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Example 11 with AnalysisMethod

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class TypeFlowIterator method add.

private void add(TypeFlow<?> flow, WorkListEntry reason) {
    if (processed.contains(flow)) {
    WorkListEntry entry = new WorkListEntry(flow, reason);
    if (!flow.isClone() && flow.getSource() instanceof ValueNode) {
        AnalysisMethod method = (AnalysisMethod) ((ValueNode) flow.getSource()).graph().method();
        for (MethodFlowsGraph methodFlow : method.getTypeFlow().getMethodContextFlows().values()) {
            TypeFlow<?> curClone = methodFlow.lookupCloneOf(bb, flow);
            add(curClone, entry);
Also used : AnalysisMethod( MethodFlowsGraph( ValueNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode)

Example 12 with AnalysisMethod

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class JNIFunctionTablesFeature method prepareCallTrampoline.

private static CFunctionPointer prepareCallTrampoline(CompilationAccessImpl access, CallVariant variant, boolean nonVirtual) {
    JNICallTrampolineMethod trampolineMethod = JNIAccessFeature.singleton().getCallTrampolineMethod(variant, nonVirtual);
    AnalysisMethod analysisTrampoline = access.getUniverse().getBigBang().getUniverse().lookup(trampolineMethod);
    HostedMethod hostedTrampoline = access.getUniverse().lookup(analysisTrampoline);
    return MethodPointer.factory(hostedTrampoline);
Also used : AnalysisMethod( HostedMethod( JNICallTrampolineMethod(

Example 13 with AnalysisMethod

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class JNIFunctionTablesFeature method buildFunctionsInitializer.

private JNIStructFunctionsInitializer<JNINativeInterface> buildFunctionsInitializer(CompilationAccessImpl access, CFunctionPointer unimplemented) {
    Class<JNIFunctions> clazz = JNIFunctions.class;
    HostedType functions = access.getMetaAccess().lookupJavaType(clazz);
    HostedMethod[] methods = functions.getDeclaredMethods();
    int index = 0;
    int count = methods.length + generatedMethods.length;
    // Call, CallStatic, CallNonvirtual: for each return value kind: array, va_list, varargs
    // NewObject: array, va_list, varargs
    count += (jniKinds.size() * 3 + 1) * 3;
    int[] offsets = new int[count];
    CFunctionPointer[] pointers = new CFunctionPointer[offsets.length];
    for (HostedMethod method : methods) {
        StructFieldInfo field = findFieldFor(functionTableMetadata, method.getName());
        offsets[index] = field.getOffsetInfo().getProperty();
        pointers[index] = getStubFunctionPointer(access, method);
    for (ResolvedJavaMethod accessor : generatedMethods) {
        StructFieldInfo field = findFieldFor(functionTableMetadata, accessor.getName());
        AnalysisUniverse analysisUniverse = access.getUniverse().getBigBang().getUniverse();
        AnalysisMethod analysisMethod = analysisUniverse.lookup(accessor);
        HostedMethod hostedMethod = access.getUniverse().lookup(analysisMethod);
        offsets[index] = field.getOffsetInfo().getProperty();
        pointers[index] = MethodPointer.factory(hostedMethod);
    for (CallVariant variant : CallVariant.values()) {
        CFunctionPointer trampoline = prepareCallTrampoline(access, variant, false);
        String suffix = (variant == CallVariant.ARRAY) ? "A" : ((variant == CallVariant.VA_LIST) ? "V" : "");
        CFunctionPointer nonvirtualTrampoline = prepareCallTrampoline(access, variant, true);
        for (JavaKind kind : jniKinds) {
            String[] prefixes = { "Call", "CallStatic" };
            for (String prefix : prefixes) {
                StructFieldInfo field = findFieldFor(functionTableMetadata, prefix + + "Method" + suffix);
                offsets[index] = field.getOffsetInfo().getProperty();
                pointers[index] = trampoline;
            StructFieldInfo field = findFieldFor(functionTableMetadata, "CallNonvirtual" + + "Method" + suffix);
            offsets[index] = field.getOffsetInfo().getProperty();
            pointers[index] = nonvirtualTrampoline;
        StructFieldInfo field = findFieldFor(functionTableMetadata, "NewObject" + suffix);
        offsets[index] = field.getOffsetInfo().getProperty();
        pointers[index] = trampoline;
    VMError.guarantee(index == offsets.length && index == pointers.length);
    return new JNIStructFunctionsInitializer<>(JNINativeInterface.class, offsets, pointers, unimplemented);
Also used : CallVariant( StructFieldInfo( CFunctionPointer(org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CFunctionPointer) CEntryPoint(org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CEntryPoint) HostedType( AnalysisMethod( HostedMethod( ResolvedJavaMethod( AnalysisUniverse( JavaKind(

Example 14 with AnalysisMethod

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class UniverseBuilder method collectHashCodeFieldInfo.

private void collectHashCodeFieldInfo(BigBang bb) {
    AnalysisMethod method;
    try {
        method = aMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(System.class.getMethod("identityHashCode", Object.class));
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
        throw shouldNotReachHere();
    if (method == null) {
    DebugContext debug = bb.getDebug();
    try (Indent ignore = debug.logAndIndent("check types for which identityHashCode is invoked")) {
        // Check which types may be a parameter of System.identityHashCode (which is invoked by
        // Object.hashCode).
        TypeState thisParamState = method.getTypeFlow().getParameterTypeState(bb, 0);
        assert thisParamState != null;
        Iterable<AnalysisType> typesNeedHashCode = thisParamState.types();
        if (typesNeedHashCode == null || thisParamState.isUnknown()) {
            // This is the case if the identityHashCode parameter type is unknown. So all
            // classes get the hashCode field.
            // But this is only a fail-safe, because it cannot happen in the current
            // implementation of the analysis pass.
            debug.log("all types need a hashCode field");
            for (HostedType hType : hUniverse.getTypes()) {
                if (hType.isInstanceClass()) {
                    ((HostedInstanceClass) hType).setNeedHashCodeField();
        } else {
            for (AnalysisType type : typesNeedHashCode) {
                debug.log("type %s is argument to identityHashCode", type);
                     * Array types get a hash-code field by default. So we only have to deal with
                     * instance types here.
                if (type.isInstanceClass()) {
                    HostedInstanceClass hType = (HostedInstanceClass) hUniverse.lookup(type);
Also used : AnalysisType( AnalysisMethod( Indent(org.graalvm.compiler.debug.Indent) TypeState( DebugContext(org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext)

Example 15 with AnalysisMethod

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class HostedType method wrappedResolveMethod.

private ResolvedJavaMethod wrappedResolveMethod(HostedMethod method, HostedType callerType) {
    AnalysisMethod orig = wrapped.resolveConcreteMethod(method.wrapped, callerType.wrapped);
    ResolvedJavaMethod result = orig == null ? null : universe.lookup(orig);
    if (result != null && !isWordType() && !Arrays.asList(method.getImplementations()).contains(result)) {
        /* Our static analysis found out that this method is not reachable. */
        result = null;
    return result;
Also used : AnalysisMethod( ResolvedJavaMethod(


AnalysisMethod ( ResolvedJavaMethod ( AnalysisType ( HostedMethod ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 AnalysisField ( Map (java.util.Map)5 JavaKind ( TypeState ( SubstrateMethod ( StructuredGraph (org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph)4 MetaAccessProvider ( CEntryPoint (org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CEntryPoint)3 UnsupportedFeatureException ( InvokeTypeFlow ( AnalysisMetaAccess ( AnalysisUniverse ( HostedProviders ( SubstrateForeignCallsProvider (