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Example 21 with Note

use of in project orgzly-android by orgzly.

the class ShelfTest method testNewBook.

public void testNewBook() throws IOException {
    /* Make sure root node is created. */
    Note note = shelf.getNote(1);
    assertEquals(1, note.getPosition().getLft());
    assertEquals(2, note.getPosition().getRgt());
    assertEquals(0, note.getPosition().getLevel());
    assertEquals("", note.getHead().getTitle());
Also used : Note( OrgzlyTest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 22 with Note

use of in project orgzly-android by orgzly.

the class Provider method insertRootNote.

private long insertRootNote(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) {
    Note rootNote = Note.newRootNote(bookId);
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    NotesClient.toContentValues(values, rootNote);
    replaceTimestampRangeStringsWithIds(db, values);
    return db.insertOrThrow(DbNote.TABLE, null, values);
Also used : ContentValues(android.content.ContentValues) Note( DbNote(

Example 23 with Note

use of in project orgzly-android by orgzly.

the class StructureTest method testCut.

public void testCut() {
    Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + "description\n" + "* Note #1.\n" + "* Note #2.\n" + "** Note #3.\n" + "** Note #4.\n" + "*** Note #5.\n" + "**** Note #6.\n" + "** Note #7.\n" + "* Note #8.\n" + "**** Note #9.\n" + "** Note #10.\n" + "");
    Set<Long> ids = new HashSet<>();
    shelf.cut(book.getId(), ids);
    assertEquals("There should be less notes in the book", 8, NotesClient.getCount(context, book.getId()));
    Cursor cursor = NotesClient.getCursorForBook(context, book.getName());
    try {
        Note note;
        OrgHead head;
        note = NotesClient.fromCursor(cursor);
        head = note.getHead();
        assertEquals("Title for book should match", "Note #2.", head.getTitle());
        assertEquals("Level for book should match", 1, note.getPosition().getLevel());
        note = NotesClient.fromCursor(cursor);
        head = note.getHead();
        assertEquals("Title for book should match", "Note #4.", head.getTitle());
        assertEquals("Level for book should match", 2, note.getPosition().getLevel());
        note = NotesClient.fromCursor(cursor);
        head = note.getHead();
        assertEquals("Title for book should match", "Note #5.", head.getTitle());
        assertEquals("Level for book should match", 3, note.getPosition().getLevel());
    } finally {
Also used : Book( OrgHead( Note( Cursor(android.database.Cursor) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) OrgzlyTest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 24 with Note

use of in project orgzly-android by orgzly.

the class StructureTest method testPromote2.

public void testPromote2() throws IOException {
    Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + "description\n" + "\n" + "* Note 1\n" + "** Note 1.1\n" + "*** Note 1.1.1\n" + "** Note 1.2\n" + "* Note 2\n");
    Note note = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1");
    /* Promote 1.1.1 twice. */
    assertEquals(1, shelf.promote(book.getId(), note.getId()));
    assertEquals(1, shelf.promote(book.getId(), note.getId()));
    assertEquals("description\n" + "\n" + "* Note 1\n" + "** Note 1.1\n" + "** Note 1.2\n" + "* Note 1.1.1\n" + "* Note 2\n", shelf.getBookContent("notebook", BookName.Format.ORG));
    NotePosition n1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition();
    NotePosition n11 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition();
    NotePosition n12 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.2").getPosition();
    NotePosition n111 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1").getPosition();
    NotePosition n2 = shelf.getNote("Note 2").getPosition();
    assertEquals(2, n1.getDescendantsCount());
    assertEquals(0, n11.getDescendantsCount());
    assertEquals(0, n12.getDescendantsCount());
    assertEquals(0, n111.getDescendantsCount());
    assertEquals(0, n2.getDescendantsCount());
    assertEquals(1, n1.getLevel());
    assertEquals(2, n11.getLevel());
    assertEquals(2, n12.getLevel());
    assertEquals(1, n111.getLevel());
    assertEquals(1, n2.getLevel());
    assertTrue(n1.getLft() < n11.getLft());
    assertTrue(n11.getLft() < n11.getRgt());
    assertTrue(n11.getRgt() < n12.getLft());
    assertTrue(n12.getLft() < n12.getRgt());
    assertTrue(n12.getRgt() < n1.getRgt());
    assertTrue(n1.getRgt() < n111.getLft());
    assertTrue(n111.getLft() < n111.getRgt());
    assertTrue(n111.getRgt() < n2.getLft());
    assertTrue(n2.getLft() < n2.getRgt());
Also used : Book( NotePosition( Note( OrgzlyTest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 25 with Note

use of in project orgzly-android by orgzly.

the class StructureTest method testNewNoteAbove.

public void testNewNoteAbove() throws IOException {
    Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "description\n" + "* Note 1\n" + // ** Note 1.0
    "** Note 1.1\n" + "*** Note 1.1.1\n" + "** Note 1.2\n");
    NotePosition note1, note11, note111, note12, note10;
    /* Create new note above Note 1.1. */
    Note n = new Note();
    n.getHead().setTitle("Note 1.0");
    NotePlace target = new NotePlace(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getId(), Place.ABOVE);
    shelf.createNote(n, target);
    note1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition();
    note10 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.0").getPosition();
    note11 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition();
    note111 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1").getPosition();
    note12 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.2").getPosition();
    assertTrue(note1.getLft() < note10.getLft());
    assertTrue(note10.getLft() < note10.getRgt());
    assertTrue(note10.getRgt() < note11.getLft());
    assertTrue(note11.getLft() < note111.getLft());
    assertTrue(note111.getLft() < note111.getRgt());
    assertTrue(note111.getRgt() < note11.getRgt());
    assertTrue(note11.getRgt() < note12.getLft());
    assertTrue(note12.getLft() < note12.getRgt());
    assertTrue(note12.getRgt() < note1.getRgt());
Also used : Book( NotePosition( Note( NotePlace( OrgzlyTest( Test(org.junit.Test)


Note ( OrgzlyTest ( Test (org.junit.Test)21 Book ( NotePosition ( NotePlace ( OrgHead ( DbNote ( Intent (android.content.Intent)2 Cursor (android.database.Cursor)2 AppIntent ( Shelf ( ContentValues (android.content.ContentValues)1 OrgProperties ( OrgRange ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1