use of in project conductor by Netflix.
the class ForkJoinDynamicTaskMapper method getMappedTasks.
* This method gets the list of tasks that need to scheduled when the task to scheduled is of type {@link TaskType#FORK_JOIN_DYNAMIC}.
* Creates a Fork Task, followed by the Dynamic tasks and a final JOIN task.
* <p>The definitions of the dynamic forks that need to be scheduled are available in the {@link WorkflowTask#getInputParameters()}
* which are accessed using the {@link TaskMapperContext#getTaskToSchedule()}. The dynamic fork task definitions are referred by a key value either by
* {@link WorkflowTask#getDynamicForkTasksParam()} or by {@link WorkflowTask#getDynamicForkJoinTasksParam()}
* </p>
* When creating the list of tasks to be scheduled a set of preconditions are validated:
* <ul>
* <li>If the input parameter representing the Dynamic fork tasks is available as part of {@link WorkflowTask#getDynamicForkTasksParam()} then
* the input for the dynamic task is validated to be a map by using {@link WorkflowTask#getDynamicForkTasksInputParamName()}</li>
* <li>If the input parameter representing the Dynamic fork tasks is available as part of {@link WorkflowTask#getDynamicForkJoinTasksParam()} then
* the input for the dynamic tasks is available in the payload of the tasks definition.
* </li>
* <li>A check is performed that the next following task in the {@link WorkflowDef} is a {@link TaskType#JOIN}</li>
* </ul>
* @param taskMapperContext: A wrapper class containing the {@link WorkflowTask}, {@link WorkflowDef}, {@link Workflow} and a string representation of the TaskId
* @throws TerminateWorkflowException In case of:
* <ul>
* <li>
* When the task after {@link TaskType#FORK_JOIN_DYNAMIC} is not a {@link TaskType#JOIN}
* </li>
* <li>
* When the input parameters for the dynamic tasks are not of type {@link Map}
* </li>
* </ul>
* @return: List of tasks in the following order:
* <ul>
* <li>
* {@link SystemTaskType#FORK} with {@link Task.Status#COMPLETED}
* </li>
* <li>
* Might be any kind of task, but this is most cases is a UserDefinedTask with {@link Task.Status#SCHEDULED}
* </li>
* <li>
* {@link SystemTaskType#JOIN} with {@link Task.Status#IN_PROGRESS}
* </li>
* </ul>
public List<Task> getMappedTasks(TaskMapperContext taskMapperContext) throws TerminateWorkflowException {
logger.debug("TaskMapperContext {} in ForkJoinDynamicTaskMapper", taskMapperContext);
WorkflowTask taskToSchedule = taskMapperContext.getTaskToSchedule();
Workflow workflowInstance = taskMapperContext.getWorkflowInstance();
String taskId = taskMapperContext.getTaskId();
int retryCount = taskMapperContext.getRetryCount();
List<Task> mappedTasks = new LinkedList<>();
// Get the list of dynamic tasks and the input for the tasks
Pair<List<WorkflowTask>, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> workflowTasksAndInputPair = Optional.ofNullable(taskToSchedule.getDynamicForkTasksParam()).map(dynamicForkTaskParam -> getDynamicForkTasksAndInput(taskToSchedule, workflowInstance, dynamicForkTaskParam)).orElseGet(() -> getDynamicForkJoinTasksAndInput(taskToSchedule, workflowInstance));
List<WorkflowTask> dynForkTasks = workflowTasksAndInputPair.getLeft();
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> tasksInput = workflowTasksAndInputPair.getRight();
// Create Fork Task which needs to be followed by the dynamic tasks
Task forkDynamicTask = createDynamicForkTask(taskToSchedule, workflowInstance, taskId, dynForkTasks);
List<String> joinOnTaskRefs = new LinkedList<>();
// which indicates that the following task after that needs to be a join task
for (WorkflowTask dynForkTask : dynForkTasks) {
// TODO this is a cyclic dependency, break it out using function composition
List<Task> forkedTasks = taskMapperContext.getDeciderService().getTasksToBeScheduled(workflowInstance, dynForkTask, retryCount);
// same reference name has already been created in the Workflow.
if (forkedTasks == null || forkedTasks.isEmpty()) {
Optional<String> existingTaskRefName = workflowInstance.getTasks().stream().filter(runningTask -> runningTask.getStatus().equals(Task.Status.IN_PROGRESS) || runningTask.getStatus().isTerminal()).map(Task::getReferenceTaskName).filter(refTaskName -> refTaskName.equals(dynForkTask.getTaskReferenceName())).findAny();
// Construct an informative error message
String terminateMessage = "No dynamic tasks could be created for the Workflow: " + workflowInstance.toShortString() + ", Dynamic Fork Task: " + dynForkTask;
if (existingTaskRefName.isPresent()) {
terminateMessage += "Attempted to create a duplicate task reference name: " + existingTaskRefName.get();
throw new TerminateWorkflowException(terminateMessage);
for (Task forkedTask : forkedTasks) {
Map<String, Object> forkedTaskInput = tasksInput.get(forkedTask.getReferenceTaskName());
// Get the last of the dynamic tasks so that the join can be performed once this task is done
Task last = forkedTasks.get(forkedTasks.size() - 1);
// From the workflow definition get the next task and make sure that it is a JOIN task.
// The dynamic fork tasks need to be followed by a join task
WorkflowTask joinWorkflowTask = workflowInstance.getWorkflowDefinition().getNextTask(taskToSchedule.getTaskReferenceName());
if (joinWorkflowTask == null || !joinWorkflowTask.getType().equals( {
throw new TerminateWorkflowException("Dynamic join definition is not followed by a join task. Check the blueprint");
// Create Join task
HashMap<String, Object> joinInput = new HashMap<>();
joinInput.put("joinOn", joinOnTaskRefs);
Task joinTask = createJoinTask(workflowInstance, joinWorkflowTask, joinInput);
return mappedTasks;
use of in project conductor by Netflix.
the class ForkJoinDynamicTaskMapper method createDynamicForkTask.
* This method creates a FORK task and adds the list of dynamic fork tasks keyed by "forkedTaskDefs" and
* their names keyed by "forkedTasks" into {@link Task#getInputData()}
* @param taskToSchedule A {@link WorkflowTask} representing {@link TaskType#FORK_JOIN_DYNAMIC}
* @param workflowInstance: A instance of the {@link Workflow} which represents the workflow being executed.
* @param taskId: The string representation of {@link java.util.UUID} which will be set as the taskId.
* @param dynForkTasks: The list of dynamic forked tasks, the reference names of these tasks will be added to the forkDynamicTask
* @return A new instance of {@link Task} representing a {@link SystemTaskType#FORK}
Task createDynamicForkTask(WorkflowTask taskToSchedule, Workflow workflowInstance, String taskId, List<WorkflowTask> dynForkTasks) {
Task forkDynamicTask = new Task();
List<String> forkedTaskNames =;
forkDynamicTask.getInputData().put("forkedTasks", forkedTaskNames);
// TODO: Remove this parameter in the later releases
forkDynamicTask.getInputData().put("forkedTaskDefs", dynForkTasks);
return forkDynamicTask;
use of in project conductor by Netflix.
the class DoWhile method getEvaluatedCondition.
boolean getEvaluatedCondition(Workflow workflow, Task task, WorkflowExecutor workflowExecutor) throws ScriptException {
TaskDef taskDefinition = null;
try {
taskDefinition = workflowExecutor.getTaskDefinition(task);
} catch (TerminateWorkflowException e) {
// It is ok to not have a task definition for a DO_WHILE task
Map<String, Object> taskInput = parametersUtils.getTaskInputV2(task.getWorkflowTask().getInputParameters(), workflow, task.getTaskId(), taskDefinition);
taskInput.put(task.getReferenceTaskName(), task.getOutputData());
List<Task> loopOver = workflow.getTasks().stream().filter(t -> (task.getWorkflowTask().has(TaskUtils.removeIterationFromTaskRefName(t.getReferenceTaskName())) && !task.getReferenceTaskName().equals(t.getReferenceTaskName()))).collect(Collectors.toList());
for (Task loopOverTask : loopOver) {
taskInput.put(TaskUtils.removeIterationFromTaskRefName(loopOverTask.getReferenceTaskName()), loopOverTask.getOutputData());
String condition = task.getWorkflowTask().getLoopCondition();
boolean shouldContinue = false;
if (condition != null) {
logger.debug("Condition: {} is being evaluated", condition);
// Evaluate the expression by using the Nashhorn based script evaluator
shouldContinue = ScriptEvaluator.evalBool(condition, taskInput);
return shouldContinue;
use of in project conductor by Netflix.
the class Join method execute.
public boolean execute(Workflow workflow, Task task, WorkflowExecutor provider) {
boolean allDone = true;
boolean hasFailures = false;
StringBuilder failureReason = new StringBuilder();
List<String> joinOn = (List<String>) task.getInputData().get("joinOn");
if (task.isLoopOverTask()) {
// If join is part of loop over task, wait for specific iteration to get complete
joinOn = -> TaskUtils.appendIteration(name, task.getIteration())).collect(Collectors.toList());
for (String joinOnRef : joinOn) {
Task forkedTask = workflow.getTaskByRefName(joinOnRef);
if (forkedTask == null) {
// Task is not even scheduled yet
allDone = false;
Status taskStatus = forkedTask.getStatus();
hasFailures = !taskStatus.isSuccessful() && !forkedTask.getWorkflowTask().isOptional();
if (hasFailures) {
failureReason.append(forkedTask.getReasonForIncompletion()).append(" ");
task.getOutputData().put(joinOnRef, forkedTask.getOutputData());
if (!taskStatus.isTerminal()) {
allDone = false;
if (hasFailures) {
if (allDone || hasFailures) {
if (hasFailures) {
} else {
return true;
return false;
use of in project conductor by Netflix.
the class KafkaPublishTaskMapper method getMappedTasks.
* This method maps a {@link WorkflowTask} of type {@link TaskType#KAFKA_PUBLISH}
* to a {@link Task} in a {@link Task.Status#SCHEDULED} state
* @param taskMapperContext: A wrapper class containing the {@link WorkflowTask}, {@link WorkflowDef}, {@link Workflow} and a string representation of the TaskId
* @return a List with just one Kafka task
* @throws TerminateWorkflowException In case if the task definition does not exist
public List<Task> getMappedTasks(TaskMapperContext taskMapperContext) throws TerminateWorkflowException {
logger.debug("TaskMapperContext {} in KafkaPublishTaskMapper", taskMapperContext);
WorkflowTask taskToSchedule = taskMapperContext.getTaskToSchedule();
Workflow workflowInstance = taskMapperContext.getWorkflowInstance();
String taskId = taskMapperContext.getTaskId();
int retryCount = taskMapperContext.getRetryCount();
TaskDef taskDefinition = Optional.ofNullable(taskMapperContext.getTaskDefinition()).orElseGet(() -> Optional.ofNullable(metadataDAO.getTaskDef(taskToSchedule.getName())).orElse(null));
Map<String, Object> input = parametersUtils.getTaskInputV2(taskToSchedule.getInputParameters(), workflowInstance, taskId, taskDefinition);
Task kafkaPublishTask = new Task();
if (Objects.nonNull(taskDefinition)) {
return Collections.singletonList(kafkaPublishTask);