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Example 46 with DebuggerSession

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class SLDebugTest method testNull.

public void testNull() throws Throwable {
    final Source factorial = slCode("function main() {\n" + "  res = doNull();\n" + "  return res;\n" + "}\n" + "function doNull() {}\n");
    try (DebuggerSession session = startSession()) {
        expectSuspended((SuspendedEvent event) -> {
            checkState(event, "main", 2, true, "res = doNull()").prepareStepInto(1);
        expectSuspended((SuspendedEvent event) -> {
            checkState(event, "main", 3, true, "return res", "res", "NULL").prepareContinue();
        assertEquals("NULL", expectDone());
Also used : DebuggerSession( SuspendedEvent( Source(org.graalvm.polyglot.Source) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 47 with DebuggerSession

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class SLDebugTest method checkExpressionStepPositions.

private void checkExpressionStepPositions(String stepPositions, boolean includeStatements, StepDepth... steps) {
    Source source = slCode("function main() {\n" + "  x = 2;\n" + "  while (x >= 0 && 5 >= 0) {\n" + "    a = 2 * x;\n" + "    b = (a * a) / (x * x + 1);\n" + "    x = x - transform(a, b);\n" + "  }\n" + "  return x / 1;\n" + "}\n" + "function transform(a, b) {\n" + "  return (1 + 1) * (a + b);\n" + "}\n");
    SourceElement[] elements;
    if (includeStatements) {
        elements = new SourceElement[] { SourceElement.EXPRESSION, SourceElement.STATEMENT };
    } else {
        elements = new SourceElement[] { SourceElement.EXPRESSION };
    try (DebuggerSession session = startSession(elements)) {
        // Step through the program
        StepDepth lastStep = steps[0];
        int stepIndex = 0;
        StepConfig expressionStepConfig = StepConfig.newBuilder().sourceElements(elements).build();
        for (String stepPos : stepPositions.split("\n")) {
            if (stepIndex < steps.length) {
                lastStep = steps[stepIndex++];
            final StepDepth stepDepth = lastStep;
            expectSuspended((SuspendedEvent event) -> {
                if (!includeStatements) {
                    assertTrue("Needs to be an expression", event.hasSourceElement(SourceElement.EXPRESSION));
                } else {
                    assertTrue("Needs to be an expression or statement", event.hasSourceElement(SourceElement.EXPRESSION) || event.hasSourceElement(SourceElement.STATEMENT));
                SourceSection ss = event.getSourceSection();
                DebugValue[] inputValues = event.getInputValues();
                String input = "";
                if (inputValues != null) {
                    StringBuilder inputBuilder = new StringBuilder("(");
                    for (DebugValue v : inputValues) {
                        if (inputBuilder.length() > 1) {
                        if (v != null) {
                        } else {
                    inputBuilder.append(") ");
                    input = inputBuilder.toString();
                DebugValue returnValue = event.getReturnValue();
                String ret = (returnValue != null) ? : "<none>";
                String actualPos = "<" + ss.getStartLine() + ":" + ss.getStartColumn() + " - " + ss.getEndLine() + ":" + ss.getEndColumn() + "> " + input + ret;
                assertEquals(stepPos, actualPos);
                switch(stepDepth) {
                    case INTO:
                    case OVER:
                    case OUT:
Also used : SourceElement( DebugValue( SuspendedEvent( StepConfig( Source(org.graalvm.polyglot.Source) Breakpoint( DebuggerSession( SourceSection(

Example 48 with DebuggerSession

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class SLDebugTest method testStepInOver.

public void testStepInOver() throws Throwable {
         * For recursive function we want to ensure that we don't step when we step over a function.
    final Source factorial = slCode("function main() {\n" + "  return fac(5);\n" + "}\n" + "function fac(n) {\n" + "  if (n <= 1) {\n" + // break
    "    return 1;\n" + "  }\n" + "  return n * fac(n - 1);\n" + "}\n");
    try (DebuggerSession session = startSession()) {
        expectSuspended((SuspendedEvent event) -> {
            checkState(event, "main", 2, true, "return fac(5)").prepareStepInto(1);
        expectSuspended((SuspendedEvent event) -> {
            checkState(event, "fac", 5, true, "n <= 1", "n", "5").prepareStepOver(1);
        expectSuspended((SuspendedEvent event) -> {
            checkState(event, "fac", 8, true, "return n * fac(n - 1)", "n", "5").prepareStepOver(1);
        expectSuspended((SuspendedEvent event) -> {
            checkState(event, "main", 2, false, "fac(5)").prepareStepInto(1);
            assertEquals("120", event.getReturnValue().as(String.class));
Also used : DebuggerSession( SuspendedEvent( Source(org.graalvm.polyglot.Source) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 49 with DebuggerSession

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class TruffleTCK method testRootNodeName.

 * @since 0.15
public void testRootNodeName() throws Exception {
    final int[] haltCount = new int[1];
    final String name = applyNumbers();
    final String[] actualName = new String[1];
    final PolyglotEngine engine = prepareVM(PolyglotEngine.newBuilder());
    final PolyglotEngine.Value apply = engine.findGlobalSymbol(name);
    final int value = RANDOM.nextInt(100);
    final TruffleObject fn = JavaInterop.asTruffleFunction(ObjectBinaryOperation.class, new ConstantFunction(value));
    try (DebuggerSession session = Debugger.find(engine).startSession(new SuspendedCallback() {

        public void onSuspend(SuspendedEvent ev) {
            actualName[0] = ev.getTopStackFrame().getName();
            haltCount[0] = haltCount[0] + 1;
    })) {
    assertEquals(1, haltCount[0]);
    assertEquals(name, actualName[0]);
Also used : DebuggerSession( SuspendedEvent( SuspendedCallback( TruffleObject( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 50 with DebuggerSession

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class DebuggerTesterSnippets method assertColumnBreakpointsResolution.

 * Utility method that checks proper resolution of column breakpoints. Breakpoints are submitted
 * to marked positions and their resolution location is checked.
 * <p>
 * The source need to contain both breakpoint submission marks in the form of "B&lt;number&gt;_"
 * and breakpoint resolution marks in the form of "R&lt;number&gt;_" where &lt;number&gt; is an
 * identification of the breakpoint. These marks need to be placed at the proper breakpoint
 * submission/resolution line/column position. When several submitted breakpoints resolve to the
 * same position, an interval can be specified in the form of "R&lt;start number&gt;-&lt;end
 * number&gt;_", where both start and end line numbers are inclusive. The marks are stripped off
 * before execution.
 * <p>
 * The guest language code with marks may look like:
 * <pre>
 * // B1_test
 * function B2_test(n) {B3_
 *   if (R1-4_n &lt;= B4_1) {B5_
 *     return R5_2 * n;
 *   }
 *   return R6_n - 1;
 * B6_}
 * </pre>
 * @param sourceWithMarks a source text, which contains the resolution marks
 * @param breakpointMarkName the breakpoint submission mark name. It is used in a regular
 *            expression, therefore the mark must not have a special meaning in a regular
 *            expression.
 * @param resolvedMarkName the resolved mark name. It is used in a regular expression, therefore
 *            the mark must not have a special meaning in a regular expression.
 * @param language the source language
 * @since 0.33
public void assertColumnBreakpointsResolution(String sourceWithMarks, String breakpointMarkName, String resolvedMarkName, String language) throws IOException {
    Pattern br = Pattern.compile("([" + breakpointMarkName + resolvedMarkName + "]\\d+_|" + resolvedMarkName + "\\d+-\\d+_)");
    Map<Integer, int[]> bps = new HashMap<>();
    String sourceString = sourceWithMarks;
    Matcher bm = br.matcher(sourceString);
    while (bm.find()) {
        String bg =;
        int index = bm.start();
        int state = (bg.charAt(0) == 'B') ? 0 : 1;
        String bpNums = bg.substring(1, bg.length() - 1);
        int bn1;
        int bn2;
        int rangeIndex = bpNums.indexOf('-');
        if (rangeIndex > 0) {
            bn1 = Integer.parseInt(bpNums.substring(0, rangeIndex));
            bn2 = Integer.parseInt(bpNums.substring(rangeIndex + 1));
        } else {
            bn1 = bn2 = Integer.parseInt(bpNums);
        for (int bn = bn1; bn <= bn2; bn++) {
            int[] bp = bps.get(bn);
            if (bp == null) {
                bp = new int[2];
                bps.put(bn, bp);
            if (bp[state] > 0) {
       + " specified more than once.");
            bp[state] = index + 1;
        sourceString = bm.replaceFirst("");
    if (TRACE) {
        trace("sourceString = '" + sourceString + "'");
    final Source source = Source.newBuilder(language, sourceString, "testMisplacedColumnBreakpoint." + language).build();
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, int[]> bentry : bps.entrySet()) {
        int bpId = bentry.getKey();
        int[] bp = bentry.getValue();
        Assert.assertTrue(Integer.toString(bpId), bp[0] > 0);
        Assert.assertTrue(Integer.toString(bpId), bp[1] > 0);
        int line = source.getLineNumber(bp[0] - 1);
        int column = source.getColumnNumber(bp[0] - 1);
        if (TRACE) {
            trace("TESTING BP_" + bpId + ": " + bp[0] + " (" + line + ":" + column + ") => " + bp[1] + ":");
        try (DebuggerSession session = startSession()) {
            int[] resolvedIndexPtr = new int[] { 0 };
            Breakpoint breakpoint = session.install(Breakpoint.newBuilder(DebuggerTester.getSourceImpl(source)).lineIs(line).columnIs(column).oneShot().resolveListener(new Breakpoint.ResolveListener() {

                public void breakpointResolved(Breakpoint brkp, SourceSection section) {
                    resolvedIndexPtr[0] = section.getCharIndex() + 1;
                    if (TRACE) {
                        trace("  resolved: " + (resolvedIndexPtr[0]));
            expectSuspended((SuspendedEvent event) -> {
                Assert.assertEquals("Expected " + bp[0] + " => " + bp[1] + ", resolved at " + resolvedIndexPtr[0], bp[1], event.getSourceSection().getCharIndex() + 1);
                Assert.assertSame(breakpoint, event.getBreakpoints().iterator().next());
            Assert.assertEquals("Expected resolved " + bp[0] + " => " + bp[1], bp[1], resolvedIndexPtr[0]);
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) Breakpoint( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) SuspendedEvent( Breakpoint( Source(org.graalvm.polyglot.Source) DebuggerSession( SourceSection( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)


DebuggerSession ( Source (org.graalvm.polyglot.Source)103 Test (org.junit.Test)102 SuspendedEvent ( Breakpoint ( DebugStackFrame ( DebugValue ( Debugger ( Context (org.graalvm.polyglot.Context)11 SourceSection ( SuspensionFilter ( DebugContext ( SuspendedCallback ( DebugScope ( Engine (org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 Value (org.graalvm.polyglot.Value)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)2