use of in project halyard by spinnaker.
the class SecurityController method setApacheSSl.
@RequestMapping(value = "/ui/ssl/", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
DaemonTask<Halconfig, Void> setApacheSSl(@PathVariable String deploymentName, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = DefaultControllerValues.validate) boolean validate, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = DefaultControllerValues.severity) Severity severity, @RequestBody Object rawApacheSsl) {
ApacheSsl apacheSsl = objectMapper.convertValue(rawApacheSsl, ApacheSsl.class);
UpdateRequestBuilder builder = new UpdateRequestBuilder();
Path configPath = halconfigDirectoryStructure.getConfigPath(deploymentName);
builder.setStage(() -> apacheSsl.stageLocalFiles(configPath));
builder.setUpdate(() -> securityService.setApacheSsl(deploymentName, apacheSsl));
if (validate) {
builder.setValidate(() -> securityService.validateApacheSsl(deploymentName));
builder.setRevert(() -> halconfigParser.undoChanges());
builder.setSave(() -> halconfigParser.saveConfig());
builder.setClean(() -> halconfigParser.cleanLocalFiles(configPath));
return DaemonTaskHandler.submitTask(builder::build, "Edit UI SSL settings");
use of in project halyard by spinnaker.
the class SecurityController method setApiSecurity.
@RequestMapping(value = "/api/", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
DaemonTask<Halconfig, Void> setApiSecurity(@PathVariable String deploymentName, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = DefaultControllerValues.validate) boolean validate, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = DefaultControllerValues.severity) Severity severity, @RequestBody Object rawApiSecurity) {
ApiSecurity apiSecurity = objectMapper.convertValue(rawApiSecurity, ApiSecurity.class);
UpdateRequestBuilder builder = new UpdateRequestBuilder();
Path configPath = halconfigDirectoryStructure.getConfigPath(deploymentName);
builder.setStage(() -> apiSecurity.stageLocalFiles(configPath));
builder.setUpdate(() -> securityService.setApiSecurity(deploymentName, apiSecurity));
if (validate) {
builder.setValidate(() -> securityService.validateApiSecurity(deploymentName));
builder.setRevert(() -> halconfigParser.undoChanges());
builder.setSave(() -> halconfigParser.saveConfig());
builder.setClean(() -> halconfigParser.cleanLocalFiles(configPath));
return DaemonTaskHandler.submitTask(builder::build, "Edit API security settings");
use of in project halyard by spinnaker.
the class KubernetesAccountValidator method validateKubeconfig.
private void validateKubeconfig(ConfigProblemSetBuilder psBuilder, KubernetesAccount account) {
io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Config kubeconfig;
String context = account.getContext();
String kubeconfigFile = account.getKubeconfigFile();
String cluster = account.getCluster();
String user = account.getUser();
List<String> namespaces = account.getNamespaces();
List<String> omitNamespaces = account.getOmitNamespaces();
// This indicates if a first pass at the config looks OK. If we don't see any serious problems, we'll do one last check
// against the requested kubernetes cluster to ensure that we can run spinnaker.
boolean smoketest = true;
boolean namespacesProvided = namespaces != null && !namespaces.isEmpty();
boolean omitNamespacesProvided = omitNamespaces != null && !omitNamespaces.isEmpty();
if (namespacesProvided && omitNamespacesProvided) {
psBuilder.addProblem(ERROR, "At most one of \"namespaces\" and \"omitNamespaces\" can be supplied.");
smoketest = false;
// TODO(lwander) find a good resource / list of resources for generating kubeconfig files to link to here.
try {
if (ValidatingFileReader.contents(psBuilder, kubeconfigFile) == null) {
File kubeconfigFileOpen = new File(kubeconfigFile);
kubeconfig = KubeConfigUtils.parseConfig(kubeconfigFileOpen);
} catch (IOException e) {
psBuilder.addProblem(ERROR, e.getMessage());
if (context != null && !context.isEmpty()) {
Optional<NamedContext> namedContext = kubeconfig.getContexts().stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals(context)).findFirst();
if (!namedContext.isPresent()) {
psBuilder.addProblem(ERROR, "Context \"" + context + "\" not found in kubeconfig \"" + kubeconfigFile + "\".", "context").setRemediation("Either add this context to your kubeconfig, rely on the default context, or pick another kubeconfig file.");
smoketest = false;
} else {
String currentContext = kubeconfig.getCurrentContext();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(currentContext)) {
psBuilder.addProblem(ERROR, "You have not specified a Kubernetes context, and your kubeconfig \"" + kubeconfigFile + "\" has no current-context.", "context").setRemediation("Either specify a context in your halconfig, or set a current-context in your kubeconfig.");
smoketest = false;
} else {
psBuilder.addProblem(WARNING, "You have not specified a Kubernetes context in your halconfig, Spinnaker will use \"" + currentContext + "\" instead.", "context").setRemediation("We recommend explicitly setting a context in your halconfig, to ensure changes to your kubeconfig won't break your deployment.");
if (smoketest) {
Config config = KubernetesConfigParser.parse(kubeconfigFile, context, cluster, user, namespaces, false);
try {
KubernetesClient client = new DefaultKubernetesClient(config);
} catch (Exception e) {
ConfigProblemBuilder pb = psBuilder.addProblem(ERROR, "Unable to communicate with your Kubernetes cluster: " + e.getMessage() + ".");
if (e.getMessage().contains("Token may have expired")) {
pb.setRemediation("If you downloaded these keys with gcloud, it's possible they are in the wrong format. To fix this, run \n\n" + "gcloud config set container/use_client_certificate true\n\ngcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTERNAME");
} else {
pb.setRemediation("Unable to authenticate with your Kubernetes cluster. Try using kubectl to verify your credentials.");
use of in project halyard by spinnaker.
the class KubernetesAccountValidator method validate.
public void validate(ConfigProblemSetBuilder psBuilder, KubernetesAccount account) {
DeploymentConfiguration deploymentConfiguration;
// TODO(lwander) this is still a little messy - I should use the filters to get the necessary docker account
Node parent = account.getParent();
while (!(parent instanceof DeploymentConfiguration)) {
// Note this will crash in the above check if the halconfig representation is corrupted
// (that's ok, because it indicates a more serious error than we want to validate).
parent = parent.getParent();
deploymentConfiguration = (DeploymentConfiguration) parent;
validateKindConfig(psBuilder, account);
// TODO(lwander) validate all config with clouddriver's v2 creds
switch(account.getProviderVersion()) {
case V1:
final List<String> dockerRegistryNames = account.getDockerRegistries().stream().map(DockerRegistryReference::getAccountName).collect(Collectors.toList());
validateDockerRegistries(psBuilder, deploymentConfiguration, dockerRegistryNames, Provider.ProviderType.KUBERNETES);
validateKubeconfig(psBuilder, account);
case V2:
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown provider version " + account.getProviderVersion());
use of in project halyard by spinnaker.
the class BackupService method create.
public String create() {
String halconfigDir = directoryStructure.getHalconfigDirectory();
Halconfig halconfig = halconfigParser.getHalconfig();
String tarOutputName = String.format("halbackup-%s.tar", new Date()).replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "-");
String halconfigTar = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"), tarOutputName).toString();
try {
tarHalconfig(halconfigDir, halconfigTar);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HalException(Problem.Severity.FATAL, "Unable to safely backup halconfig " + e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
return halconfigTar;