message message2 = msgAndOff.message();
BagheeraMessage bmsg = BagheeraMessage.parseFrom(ByteString.copyFrom(message2.payload()));
String payload = new String(bmsg.getPayload().toByteArray());
System.out.println(String.format("Message %d @%d: %s", messageCount, offset, payload));
return messageCount;
use of com.mozilla.bagheera.BagheeraProto.BagheeraMessage in project bagheera by mozilla-metrics.
the class SubmissionHandler method handleObsoleteDocuments.
private void handleObsoleteDocuments(BagheeraHttpRequest request, String remoteIpAddress, List<String> headers, BagheeraMessage template) {
// According to RFC 2616, the standard for multi-valued document headers is
// a comma-separated list:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Multiple message-header fields with the same field-name MAY be
// present in a message if and only if the entire field-value for
// that header field is defined as a comma-separated list
// [i.e., #(values)]. It MUST be possible to combine the multiple
// header fields into one "field-name: field-value" pair, without
// changing the semantics of the message, by appending each
// subsequent field-value to the first, each separated by a comma.
// The order in which header fields with the same field-name are
// received is therefore significant to the interpretation of the
// combined field value, and thus a proxy MUST NOT change the order
// of these field values when a message is forwarded.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
String deleteIDs = "";
for (String header : headers) {
// tested in BagheeraHttpRequestTest.testSplitPerformance().
if (header != null) {
for (String obsoleteIdRaw : header.split(",")) {
deleteIDs += obsoleteIdRaw.trim() + ",";
// Use the given message as a base for creating each delete message.
BagheeraMessage.Builder deleteBuilder = BagheeraMessage.newBuilder(template);
}"IP " + remoteIpAddress + " " + request.getNamespace() + " HTTP_PUT " + request.getId() + " HTTP_DELETE " + deleteIDs);