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Example 11 with Params

use of in project android-priority-jobqueue by path.

the class DelayTest method testDelay.

public void testDelay(boolean persist) throws Exception {
    JobManager jobManager = createJobManager();
    DummyJob delayedJob = new DummyJob(new Params(10).delayInMs(1000).setPersistent(persist));
    DummyJob nonDelayedJob = new DummyJob(new Params(0).setPersistent(persist));
    long jobId = jobManager.addJob(delayedJob);
    long nonDelayedJobId = jobManager.addJob(nonDelayedJob);
    Invoker<JobHolder> nextJobMethod = getNextJobMethod(jobManager);
    Invoker<Void> removeJobMethod = getRemoveJobMethod(jobManager);
    JobHolder receivedJob = nextJobMethod.invoke();
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("non-delayed job should be served", receivedJob, notNullValue());
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("non-delayed job should id should match", receivedJob.getId(), equalTo(nonDelayedJobId));
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("delayed job should not be served", nextJobMethod.invoke(), nullValue());
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("job count should still be 1", jobManager.count(), equalTo(1));
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("delayed job should not be served", nextJobMethod.invoke(), nullValue());
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("job count should still be 1", jobManager.count(), equalTo(1));
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("job count should still be 1", jobManager.count(), equalTo(1));
    receivedJob = nextJobMethod.invoke();
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("now should be able to receive the delayed job.", receivedJob, notNullValue());
    if (receivedJob != null) {
        MatcherAssert.assertThat("received job should be the delayed job", receivedJob.getId(), equalTo(jobId));
Also used : JobHolder( DummyJob( Params( JobManager(

Example 12 with Params

use of in project android-priority-jobqueue by path.

the class DelayedRunTest method testDelayedRun.

public void testDelayedRun(boolean persist, boolean tryToStop) throws Exception {
    JobManager jobManager = createJobManager();
    DummyJob delayedJob = new DummyJob(new Params(10).delayInMs(2000).setPersistent(persist));
    DummyJob nonDelayedJob = new DummyJob(new Params(0).setPersistent(persist));
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("there should be 1 delayed job waiting to be run", jobManager.count(), equalTo(1));
    if (tryToStop) {
        // see issue #11
        MatcherAssert.assertThat("there should still be 1 delayed job waiting to be run when job manager is stopped", jobManager.count(), equalTo(1));
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("all jobs should be completed", jobManager.count(), equalTo(0));
Also used : DummyJob( Params( JobManager(

Example 13 with Params

use of in project android-priority-jobqueue by path.

the class GroupingTest method testGroupingRaceCondition.

public void testGroupingRaceCondition() throws Exception {
    DummyNetworkUtilWithConnectivityEventSupport dummyNetworkUtil = new DummyNetworkUtilWithConnectivityEventSupport();
    JobManager jobManager = createJobManager(new Configuration.Builder(Robolectric.application).minConsumerCount(5).maxConsumerCount(10).networkUtil(dummyNetworkUtil));
    dummyNetworkUtil.setHasNetwork(false, true);
    // add a bunch of network requring jobs
    final String GROUP_ID = "shared_group_id";
    final int AFTER_ADDED_JOBS_COUNT = 5;
    final int NOT_SET_JOB_ID = -1;
    final AtomicInteger firstRunJob = new AtomicInteger(NOT_SET_JOB_ID);
    final int FIRST_JOB_ID = -10;
    final CountDownLatch onAddedCalled = new CountDownLatch(1);
    final CountDownLatch remainingJobsOnAddedCalled = new CountDownLatch(AFTER_ADDED_JOBS_COUNT);
    jobManager.addJobInBackground(new DummyJob(new Params(10).requireNetwork().groupBy(GROUP_ID)) {

        public void onAdded() {
            try {
                // wait until all other jobs are added
                // wait a bit after all are added,
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        public void onRun() throws Throwable {
            firstRunJob.compareAndSet(NOT_SET_JOB_ID, FIRST_JOB_ID);
    // ensure first jobs on added is called
    for (int i = 0; i < AFTER_ADDED_JOBS_COUNT; i++) {
        final int finalI = i;
        jobManager.addJob(new DummyJob(new Params(5).groupBy(GROUP_ID).requireNetwork()) {

            final int id = finalI + 1;

            public void onAdded() {

            public void onRun() throws Throwable {
                firstRunJob.compareAndSet(NOT_SET_JOB_ID, id);
    dummyNetworkUtil.setHasNetwork(true, true);
    // wait until all jobs are completed
    while (firstRunJob.get() == NOT_SET_JOB_ID) {
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("highest priority job should run if it is added before others", firstRunJob.get(), is(FIRST_JOB_ID));
Also used : DummyJob( AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) Params( JobManager( CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 14 with Params

use of in project android-priority-jobqueue by path.

the class InjectorTest method testInjectorCrash.

public void testInjectorCrash() throws Exception {
    final String EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "could not inject for whatever reason :)";
    DependencyInjector dummyDependencyInjector = new DependencyInjector() {

        public void inject(BaseJob baseJob) {
            throw new RuntimeException(EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
    final ObjectReference objectReference = new ObjectReference();
    final CountDownLatch exceptionLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
    CustomLogger customLogger = new CustomLogger() {

        public boolean isDebugEnabled() {
            return false;

        public void d(String s, Object... objects) {

        public void e(Throwable throwable, String s, Object... objects) {

        public void e(String s, Object... objects) {
    JobManager jobManager = createJobManager(new Configuration.Builder(Robolectric.application).injector(dummyDependencyInjector).customLogger(customLogger));
    Throwable addException = null;
    try {
        jobManager.addJob(new DummyJob(new Params(0)));
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        addException = t;
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("addJob should throw exception if dependency injector throws exception", addException, notNullValue());
    jobManager.addJobInBackground(new DummyJob(new Params(0)));
    exceptionLatch.await(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("there should be a received exception", objectReference.getObject(), notNullValue());
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("logged exception should be a runtime exception", objectReference.getObject(), instanceOf(RuntimeException.class));
    MatcherAssert.assertThat("logged exception should have expected message", ((Throwable) objectReference.getObject()).getMessage(), is(EXCEPTION_MESSAGE));
Also used : DependencyInjector( Configuration( BaseJob( Params( CustomLogger( JobManager( CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) DummyJob( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 15 with Params

use of in project android-priority-jobqueue by path.

the class JobStatusTest method testJobStatus.

public void testJobStatus() throws InterruptedException {
    DummyNetworkUtilWithConnectivityEventSupport networkUtil = new DummyNetworkUtilWithConnectivityEventSupport();
    networkUtil.setHasNetwork(false, true);
    JobManager jobManager = createJobManager(new Configuration.Builder(Robolectric.application).networkUtil(networkUtil));
    List<Integer> networkRequiringJobIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    Job[] jobs = new Job[] { new DummyJob(new Params(0)), new DummyJob(new Params(0).persist()), new DummyJob(new Params(0).persist().requireNetwork()) };
    long[] ids = new long[jobs.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < jobs.length; i++) {
        ids[i] = jobManager.addJob(jobs[i]);
        if (jobs[i].requiresNetwork()) {
        JobStatus expectedStatus = (networkUtil.isConnected() || jobs[i].requiresNetwork() == false) ? JobStatus.WAITING_READY : JobStatus.WAITING_NOT_READY;
        assertThat("job should have correct status after being added", jobManager.getJobStatus(ids[i], jobs[i].isPersistent()), is(expectedStatus));
    // create an unknown id, ensure status for that
    boolean exists;
    long unknownId;
    do {
        unknownId = (long) (Math.random() * 10000 - 5000);
        exists = false;
        for (long id : ids) {
            if (id == unknownId) {
                exists = true;
    } while (exists);
    for (boolean persistent : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
        assertThat("job with unknown id should return as expected", jobManager.getJobStatus(unknownId, persistent), is(JobStatus.UNKNOWN));
    CountDownLatch startLatch = new CountDownLatch(1), endLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
    DummyTwoLatchJob twoLatchJob = new DummyTwoLatchJob(new Params(0), startLatch, endLatch);
    long jobId = jobManager.addJob(twoLatchJob);
    assertThat("job should be in running state", jobManager.getJobStatus(jobId, false), is(JobStatus.RUNNING));
    // let it run
    // wait till it finishes
    // give some time to job manager to clear the job
    assertThat("finished job should go to unknown state", jobManager.getJobStatus(jobId, false), is(JobStatus.UNKNOWN));
    // network requiring job should not be ready
    for (Integer i : networkRequiringJobIndices) {
        assertThat("network requiring job should still be not-ready", jobManager.getJobStatus(ids[i], jobs[i].isPersistent()), is(JobStatus.WAITING_NOT_READY));
    networkUtil.setHasNetwork(true, true);
    for (Integer i : networkRequiringJobIndices) {
        assertThat("network requiring job should still be ready after network is there", jobManager.getJobStatus(ids[i], jobs[i].isPersistent()), is(JobStatus.WAITING_READY));
    int limit = 10;
    while (jobManager.count() > 0 && limit-- > 0) {
    assertThat("jobs should finish", jobManager.count(), is(0));
    for (int i = 0; i < jobs.length; i++) {
        // after all jobs finish, state should be unknown
        assertThat("all jobs finished, states should be unknown", jobManager.getJobStatus(ids[i], jobs[i].isPersistent()), is(JobStatus.UNKNOWN));
    final long SHORT_SLEEP = 1000;
    Job[] delayedJobs = new Job[] { new DummyJob(new Params(0).delayInMs(SHORT_SLEEP)), new DummyJob(new Params(0).delayInMs(SHORT_SLEEP).persist()), new DummyJob(new Params(0).delayInMs(SHORT_SLEEP * 10)), new DummyJob(new Params(0).delayInMs(SHORT_SLEEP * 10).persist()) };
    long[] delayedIds = new long[delayedJobs.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < delayedJobs.length; i++) {
        delayedIds[i] = jobManager.addJob(delayedJobs[i]);
    for (int i = 0; i < delayedJobs.length; i++) {
        assertThat("delayed job(" + i + ") should receive not ready status", jobManager.getJobStatus(delayedIds[i], delayedJobs[i].isPersistent()), is(JobStatus.WAITING_NOT_READY));
    // sleep
    Thread.sleep(SHORT_SLEEP * 2);
    for (int i = 0; i < delayedJobs.length; i++) {
        if (delayedJobs[i].getDelayInMs() == SHORT_SLEEP) {
            assertThat("when enough time passes, delayed jobs should move to ready state", jobManager.getJobStatus(delayedIds[i], delayedJobs[i].isPersistent()), is(JobStatus.WAITING_READY));
        } else {
            assertThat("delayed job should receive not ready status until their time comes", jobManager.getJobStatus(delayedIds[i], delayedJobs[i].isPersistent()), is(JobStatus.WAITING_NOT_READY));
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Params( JobManager( CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) JobStatus( DummyJob( DummyJob( Job( Test(org.junit.Test)


Params ( Test (org.junit.Test)33 DummyJob ( JobManager ( JobHolder ( JobQueue ( CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)8 Configuration ( AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)5 BaseJob ( Job ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 DependencyInjector ( CustomLogger ( Semaphore (java.util.concurrent.Semaphore)2 AsyncAddCallback ( JobStatus ( JobConsumerExecutor ( SqliteJobQueue ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1