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Example 26 with Application

use of in project oracle-bedrock by coherence-community.

the class DockerImageTest method shouldCloseWithApplicationAndUseApplicationCloseBehaviour.

public void shouldCloseWithApplicationAndUseApplicationCloseBehaviour() throws Exception {
    Application application = mock(Application.class);
    DockerImage image = new DockerImage(Arrays.asList("foo", "bar"), OptionsByType.empty());
    ImageCloseBehaviour behaviourApp = mock(ImageCloseBehaviour.class);
    image.onClosed(application, OptionsByType.empty());
Also used : ImageCloseBehaviour( Application( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 27 with Application

use of in project oracle-bedrock by coherence-community.

the class DockerImageTest method shouldAddAsFeature.

public void shouldAddAsFeature() throws Exception {
    Platform platform = mock(Platform.class);
    Application application = mock(Application.class);
    DockerImage image = new DockerImage(Arrays.asList("foo", "bar"), OptionsByType.empty());
    assertThat(image.getApplication(), is(sameInstance(application)));
Also used : Platform( Application( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 28 with Application

use of in project oracle-bedrock by coherence-community.

the class AbstractFunctionalTest method ensureJavaImage.

 * Ensure that a Java image can be created on the target platform
 * <p>
 * This method requires the <code>oracle.bedrock.container.tests.jre</code>
 * System property to be set to point to the location of a Java 8 <strong>JRE</strong>
 * install for linux-x64 as a tar.gz file. This is typically what is downloaded
 * from Oracle's Java site.
public static void ensureJavaImage(Platform platform, TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder) throws Exception {
    // ----- use the Images command to list the images on the platform to see if the java image already exists -----
    CapturingApplicationConsole console = new CapturingApplicationConsole();
    String format = Images.FORMAT_REPOSITORY + ':' + Images.FORMAT_TAG;
    try (Application images = platform.launch(Images.list().format(format), Console.of(console))) {
        if (images.waitFor() == 0) {
            boolean present = console.getCapturedOutputLines().stream().filter((line) -> line.equals(javaImageName)).findFirst().isPresent();
            if (present) {
    // ----- the image does not exist so we need to build it -----
    File installerFile = findJavaInstaller();
    // ----- create a temporary working directory -----
    File workingDirectory = temporaryFolder.newFolder();
    File dockerFile = new File(workingDirectory, "Dockerfile");
    Path dockerFileTemplate = Paths.get(DockerFunctionalTest.class.getResource("/JavaDockerFile").toURI());
    // ----- copy the Dockerfile template to the working directory -----
    Files.copy(dockerFileTemplate, dockerFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
    // ----- copy the JRE .tar.gz file to the working directory -----
    Files.copy(installerFile.toPath(), new File(workingDirectory, "jre.tar.gz").toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
    try (Application application = platform.launch(Build.fromDockerFile().withTags(javaImageName), ImageCloseBehaviour.none(), {
        Assume.assumeThat("An error occurred building the Java Docker image", application.waitFor(), is(0));
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) CapturingApplicationConsole( Application( File(

Example 29 with Application

use of in project helidon by oracle.

the class MainTest method startTheApplication.

 * Start the application using the application jar and classpath
 * @param appJarPath    Path to jar file with application
 * @param javaArgs      Additional java arguments to pass
 * @throws Exception    Error starting the application
HelidonApplication startTheApplication(String appJarPath, List<String> javaArgs) throws Exception {
    int port = localPlatform.getAvailablePorts().next();
    Arguments args = toArguments(appJarPath, javaArgs, null, port);
    Application application = localPlatform.launch("java", args);
    HelidonApplication helidonApplication = new HelidonApplication(application, port);
    return helidonApplication;
Also used : Arguments( Application(

Example 30 with Application

use of in project helidon by oracle.

the class MainTest method runExitOnStartedTest.

private void runExitOnStartedTest(String edition) throws Exception {
    int port = localPlatform.getAvailablePorts().next();
    Arguments args = toArguments(editionToJarPath(edition), List.of("-Dexit.on.started=!"), null, port);
    CapturingApplicationConsole console = new CapturingApplicationConsole();
    Application application = localPlatform.launch("java", args, Console.of(console));
    Queue<String> stdOut = console.getCapturedOutputLines();
    long maxTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (10 * 1000);
    do {
        if ( -> line.contains("exit.on.started"))) {
    } while (System.currentTimeMillis() < maxTime);
    String eol = System.getProperty("line.separator");"quickstart " + edition + " did not exit as expected." + eol + eol + "stdOut: " + stdOut + eol + eol + " stdErr: " + console.getCapturedErrorLines());
Also used : Arguments( CapturingApplicationConsole( Application(


Application ( Test (org.junit.Test)23 CapturingApplicationConsole ( Platform ( Arguments ( OptionsByType ( File ( JavaApplication ( Timeout ( MetaClass ( List (java.util.List)7 LocalPlatform ( Remove ( RemotePlatform ( InetAddress ( SleepingApplication (applications.SleepingApplication)4 ContainerCloseBehaviour ( TimeUnit (java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)4 Collectors ( EventingApplication (classloader.applications.EventingApplication)3