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Example 6 with PokemonGo

use of com.pokegoapi.api.PokemonGo in project PokeGOAPI-Java by Grover-c13.

the class UseIncenseExample method main.

 * Catches a pokemon at an area.
public static void main(String[] args) {
    OkHttpClient http = new OkHttpClient();
    PokemonGo api = new PokemonGo(http, new SystemTimeImpl());
    try {
        HashProvider hasher = ExampleConstants.getHashProvider();
        api.login(new PtcCredentialProvider(http, ExampleConstants.LOGIN, ExampleConstants.PASSWORD), hasher);
        api.setLocation(ExampleConstants.LATITUDE, ExampleConstants.LONGITUDE, ExampleConstants.ALTITUDE);
    } catch (RequestFailedException e) {
        // failed to login, invalid credentials, auth issue or server issue.
        Log.e("Main", "Failed to login, captcha or server issue: ", e);
Also used : PtcCredentialProvider(com.pokegoapi.auth.PtcCredentialProvider) OkHttpClient(okhttp3.OkHttpClient) RequestFailedException(com.pokegoapi.exceptions.request.RequestFailedException) PokemonGo(com.pokegoapi.api.PokemonGo) SystemTimeImpl(com.pokegoapi.util.SystemTimeImpl) HashProvider(com.pokegoapi.util.hash.HashProvider)

Example 7 with PokemonGo

use of com.pokegoapi.api.PokemonGo in project PokeGOAPI-Java by Grover-c13.

the class CheckEvolutionExample method main.

 * Displays pokemon evolutions
 * @param args Not used
public static void main(String[] args) {
    OkHttpClient http = new OkHttpClient();
    final PokemonGo api = new PokemonGo(http);
    try {
        // Login and set location
        HashProvider hasher = ExampleConstants.getHashProvider();
        api.setLocation(ExampleConstants.LATITUDE, ExampleConstants.LONGITUDE, ExampleConstants.ALTITUDE);
        api.login(new PtcCredentialProvider(http, ExampleConstants.LOGIN, ExampleConstants.PASSWORD), hasher);
        // Get the evolution meta from the item templates received from the game server
        Evolutions evolutionMeta = api.itemTemplates.evolutions;
        System.out.println("Evolutions: ");
        for (PokemonId pokemon : PokemonId.values()) {
            List<PokemonId> evolutions = evolutionMeta.getEvolutions(pokemon);
            if (evolutions.size() > 0) {
                System.out.println(pokemon + " -> " + evolutions);
        System.out.println("Most basic: ");
        for (PokemonId pokemon : PokemonId.values()) {
            List<PokemonId> basic = evolutionMeta.getBasic(pokemon);
            if (basic.size() > 0) {
                // Check this is not the most basic pokemon
                if (!(basic.size() == 1 && basic.contains(pokemon))) {
                    System.out.println(pokemon + " -> " + basic);
        System.out.println("Highest: ");
        for (PokemonId pokemon : PokemonId.values()) {
            List<PokemonId> highest = evolutionMeta.getHighest(pokemon);
            if (highest.size() > 0) {
                // Check this is not the highest pokemon
                if (!(highest.size() == 1 && highest.contains(pokemon))) {
                    System.out.println(pokemon + " -> " + highest);
    } catch (RequestFailedException e) {
        // failed to login, invalid credentials, auth issue or server issue.
        Log.e("Main", "Failed to login, captcha or server issue: ", e);
Also used : PtcCredentialProvider(com.pokegoapi.auth.PtcCredentialProvider) OkHttpClient(okhttp3.OkHttpClient) PokemonId(POGOProtos.Enums.PokemonIdOuterClass.PokemonId) RequestFailedException(com.pokegoapi.exceptions.request.RequestFailedException) PokemonGo(com.pokegoapi.api.PokemonGo) HashProvider(com.pokegoapi.util.hash.HashProvider) Evolutions(com.pokegoapi.api.pokemon.Evolutions)

Example 8 with PokemonGo

use of com.pokegoapi.api.PokemonGo in project PokeGOAPI-Java by Grover-c13.

the class TransferMultiplePokemon method main.

 * Transfers all bad pokemon from the player's inventory.
public static void main(String[] args) {
    OkHttpClient http = new OkHttpClient();
    PokemonGo api = new PokemonGo(http);
    try {
        HashProvider hasher = ExampleConstants.getHashProvider();
        api.login(new PtcCredentialProvider(http, ExampleConstants.LOGIN, ExampleConstants.PASSWORD), hasher);
        api.setLocation(ExampleConstants.LATITUDE, ExampleConstants.LONGITUDE, ExampleConstants.ALTITUDE);
        PokeBank pokebank = api.inventories.pokebank;
        List<Pokemon> pokemons = pokebank.pokemons;
        List<Pokemon> transferPokemons = new ArrayList<>();
        // Find all pokemon of bad types or with IV less than 25%
        for (Pokemon pokemon : pokemons) {
            PokemonId id = pokemon.getPokemonId();
            double iv = pokemon.getIvInPercentage();
            if (iv < 90) {
                if (id == PokemonId.RATTATA || id == PokemonId.PIDGEY || id == PokemonId.CATERPIE || id == PokemonId.WEEDLE || id == PokemonId.MAGIKARP || id == PokemonId.ZUBAT || iv < 25) {
        System.out.println("Releasing " + transferPokemons.size() + " pokemon.");
        Pokemon[] transferArray = transferPokemons.toArray(new Pokemon[transferPokemons.size()]);
        Map<PokemonFamilyId, Integer> responses = pokebank.releasePokemon(transferArray);
        // Loop through all responses and find the total amount of candies earned for each family
        Map<PokemonFamilyId, Integer> candies = new HashMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<PokemonFamilyId, Integer> entry : responses.entrySet()) {
            int candyAwarded = entry.getValue();
            PokemonFamilyId family = entry.getKey();
            Integer candy = candies.get(family);
            if (candy == null) {
                // candies map does not yet contain the amount if null, so set it to 0
                candy = 0;
            // Add the awarded candies from this request
            candy += candyAwarded;
            candies.put(family, candy);
        for (Map.Entry<PokemonFamilyId, Integer> entry : candies.entrySet()) {
            System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue() + " candies awarded");
    } catch (RequestFailedException e) {
        // failed to login, invalid credentials, auth issue or server issue.
        Log.e("Main", "Failed to login. Invalid credentials, captcha or server issue: ", e);
Also used : PtcCredentialProvider(com.pokegoapi.auth.PtcCredentialProvider) PokeBank(com.pokegoapi.api.inventory.PokeBank) OkHttpClient(okhttp3.OkHttpClient) PokemonId(POGOProtos.Enums.PokemonIdOuterClass.PokemonId) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PokemonFamilyId(POGOProtos.Enums.PokemonFamilyIdOuterClass.PokemonFamilyId) RequestFailedException(com.pokegoapi.exceptions.request.RequestFailedException) PokemonGo(com.pokegoapi.api.PokemonGo) HashProvider(com.pokegoapi.util.hash.HashProvider) Pokemon(com.pokegoapi.api.pokemon.Pokemon) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 9 with PokemonGo

use of com.pokegoapi.api.PokemonGo in project PokeGOAPI-Java by Grover-c13.

the class TutorialHandleExample method main.

 * Goes through the tutorial with custom responses.
 * @param args args
public static void main(String[] args) {
    OkHttpClient http = new OkHttpClient();
    final PokemonGo api = new PokemonGo(http);
    try {
        // Add listener to listen for all tutorial related events, must be registered before login is called,
        // otherwise it will not be used
        api.addListener(new TutorialListener() {

            public String claimName(PokemonGo api, String lastFailure) {
                // Last attempt to set a codename failed, set a random one by returning null
                if (lastFailure != null) {
                    System.out.println("Codename \"" + lastFailure + "\" is already taken. Using random name.");
                    return null;
                System.out.println("Selecting codename");
                // Set the PTC name as the POGO username
                return ExampleConstants.LOGIN;

            public StarterPokemon selectStarter(PokemonGo api) {
                // Catch Charmander as your starter pokemon
                System.out.println("Selecting starter pokemon");
                return StarterPokemon.CHARMANDER;

            public PlayerAvatar selectAvatar(PokemonGo api) {
                System.out.println("Selecting player avatar");
                return new PlayerAvatar(PlayerGender.FEMALE,,,,,,,,;
        HashProvider hasher = ExampleConstants.getHashProvider();
        api.login(new PtcCredentialProvider(http, ExampleConstants.LOGIN, ExampleConstants.PASSWORD), hasher);
        api.setLocation(ExampleConstants.LATITUDE, ExampleConstants.LONGITUDE, ExampleConstants.ALTITUDE);
    } catch (RequestFailedException e) {
        Log.e("Main", "Failed to login!", e);
Also used : PtcCredentialProvider(com.pokegoapi.auth.PtcCredentialProvider) OkHttpClient(okhttp3.OkHttpClient) TutorialListener(com.pokegoapi.api.listener.TutorialListener) RequestFailedException(com.pokegoapi.exceptions.request.RequestFailedException) PokemonGo(com.pokegoapi.api.PokemonGo) HashProvider(com.pokegoapi.util.hash.HashProvider) PlayerAvatar(com.pokegoapi.api.player.PlayerAvatar) StarterPokemon(com.pokegoapi.api.pokemon.StarterPokemon)

Example 10 with PokemonGo

use of com.pokegoapi.api.PokemonGo in project PokeGOAPI-Java by Grover-c13.

the class TravelToPokestopExample method main.

 * Travels to a Pokestop and loots it
 * @param args args
public static void main(String[] args) {
    OkHttpClient http = new OkHttpClient();
    PokemonGo api = new PokemonGo(http);
    try {
        HashProvider hasher = ExampleConstants.getHashProvider();
        api.login(new PtcCredentialProvider(http, ExampleConstants.LOGIN, ExampleConstants.PASSWORD), hasher);
        api.setLocation(ExampleConstants.LATITUDE, ExampleConstants.LONGITUDE, ExampleConstants.ALTITUDE);
        Set<Pokestop> pokestops = api.getMap().mapObjects.pokestops;
        System.out.println("Found " + pokestops.size() + " pokestops in the current area.");
        Pokestop destinationPokestop = null;
        for (Pokestop pokestop : pokestops) {
            // Check if not in range and if it is not on cooldown
            if (!pokestop.inRange() && pokestop.canLoot(true)) {
                destinationPokestop = pokestop;
        if (destinationPokestop != null) {
            Point destination = new Point(destinationPokestop.getLatitude(), destinationPokestop.getLongitude());
            // Use the current player position as the source and the pokestop position as the destination
            // Travel to Pokestop at 20KMPH
            Path path = new Path(api.getPoint(), destination, 20.0);
            System.out.println("Traveling to " + destination + " at 20KMPH!");
            try {
                while (!path.complete) {
                    // Calculate the desired intermediate point for the current time
                    Point point = path.calculateIntermediate(api);
                    // Set the API location to that point
                    System.out.println("Time left: " + (int) (path.getTimeLeft(api) / 1000) + " seconds.");
                    // Sleep for 2 seconds before setting the location again
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println("Finished traveling to pokestop!");
            if (destinationPokestop.inRange()) {
                System.out.println("Looting pokestop...");
                PokestopLootResult result = destinationPokestop.loot();
                System.out.println("Pokestop loot returned result: " + result.getResult());
            } else {
                System.out.println("Something went wrong! We're still not in range of the destination pokestop!");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Couldn't find out of range pokestop to travel to!");
    } catch (RequestFailedException e) {
        Log.e("Main", "Failed to login, captcha or server issue: ", e);
Also used : Path(com.pokegoapi.util.path.Path) PtcCredentialProvider(com.pokegoapi.auth.PtcCredentialProvider) OkHttpClient(okhttp3.OkHttpClient) RequestFailedException(com.pokegoapi.exceptions.request.RequestFailedException) PokemonGo(com.pokegoapi.api.PokemonGo) Pokestop( HashProvider(com.pokegoapi.util.hash.HashProvider) Point( PokestopLootResult(


PokemonGo (com.pokegoapi.api.PokemonGo)10 PtcCredentialProvider (com.pokegoapi.auth.PtcCredentialProvider)9 HashProvider (com.pokegoapi.util.hash.HashProvider)9 OkHttpClient (okhttp3.OkHttpClient)9 RequestFailedException (com.pokegoapi.exceptions.request.RequestFailedException)8 Point ( Pokemon (com.pokegoapi.api.pokemon.Pokemon)3 Path (com.pokegoapi.util.path.Path)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 PokemonId (POGOProtos.Enums.PokemonIdOuterClass.PokemonId)2 MapObjects ( Pokestop ( PokemonFamilyId (POGOProtos.Enums.PokemonFamilyIdOuterClass.PokemonFamilyId)1 LoginEventResult ( Battle (com.pokegoapi.api.gym.Battle)1 Gym (com.pokegoapi.api.gym.Gym)1 PokeBank (com.pokegoapi.api.inventory.PokeBank)1 LoginListener (com.pokegoapi.api.listener.LoginListener)1 TutorialListener (com.pokegoapi.api.listener.TutorialListener)1 PokestopLootResult (