use of com.mvp4g.rebind.exception.loader.Mvp4gAnnotationException in project mvp4g by mvp4g.
the class EventsAnnotationsLoaderTest method testStartNoView.
@Test(expected = Mvp4gAnnotationException.class)
public void testStartNoView() throws Mvp4gAnnotationException {
try {
List<JClassType> annotedClasses = new ArrayList<JClassType>();
JClassType type = oracle.addClass(Events.SimpleEventBus.class);
loader.load(annotedClasses, configuration);
} catch (Mvp4gAnnotationException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("There is no instance of"));
throw e;
use of com.mvp4g.rebind.exception.loader.Mvp4gAnnotationException in project mvp4g by mvp4g.
the class EventsAnnotationsLoaderTest method testDoubleForward.
@Test(expected = Mvp4gAnnotationException.class)
public void testDoubleForward() throws Mvp4gAnnotationException {
try {
List<JClassType> annotedClasses = new ArrayList<JClassType>();
new PresenterAnnotationsLoader().load(annotedClasses, configuration);
JClassType type = oracle.addClass(Events.EventBusDoubleForward.class);
loader.load(annotedClasses, configuration);
} catch (Mvp4gAnnotationException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Duplicate value for Forward event. It is already defined by another method."));
throw e;
use of com.mvp4g.rebind.exception.loader.Mvp4gAnnotationException in project mvp4g by mvp4g.
the class Mvp4gAnnotationsWithServiceLoader method loadElement.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.mvp4g.rebind.config.loader.annotation.Mvp4gAnnotationsLoader#loadElement
* ( .core.ext.typeinfo.JClassType, java.lang.annotation.Annotation,
* com.mvp4g.rebind.config.Mvp4gConfiguration)
protected void loadElement(JClassType c, T annotation, Mvp4gConfiguration configuration) throws Mvp4gAnnotationException {
Mvp4gWithServicesElement element = loadElementWithServices(c, annotation, configuration);
// check if any services need to be injected
JParameter[] params = null;
String className = null;
String serviceName = null;
InjectService serviceAnnotation = null;
for (JMethod m : c.getOverridableMethods()) {
serviceAnnotation = m.getAnnotation(InjectService.class);
if (serviceAnnotation != null) {
if (!m.isPublic()) {
String err = "Only public setter method can be used to inject a service.";
throw new Mvp4gAnnotationException(c.getQualifiedSourceName(), m.getName(), err);
params = m.getParameters();
if (params.length != 1) {
String err = "Only setter method with one parameter can be used to inject a service";
throw new Mvp4gAnnotationException(c.getQualifiedSourceName(), m.getName(), err);
serviceName = serviceAnnotation.serviceName();
if ((serviceName == null) || (serviceName.length() == 0)) {
className = params[0].getType().getQualifiedSourceName();
serviceName = getServiceName(configuration, className);
element.getInjectedServices().add(new InjectedElement(serviceName, m.getName()));
use of com.mvp4g.rebind.exception.loader.Mvp4gAnnotationException in project mvp4g by mvp4g.
the class EventsAnnotationsLoader method loadEvents.
* Load events defined by this class
* @param c annoted class
* @param annotation annotation of the class
* @param configuration configuration containing loaded elements of the application
* @throws Mvp4gAnnotationException if events are properly described
private void loadEvents(JClassType c, Events annotation, Mvp4gConfiguration configuration) throws Mvp4gAnnotationException {
Event event = null;
EventElement element = null;
Set<EventElement> events = configuration.getEvents();
JParameter[] params = null;
JClassType eventBusWithLookupType = configuration.getOracle().findType(EventBusWithLookup.class.getCanonicalName());
JClassType eventBusType = configuration.getOracle().findType(EventBus.class.getCanonicalName());
JClassType enclosingType = null;
String historyName;
Class<?> broadcast;
for (JMethod method : c.getOverridableMethods()) {
event = method.getAnnotation(Event.class);
if (event == null) {
enclosingType = method.getEnclosingType();
if (!(eventBusType.equals(enclosingType) || (eventBusWithLookupType.equals(enclosingType)))) {
String err = Event.class.getSimpleName() + " annotation missing.";
throw new Mvp4gAnnotationException(c.getQualifiedSourceName(), method.getName(), err);
// in this case, it's a method by Mvp4g EventBus interface, no need to create an event
params = method.getParameters();
int nbParams = params.length;
String[] paramClasses;
if (nbParams > 0) {
paramClasses = new String[nbParams];
for (int i = 0; i < nbParams; i++) {
paramClasses[i] = params[i].getType().getQualifiedSourceName();
} else {
paramClasses = null;
historyName =;
element = new EventElement();
element.setHandlers(buildPresentersAndEventHandlers(c, method, event.handlers(), event.handlerNames(), configuration));
element.setBinds(buildPresentersAndEventHandlers(c, method, event.bind(), event.bindNames(), configuration));
element.setForwardToModules(buildChildModules(c, method, event, configuration));
element.setActivate(buildPresentersAndEventHandlers(c, method, event.activate(), event.activateNames(), configuration));
element.setDeactivate(buildPresentersAndEventHandlers(c, method, event.deactivate(), event.deactivateNames(), configuration));
element.setGenerate(buildPresentersAndEventHandlers(c, method, event.generate(), event.generateNames(), configuration));
broadcast = event.broadcastTo();
if (!Event.NoBroadcast.class.equals(broadcast)) {
if (paramClasses != null) {
if (!Event.DEFAULT_NAME.equals(historyName)) {
addElement(events, element, c, method);
if (method.getAnnotation(Start.class) != null) {
if (configuration.getStart().getEventType() == null) {
} else {
String err = "Duplicate value for Start event. It is already defined by another method.";
throw new Mvp4gAnnotationException(c.getQualifiedSourceName(), method.getName(), err);
if (method.getAnnotation(Forward.class) != null) {
if (configuration.getStart().getForwardEventType() == null) {
} else {
String err = "Duplicate value for Forward event. It is already defined by another method.";
throw new Mvp4gAnnotationException(c.getQualifiedSourceName(), method.getName(), err);
loadHistoryEvent(c, method, configuration);
loadHistory(c, method, event, element, configuration);
loadEventToLoadChildModuleView(c, method, configuration);
loadChildConfig(c, method, configuration);
use of com.mvp4g.rebind.exception.loader.Mvp4gAnnotationException in project mvp4g by mvp4g.
the class EventsAnnotationsLoader method loadStartView.
* Load information about the start view
* @param c annoted class
* @param annotation Events annotation of the class
* @param configuration configuration containing loaded elements of the application
* @throws Mvp4gAnnotationException if no view with the given class and name exist
private void loadStartView(JClassType c, Events annotation, Mvp4gConfiguration configuration) throws Mvp4gAnnotationException {
Set<PresenterElement> presenters = configuration.getPresenters();
String presenterName = annotation.startPresenterName();
Class<?> presenterClass = annotation.startPresenter();
boolean hasStartPresenter = !NoStartPresenter.class.equals(presenterClass);
if (hasStartPresenter) {
if ((presenterName != null) && (presenterName.length() > 0)) {
boolean found = false;
for (PresenterElement presenter : presenters) {
if (presenterName.equals(presenter.getName())) {
TypeOracle oracle = configuration.getOracle();
JClassType presenterType = oracle.findType(presenter.getClassName());
JClassType startType = oracle.findType(presenterClass.getCanonicalName());
if (!presenterType.isAssignableTo(startType)) {
String err = "There is no instance with name " + presenterName + " that extends " + presenterType;
throw new Mvp4gAnnotationException(c.getQualifiedSourceName(), null, err);
found = true;
if (!found) {
String err = "There is no presenter named " + presenterName;
throw new Mvp4gAnnotationException(c.getQualifiedSourceName(), null, err);
} else {
presenterName = getElementName(presenters, presenterClass.getCanonicalName());
if (presenterName == null) {
String err = "There is no instance of " + presenterClass.getCanonicalName() + ". Have you forgotten to annotate it with @Presenter or @EventHander?";
throw new Mvp4gAnnotationException(c.getQualifiedSourceName(), null, err);
StartElement element = new StartElement();
if (hasStartPresenter) {