use of com.mysql.cj.xdevapi.JsonString in project aws-mysql-jdbc by awslabs.
the class CollectionFindTest method testCollectionFindWithBitOperation.
/* |,&,^,<<,>>,~ */
public void testCollectionFindWithBitOperation() throws Exception {
assumeTrue(mysqlVersionMeetsMinimum(ServerVersion.parseVersion("8.0.0")), "MySQL 8.0+ is required to run this test.");
int i = 0, maxrec = 10;
int SLen = 1;
DbDoc doc = null;
DbDoc[] jsonlist = new DbDocImpl[maxrec];
for (i = 0; i < maxrec; i++) {
DbDoc newDoc2 = new DbDocImpl();
newDoc2.add("_id", new JsonString().setValue(String.valueOf(i + 1 + 1000)));
newDoc2.add("F1", new JsonNumber().setValue(String.valueOf(i + 1)));
newDoc2.add("F2", new JsonNumber().setValue(String.valueOf((int) Math.pow(2, (i + 1)))));
newDoc2.add("F3", new JsonString().setValue(buildString(SLen + i, 'q')));
// newDoc2.add("F3", new JsonString().setValue("?????"));
jsonlist[i] = newDoc2;
newDoc2 = null;
assertEquals((maxrec), this.collection.count());
/* find With bitwise | Condition */
DocResult docs = this.collection.find("CAST($.F2 as SIGNED) | pow(2,$.F1) = $.F2 ").fields("$._id as _id, $.F1 as f1, $.F2 as f2, $.F3 as f3 , $.F2 | pow(2,$.F1) as tmp").execute();
i = 0;
while (docs.hasNext()) {
doc =;
assertEquals(String.valueOf(i + 1 + 1000), (((JsonString) doc.get("_id")).getString()));
assertEquals((long) (i + 1), (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("f1")).getInteger()));
assertEquals((long) ((int) Math.pow(2, (i + 1))), (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("f2")).getInteger()));
assertEquals(buildString(SLen + i, 'q'), (((JsonString) doc.get("f3")).getString()));
assertEquals((long) Math.pow(2, (i + 1)), (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("tmp")).getInteger()));
assertEquals((maxrec), i);
/* find With bitwise & Condition */
docs = this.collection.find("CAST($.F2 as SIGNED) & 64 ").fields("$._id as _id, $.F1 as f1, $.F2 as f2, $.F3 as f3 , $.F2 & 64 as tmp").execute();
doc =;
assertEquals((long) 64, (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("f2")).getInteger()));
assertEquals((long) 64, (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("tmp")).getInteger()));
/* find With bitwise | Condition */
docs = this.collection.find("CAST($.F2 as SIGNED) | $.F1 = 37 ").fields("$._id as _id, $.F1 as f1, $.F2 as f2, $.F3 as f3 ,$.F2 | $.F1 as tmp").execute();
doc =;
assertEquals((long) 32, (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("f2")).getInteger()));
assertEquals((long) 37, (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("tmp")).getInteger()));
/* find With bitwise << Condition */
docs = this.collection.find("CAST($.F2 as SIGNED) = 1<<4 ").fields("$._id as _id, $.F1 as f1, $.F2 as f2, $.F3 as f3 , 1<<4 as tmp").execute();
doc =;
assertEquals((long) 16, (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("f2")).getInteger()));
assertEquals((long) 16, (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("tmp")).getInteger()));
/* find With bitwise >> Condition */
docs = this.collection.find("CAST($.F2 as SIGNED) = 32>>4 ").fields("$._id as _id, $.F1 as f1, $.F2 as f2, $.F3 as f3 , 32>>4 as tmp").execute();
doc =;
assertEquals((long) 2, (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("f2")).getInteger()));
assertEquals((long) 2, (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("tmp")).getInteger()));
/* find With bitwise ^ Condition */
docs = this.collection.find("CAST($.F2 as SIGNED) ^ 1 = 17").fields("$._id as _id,$.F2 as f2, $.F2 ^ 1 as tmp").execute();
i = 0;
while (docs.hasNext()) {
doc =;
assertEquals((long) 16, (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("f2")).getInteger()));
assertEquals((long) 17, (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("tmp")).getInteger()));
this.collection.add("{\"x1\":\"31\", \"x2\":\"13\", \"x3\":\"8\", \"x4\":\"18446744073709551614\"}").execute();
/* find With bitwise ~ Condition **********FAILING************ */
docs = this.collection.find("~16 = ~CAST($.F2 as SIGNED)").fields("$._id as _id,$.F2 as f2, ~1 as tmp").execute();
i = 0;
while (docs.hasNext()) {
doc =;
assertEquals((long) 16, (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("f2")).getInteger()));
// assertEquals(17, (((JsonNumber) doc.get("tmp")).getInteger()));
use of com.mysql.cj.xdevapi.JsonString in project aws-mysql-jdbc by awslabs.
the class CollectionModifyTest method testReplaceOne.
public void testReplaceOne() {
assumeTrue(mysqlVersionMeetsMinimum(ServerVersion.parseVersion("8.0.3")), "MySQL 8.0.3+ is required to run this test.");
Result res = this.collection.replaceOne("someId", "{\"_id\":\"someId\",\"a\":3}");
assertEquals(0, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
res = this.collection.replaceOne("existingId", new DbDocImpl().add("a", new JsonNumber().setValue("2")));
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
DbDoc doc = this.collection.getOne("existingId");
assertEquals(2, ((JsonNumber) doc.get("a")).getInteger());
// Original behavior changed by Bug#32770013.
assertThrows(XDevAPIError.class, "Replacement document has an _id that is different than the matched document\\.", new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
CollectionModifyTest.this.collection.replaceOne("nonExistingId", "{\"_id\":\"existingId\",\"a\":3}");
return null;
// Original behavior changed by Bug#32770013.
assertThrows(XDevAPIError.class, "Replacement document has an _id that is different than the matched document\\.", new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
CollectionModifyTest.this.collection.replaceOne("", "{\"_id\":\"existingId\",\"a\":3}");
return null;
* FR5.2 The id of the document must remain immutable:
* Use a collection with some documents
* Fetch a document
* Unset _id and modify any other field of the document
* Call replaceOne() giving original ID and modified document: expect affected = 1
* Fetch the document again, ensure other document modifications took place
* Ensure the number of documents in the collection is unaltered
assertEquals(0, this.collection.count());
doc = this.collection.getOne("id1");
((JsonNumber) doc.get("a")).setValue("3");
res = this.collection.replaceOne("id1", doc);
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
doc = this.collection.getOne("id1");
assertEquals("id1", ((JsonString) doc.get("_id")).getString());
assertEquals(new Integer(3), ((JsonNumber) doc.get("a")).getInteger());
assertEquals(1, this.collection.count());
// null document
assertThrows(XDevAPIError.class, "Parameter 'doc' must not be null.", new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
CollectionModifyTest.this.collection.replaceOne("id1", (DbDoc) null);
return null;
assertThrows(XDevAPIError.class, "Parameter 'jsonString' must not be null.", new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
CollectionModifyTest.this.collection.replaceOne("id2", (String) null);
return null;
// null id parameter
assertThrows(XDevAPIError.class, "Parameter 'id' must not be null.", new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
CollectionModifyTest.this.collection.replaceOne(null, new DbDocImpl().add("a", new JsonNumber().setValue("2")));
return null;
assertThrows(XDevAPIError.class, "Parameter 'id' must not be null.", new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
CollectionModifyTest.this.collection.replaceOne(null, "{\"_id\": \"id100\", \"a\": 100}");
return null;
use of com.mysql.cj.xdevapi.JsonString in project aws-mysql-jdbc by awslabs.
the class CollectionModifyTest method testCollectionModifyExpr.
* Update Using Expressions
public void testCollectionModifyExpr() throws Exception {
int i = 0, maxrec = 10;
DbDoc doc = null;
Result res = null;
DocResult docs = null;
DbDoc[] jsonlist = new DbDocImpl[maxrec];
long l1 = Long.MAX_VALUE, l2 = Long.MIN_VALUE, l3 = 2147483647;
double d1 = 100.4567;
for (i = 0; i < maxrec; i++) {
DbDoc newDoc2 = new DbDocImpl();
newDoc2.add("_id", new JsonString().setValue(String.valueOf(i + 1000)));
newDoc2.add("F1", new JsonString().setValue("Field-1-Data-" + i));
newDoc2.add("F2", new JsonNumber().setValue(String.valueOf(d1 + i)));
newDoc2.add("F3", new JsonNumber().setValue(String.valueOf(l1 - i)));
newDoc2.add("F4", new JsonNumber().setValue(String.valueOf(l2 + i)));
newDoc2.add("F5", new JsonNumber().setValue(String.valueOf(l3 + i)));
newDoc2.add("F6", new JsonString().setValue((2000 + i) + "-02-" + (i * 2 + 10)));
jsonlist[i] = newDoc2;
newDoc2 = null;
assertEquals((maxrec), this.collection.count());
/* condition on Double */
res = this.collection.modify("CAST($.F2 as DECIMAL(10,4)) =" + d1).set("$.F1", expr("concat('data',$.F1,'UpdData1')")).sort("CAST($.F2 as DECIMAL(10,4))").execute();
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
docs = this.collection.find("$.F1 like 'data%UpdData1'").fields("$._id as _id, $.F2 as f2").execute();
doc =;
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(d1)), (((JsonNumber) doc.get("f2")).getBigDecimal()));
assertEquals(String.valueOf(1000), (((JsonString) doc.get("_id")).getString()));
res = this.collection.modify("CAST($.F2 as DECIMAL(10,4)) =" + d1).set("$.F6", expr("$.F6 + interval 6 day")).sort("CAST($.F2 as DECIMAL(10,4))").execute();
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
docs = this.collection.find("$.F6 + interval 6 day = '2000-02-22'").fields("$._id as _id, $.F6 as f6").execute();
doc =;
assertEquals("2000-02-16", (((JsonString) doc.get("f6")).getString()));
assertEquals(String.valueOf(1000), (((JsonString) doc.get("_id")).getString()));
res = this.collection.modify("$.F6= '2004-02-18'").set("$.F6", expr("$.F6 + interval 11 day")).set("$.F1", "NewData").sort("CAST($.F2 as DECIMAL(10,4))").execute();
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
docs = this.collection.find("$.F1 = 'NewData'").fields("$._id as _id, $.F6 as f6").execute();
doc =;
assertEquals("2004-02-29", (((JsonString) doc.get("f6")).getString()));
assertEquals(String.valueOf(1004), (((JsonString) doc.get("_id")).getString()));
/* condition on Big Int */
res = this.collection.modify("CAST($.F3 as SIGNED) =" + l1).set("$.F3", expr("CAST($.F3 as SIGNED) -1")).sort("CAST($.F3 as SIGNED)").execute();
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
res = this.collection.modify("CAST($.F3 as SIGNED) + 1 =" + l1).set("$.F3", expr("CAST($.F3 as SIGNED) + 1")).sort("CAST($.F3 as SIGNED)").execute();
assertEquals(2, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
docs = this.collection.find("CAST($.F3 as SIGNED)=" + l1).fields("$._id as _id, $.F3 as f3").orderBy("$._id asc").execute();
doc =;
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(l1)), (((JsonNumber) doc.get("f3")).getBigDecimal()));
assertEquals(String.valueOf(1000), (((JsonString) doc.get("_id")).getString()));
doc =;
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(l1)), (((JsonNumber) doc.get("f3")).getBigDecimal()));
assertEquals(String.valueOf(1001), (((JsonString) doc.get("_id")).getString()));
/* condition on Big Int.Compex Expression */
res = this.collection.modify("CAST($.F4 as SIGNED) < 0").set("$.F1", "Abcd").set("$.F4", expr("((CAST($.F4 as SIGNED) + CAST($.F3 as SIGNED)) * 1)/1.1 + 1 ")).execute();
assertEquals(maxrec, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
res = this.collection.modify("true").set("$.F1", expr("concat('data',$.F1,'UpdData1')")).sort("CAST($.F2 as DECIMAL(10,4))").execute();
assertEquals(10, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
res = this.collection.modify("false").set("$.F1", "Abcd").set("$.F4", expr("((CAST($.F4 as SIGNED) + CAST($.F3 as SIGNED)) * 1)/1.1 + 1 ")).execute();
assertEquals(0, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
use of com.mysql.cj.xdevapi.JsonString in project aws-mysql-jdbc by awslabs.
the class CollectionModifyTest method testCollectionModifyAsyncMany.
public void testCollectionModifyAsyncMany() throws Exception {
int i = 0, maxrec = 10;
DbDoc doc = null;
AddResult res = null;
Result res2 = null;
CompletableFuture<AddResult> asyncRes = null;
CompletableFuture<DocResult> asyncDocs = null;
DocResult docs = null;
double d = 100.123;
/* add().executeAsync() maxrec num of records */
for (i = 0; i < maxrec; i++) {
DbDoc newDoc2 = new DbDocImpl();
newDoc2.add("_id", new JsonString().setValue(String.valueOf(i + 1000)));
newDoc2.add("F1", new JsonString().setValue("Field-1-Data-" + i));
newDoc2.add("F2", new JsonNumber().setValue(String.valueOf(d + i)));
newDoc2.add("F3", new JsonNumber().setValue(String.valueOf(1000 + i)));
newDoc2.add("T", new JsonNumber().setValue(String.valueOf(i)));
asyncRes = this.collection.add(newDoc2).executeAsync();
res = asyncRes.get();
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
newDoc2 = null;
assertEquals((maxrec), this.collection.count());
List<Object> futures = new ArrayList<>();
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_QUERIES; ++i) {
if (i % 3 == 0) {
futures.add(this.collection.modify("$.F3 % 2 = 0 ").change("$.T", expr("1000000+" + i)).sort("$.F3 desc").executeAsync());
} else if (i % 3 == 1) {
// Error
futures.add(this.collection.modify("$.F3 = " + (1000 + i)).change("$.T", expr("NON_EXISTING_FUNCTION()")).sort("$.F3 desc").executeAsync());
} else {
futures.add(this.collection.modify("$.F3 % 2 = 1 ").change("$.T", expr("$.F3+" + i)).sort("$.F3 desc").executeAsync());
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_QUERIES; ++i) {
if (i % 3 == 0) {
res2 = ((CompletableFuture<AddResult>) futures.get(i)).get();
assertEquals((maxrec) / 2, res2.getAffectedItemsCount());
} else if (i % 3 == 1) {
int i1 = i;
assertThrows(ExecutionException.class, ".*FUNCTION " + this.schema.getName() + ".NON_EXISTING_FUNCTION does not exist.*", () -> ((CompletableFuture<Result>) futures.get(i1)).get());
} else {
res2 = ((CompletableFuture<Result>) futures.get(i)).get();
assertEquals((maxrec) / 2, res2.getAffectedItemsCount());
asyncDocs = this.collection.find("$.T > :X ").bind("X", 1000000).fields(expr("{'cnt':count($.T)}")).executeAsync();
docs = asyncDocs.get();
doc =;
assertEquals((long) (maxrec) / 2, (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("cnt")).getInteger()));
asyncDocs = this.collection.find("$.T > :X and $.T < :Y").bind("X", 1000).bind("Y", 1000000).fields(expr("{'cnt':count($.T)}")).executeAsync();
docs = asyncDocs.get();
doc =;
assertEquals((long) (maxrec) / 2, (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("cnt")).getInteger()));
use of com.mysql.cj.xdevapi.JsonString in project aws-mysql-jdbc by awslabs.
the class CollectionModifyTest method testCollectionModifyArrayInsert.
/* ArrayInsert() for int , double and string */
public void testCollectionModifyArrayInsert() throws Exception {
int i = 0, j = 0, maxrec = 8, arraySize = 30;
int lStr = 10;
JsonArray yArray = null;
DbDoc doc = null;
DocResult docs = null;
Result res = null;
String s1 = buildString((lStr), '.');
long l3 = 2147483647;
double d1 = 1000.1234;
for (i = 0; i < maxrec; i++) {
DbDoc newDoc2 = new DbDocImpl();
newDoc2.add("_id", new JsonString().setValue(String.valueOf(i + 1000)));
newDoc2.add("F1", new JsonNumber().setValue(String.valueOf(i + 1)));
JsonArray jarray = new JsonArray();
for (j = 0; j < (arraySize); j++) {
jarray.addValue(new JsonNumber().setValue(String.valueOf((l3 + j + i))));
newDoc2.add("ARR1", jarray);
JsonArray karray = new JsonArray();
for (j = 0; j < (arraySize); j++) {
karray.addValue(new JsonNumber().setValue(String.valueOf((d1 + j + i))));
newDoc2.add("ARR2", karray);
JsonArray larray = new JsonArray();
for (j = 0; j < (arraySize); j++) {
larray.addValue(new JsonString().setValue("St_" + i + "_" + j));
newDoc2.add("ARR3", larray);
newDoc2 = null;
jarray = null;
assertEquals((maxrec), this.collection.count());
// Insert to a aposistion > arraySize Shld Work same as Append
// Insert 1 number in the array (ARR1) after position arraySize where $.F1 = 1
res = this.collection.modify("CAST($.F1 as SIGNED) = 1").arrayInsert("$.ARR1[" + (arraySize * 2) + "]", -1).sort("$._id").execute();
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
docs = this.collection.find("CAST($.ARR1[" + (arraySize) + "] as SIGNED) = -1").orderBy("$._id").execute();
doc =;
yArray = (JsonArray) doc.get("ARR1");
assertEquals(arraySize + 1, yArray.size());
assertEquals((long) (1), (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("F1")).getInteger()));
// Insert 3 numbers in the array (ARR1) where $.F1 = 2
res = this.collection.modify("CAST($.F1 as SIGNED) = 2").arrayInsert("$.ARR1[0]", -2).arrayInsert("$.ARR1[1]", -3).arrayInsert("$.ARR1[2]", -4).sort("$._id").execute();
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
docs = this.collection.find("CAST($.ARR1[0] as SIGNED) = -2").orderBy("$._id").execute();
doc =;
yArray = (JsonArray) doc.get("ARR1");
assertEquals((long) (arraySize + 3), (long) yArray.size());
assertEquals((long) (2), (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("F1")).getInteger()));
assertEquals((long) (-2), (long) (((JsonNumber) yArray.get(0)).getInteger()));
assertEquals((long) (-3), (long) (((JsonNumber) yArray.get(1)).getInteger()));
assertEquals((long) (-4), (long) (((JsonNumber) yArray.get(2)).getInteger()));
// Insert 3 numbers in the array (ARR1) where $.F1 = 3
res = this.collection.modify("CAST($.F1 as SIGNED) = 3").arrayInsert("$.ARR1[2]", -4).arrayInsert("$.ARR1[1]", -3).arrayInsert("$.ARR1[0]", -2).sort("$._id").execute();
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
docs = this.collection.find("CAST($.ARR1[2] as SIGNED) = -3").orderBy("$._id").execute();
doc =;
yArray = (JsonArray) doc.get("ARR1");
assertEquals(arraySize + 3, yArray.size());
assertEquals((3), (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("F1")).getInteger()));
assertEquals((long) (-2), (long) (((JsonNumber) yArray.get(0)).getInteger()));
assertEquals((long) (-3), (long) (((JsonNumber) yArray.get(2)).getInteger()));
assertEquals((long) (-4), (long) (((JsonNumber) yArray.get(4)).getInteger()));
// Insert 1 number in the array (ARR2) where $.F1 = 1
res = this.collection.modify("CAST($.F1 as SIGNED) = 1").arrayInsert("$.ARR2[1]", -4321.4321).sort("$._id").execute();
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
docs = this.collection.find("CAST($.ARR2[1] as DECIMAL(10,4)) = -4321.4321").orderBy("$._id").execute();
doc =;
yArray = (JsonArray) doc.get("ARR2");
assertEquals((long) (arraySize + 1), (long) yArray.size());
assertEquals((long) (1), (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("F1")).getInteger()));
// Insert 3 number in the array (ARR2) where $.F1 = 2
res = this.collection.modify("CAST($.F1 as SIGNED) = 2").arrayInsert("$.ARR2[2]", 4321.1234).arrayInsert("$.ARR2[0]", 4321.9847).arrayInsert("$.ARR2[1]", -4321.9888).sort("$._id").execute();
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
docs = this.collection.find("CAST($.ARR2[0] as DECIMAL(10,4)) = 4321.9847").orderBy("$._id").execute();
doc =;
yArray = (JsonArray) doc.get("ARR2");
assertEquals(arraySize + 3, yArray.size());
assertEquals((long) (2), (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("F1")).getInteger()));
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(String.valueOf("4321.1234")), (((JsonNumber) yArray.get(4)).getBigDecimal()));
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(String.valueOf("4321.9847")), (((JsonNumber) yArray.get(0)).getBigDecimal()));
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(String.valueOf("-4321.9888")), (((JsonNumber) yArray.get(1)).getBigDecimal()));
// Insert 1 String in the array (ARR3) where $.F1 = 1
res = this.collection.modify("CAST($.F1 as SIGNED) = 1").arrayInsert("$.ARR3[1]", s1).sort("$._id").execute();
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
docs = this.collection.find("$.ARR3[1] = '" + s1 + "'").orderBy("$._id").execute();
doc =;
yArray = (JsonArray) doc.get("ARR3");
assertEquals(arraySize + 1, yArray.size());
assertEquals((long) (1), (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("F1")).getInteger()));
// Insert 3 Strings in the array (ARR3) where $.F1 = 2
res = this.collection.modify("CAST($.F1 as SIGNED) = 2").arrayInsert("$.ARR3[1]", s1).arrayInsert("$.ARR3[2]", s1).arrayInsert("$.ARR3[0]", "").sort("$._id").execute();
assertEquals(1, res.getAffectedItemsCount());
docs = this.collection.find("$.ARR3[0] = ''").orderBy("$._id").execute();
doc =;
yArray = (JsonArray) doc.get("ARR3");
assertEquals(arraySize + 3, yArray.size());
assertEquals((long) (2), (long) (((JsonNumber) doc.get("F1")).getInteger()));
// Insert 3 Strings in the array (ARR3) using an empty condition
assertThrows(XDevAPIError.class, "Parameter 'criteria' must not be null or empty.", new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
CollectionModifyTest.this.collection.modify(" ").arrayInsert("$.ARR3[1]", s1).arrayInsert("$.ARR3[2]", s1).arrayInsert("$.ARR3[0]", "").sort("$._id").execute();
return null;
// Insert 3 Strings in the array (ARR3) using null condition
assertThrows(XDevAPIError.class, "Parameter 'criteria' must not be null or empty.", new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
CollectionModifyTest.this.collection.modify(null).arrayInsert("$.ARR3[1]", s1).arrayInsert("$.ARR3[2]", s1).arrayInsert("$.ARR3[0]", "").sort("$._id").execute();
return null;