use of in project riposte by Nike-Inc.
the class AccessLogEndHandler method doAccessLogging.
protected void doAccessLogging(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
if (accessLogger == null)
HttpProcessingState httpProcessingState = ChannelAttributes.getHttpProcessingStateForChannel(ctx).get();
if (httpProcessingState == null) {
runnableWithTracingAndMdc(() -> logger.warn("HttpProcessingState is null. This shouldn't happen."), ctx).run();
// logging for this request, so make sure we only do it if appropriate
if (httpProcessingState != null && !httpProcessingState.isAccessLogCompletedOrScheduled()) {
Instant startTime = httpProcessingState.getRequestStartTime();
ResponseInfo responseInfo = httpProcessingState.getResponseInfo();
HttpResponse actualResponseObject = httpProcessingState.getActualResponseObject();
RequestInfo requestInfo = httpProcessingState.getRequestInfo();
ChannelFutureListener doTheAccessLoggingOperation = new ChannelFutureListenerWithTracingAndMdc((channelFuture) -> accessLogger.log(requestInfo, actualResponseObject, responseInfo,, ctx);
// conditions), otherwise do it when the response finishes.
if (!httpProcessingState.isResponseSendingLastChunkSent())
use of in project riposte by Nike-Inc.
the class ChannelPipelineFinalizerHandler method finalizeChannelPipeline.
* This will first check the given state to see if a response was sent to the user. If not then this method will
* send a generic error to the user so they get some response (so this method is kind of a backstop in case requests
* somehow slip through our pipeline without being handled, which should never happen, but we have to have this just
* in case). Then it will clean out the state so that it is ready for the next request.
* <p/>
* If the state indicates that a response was already sent then this method will only clean out the state for the
* next request and will not send an error.
protected void finalizeChannelPipeline(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, HttpProcessingState state, Throwable cause) throws JsonProcessingException {
RequestInfo<?> requestInfo = exceptionHandlingHandler.getRequestInfo(state, msg);
// is sent it will update the state.isResponseSent() so that further calls will return true.
if (!state.isResponseSendingStarted()) {
String errorMsg = "Discovered a request that snuck through without a response being sent. This should not " + "be possible and indicates a major problem in the channel pipeline.";
logger.error(errorMsg, new Exception("Wrapper exception", cause));
// Send a generic unhandled error response with a wrapper exception so that the logging info output by the
// exceptionHandlingHandler will have the overview of what went wrong.
Exception exceptionToUse = new Exception(errorMsg, cause);
ResponseInfo<ErrorResponseBody> responseInfo = exceptionHandlingHandler.processUnhandledError(state, msg, exceptionToUse);
responseSender.sendErrorResponse(ctx, requestInfo, responseInfo);
// the metrics for this request, so make sure we only do it if appropriate.
if (metricsListener != null && !state.isRequestMetricsRecordedOrScheduled()) {
// conditions), otherwise do it when the response finishes.
if (!state.isResponseSendingLastChunkSent()) {
// TODO: Somehow mark the state as a failed request and update the metrics listener to handle it
metricsListener.onEvent(ServerMetricsEvent.RESPONSE_SENT, state);
} else {
// We need to use a copy of the state in case the original state gets cleaned.
HttpProcessingState stateCopy = new HttpProcessingState(state);
stateCopy.getResponseWriterFinalChunkChannelFuture().addListener((ChannelFutureListener) channelFuture -> {
if (channelFuture.isSuccess())
metricsListener.onEvent(ServerMetricsEvent.RESPONSE_SENT, stateCopy);
else {
metricsListener.onEvent(ServerMetricsEvent.RESPONSE_WRITE_FAILED, null);
// Make sure to clear out request info chunks, multipart data, and any other resources to prevent reference
// counting memory leaks (or any other kind of memory leaks).
// channel if it sits unused longer than the timeout value before the next request arrives.
if (workerChannelIdleTimeoutMillis > 0 && ctx.pipeline().get(IDLE_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT_HANDLER_NAME) == null) {
ctx.pipeline().addFirst(IDLE_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT_HANDLER_NAME, new IdleChannelTimeoutHandler(workerChannelIdleTimeoutMillis, "ServerWorkerChannel"));
// request is broken. We can't do anything except kill the channel.
if ((cause != null) && state.isResponseSendingStarted() && !state.isResponseSendingLastChunkSent()) {
runnableWithTracingAndMdc(() -> logger.error("Received an error in ChannelPipelineFinalizerHandler after response sending was started, but " + "before it finished. Closing the channel. unexpected_error={}", cause.toString()), ctx).run();;
use of in project riposte by Nike-Inc.
the class SignalFxEndpointMetricsHandlerTest method MetricDimensionConfigurator_chainedWith_returns_ChainedMetricDimensionConfigurator_with_correct_args.
public void MetricDimensionConfigurator_chainedWith_returns_ChainedMetricDimensionConfigurator_with_correct_args() {
// given
MetricDimensionConfigurator orig = (rawBuilder, requestInfo, responseInfo, httpState, responseHttpStatusCode, responseHttpStatusCodeXXValue, elapsedTimeMillis, endpoint, endpointClass, method, matchingPathTemplate) -> null;
MetricDimensionConfigurator chainMe = mock(MetricDimensionConfigurator.class);
// when
MetricDimensionConfigurator result = orig.chainedWith(chainMe);
// then
ChainedMetricDimensionConfigurator cmdc = (ChainedMetricDimensionConfigurator) result;