use of com.parse.http.ParseHttpRequest in project Parse-SDK-Android by ParsePlatform.
the class ParseDecompressInterceptor method intercept.
public ParseHttpResponse intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
ParseHttpRequest request = chain.getRequest();
ParseHttpResponse response = chain.proceed(request);
// If the response is gziped, we need to decompress the stream and remove the gzip header.
if (GZIP_ENCODING.equalsIgnoreCase(response.getHeader(CONTENT_ENCODING_HEADER))) {
Map<String, String> newHeaders = new HashMap<>(response.getAllHeaders());
// Since before we decompress the stream, we can not know the actual length of the stream.
// In this situation, we follow the OkHttp library, set the content-length of the response
// to -1
newHeaders.put(CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER, "-1");
// TODO(mengyan): Add builder constructor based on an existing ParseHttpResponse
response = new ParseHttpResponse.Builder(response).setTotalSize(-1).setHeaders(newHeaders).setContent(new GZIPInputStream(response.getContent())).build();
return response;
use of com.parse.http.ParseHttpRequest in project Parse-SDK-Android by ParsePlatform.
the class ParseOkHttpClient method getRequest.
/* package */
Request getRequest(ParseHttpRequest parseRequest) throws IOException {
Request.Builder okHttpRequestBuilder = new Request.Builder();
ParseHttpRequest.Method method = parseRequest.getMethod();
// Set method
switch(method) {
case GET:
case DELETE:
case POST:
case PUT:
// the following.
// ParseRequest.newRequest().
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported http method " + method.toString());
// Set url
// Set Header
Headers.Builder okHttpHeadersBuilder = new Headers.Builder();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : parseRequest.getAllHeaders().entrySet()) {
okHttpHeadersBuilder.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// OkHttp automatically add gzip header so we do not need to deal with it
Headers okHttpHeaders =;
// Set Body
ParseHttpBody parseBody = parseRequest.getBody();
ParseOkHttpRequestBody okHttpRequestBody = null;
if (parseBody != null) {
okHttpRequestBody = new ParseOkHttpRequestBody(parseBody);
switch(method) {
case PUT:
case POST:;
use of com.parse.http.ParseHttpRequest in project Parse-SDK-Android by ParsePlatform.
the class ParseOkHttpClient method addExternalInterceptor.
* For OKHttpClient, since it does not expose any interface for us to check the raw response
* stream, we have to use OKHttp networkInterceptors. Instead of using our own interceptor list,
* we use OKHttp inner interceptor list.
* @param parseNetworkInterceptor
/* package */
void addExternalInterceptor(final ParseNetworkInterceptor parseNetworkInterceptor) {
OkHttpClient.Builder builder = okHttpClient.newBuilder();
builder.networkInterceptors().add(new Interceptor() {
public Response intercept(final Chain okHttpChain) throws IOException {
Request okHttpRequest = okHttpChain.request();
// Transfer OkHttpRequest to ParseHttpRequest
final ParseHttpRequest parseRequest = getParseHttpRequest(okHttpRequest);
// Capture OkHttpResponse
final Capture<Response> okHttpResponseCapture = new Capture<>();
final ParseHttpResponse parseResponse = parseNetworkInterceptor.intercept(new ParseNetworkInterceptor.Chain() {
public ParseHttpRequest getRequest() {
return parseRequest;
public ParseHttpResponse proceed(ParseHttpRequest parseRequest) throws IOException {
// Use OKHttpClient to send request
Request okHttpRequest = ParseOkHttpClient.this.getRequest(parseRequest);
Response okHttpResponse = okHttpChain.proceed(okHttpRequest);
return getResponse(okHttpResponse);
final Response okHttpResponse = okHttpResponseCapture.get();
// Ideally we should build newOkHttpResponse only based on parseResponse, however
// ParseHttpResponse does not have all the info we need to build the newOkHttpResponse, so
// we rely on the okHttpResponse to generate the builder and change the necessary info
// inside
Response.Builder newOkHttpResponseBuilder = okHttpResponse.newBuilder();
// Set status
// Set headers
if (parseResponse.getAllHeaders() != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : parseResponse.getAllHeaders().entrySet()) {
newOkHttpResponseBuilder.header(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// Set body
newOkHttpResponseBuilder.body(new ResponseBody() {
public MediaType contentType() {
if (parseResponse.getContentType() == null) {
return null;
return MediaType.parse(parseResponse.getContentType());
public long contentLength() {
return parseResponse.getTotalSize();
public BufferedSource source() {
// interceptor.
if (parseResponse.getContent() == null) {
return null;
return Okio.buffer(Okio.source(parseResponse.getContent()));
okHttpClient =;
use of com.parse.http.ParseHttpRequest in project Parse-SDK-Android by ParsePlatform.
the class ParseRESTCommand method newRequest.
protected ParseHttpRequest newRequest(ParseHttpRequest.Method method, String url, ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback) {
ParseHttpRequest request;
if (jsonParameters != null && method != ParseHttpRequest.Method.POST && method != ParseHttpRequest.Method.PUT) {
// The request URI may be too long to include parameters in the URI.
// To avoid this problem we send the parameters in a POST request json-encoded body
// and add a http method override parameter in newBody.
request = super.newRequest(ParseHttpRequest.Method.POST, url, uploadProgressCallback);
} else {
request = super.newRequest(method, url, uploadProgressCallback);
ParseHttpRequest.Builder requestBuilder = new ParseHttpRequest.Builder(request);
use of com.parse.http.ParseHttpRequest in project Parse-SDK-Android by ParsePlatform.
the class ParseDecompressInterceptorTest method testDecompressInterceptorWithNotGZIPResponse.
public void testDecompressInterceptorWithNotGZIPResponse() throws Exception {
ParseDecompressInterceptor interceptor = new ParseDecompressInterceptor();
final String responseContent = "content";
ParseHttpResponse interceptedResponse = interceptor.intercept(new ParseNetworkInterceptor.Chain() {
public ParseHttpRequest getRequest() {
// Generate test request
return new ParseHttpRequest.Builder().setUrl("").setMethod(ParseHttpRequest.Method.GET).build();
public ParseHttpResponse proceed(ParseHttpRequest request) throws IOException {
// Generate test response
return new ParseHttpResponse.Builder().setStatusCode(200).setTotalSize(responseContent.length()).setReasonPhrase("Success").setContentType("text/plain").setContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(responseContent.getBytes())).build();
// Verify response is correct
assertEquals(200, interceptedResponse.getStatusCode());
assertEquals(responseContent.length(), interceptedResponse.getTotalSize());
assertEquals("Success", interceptedResponse.getReasonPhrase());
assertEquals("text/plain", interceptedResponse.getContentType());
byte[] content = ParseIOUtils.toByteArray(interceptedResponse.getContent());
assertArrayEquals(responseContent.getBytes(), content);