use of in project android by nextcloud.
the class UploadIT method testCreationAndUploadTimestamp.
public void testCreationAndUploadTimestamp() throws IOException {
File file = getDummyFile("/empty.txt");
String remotePath = "/testFile.txt";
OCUpload ocUpload = new OCUpload(file.getAbsolutePath(), remotePath,;
long creationTimestamp = Files.readAttributes(file.toPath(), BasicFileAttributes.class).creationTime().to(TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// wait a bit to simulate a later upload, so we can verify if creation date is set correct
assertTrue(new UploadFileOperation(uploadsStorageManager, connectivityServiceMock, powerManagementServiceMock, user, null, ocUpload, NameCollisionPolicy.DEFAULT, FileUploader.LOCAL_BEHAVIOUR_COPY, targetContext, false, false, getStorageManager()).setRemoteFolderToBeCreated().execute(client).isSuccess());
long uploadTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
// RefreshFolderOperation
assertTrue(new RefreshFolderOperation(getStorageManager().getFileByDecryptedRemotePath("/"), System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000, false, false, getStorageManager(), user, targetContext).execute(client).isSuccess());
List<OCFile> files = getStorageManager().getFolderContent(getStorageManager().getFileByDecryptedRemotePath("/"), false);
OCFile ocFile = files.get(0);
assertEquals(remotePath, ocFile.getRemotePath());
assertEquals(creationTimestamp, ocFile.getCreationTimestamp());
assertTrue(uploadTimestamp - 10 < ocFile.getUploadTimestamp() || uploadTimestamp + 10 > ocFile.getUploadTimestamp());
use of in project android by owncloud.
the class ReceiveExternalFilesActivity method startSyncFolderOperation.
private void startSyncFolderOperation(OCFile folder) {
mSyncInProgress = true;
// perform folder synchronization
SyncOperation synchFolderOp = new RefreshFolderOperation(folder, false, getAccount(), getApplicationContext());
synchFolderOp.execute(getStorageManager(), this, null, null);
use of in project android by nextcloud.
the class FileSyncAdapter method synchronizeFolder.
* Synchronizes the list of files contained in a folder identified with its remote path.
* Fetches the list and properties of the files contained in the given folder, including their
* properties, and updates the local database with them.
* Enters in the child folders to synchronize their contents also, following a recursive
* depth first strategy.
* @param folder Folder to synchronize.
private void synchronizeFolder(OCFile folder) {
if (mFailedResultsCounter > MAX_FAILED_RESULTS || isFinisher(mLastFailedResult)) {
// folder synchronization
RefreshFolderOperation synchFolderOp = new RefreshFolderOperation(folder, mCurrentSyncTime, true, false, getStorageManager(), getUser(), getContext());
RemoteOperationResult result = synchFolderOp.execute(getClient());
// synchronized folder -> notice to UI - ALWAYS, although !result.isSuccess
sendLocalBroadcast(EVENT_FULL_SYNC_FOLDER_CONTENTS_SYNCED, folder.getRemotePath(), result);
// check the result of synchronizing the folder
if (result.isSuccess() || result.getCode() == ResultCode.SYNC_CONFLICT) {
if (result.getCode() == ResultCode.SYNC_CONFLICT) {
mConflictsFound += synchFolderOp.getConflictsFound();
mFailsInFavouritesFound += synchFolderOp.getFailsInKeptInSyncFound();
if (synchFolderOp.getForgottenLocalFiles().size() > 0) {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
// synchronize children folders
List<OCFile> children = synchFolderOp.getChildren();
// beware of the 'hidden' recursion here!
} else if (result.getCode() != ResultCode.FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
// in failures, the statistics for the global result are updated
if (RemoteOperationResult.ResultCode.UNAUTHORIZED.equals(result.getCode())) {
} else if (result.getException() instanceof DavException) {
} else if (result.getException() instanceof IOException) {
mLastFailedResult = result;
// else, ResultCode.FILE_NOT_FOUND is ignored, remote folder was
// removed from other thread or other client during the synchronization,
// before this thread fetched its contents
use of in project android by nextcloud.
the class DocumentsStorageProvider method createFile.
private String createFile(Document targetFolder, String displayName, String mimeType) throws FileNotFoundException {
User user = targetFolder.getUser();
// create dummy file
File tempDir = new File(FileStorageUtils.getTemporalPath(user.getAccountName()));
if (!tempDir.exists() && !tempDir.mkdirs()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Temp folder could not be created: " + tempDir.getAbsolutePath());
File emptyFile = new File(tempDir, displayName);
if (emptyFile.exists() && !emptyFile.delete()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Previous file could not be deleted");
try {
if (!emptyFile.createNewFile()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("File could not be created");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw getFileNotFoundExceptionWithCause("File could not be created", e);
String newFilePath = targetFolder.getRemotePath() + displayName;
// FIXME we need to update the mimeType somewhere else as well
// perform the upload, no need for chunked operation as we have a empty file
OwnCloudClient client = targetFolder.getClient();
RemoteOperationResult result = new UploadFileRemoteOperation(emptyFile.getAbsolutePath(), newFilePath, mimeType, "", String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000), FileUtil.getCreationTimestamp(emptyFile), false).execute(client);
if (!result.isSuccess()) {
Log_OC.e(TAG, result.toString());
throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to upload document with path " + newFilePath);
Context context = getNonNullContext();
RemoteOperationResult updateParent = new RefreshFolderOperation(targetFolder.getFile(), System.currentTimeMillis(), false, false, true, targetFolder.getStorageManager(), user, context).execute(client);
if (!updateParent.isSuccess()) {
Log_OC.e(TAG, updateParent.toString());
throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to create document with documentId " + targetFolder.getDocumentId());
Document newFile = new Document(targetFolder.getStorageManager(), newFilePath);
context.getContentResolver().notifyChange(toNotifyUri(targetFolder), null, false);
return newFile.getDocumentId();
use of in project android by nextcloud.
the class FetchRemoteFileTask method doInBackground.
protected String doInBackground(Void... voids) {
SearchRemoteOperation searchRemoteOperation = new SearchRemoteOperation(fileId, FILE_ID_SEARCH, false, fileDisplayActivity.getCapabilities());
RemoteOperationResult remoteOperationResult = searchRemoteOperation.execute(user.toPlatformAccount(), fileDisplayActivity);
if (remoteOperationResult.isSuccess() && remoteOperationResult.getData() != null) {
if (remoteOperationResult.getData().isEmpty()) {
return fileDisplayActivity.getString(R.string.remote_file_fetch_failed);
String remotePath = ((RemoteFile) remoteOperationResult.getData().get(0)).getRemotePath();
ReadFileRemoteOperation operation = new ReadFileRemoteOperation(remotePath);
RemoteOperationResult result = operation.execute(user.toPlatformAccount(), fileDisplayActivity);
if (!result.isSuccess()) {
Exception exception = result.getException();
String message = "Fetching file " + remotePath + " fails with: " + result.getLogMessage();
if (exception != null) {
return exception.getMessage();
} else {
return message;
RemoteFile remoteFile = (RemoteFile) result.getData().get(0);
OCFile ocFile = FileStorageUtils.fillOCFile(remoteFile);
FileStorageUtils.searchForLocalFileInDefaultPath(ocFile, user.getAccountName());
ocFile = storageManager.saveFileWithParent(ocFile, fileDisplayActivity);
// also sync folder content
OCFile toSync;
if (ocFile.isFolder()) {
toSync = ocFile;
} else {
toSync = storageManager.getFileById(ocFile.getParentId());
long currentSyncTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
RemoteOperation refreshFolderOperation = new RefreshFolderOperation(toSync, currentSyncTime, true, true, storageManager, user, fileDisplayActivity);
refreshFolderOperation.execute(user.toPlatformAccount(), fileDisplayActivity);
} else {
return remoteOperationResult.getLogMessage();
return "";