Search in sources :

Example 6 with ODocument

use of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument in project orientdb by orientechnologies.

the class OSecurityShared method getUser.

public OUser getUser(final ORID iRecordId) {
    if (iRecordId == null)
        return null;
    ODocument result;
    result = getDatabase().load(iRecordId, "roles:1");
    if (!result.getClassName().equals(OUser.CLASS_NAME)) {
        result = null;
    return new OUser(result);
Also used : ODocument(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument)

Example 7 with ODocument

use of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument in project orientdb by orientechnologies.

the class OUser method allow.

   * Checks if the user has the permission to access to the requested resource for the requested operation.
   * @param iOperation
   *          Requested operation
   * @return The role that has granted the permission if any, otherwise a OSecurityAccessException exception is raised
   * @exception OSecurityAccessException
public ORole allow(final ORule.ResourceGeneric resourceGeneric, String resourceSpecific, final int iOperation) {
    if (roles == null || roles.isEmpty()) {
        if (document.field("roles") != null && !((Collection<OIdentifiable>) document.field("roles")).isEmpty()) {
            final ODocument doc = document;
            document = null;
        } else
            throw new OSecurityAccessException(document.getDatabase().getName(), "User '" + document.field("name") + "' has no role defined");
    final ORole role = checkIfAllowed(resourceGeneric, resourceSpecific, iOperation);
    if (role == null)
        throw new OSecurityAccessException(document.getDatabase().getName(), "User '" + document.field("name") + "' does not have permission to execute the operation '" + ORole.permissionToString(iOperation) + "' against the resource: " + resourceGeneric + "." + resourceSpecific);
    return role;
Also used : OSecurityAccessException(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OSecurityAccessException) Collection(java.util.Collection) ODocument(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument)

Example 8 with ODocument

use of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument in project orientdb by orientechnologies.

the class OSequenceLibraryImpl method load.

public void load() {
    final ODatabaseDocument db = ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get();
    if (((OMetadataInternal) db.getMetadata()).getImmutableSchemaSnapshot().existsClass(OSequence.CLASS_NAME)) {
        final List<ODocument> result = db.query(new OSQLSynchQuery<ODocument>("SELECT FROM " + OSequence.CLASS_NAME));
        for (ODocument document : result) {
            final OSequence sequence = OSequenceHelper.createSequence(document);
            if (sequence != null) {
                sequences.put(sequence.getName().toUpperCase(), sequence);
Also used : ODatabaseDocument(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocument) ODocument(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument)

Example 9 with ODocument

use of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument in project orientdb by orientechnologies.

the class ODatabaseCompare method compareIndexes.

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private void compareIndexes(ODocumentHelper.RIDMapper ridMapper) {
    listener.onMessage("\nStarting index comparison:");
    boolean ok = true;
    final OIndexManager indexManagerOne = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<OIndexManager>() {

        public OIndexManager call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
            return database.getMetadata().getIndexManager();
    final OIndexManager indexManagerTwo = makeDbCall(databaseTwo, new ODbRelatedCall<OIndexManager>() {

        public OIndexManager call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
            return database.getMetadata().getIndexManager();
    final Collection<? extends OIndex<?>> indexesOne = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<Collection<? extends OIndex<?>>>() {

        public Collection<? extends OIndex<?>> call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
            return indexManagerOne.getIndexes();
    int indexesSizeOne = makeDbCall(databaseTwo, new ODbRelatedCall<Integer>() {

        public Integer call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
            return indexesOne.size();
    int indexesSizeTwo = makeDbCall(databaseTwo, new ODbRelatedCall<Integer>() {

        public Integer call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
            return indexManagerTwo.getIndexes().size();
    if (exportImportHashTable != null)
    if (indexesSizeOne != indexesSizeTwo) {
        ok = false;
        listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: Amount of indexes are different.");
        listener.onMessage("\n--- DB1: " + indexesSizeOne);
        listener.onMessage("\n--- DB2: " + indexesSizeTwo);
    final Iterator<? extends OIndex<?>> iteratorOne = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<Iterator<? extends OIndex<?>>>() {

        public Iterator<? extends OIndex<?>> call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
            return indexesOne.iterator();
    while (makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<Boolean>() {

        public Boolean call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
            return iteratorOne.hasNext();
    })) {
        final OIndex indexOne = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<OIndex<?>>() {

            public OIndex<?> call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
        final OIndex<?> indexTwo = makeDbCall(databaseTwo, new ODbRelatedCall<OIndex<?>>() {

            public OIndex<?> call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                return indexManagerTwo.getIndex(indexOne.getName());
        if (indexTwo == null) {
            ok = false;
            listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: Index " + indexOne.getName() + " is absent in DB2.");
        if (!indexOne.getType().equals(indexTwo.getType())) {
            ok = false;
            listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: Index types for index " + indexOne.getName() + " are different.");
            listener.onMessage("\n--- DB1: " + indexOne.getType());
            listener.onMessage("\n--- DB2: " + indexTwo.getType());
        if (!indexOne.getClusters().equals(indexTwo.getClusters())) {
            ok = false;
            listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: Clusters to index for index " + indexOne.getName() + " are different.");
            listener.onMessage("\n--- DB1: " + indexOne.getClusters());
            listener.onMessage("\n--- DB2: " + indexTwo.getClusters());
        if (indexOne.getDefinition() == null && indexTwo.getDefinition() != null) {
            ok = false;
            listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: Index definition for index " + indexOne.getName() + " for DB2 is not null.");
        } else if (indexOne.getDefinition() != null && indexTwo.getDefinition() == null) {
            ok = false;
            listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: Index definition for index " + indexOne.getName() + " for DB2 is null.");
        } else if (indexOne.getDefinition() != null && !indexOne.getDefinition().equals(indexTwo.getDefinition())) {
            ok = false;
            listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: Index definitions for index " + indexOne.getName() + " are different.");
            listener.onMessage("\n--- DB1: " + indexOne.getDefinition());
            listener.onMessage("\n--- DB2: " + indexTwo.getDefinition());
        final long indexOneSize = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<Long>() {

            public Long call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                return indexOne.getSize();
        final long indexTwoSize = makeDbCall(databaseTwo, new ODbRelatedCall<Long>() {

            public Long call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                return indexTwo.getSize();
        if (indexOneSize != indexTwoSize) {
            ok = false;
            listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: Amount of entries for index " + indexOne.getName() + " are different.");
            listener.onMessage("\n--- DB1: " + indexOneSize);
            listener.onMessage("\n--- DB2: " + indexTwoSize);
        if (compareIndexMetadata) {
            final ODocument metadataOne = indexOne.getMetadata();
            final ODocument metadataTwo = indexTwo.getMetadata();
            if (metadataOne == null && metadataTwo != null) {
                ok = false;
                listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: Metadata for index " + indexOne.getName() + " for DB1 is null but for DB2 is not.");
            } else if (metadataOne != null && metadataTwo == null) {
                ok = false;
                listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: Metadata for index " + indexOne.getName() + " for DB1 is not null but for DB2 is null.");
            } else if (metadataOne != null && metadataTwo != null && !ODocumentHelper.hasSameContentOf(metadataOne, databaseOne, metadataTwo, databaseTwo, ridMapper)) {
                ok = false;
                listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: Metadata for index " + indexOne.getName() + " for DB1 and for DB2 are different.");
                makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<Object>() {

                    public Object call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                        listener.onMessage("\n--- M1: " + metadataOne);
                        return null;
                makeDbCall(databaseTwo, new ODbRelatedCall<Object>() {

                    public Object call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                        listener.onMessage("\n--- M2: " + metadataTwo);
                        return null;
        if (((compareEntriesForAutomaticIndexes && !indexOne.getType().equals("DICTIONARY")) || !indexOne.isAutomatic())) {
            final OIndexKeyCursor indexKeyCursorOne = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<OIndexKeyCursor>() {

                public OIndexKeyCursor call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                    return indexOne.keyCursor();
            Object key = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<Object>() {

                public Object call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
            while (key != null) {
                final Object indexKey = key;
                Object indexOneValue = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<Object>() {

                    public Object call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                        return indexOne.get(indexKey);
                final Object indexTwoValue = makeDbCall(databaseTwo, new ODbRelatedCall<Object>() {

                    public Object call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                        return indexTwo.get(indexKey);
                if (indexTwoValue == null) {
                    ok = false;
                    listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: Entry with key " + key + " is absent in index " + indexOne.getName() + " for DB2.");
                } else if (indexOneValue instanceof Set && indexTwoValue instanceof Set) {
                    final Set<Object> indexOneValueSet = (Set<Object>) indexOneValue;
                    final Set<Object> indexTwoValueSet = (Set<Object>) indexTwoValue;
                    if (!ODocumentHelper.compareSets(databaseOne, indexOneValueSet, databaseTwo, indexTwoValueSet, ridMapper)) {
                        ok = false;
                        reportIndexDiff(indexOne, key, indexOneValue, indexTwoValue);
                } else if (indexOneValue instanceof ORID && indexTwoValue instanceof ORID) {
                    if (ridMapper != null && ((ORID) indexOneValue).isPersistent()) {
                        OIdentifiable identifiable = indexOneValue);
                        if (identifiable != null)
                            indexOneValue = identifiable.getIdentity();
                    if (!indexOneValue.equals(indexTwoValue)) {
                        ok = false;
                        reportIndexDiff(indexOne, key, indexOneValue, indexTwoValue);
                } else if (!indexOneValue.equals(indexTwoValue)) {
                    ok = false;
                    reportIndexDiff(indexOne, key, indexOneValue, indexTwoValue);
                key = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<Object>() {

                    public Object call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
    if (ok)
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) OIndex(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.index.OIndex) ODbRelatedCall(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocumentHelper.ODbRelatedCall) OIdentifiable(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.OIdentifiable) ODatabaseDocumentInternal(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.ODatabaseDocumentInternal) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ORID( ODocument(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument) OIndexKeyCursor(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.index.OIndexKeyCursor) OIndexManager(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.index.OIndexManager) Collection(java.util.Collection)

Example 10 with ODocument

use of com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument in project orientdb by orientechnologies.

the class ODatabaseCompare method compareRecords.

private boolean compareRecords(ODocumentHelper.RIDMapper ridMapper) {
    listener.onMessage("\nStarting deep comparison record by record. This may take a few minutes. Wait please...");
    Collection<String> clusterNames1 = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<Collection<String>>() {

        public Collection<String> call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
            return database.getClusterNames();
    for (final String clusterName : clusterNames1) {
        if (includeClusters != null) {
            if (!includeClusters.contains(clusterName))
        } else if (excludeClusters != null) {
            if (excludeClusters.contains(clusterName))
        final int clusterId1 = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<Integer>() {

            public Integer call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                return database.getClusterIdByName(clusterName);
        final long[] db1Range = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<long[]>() {

            public long[] call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                return database.getStorage().getClusterDataRange(clusterId1);
        final long[] db2Range = makeDbCall(databaseTwo, new ODbRelatedCall<long[]>() {

            public long[] call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                return database.getStorage().getClusterDataRange(clusterId1);
        final long db1Max = db1Range[1];
        final long db2Max = db2Range[1];
        final ODocument doc1 = new ODocument();
        final ODocument doc2 = new ODocument();
        final ORecordId rid = new ORecordId(clusterId1);
        // TODO why this maximums can be different?
        final long clusterMax = Math.max(db1Max, db2Max);
        final OStorage storage;
        ODatabaseDocumentInternal selectedDatabase;
        if (clusterMax == db1Max)
            selectedDatabase = databaseOne;
            selectedDatabase = databaseTwo;
        OPhysicalPosition[] physicalPositions = makeDbCall(selectedDatabase, new ODbRelatedCall<OPhysicalPosition[]>() {

            public OPhysicalPosition[] call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                return database.getStorage().ceilingPhysicalPositions(clusterId1, new OPhysicalPosition(0));
        OStorageConfiguration configuration1 = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<OStorageConfiguration>() {

            public OStorageConfiguration call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                return database.getStorage().getConfiguration();
        OStorageConfiguration configuration2 = makeDbCall(databaseTwo, new ODbRelatedCall<OStorageConfiguration>() {

            public OStorageConfiguration call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                return database.getStorage().getConfiguration();
        String storageType1 = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<String>() {

            public String call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                return database.getStorage().getType();
        String storageType2 = makeDbCall(databaseTwo, new ODbRelatedCall<String>() {

            public String call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                return database.getStorage().getType();
        long recordsCounter = 0;
        while (physicalPositions.length > 0) {
            for (OPhysicalPosition physicalPosition : physicalPositions) {
                try {
                    final long position = physicalPosition.clusterPosition;
                    if (rid.equals(new ORecordId(configuration1.indexMgrRecordId)) && rid.equals(new ORecordId(configuration2.indexMgrRecordId)))
                    if (rid.equals(new ORecordId(configuration1.schemaRecordId)) && rid.equals(new ORecordId(configuration2.schemaRecordId)))
                    if (rid.getClusterId() == 0 && rid.getClusterPosition() == 0) {
                        // Skip the compare of raw structure if the storage type are different, due the fact that are different by definition.
                        if (!storageType1.equals(storageType2))
                    final ORecordId rid2;
                    if (ridMapper == null)
                        rid2 = rid;
                    else {
                        final ORID newRid =;
                        if (newRid == null)
                            rid2 = rid;
                            rid2 = new ORecordId(newRid);
                    final ORawBuffer buffer1 = makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODbRelatedCall<ORawBuffer>() {

                        public ORawBuffer call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                            return database.getStorage().readRecord(rid, null, true, false, null).getResult();
                    final ORawBuffer buffer2 = makeDbCall(databaseTwo, new ODbRelatedCall<ORawBuffer>() {

                        public ORawBuffer call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                            return database.getStorage().readRecord(rid2, null, true, false, null).getResult();
                    if (buffer1 == null && buffer2 == null)
                        // BOTH RECORD NULL, OK
                    else if (buffer1 == null && buffer2 != null) {
                        // REC1 NULL
                        listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: RID=" + clusterId1 + ":" + position + " is null in DB1");
                    } else if (buffer1 != null && buffer2 == null) {
                        // REC2 NULL
                        listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: RID=" + clusterId1 + ":" + position + " is null in DB2");
                    } else {
                        if (buffer1.recordType != buffer2.recordType) {
                            listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: RID=" + clusterId1 + ":" + position + " recordType is different: " + (char) buffer1.recordType + " <-> " + (char) buffer2.recordType);
                        if (buffer1.buffer == null && buffer2.buffer == null) {
                        } else if (buffer1.buffer == null && buffer2.buffer != null) {
                            listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: RID=" + clusterId1 + ":" + position + " content is different: null <-> " + buffer2.buffer.length);
                        } else if (buffer1.buffer != null && buffer2.buffer == null) {
                            listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: RID=" + clusterId1 + ":" + position + " content is different: " + buffer1.buffer.length + " <-> null");
                        } else {
                            if (buffer1.recordType == ODocument.RECORD_TYPE) {
                                // DOCUMENT: TRY TO INSTANTIATE AND COMPARE
                                makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODocumentHelper.ODbRelatedCall<Object>() {

                                    public Object call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                                        return null;
                                makeDbCall(databaseTwo, new ODocumentHelper.ODbRelatedCall<Object>() {

                                    public Object call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                                        return null;
                                if (rid.toString().equals(configuration1.schemaRecordId) && rid.toString().equals(configuration2.schemaRecordId)) {
                                    makeDbCall(databaseOne, new ODocumentHelper.ODbRelatedCall<java.lang.Object>() {

                                        public Object call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                                            return null;
                                    makeDbCall(databaseTwo, new ODocumentHelper.ODbRelatedCall<java.lang.Object>() {

                                        public Object call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                                            return null;
                                if (!ODocumentHelper.hasSameContentOf(doc1, databaseOne, doc2, databaseTwo, ridMapper)) {
                                    listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: RID=" + clusterId1 + ":" + position + " document content is different");
                                    listener.onMessage("\n--- REC1: " + new String(buffer1.buffer));
                                    listener.onMessage("\n--- REC2: " + new String(buffer2.buffer));
                            } else {
                                if (buffer1.buffer.length != buffer2.buffer.length) {
                                    // CHECK IF THE TRIMMED SIZE IS THE SAME
                                    final String rec1 = new String(buffer1.buffer).trim();
                                    final String rec2 = new String(buffer2.buffer).trim();
                                    if (rec1.length() != rec2.length()) {
                                        listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: RID=" + clusterId1 + ":" + position + " content length is different: " + buffer1.buffer.length + " <-> " + buffer2.buffer.length);
                                        if (buffer1.recordType == ODocument.RECORD_TYPE)
                                            listener.onMessage("\n--- REC1: " + rec1);
                                        if (buffer2.recordType == ODocument.RECORD_TYPE)
                                            listener.onMessage("\n--- REC2: " + rec2);
                                } else {
                                    // CHECK BYTE PER BYTE
                                    for (int b = 0; b < buffer1.buffer.length; ++b) {
                                        if (buffer1.buffer[b] != buffer2.buffer[b]) {
                                            listener.onMessage("\n- ERR: RID=" + clusterId1 + ":" + position + " content is different at byte #" + b + ": " + buffer1.buffer[b] + " <-> " + buffer2.buffer[b]);
                                            listener.onMessage("\n--- REC1: " + new String(buffer1.buffer));
                                            listener.onMessage("\n--- REC2: " + new String(buffer2.buffer));
                } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    OLogManager.instance().error(this, "Error during data comparison of records with rid " + rid);
                    throw e;
            final OPhysicalPosition[] curPosition = physicalPositions;
            physicalPositions = makeDbCall(selectedDatabase, new ODbRelatedCall<OPhysicalPosition[]>() {

                public OPhysicalPosition[] call(ODatabaseDocumentInternal database) {
                    return database.getStorage().higherPhysicalPositions(clusterId1, curPosition[curPosition.length - 1]);
            if (recordsCounter % 10000 == 0)
                listener.onMessage("\n" + recordsCounter + " records were processed for cluster " + clusterName + " ...");
        listener.onMessage("\nCluster comparison was finished, " + recordsCounter + " records were processed for cluster " + clusterName + " ...");
    return true;
Also used : ODbRelatedCall(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocumentHelper.ODbRelatedCall) ODocumentHelper(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocumentHelper) OStorage( OStorageConfiguration(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.config.OStorageConfiguration) ODatabaseDocumentInternal(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.ODatabaseDocumentInternal) OPhysicalPosition( ORawBuffer( ORID( ODocument(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument) ORecordId( Collection(java.util.Collection) SuppressFBWarnings(edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings)


ODocument (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument)2200 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)651 OSQLSynchQuery (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.query.OSQLSynchQuery)426 OCommandSQL (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandSQL)422 OIdentifiable (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.OIdentifiable)277 Test (org.junit.Test)267 ODatabaseDocumentTx (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocumentTx)257 OClass (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OClass)244 ORID ( ORecordId ( OSchema (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OSchema)122 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)118 ORidBag (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.ridbag.ORidBag)103 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)103 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)96 ORecord (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.ORecord)80 Set (java.util.Set)76 OETLBaseTest (com.orientechnologies.orient.etl.OETLBaseTest)75 ODatabaseDocument (com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocument)68 Collection (java.util.Collection)55