use of com.predic8.membrane.core.http.xml.Request in project service-proxy by membrane.
the class SOAP2RESTInterceptor method handleRequest.
public Outcome handleRequest(Exchange exc) throws Exception {
// save SOAP operationName and namespace in exchange properties to generically construct response name
// apply request XSLT
transformAndReplaceBody(exc.getRequest(), requestXSLT, new StreamSource(exc.getRequest().getBodyAsStreamDecoded()), exc.getStringProperties());
// fill Request object from HTTP-XML
Header header = exc.getRequest().getHeader();
// reset exchange destination to new request URI
return Outcome.CONTINUE;
use of com.predic8.membrane.core.http.xml.Request in project service-proxy by membrane.
the class XML2HTTP method unwrapMessageIfNecessary.
* Checks, if the response contains an XML doc with NS {@link Constants#HTTP_NS}.
* If it does, the HTTP data (uri, method, status, headers, body) is extracted from the doc
* and set as the response.
* Reverse of {@link com.predic8.membrane.core.http.xml.Request#write(XMLStreamWriter)} and
* {@link com.predic8.membrane.core.http.xml.Response#write(XMLStreamWriter)}.
public static void unwrapMessageIfNecessary(Message message) {
if (MimeType.TEXT_XML_UTF8.equals(message.getHeader().getContentType())) {
try {
if (message.getBody().getLength() == 0)
XMLEventReader parser;
synchronized (xmlInputFactory) {
parser = xmlInputFactory.createXMLEventReader(message.getBodyAsStreamDecoded(), message.getCharset());
/* States:
* 0 = before root element,
* 1 = root element has HTTP_NS namespace
int state = 0;
boolean keepSourceHeaders = false, foundHeaders = false, foundBody = false;
while (parser.hasNext()) {
XMLEvent event = parser.nextEvent();
switch(state) {
case 0:
if (event.isStartElement()) {
QName name = event.asStartElement().getName();
if (Constants.HTTP_NS.equals(name.getNamespaceURI())) {
state = 1;
if ("request".equals(name.getLocalPart())) {
Request req = (Request) message;
req.setMethod(requireAttribute(event.asStartElement(), "method"));
String httpVersion = getAttribute(event.asStartElement(), "http-version");
if (httpVersion == null)
httpVersion = "1.1";
} else {
case 1:
if (event.isStartElement()) {
String localName = event.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart();
if ("status".equals(localName)) {
Response res = (Response) message;
res.setStatusCode(Integer.parseInt(requireAttribute(event.asStartElement(), "code")));
res.setStatusMessage(slurpCharacterData(parser, event.asStartElement()));
if ("uri".equals(localName)) {
Request req = (Request) message;
req.setUri(requireAttribute(event.asStartElement(), "value"));
// uri/... (port,host,path,query) structure is ignored, as value already contains everything
slurpXMLData(parser, event.asStartElement());
if ("headers".equals(localName)) {
foundHeaders = true;
keepSourceHeaders = "true".equals(getAttribute(event.asStartElement(), "keepSourceHeaders"));
if ("header".equals(localName)) {
String key = requireAttribute(event.asStartElement(), "name");
boolean remove = getAttribute(event.asStartElement(), "remove") != null;
if (remove && !keepSourceHeaders)
throw new XML2HTTPException("<headers keepSourceHeaders=\"false\"><header name=\"...\" remove=\"true\"> does not make sense.");
if (!remove)
message.getHeader().add(key, slurpCharacterData(parser, event.asStartElement()));
if ("body".equals(localName)) {
foundBody = true;
String type = requireAttribute(event.asStartElement(), "type");
if ("plain".equals(type)) {
message.setBodyContent(slurpCharacterData(parser, event.asStartElement()).getBytes(Constants.UTF_8_CHARSET));
} else if ("xml".equals(type)) {
message.setBodyContent(slurpXMLData(parser, event.asStartElement()).getBytes(Constants.UTF_8_CHARSET));
} else {
throw new XML2HTTPException("XML-HTTP doc body type '" + type + "' is not supported (only 'plain' or 'xml').");
if (!foundHeaders && !keepSourceHeaders)
if (!foundBody)
message.setBodyContent(new byte[0]);
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
log.error("", e);
} catch (XML2HTTPException e) {
log.error("", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("", e);
use of com.predic8.membrane.core.http.xml.Request in project service-proxy by membrane.
the class AdminRESTInterceptor method getRaw.
public Response getRaw(QueryParameter params, String relativeRootPath) throws Exception {
AbstractExchange exc = router.getExchangeStore().getExchangeById(params.getGroupInt(1));
if (exc == null) {
return Response.notFound().build();
Message msg = params.getGroup(2).equals("response") ? exc.getResponse() : exc.getRequest();
if (msg == null) {
return Response.noContent().build();
// TODO uses body.toString that doesn't handle different encodings than utf-8
return Response.ok().contentType(MimeType.TEXT_PLAIN_UTF8).body(msg.toString()).build();
use of com.predic8.membrane.core.http.xml.Request in project service-proxy by membrane.
the class MethodOverrideInterceptor method handleGet.
private void handleGet(Exchange exc) throws IOException {
Request req = exc.getRequest();
req.setBody(new EmptyBody());
use of com.predic8.membrane.core.http.xml.Request in project service-proxy by membrane.
the class RuleMatchingInterceptor method getRule.
private Rule getRule(Exchange exc) {
Request request = exc.getRequest();
AbstractHttpHandler handler = exc.getHandler();
// retrieve value to match
String hostHeader = request.getHeader().getHost();
String method = request.getMethod();
String uri = request.getUri();
String version = request.getVersion();
int port = handler.isMatchLocalPort() ? handler.getLocalPort() : -1;
String localIP = handler.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress();
// match it
Rule rule = router.getRuleManager().getMatchingRule(hostHeader, method, uri, version, port, localIP);
if (rule != null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Matching Rule found for RuleKey " + hostHeader + " " + method + " " + uri + " " + port + " " + localIP);
return rule;
return findProxyRule(exc);