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Example 81 with Log

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class AlignedHeapChunkMemoryWalkerAccessFeature method walkDirtyObjectsOfAlignedHeapChunk.

 * Walk the dirty Objects in this chunk, passing each to a Visitor.
static boolean walkDirtyObjectsOfAlignedHeapChunk(AlignedHeader that, ObjectVisitor visitor, boolean clean) {
    final Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.walkDirtyObjects:");
    trace.string("  that: ").hex(that).string("  clean: ").bool(clean);
    /* Iterate through the cards looking for dirty cards. */
    final Pointer cardTableStart = getCardTableStart(that);
    final Pointer fotStart = getFirstObjectTableStart(that);
    final Pointer objectsStart = getAlignedHeapChunkStart(that);
    final Pointer objectsLimit = that.getTop();
    final UnsignedWord memorySize = objectsLimit.subtract(objectsStart);
    final UnsignedWord indexLimit = CardTable.indexLimitForMemorySize(memorySize);
    trace.string("  objectsStart: ").hex(objectsStart).string("  objectsLimit: ").hex(objectsLimit).string("  indexLimit: ").unsigned(indexLimit);
    for (UnsignedWord index =; index.belowThan(indexLimit); index = index.add(1)) {
        trace.newline().string("  ").string("  index: ").unsigned(index);
        /* If the card is dirty, visit the objects it covers. */
        if (CardTable.isDirtyEntryAtIndex(cardTableStart, index)) {
            final Pointer cardLimit = CardTable.indexToMemoryPointer(objectsStart, index.add(1));
            final Pointer crossingOntoPointer = FirstObjectTable.getPreciseFirstObjectPointer(fotStart, objectsStart, objectsLimit, index);
            final Object crossingOntoObject = crossingOntoPointer.toObject();
            if (trace.isEnabled()) {
                final Pointer cardStart = CardTable.indexToMemoryPointer(objectsStart, index);
                trace.string("    ").string("  cardStart: ").hex(cardStart);
                trace.string("  cardLimit: ").hex(cardLimit);
                trace.string("  crossingOntoObject: ").object(crossingOntoObject);
                trace.string("  end: ").hex(LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(crossingOntoObject));
                if (LayoutEncoding.isArray(crossingOntoObject)) {
                    trace.string("  array length: ").signed(KnownIntrinsics.readArrayLength(crossingOntoObject));
                 * Iterate through the objects on that card. Find the start of the
                 * imprecisely-marked card.
            final Pointer impreciseStart = FirstObjectTable.getImpreciseFirstObjectPointer(fotStart, objectsStart, objectsLimit, index);
                 * Walk the objects to the end of an object, even if that is past cardLimit, because
                 * these are imprecise cards.
            Pointer ptr = impreciseStart;
            final Pointer walkLimit = PointerUtils.min(cardLimit, objectsLimit);
            trace.string("    ");
            trace.string("  impreciseStart: ").hex(impreciseStart);
            trace.string("  walkLimit: ").hex(walkLimit);
            while (ptr.belowThan(walkLimit)) {
                trace.newline().string("      ");
                trace.string("  ptr: ").hex(ptr);
                final Object obj = ptr.toObject();
                final Pointer objEnd = LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(obj);
                trace.string("  obj: ").object(obj);
                trace.string("  objEnd: ").hex(objEnd);
                /* Visit the object. */
                if (!visitor.visitObjectInline(obj)) {
                    final Log failureLog = Log.log().string("[AlignedHeapChunk.walkDirtyObjects:");
                    failureLog.string("  visitor.visitObject fails").string("  obj: ").object(obj).string("]").newline();
                    return false;
                ptr = objEnd;
            if (clean) {
                CardTable.cleanEntryAtIndex(cardTableStart, index);
    return true;
Also used : Log( UnsignedWord(org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord) Pointer(org.graalvm.word.Pointer)

Example 82 with Log

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class CardTable method verifyCleanCards.

     * Verification.
 * Check that every clean card indicates an object with no pointers to young space.
private static boolean verifyCleanCards(Pointer ctStart, Pointer fotStart, Pointer objectsStart, Pointer objectsLimit) {
    final Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[CardTable.verifyCleanCards:");
    trace.string("  ctStart: ").hex(ctStart).string("  fotStart: ").hex(fotStart).string("  objectsStart: ").hex(objectsStart).string("  objectsLimit: ").hex(objectsLimit);
    /* Walk the remembered set entries. */
    final UnsignedWord indexLimit = FirstObjectTable.getTableSizeForMemoryPointers(objectsStart, objectsLimit);
    for (UnsignedWord index =; index.belowThan(indexLimit); index = index.add(1)) {
        trace.newline().string("  index: ").unsigned(index);
        if (FirstObjectTable.isUninitializedIndex(fotStart, index)) {
            final Log failure = Log.log().string("[CardTable.verifyCleanCards: ");
            failure.string("  reached uninitialized first object table entry").string("]").newline();
            return false;
        final boolean isClean = isCleanEntryAtIndex(ctStart, index);
        if (!isClean) {
        /* Find the imprecise bounds represented by the card. */
        final Pointer impreciseStart = FirstObjectTable.getImpreciseFirstObjectPointer(fotStart, objectsStart, objectsLimit, index);
        final Pointer cardLimit = indexToMemoryPointer(objectsStart, index.add(1));
        final Pointer walkLimit = PointerUtils.min(cardLimit, objectsLimit);
        trace.string("  impreciseStart: ").hex(impreciseStart).string("  cardLimit: ").hex(cardLimit).string("  walkLimit: ").hex(walkLimit);
             * Walk the objects to the end of an object, even if that is past cardLimit, because
             * these are imprecise cards.
        Pointer ptr = impreciseStart;
        while (ptr.belowThan(walkLimit)) {
            trace.newline().string("  ").string("  ptr: ").hex(ptr);
            final Object obj = ptr.toObject();
            trace.string("  obj: ").object(obj);
            if (LayoutEncoding.isArray(obj)) {
                trace.string("  length: ").signed(KnownIntrinsics.readArrayLength(obj));
            final boolean containsYoung = getReferenceToYoungObjectVisitor().containsReferenceToYoungObject(obj);
            /* Return early on failure. */
            if (containsYoung) {
                /* { WITNESS */
                final boolean witnessForDebugging = true;
                final Log witness = (witnessForDebugging ? Log.log() : HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().getHeapVerifierImpl().getTraceLog());
                witness.string("[CardTable.verifyCleanCards:").string("  objectsStart: ").hex(objectsStart).string("  objectsLimit: ").hex(objectsLimit).string("  indexLimit: ").unsigned(indexLimit).newline();
                witness.string("  index: ").unsigned(index);
                final Pointer cardStart = indexToMemoryPointer(objectsStart, index);
                witness.string("  cardStart: ").hex(cardStart).string("  cardLimit: ").hex(cardLimit).string("  walkLimit: ").hex(walkLimit).string("  fotEntry: ");
                FirstObjectTable.TestingBackDoor.indexToLog(fotStart, witness, index);
                witness.string("  isClean: ").bool(isClean).newline();
                final Pointer crossingOntoPointer = FirstObjectTable.getPreciseFirstObjectPointer(fotStart, objectsStart, objectsLimit, index);
                final Object crossingOntoObject = crossingOntoPointer.toObject();
                witness.string("  crossingOntoObject: ").object(crossingOntoObject).string("  end: ").hex(LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(crossingOntoObject));
                if (LayoutEncoding.isArray(crossingOntoObject)) {
                    witness.string("  array length: ").signed(KnownIntrinsics.readArrayLength(crossingOntoObject));
                witness.string("  impreciseStart: ").hex(impreciseStart).newline();
                witness.string("  obj: ").object(obj).string("  end: ").hex(LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(obj));
                if (LayoutEncoding.isArray(obj)) {
                    witness.string("  array length: ").signed(KnownIntrinsics.readArrayLength(obj));
                HeapChunk.Header<?> objChunk = AlignedHeapChunk.getEnclosingAlignedHeapChunk(obj);
                witness.string("  objChunk: ").hex(objChunk).string("  objChunk space: ").string(objChunk.getSpace().getName()).string("  contains young: ").bool(containsYoung).newline();
                /* Repeat the search for old-to-young references, this time as a witness. */
                witness.string(" returns false for index: ").unsigned(index).string("]").newline();
                /* } WITNESS */
                return false;
            ptr = LayoutEncoding.getObjectEnd(obj);
    return true;
Also used : Log( UnsignedWord(org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord) Pointer(org.graalvm.word.Pointer)

Example 83 with Log

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class CardTable method verify.

     * Verification.
 * Check that:
 * <ul>
 * <li>every clean card indicates an object with no pointers to young space.</li>
 * <li>that every object with a pointer to young space has a corresponding marked card.</li>
 * </ul>
 * I would like to check that every dirty card has a pointer to young space, but a card may be
 * dirtied by the storing of a null, which doesn't point to young space. For extra credit, make
 * {@link #getMemoryBytesPerEntry} 8 so there's at most one object per card to weed out
 * ambiguous marked cards.
protected static boolean verify(Pointer ctStart, Pointer fotStart, Pointer objectsStart, Pointer objectsLimit) {
    final Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[CardTable.verify: ");
    trace.string("  ctStart: ").hex(ctStart).string("  fotStart: ").hex(fotStart).string("  objectsStart: ").hex(objectsStart).string("  objectsLimit: ").hex(objectsLimit).newline();
    if (!verifyCleanCards(ctStart, fotStart, objectsStart, objectsLimit)) {
        final Log verifyLog = Log.log().string("[CardTableTable.verify:");
        verifyLog.string("  fails verifyCleanCards").string("]").newline();
        return false;
    if (!verifyDirtyCards(ctStart, objectsStart, objectsLimit)) {
        final Log verifyLog = Log.log().string("[CardTable.verify:");
        verifyLog.string("  fails verifyCleanCards").string("]").newline();
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : Log(

Example 84 with Log

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class DiscoverableReferenceProcessing method addToDiscoveredReferences.

private static void addToDiscoveredReferences(DiscoverableReference dr) {
    final Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[DiscoverableReference.addToDiscoveredReferences:").string("  this: ").object(dr).string("  referent: ").hex(dr.getReferentPointer());
    if (dr.getIsDiscovered()) {
             * This DiscoverableReference is already on the discovered list. Don't add it again or
             * the list gets broken.
        trace.string("  already on list]").newline();
    trace.newline().string("  [adding to list:").string("  oldList: ").object(getDiscoveredList());
    trace.string("  new list: ").object(getDiscoveredList()).string("]");
Also used : Log(

Example 85 with Log

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class DiscoverableReferenceProcessing method processReferent.

 * Determine if a referent is live, and adjust it as necessary.
private static boolean processReferent(DiscoverableReference dr) {
    final Log trace = Log.noopLog().string("[DiscoverableReference.processReferent:").string("  this: ").object(dr);
    final Pointer refPointer = dr.getReferentPointer();
    trace.string("  referent: ").hex(refPointer);
    if (refPointer.isNull()) {
        /* If the referent is null don't look at it further. */
        trace.string("  null referent").string("]").newline();
        return false;
    /* Read the header. */
    final UnsignedWord header = ObjectHeader.readHeaderFromPointer(refPointer);
    /* It might be a forwarding pointer. */
    if (ObjectHeaderImpl.getObjectHeaderImpl().isForwardedHeader(header)) {
        /* If the referent got forwarded, then update the referent. */
        final Pointer forwardedPointer = ObjectHeaderImpl.getObjectHeaderImpl().getForwardingPointer(header);
        trace.string("  forwarded header: updated referent: ").hex(forwardedPointer).string("]").newline();
        return true;
         * It's a real object. See if the referent has survived.
    final Object refObject = refPointer.toObject();
    if (HeapImpl.getHeapImpl().hasSurvivedThisCollection(refObject)) {
        /* The referent has survived, it does not need to be updated. */
        trace.string("  referent will survive: not updated").string("]").newline();
        return true;
         * Otherwise, referent has not survived.
         * Note that we must use the Object-level store here, not the Pointer-level store: the
         * static analysis must see that the field can be null. This means that we get a write
         * barrier for this store.
    trace.string("  has not survived: nulled referent").string("]").newline();
    return false;
Also used : Log( UnsignedWord(org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord) Pointer(org.graalvm.word.Pointer)


Log ( Pointer (org.graalvm.word.Pointer)30 UnsignedWord (org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord)30 IsolateThread (org.graalvm.nativeimage.IsolateThread)4 CodePointer (org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CodePointer)4 Uninterruptible ( CollectionWatcher ( DiscoverableReference ( XOptions ( AlwaysInline ( CEntryPointOptions ( KnownIntrinsics.readCallerStackPointer ( CEntryPoint (org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CEntryPoint)2 RestrictHeapAccess ( CodeInfoQueryResult ( SubstrateInstalledCode ( AlignedHeader ( UnalignedHeader ( AllocationFreeList ( NoAllocationVerifier (