use of com.novell.ldapchai.exception.ChaiUnavailableException in project ldapchai by ldapchai.
the class JLDAPProviderImpl method init.
public void init(final ChaiConfiguration chaiConfig, final ChaiProviderFactory providerFactory) throws ChaiUnavailableException, IllegalStateException {
super.init(chaiConfig, providerFactory);
try {
// grab the first URL from the list.
final URI ldapURL = URI.create(chaiConfig.bindURLsAsList().get(0));
if (ldapURL.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase("ldaps")) {
final boolean usePromiscuousSSL = Boolean.parseBoolean(chaiConfig.getSetting(ChaiSetting.PROMISCUOUS_SSL));
if (usePromiscuousSSL) {
try {
final SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
sc.init(null, new X509TrustManager[] { new PromiscuousTrustManager() }, new;
ldapConnection = new LDAPConnection(new LDAPJSSESecureSocketFactory(sc.getSocketFactory()));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("error creating promiscuous ssl ldap socket factory: " + e.getMessage());
} else if (chaiConfig.getTrustManager() != null) {
try {
final SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
sc.init(null, chaiConfig.getTrustManager(), new;
ldapConnection = new LDAPConnection(new LDAPJSSESecureSocketFactory(sc.getSocketFactory()));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("error creating configured ssl ldap socket factory: " + e.getMessage());
} else {
ldapConnection = new LDAPConnection(new LDAPJSSESecureSocketFactory());
} else {
ldapConnection = new LDAPConnection();
ldapConnection.connect(ldapURL.getHost(), ldapURL.getPort());
if (chaiConfig.getBooleanSetting(ChaiSetting.LDAP_FOLLOW_REFERRALS)) {
final LDAPConstraints ldapConstraints = new LDAPConstraints();
final String characterEncoding = chaiConfig.getSetting(ChaiSetting.LDAP_CHARACTER_ENCODING);
final byte[] bindPassword = chaiConfig.getSetting(ChaiSetting.BIND_PASSWORD).getBytes(Charset.forName(characterEncoding));
final String bindDN = chaiConfig.getSetting(ChaiSetting.BIND_DN);
ldapConnection.bind(LDAPConnection.LDAP_V3, bindDN, bindPassword);
} catch (LDAPException e) {
final String message = e.getMessage();
if (message.contains("Connect Error")) {
throw new ChaiUnavailableException(message, ChaiError.COMMUNICATION, false, false);
throw ChaiUnavailableException.forErrorMessage(message);
use of com.novell.ldapchai.exception.ChaiUnavailableException in project ldapchai by ldapchai.
the class JNDIProviderImpl method generateNewJndiContext.
private static LdapContext generateNewJndiContext(final Hashtable environment) throws ChaiOperationException, ChaiUnavailableException {
final String url = String.valueOf(environment.get(Context.PROVIDER_URL));
final String bindDN = String.valueOf(environment.get(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL));
try {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final LdapContext newDirContext;
newDirContext = new InitialLdapContext(environment, null);
LOGGER.trace("bind successful as " + bindDN + " (" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms)");
return newDirContext;
} catch (NamingException e) {
final StringBuilder logMsg = new StringBuilder();
logMsg.append("unable to bind to ");
logMsg.append(" as ");
logMsg.append(" reason: ");
if (e instanceof CommunicationException) {
logMsg.append("CommunicationException (").append(e.getMessage());
final Throwable rootCause = e.getRootCause();
if (rootCause != null) {
logMsg.append("; ").append(rootCause.getMessage());
throw new ChaiUnavailableException(logMsg.toString(), ChaiError.COMMUNICATION, false, true);
} else {
// check for bad password or intruder detection
throw ChaiUnavailableException.forErrorMessage(logMsg.toString());
use of com.novell.ldapchai.exception.ChaiUnavailableException in project ldapchai by ldapchai.
the class JNDIProviderImpl method writeBinaryAttribute.
public final void writeBinaryAttribute(final String entryDN, final String attributeName, final byte[][] values, final boolean overwrite, final ChaiRequestControl[] controls) throws ChaiUnavailableException, ChaiOperationException {
getInputValidator().writeBinaryAttribute(entryDN, attributeName, values, overwrite);
final String jndiBinarySetting = "java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary";
// Create the ModificationItem
final ModificationItem[] modificationItem = new ModificationItem[values.length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
// Create a BasicAttribute for the object.
final BasicAttribute attributeToReplace = new BasicAttribute(attributeName, values[i]);
// Determine the modification type, if replace, only replace on the first attribute, the rest just get added.
final int modType = (i == 0 && overwrite) ? DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE : DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE;
// Populate the ModificationItem object with the flag & the attribute to replace.
modificationItem[i] = new ModificationItem(modType, attributeToReplace);
// get ldap connection
final LdapContext ldapConnection = getLdapConnection();
// Modify the Attributes.
try {
if (controls != null && controls.length > 0) {
ldapConnection.modifyAttributes(addJndiEscape(entryDN), modificationItem);
// inform jndi the attribute is binary.
ldapConnection.addToEnvironment(jndiBinarySetting, attributeName);
} catch (NamingException e) {
} finally {
// clean up jndi environment
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// doesnt matter
use of com.novell.ldapchai.exception.ChaiUnavailableException in project ldapchai by ldapchai.
the class JNDIProviderImpl method init.
public void init(final ChaiConfiguration chaiConfig, final ChaiProviderFactory providerFactory) throws ChaiUnavailableException, IllegalStateException {
this.chaiConfig = chaiConfig;
final String connectionURL = chaiConfig.bindURLsAsList().get(0);
final Hashtable env = generateJndiEnvironment(connectionURL);
try {
jndiConnection = generateNewJndiContext(env);
} catch (ChaiOperationException e) {
throw new ChaiUnavailableException("bind failed (" + e.getMessage() + ")", e.getErrorCode());
super.init(chaiConfig, providerFactory);
use of com.novell.ldapchai.exception.ChaiUnavailableException in project ldapchai by ldapchai.
the class NmasResponseSet method write.
boolean write() throws ChaiUnavailableException, ChaiOperationException {
if (this.state != STATE.NEW) {
throw new IllegalStateException("RepsonseSet not suitable for writing (not in NEW state)");
// write challenge set questions to Nmas Login Config
try {
final PutLoginConfigRequest request = new PutLoginConfigRequest();
final byte[] data = csToNmasXML(getChallengeSet(), this.csIdentifier).getBytes("UTF8");
request.setMethodIDLen(NMASChallengeResponse.METHOD_ID.length * 4);
final ExtendedResponse response = user.getChaiProvider().extendedOperation(request);
if (response != null && ((PutLoginConfigResponse) response).getNmasRetCode() != 0) {
LOGGER.debug("nmas error writing question: " + ((PutLoginConfigResponse) response).getNmasRetCode());
return false;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
LOGGER.error("error while writing nmas questions: " + e.getMessage());
return false;
} catch (ChaiOperationException e) {
LOGGER.error("error while writing nmas questions: " + e.getMessage());
throw e;
} catch (ChaiValidationException e) {
LOGGER.error("error while writing nmas questions: " + e.getMessage());
throw ChaiOperationException.forErrorMessage(e.getMessage());
boolean success = true;
// write responses
for (final Map.Entry<Challenge, Answer> entry : crMap.entrySet()) {
final Challenge loopChallenge = entry.getKey();
try {
final byte[] data = ((NmasAnswer) entry.getValue()).getAnswerText().getBytes("UTF8");
final PutLoginSecretRequest request = new PutLoginSecretRequest();
request.setMethodIDLen(NMASChallengeResponse.METHOD_ID.length * 4);
final ExtendedResponse response = user.getChaiProvider().extendedOperation(request);
if (response != null && ((PutLoginSecretResponse) response).getNmasRetCode() != 0) {
LOGGER.debug("nmas error writing answer: " + ((PutLoginSecretResponse) response).getNmasRetCode());
success = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("error while writing nmas answer: " + e.getMessage());
if (success) {"successfully wrote NMAS challenge/response set for user " + user.getEntryDN());
this.state = STATE.WRITTEN;
return success;