use of in project eureka by Netflix.
the class EurekaHttpClientCompatibilityTestSuite method testGetVipWithRemoteRegionRequest.
public void testGetVipWithRemoteRegionRequest() throws Exception {
Applications vipApps = InstanceInfoGenerator.newBuilder(1, 2).build().toApplications();
String vipAddress = vipApps.getRegisteredApplications().get(0).getInstances().get(0).getVIPAddress();
when(requestHandler.getVip(vipAddress, REMOTE_REGION)).thenReturn(createResponse(vipApps));
EurekaHttpResponse<Applications> httpResponse = getEurekaHttpClient().getVip(vipAddress, REMOTE_REGION);
verifyResponseOkWithEntity(vipApps, httpResponse);
use of in project eureka by Netflix.
the class DiscoveryClient method getAndUpdateDelta.
* Get the delta registry information from the eureka server and update it locally.
* When applying the delta, the following flow is observed:
* if (update generation have not advanced (due to another thread))
* atomically try to: update application with the delta and get reconcileHashCode
* abort entire processing otherwise
* do reconciliation if reconcileHashCode clash
* fi
* @return the client response
* @throws Throwable on error
private void getAndUpdateDelta(Applications applications) throws Throwable {
long currentUpdateGeneration = fetchRegistryGeneration.get();
Applications delta = null;
EurekaHttpResponse<Applications> httpResponse = eurekaTransport.queryClient.getDelta(remoteRegionsRef.get());
if (httpResponse.getStatusCode() == Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
delta = httpResponse.getEntity();
if (delta == null) {
logger.warn("The server does not allow the delta revision to be applied because it is not safe. " + "Hence got the full registry.");
} else if (fetchRegistryGeneration.compareAndSet(currentUpdateGeneration, currentUpdateGeneration + 1)) {
logger.debug("Got delta update with apps hashcode {}", delta.getAppsHashCode());
String reconcileHashCode = "";
if (fetchRegistryUpdateLock.tryLock()) {
try {
reconcileHashCode = getReconcileHashCode(applications);
} finally {
} else {
logger.warn("Cannot acquire update lock, aborting getAndUpdateDelta");
// There is a diff in number of instances for some reason
if (!reconcileHashCode.equals(delta.getAppsHashCode()) || clientConfig.shouldLogDeltaDiff()) {
// this makes a remoteCall
reconcileAndLogDifference(delta, reconcileHashCode);
} else {
logger.warn("Not updating application delta as another thread is updating it already");
logger.debug("Ignoring delta update with apps hashcode {}, as another thread is updating it already", delta.getAppsHashCode());
use of in project eureka by Netflix.
the class DiscoveryClient method getAndStoreFullRegistry.
* Gets the full registry information from the eureka server and stores it locally.
* When applying the full registry, the following flow is observed:
* if (update generation have not advanced (due to another thread))
* atomically set the registry to the new registry
* fi
* @return the full registry information.
* @throws Throwable
* on error.
private void getAndStoreFullRegistry() throws Throwable {
long currentUpdateGeneration = fetchRegistryGeneration.get();"Getting all instance registry info from the eureka server");
Applications apps = null;
EurekaHttpResponse<Applications> httpResponse = clientConfig.getRegistryRefreshSingleVipAddress() == null ? eurekaTransport.queryClient.getApplications(remoteRegionsRef.get()) : eurekaTransport.queryClient.getVip(clientConfig.getRegistryRefreshSingleVipAddress(), remoteRegionsRef.get());
if (httpResponse.getStatusCode() == Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
apps = httpResponse.getEntity();
}"The response status is {}", httpResponse.getStatusCode());
if (apps == null) {
logger.error("The application is null for some reason. Not storing this information");
} else if (fetchRegistryGeneration.compareAndSet(currentUpdateGeneration, currentUpdateGeneration + 1)) {
logger.debug("Got full registry with apps hashcode {}", apps.getAppsHashCode());
} else {
logger.warn("Not updating applications as another thread is updating it already");
use of in project eureka by Netflix.
the class DiscoveryClient method updateDelta.
* Updates the delta information fetches from the eureka server into the
* local cache.
* @param delta
* the delta information received from eureka server in the last
* poll cycle.
private void updateDelta(Applications delta) {
int deltaCount = 0;
for (Application app : delta.getRegisteredApplications()) {
for (InstanceInfo instance : app.getInstances()) {
Applications applications = getApplications();
String instanceRegion = instanceRegionChecker.getInstanceRegion(instance);
if (!instanceRegionChecker.isLocalRegion(instanceRegion)) {
Applications remoteApps = remoteRegionVsApps.get(instanceRegion);
if (null == remoteApps) {
remoteApps = new Applications();
remoteRegionVsApps.put(instanceRegion, remoteApps);
applications = remoteApps;
if (ActionType.ADDED.equals(instance.getActionType())) {
Application existingApp = applications.getRegisteredApplications(instance.getAppName());
if (existingApp == null) {
logger.debug("Added instance {} to the existing apps in region {}", instance.getId(), instanceRegion);
} else if (ActionType.MODIFIED.equals(instance.getActionType())) {
Application existingApp = applications.getRegisteredApplications(instance.getAppName());
if (existingApp == null) {
logger.debug("Modified instance {} to the existing apps ", instance.getId());
} else if (ActionType.DELETED.equals(instance.getActionType())) {
Application existingApp = applications.getRegisteredApplications(instance.getAppName());
if (existingApp == null) {
logger.debug("Deleted instance {} to the existing apps ", instance.getId());
logger.debug("The total number of instances fetched by the delta processor : {}", deltaCount);
for (Applications applications : remoteRegionVsApps.values()) {
use of in project eureka by Netflix.
the class ApplicationsJsonBeanSerializer method serializeFields.
protected void serializeFields(Object bean, JsonGenerator jgen0, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException {
super.serializeFields(bean, jgen0, provider);
Applications applications = (Applications) bean;
if (applications.getVersion() != null) {
jgen0.writeStringField(versionKey, Long.toString(applications.getVersion()));
if (applications.getAppsHashCode() != null) {
jgen0.writeStringField(appsHashCodeKey, applications.getAppsHashCode());