use of com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.object.Resident in project Towny by ElgarL.
the class ResidentPurge method run.
public void run() {
int count = 0;
message("Scanning for old residents...");
for (Resident resident : new ArrayList<Resident>(TownyUniverse.getDataSource().getResidents())) {
if (!resident.isNPC() && (System.currentTimeMillis() - resident.getLastOnline() > (this.deleteTime)) && !BukkitTools.isOnline(resident.getName())) {
message("Deleting resident: " + resident.getName());
message("Resident purge complete: " + count + " deleted.");
use of com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.object.Resident in project Towny by ElgarL.
the class AreaSelectionUtil method selectWorldCoordAreaCircle.
public static List<WorldCoord> selectWorldCoordAreaCircle(TownBlockOwner owner, WorldCoord pos, String[] args) throws TownyException {
List<WorldCoord> out = new ArrayList<WorldCoord>();
if (pos.getTownyWorld().isClaimable()) {
if (args.length > 0) {
int r = 0, available = 0;
if (owner instanceof Town) {
Town town = (Town) owner;
available = TownySettings.getMaxTownBlocks(town) - town.getTownBlocks().size();
} else if (owner instanceof Resident) {
available = TownySettings.getMaxResidentPlots((Resident) owner);
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) {
if (// Since: 0 - ceil(Pi * 0^2) >= 0 is a true statement.
available > 0)
while (available - Math.ceil(Math.PI * r * r) >= 0) r += 1;
} else {
try {
r = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_invalid_radius"));
if (r > 1000)
r = 1000;
for (int z = -r; z <= r; z++) for (int x = -r; x <= r; x++) if ((x * x + z * z <= r * r) && (out.size() < available))
out.add(new WorldCoord(pos.getWorldName(), pos.getX() + x, pos.getZ() + z));
} else {
throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_invalid_radius"));
return out;
use of com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.object.Resident in project Towny by ElgarL.
the class AreaSelectionUtil method selectWorldCoordAreaRect.
public static List<WorldCoord> selectWorldCoordAreaRect(TownBlockOwner owner, WorldCoord pos, String[] args) throws TownyException {
List<WorldCoord> out = new ArrayList<WorldCoord>();
if (pos.getTownyWorld().isClaimable()) {
if (args.length > 0) {
int r = 0, available = 1000;
if (owner instanceof Town) {
Town town = (Town) owner;
available = TownySettings.getMaxTownBlocks(town) - town.getTownBlocks().size();
} else if (owner instanceof Resident) {
available = TownySettings.getMaxResidentPlots((Resident) owner);
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("auto")) {
while (available - Math.pow((r + 1) * 2 - 1, 2) >= 0) r += 1;
} else {
try {
r = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_invalid_radius"));
if (r > 1000)
r = 1000;
for (int z = -r; z <= r; z++) for (int x = -r; x <= r; x++) if (out.size() < available)
out.add(new WorldCoord(pos.getWorldName(), pos.getX() + x, pos.getZ() + z));
} else {
throw new TownyException(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_err_invalid_radius"));
return out;
use of com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.object.Resident in project Towny by ElgarL.
the class DailyTimerTask method collectTownTaxes.
* Collect taxes due to the town from it's residents.
* @param nation
* @throws EconomyException
protected void collectTownTaxes(Town town) throws EconomyException {
// Resident Tax
if (town.getTaxes() > 0) {
List<Resident> residents = new ArrayList<Resident>(town.getResidents());
ListIterator<Resident> residentItr = residents.listIterator();
Resident resident = null;
while (residentItr.hasNext()) {
resident =;
* Only collect resident tax from this resident if it really
* still exists. We are running in an Async thread so MUST
* verify all objects.
if (TownyUniverse.getDataSource().hasResident(resident.getName())) {
if (TownyPerms.getResidentPerms(resident).containsKey("towny.tax_exempt") || resident.isNPC()) {
try {
TownyMessaging.sendResidentMessage(resident, TownySettings.getTaxExemptMsg());
} catch (TownyException e) {
// Player is not online
} else if (town.isTaxPercentage()) {
double cost = resident.getHoldingBalance() * town.getTaxes() / 100;
resident.payTo(cost, town, "Town Tax (Percentage)");
* Don't send individual message anymore to ease up on
* the lag. try {
* TownyMessaging.sendResidentMessage(resident,
* TownySettings.getPayedResidentTaxMsg() + cost); }
* catch (TownyException e) { // Player is not online }
} else if (!resident.payTo(town.getTaxes(), town, "Town Tax")) {
TownyMessaging.sendTownMessage(town, TownySettings.getCouldntPayTaxesMsg(resident, "town"));
try {
// reset this resident and remove him from the town.
} catch (EmptyTownException e) {
// No mayor so remove the town.
// else
* Don't send individual message anymore to ease up on the
* lag. try { TownyMessaging.sendResidentMessage(resident,
* TownySettings.getPayedResidentTaxMsg() +
* town.getTaxes()); } catch (TownyException e) { // Player
* is not online }
// Plot Tax
if (town.getPlotTax() > 0 || town.getCommercialPlotTax() > 0 || town.getEmbassyPlotTax() > 0) {
// Hashtable<Resident, Integer> townPlots = new Hashtable<Resident,
// Integer>();
// Hashtable<Resident, Double> townTaxes = new Hashtable<Resident,
// Double>();
List<TownBlock> townBlocks = new ArrayList<TownBlock>(town.getTownBlocks());
ListIterator<TownBlock> townBlockItr = townBlocks.listIterator();
TownBlock townBlock = null;
while (townBlockItr.hasNext()) {
townBlock =;
if (!townBlock.hasResident())
try {
Resident resident = townBlock.getResident();
* Only collect plot tax from this resident if it really
* still exists. We are running in an Async thread so MUST
* verify all objects.
if (TownyUniverse.getDataSource().hasResident(resident.getName())) {
if (TownyPerms.getResidentPerms(resident).containsKey("towny.tax_exempt") || resident.isNPC()) {
if (!resident.payTo(townBlock.getType().getTax(town), town, String.format("Plot Tax (%s)", townBlock.getType()))) {
TownyMessaging.sendTownMessage(town, String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_couldnt_pay_plot_taxes"), resident));
// Set the plot permissions to mirror the towns.
// else {
// townPlots.put(resident,
// (townPlots.containsKey(resident) ?
// townPlots.get(resident) : 0) + 1);
// townTaxes.put(resident,
// (townTaxes.containsKey(resident) ?
// townTaxes.get(resident) : 0) +
// townBlock.getType().getTax(town));
// }
} catch (NotRegisteredException e) {
* Don't send individual message anymore to ease up on the lag. for
* (Resident resident : townPlots.keySet()) { try { int numPlots =
* townPlots.get(resident); double totalCost =
* townTaxes.get(resident);
* TownyMessaging.sendResidentMessage(resident,
* String.format(TownySettings.getLangString("msg_payed_plot_cost"),
* totalCost, numPlots, town.getName())); } catch (TownyException e)
* { // Player is not online } }
use of com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.object.Resident in project Towny by ElgarL.
the class TownyPlayerListener method onPlayerBedEnter.
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPlayerBedEnter(PlayerBedEnterEvent event) {
if (!TownySettings.getBedUse())
boolean isOwner = false;
boolean isInnPlot = false;
try {
Resident resident = TownyUniverse.getDataSource().getResident(event.getPlayer().getName());
WorldCoord worldCoord = new WorldCoord(event.getPlayer().getWorld().getName(), Coord.parseCoord(event.getBed().getLocation()));
TownBlock townblock = worldCoord.getTownBlock();
isOwner = townblock.isOwner(resident);
isInnPlot = townblock.getType() == TownBlockType.INN;
if (resident.hasNation() && townblock.getTown().hasNation()) {
Nation residentNation = resident.getTown().getNation();
Nation townblockNation = townblock.getTown().getNation();
if (townblockNation.hasEnemy(residentNation)) {
TownyMessaging.sendErrorMsg(event.getPlayer(), "You cannot sleep in an enemy's Inn.");
} catch (NotRegisteredException e) {
// Wilderness as it error'd getting a townblock.
if (!isOwner && !isInnPlot) {
TownyMessaging.sendErrorMsg(event.getPlayer(), "You do not own the land this bed occupies and it is not an Inn plot.");