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Example 31 with Schema

use of com.predic8.schema.Schema in project core by s4.

the class DefaultPartitioner method partition.

public List<CompoundKeyInfo> partition(String streamName, List<List<String>> compoundKeyNames, Object event, int partitionCount) {
    if (streamName != null && streamNameSet != null && !streamNameSet.contains(streamName)) {
        return null;
    // Some event types that need special handling
    if (event instanceof io.s4.message.Request) {
        // construct key from request's target
        io.s4.message.Request r = (io.s4.message.Request) event;
        return r.partition(hasher, delimiter, partitionCount);
    } else if (event instanceof io.s4.message.Response) {
        // partition id is encoded in Response, so use it directly.
        io.s4.message.Response r = (io.s4.message.Response) event;
        return r.partition(partitionCount);
    } else if (compoundKeyNames == null) {
        // if compoundKeyNames is null, then assign to a random partition.
        return partitionRandom(partitionCount);
    // have to compute key value and
    // partition based on hash of that value
    Schema schema = schemaContainer.getSchema(event.getClass());
    if (debug) {
    List<CompoundKeyInfo> partitionInfoList = new ArrayList<CompoundKeyInfo>();
    // fast path for single top-level key
    if (fastPath || (compoundKeyNames.size() == 1 && compoundKeyNames.get(0).size() == 1)) {
        String simpleKeyName = compoundKeyNames.get(0).get(0);
        if (debug) {
            System.out.println("Using fast path!");
        fastPath = true;
        KeyInfo keyInfo = new KeyInfo();
        Property property = schema.getProperties().get(simpleKeyName);
        if (property == null) {
            return null;
        Object value = null;
        try {
            value = property.getGetterMethod().invoke(event);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (debug) {
        if (value == null) {
            if (debug) {
                System.out.println("Fast path: Null value encountered");
            return null;
        String stringValue = String.valueOf(value);
        CompoundKeyInfo partitionInfo = new CompoundKeyInfo();
        int partitionId = (int) (hasher.hash(stringValue) % partitionCount);
        if (debug) {
            System.out.printf("Value %s, partition id %d\n", stringValue, partitionInfo.getPartitionId());
        return partitionInfoList;
    List<List<KeyInfo>> valueLists = new ArrayList<List<KeyInfo>>();
    int maxSize = 0;
    for (List<String> simpleKeyPath : compoundKeyNames) {
        List<KeyInfo> keyInfoList = new ArrayList<KeyInfo>();
        KeyInfo keyInfo = new KeyInfo();
        keyInfoList = getKeyValues(event, schema, simpleKeyPath, 0, keyInfoList, keyInfo);
        if (keyInfoList == null || keyInfoList.size() == 0) {
            if (debug) {
                System.out.println("Null value encountered");
            // do no partitioning if any simple key's value
            return null;
        // resolves to null
        maxSize = Math.max(maxSize, keyInfoList.size());
        if (debug) {
    for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) {
        String compoundValue = "";
        CompoundKeyInfo partitionInfo = new CompoundKeyInfo();
        for (List<KeyInfo> keyInfoList : valueLists) {
            if (i < keyInfoList.size()) {
                compoundValue += (compoundValue.length() > 0 ? delimiter : "") + keyInfoList.get(i).getValue();
            } else {
                compoundValue += (compoundValue.length() > 0 ? delimiter : "") + keyInfoList.get(keyInfoList.size() - 1).getValue();
                partitionInfo.addKeyInfo(keyInfoList.get(keyInfoList.size() - 1));
        // get the partition id
        int partitionId = (int) (hasher.hash(compoundValue) % partitionCount);
        if (debug) {
            System.out.printf("Value %s, partition id %d\n", compoundValue, partitionInfo.getPartitionId());
    return partitionInfoList;
Also used : Schema(io.s4.schema.Schema) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Property(io.s4.schema.Schema.Property)

Example 32 with Schema

use of com.predic8.schema.Schema in project core by s4.

the class LoadGenerator method createEventTypeInfo.

public void createEventTypeInfo(JSONObject classInfo) {
    String className = "";
    try {
        for (Iterator it = classInfo.keys(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            className = (String);
            JSONObject jsonEventTypeInfo = classInfo.getJSONObject(className);
            int classIndex = (Integer) jsonEventTypeInfo.getInt("classIndex");
            String streamName = jsonEventTypeInfo.getString("streamName");
            Class clazz = Class.forName(className);
            Schema schema = new Schema(clazz);
            eventTypeInfoMap.put(classIndex, new EventTypeInfo(schema, streamName));
    } catch (JSONException je) {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
        System.err.println("Count not locate class " + className);
Also used : BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) Schema(io.s4.schema.Schema) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) JSONException(org.json.JSONException)

Example 33 with Schema

use of com.predic8.schema.Schema in project ignite by apache.

the class GridSqlQueryParser method parseAddColumn.

 * Parse {@code ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN} statement.
 * @param addCol H2 statement.
 * @return Grid SQL statement.
 * @see <a href=""></a>
private GridSqlStatement parseAddColumn(AlterTableAlterColumn addCol) {
    assert addCol.getType() == CommandInterface.ALTER_TABLE_ADD_COLUMN;
    if (ALTER_COLUMN_BEFORE_COL.get(addCol) != null)
        throw new IgniteSQLException("BEFORE keyword is not supported", IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
    if (ALTER_COLUMN_AFTER_COL.get(addCol) != null)
        throw new IgniteSQLException("AFTER keyword is not supported", IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
    if (ALTER_COLUMN_FIRST.get(addCol))
        throw new IgniteSQLException("FIRST keyword is not supported", IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
    GridSqlAlterTableAddColumn res = new GridSqlAlterTableAddColumn();
    ArrayList<Column> h2NewCols = ALTER_COLUMN_NEW_COLS.get(addCol);
    GridSqlColumn[] gridNewCols = new GridSqlColumn[h2NewCols.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < h2NewCols.size(); i++) {
        Column col = h2NewCols.get(i);
        if (col.getDefaultExpression() != null) {
            throw new IgniteSQLException("ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN with DEFAULT value is not supported " + "[col=" + col.getName() + ']', IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
        gridNewCols[i] = parseColumn(h2NewCols.get(i));
    if (gridNewCols.length == 1)
    Schema schema = SCHEMA_COMMAND_SCHEMA.get(addCol);
    return res;
Also used : GridSqlType.fromColumn(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlType.fromColumn) AlterTableAlterColumn(org.h2.command.ddl.AlterTableAlterColumn) Column(org.h2.table.Column) ExpressionColumn(org.h2.expression.ExpressionColumn) IndexColumn(org.h2.table.IndexColumn) Schema(org.h2.schema.Schema) IgniteSQLException(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.IgniteSQLException) AlterTableAddConstraint(org.h2.command.ddl.AlterTableAddConstraint)

Example 34 with Schema

use of com.predic8.schema.Schema in project ignite by apache.

the class GridSqlQueryParser method parseDropTable.

 * Parse {@code DROP TABLE} statement.
 * @param dropTbl {@code DROP TABLE} statement.
 * @see <a href="">H2 {@code DROP TABLE} spec.</a>
private GridSqlDropTable parseDropTable(DropTable dropTbl) {
    GridSqlDropTable res = new GridSqlDropTable();
    Schema schema = SCHEMA_COMMAND_SCHEMA.get(dropTbl);
    return res;
Also used : Schema(org.h2.schema.Schema)

Example 35 with Schema

use of com.predic8.schema.Schema in project ignite by apache.

the class GridSqlQueryParser method parseCreateTable.

 * Parse {@code CREATE TABLE} statement.
 * @param createTbl {@code CREATE TABLE} statement.
 * @see <a href="">H2 {@code CREATE TABLE} spec.</a>
private GridSqlCreateTable parseCreateTable(CreateTable createTbl) {
    GridSqlCreateTable res = new GridSqlCreateTable();
    Query qry = CREATE_TABLE_QUERY.get(createTbl);
    if (qry != null) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("CREATE TABLE ... AS ... syntax is not supported", IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
    List<DefineCommand> constraints = CREATE_TABLE_CONSTRAINTS.get(createTbl);
    if (F.isEmpty(constraints)) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("No PRIMARY KEY defined for CREATE TABLE", IgniteQueryErrorCode.PARSING);
    if (constraints.size() > 1) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("Too many constraints - only PRIMARY KEY is supported for CREATE TABLE", IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
    DefineCommand constraint = constraints.get(0);
    if (!(constraint instanceof AlterTableAddConstraint)) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("Unsupported type of constraint for CREATE TABLE - only PRIMARY KEY " + "is supported", IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
    AlterTableAddConstraint alterTbl = (AlterTableAddConstraint) constraint;
    if (alterTbl.getType() != Command.ALTER_TABLE_ADD_CONSTRAINT_PRIMARY_KEY) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("Unsupported type of constraint for CREATE TABLE - only PRIMARY KEY " + "is supported", IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
    Schema schema = SCHEMA_COMMAND_SCHEMA.get(createTbl);
    CreateTableData data = CREATE_TABLE_DATA.get(createTbl);
    if (data.globalTemporary) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("GLOBAL TEMPORARY keyword is not supported", IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
    if (data.temporary) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("TEMPORARY keyword is not supported", IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
    if (data.isHidden) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("HIDDEN keyword is not supported", IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
    if (!data.persistIndexes) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("MEMORY and NOT PERSISTENT keywords are not supported", IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
    LinkedHashMap<String, GridSqlColumn> cols = new LinkedHashMap<>(data.columns.size());
    for (Column col : data.columns) {
        if (cols.put(col.getName(), parseColumn(col)) != null)
            throw new IgniteSQLException("Duplicate column name: " + col.getName(), IgniteQueryErrorCode.PARSING);
    if (cols.containsKey(QueryUtils.KEY_FIELD_NAME.toUpperCase()) || cols.containsKey(QueryUtils.VAL_FIELD_NAME.toUpperCase())) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("Direct specification of _KEY and _VAL columns is forbidden", IgniteQueryErrorCode.PARSING);
    IndexColumn[] pkIdxCols = CREATE_TABLE_PK.get(createTbl);
    if (F.isEmpty(pkIdxCols))
        throw new AssertionError("No PRIMARY KEY columns specified");
    LinkedHashSet<String> pkCols = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    for (IndexColumn pkIdxCol : pkIdxCols) {
        GridSqlColumn gridCol = cols.get(pkIdxCol.columnName);
        if (gridCol == null) {
            throw new IgniteSQLException("PRIMARY KEY column is not defined: " + pkIdxCol.columnName, IgniteQueryErrorCode.PARSING);
    int keyColsNum = pkCols.size();
    int valColsNum = cols.size() - keyColsNum;
    if (valColsNum == 0) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("Table must have at least one non PRIMARY KEY column.", IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
    List<String> extraParams = data.tableEngineParams != null ? new ArrayList<String>() : null;
    if (data.tableEngineParams != null)
        for (String s : data.tableEngineParams) extraParams.addAll(F.asList(s.split(",")));
    if (!F.isEmpty(extraParams)) {
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        for (String p : extraParams) {
            String[] parts = p.split(PARAM_NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
            if (parts.length > 2) {
                throw new IgniteSQLException("Invalid parameter (key[=value] expected): " + p, IgniteQueryErrorCode.PARSING);
            String name = parts[0].trim().toUpperCase();
            String val = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].trim() : null;
            if (F.isEmpty(name)) {
                throw new IgniteSQLException("Invalid parameter (key[=value] expected): " + p, IgniteQueryErrorCode.PARSING);
            if (params.put(name, val) != null)
                throw new IgniteSQLException("Duplicate parameter: " + p, IgniteQueryErrorCode.PARSING);
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : params.entrySet()) processExtraParam(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), res);
    // Process key wrapping.
    Boolean wrapKey = res.wrapKey();
    if (wrapKey != null && !wrapKey) {
        if (keyColsNum > 1) {
            throw new IgniteSQLException(PARAM_WRAP_KEY + " cannot be false when composite primary key exists.", IgniteQueryErrorCode.PARSING);
        if (!F.isEmpty(res.keyTypeName())) {
            throw new IgniteSQLException(PARAM_WRAP_KEY + " cannot be false when " + PARAM_KEY_TYPE + " is set.", IgniteQueryErrorCode.PARSING);
    boolean wrapKey0 = (res.wrapKey() != null && res.wrapKey()) || !F.isEmpty(res.keyTypeName()) || keyColsNum > 1;
    // Process value wrapping.
    Boolean wrapVal = res.wrapValue();
    if (wrapVal != null && !wrapVal) {
        if (valColsNum > 1) {
            throw new IgniteSQLException(PARAM_WRAP_VALUE + " cannot be false when multiple non-primary key " + "columns exist.", IgniteQueryErrorCode.PARSING);
        if (!F.isEmpty(res.valueTypeName())) {
            throw new IgniteSQLException(PARAM_WRAP_VALUE + " cannot be false when " + PARAM_VAL_TYPE + " is set.", IgniteQueryErrorCode.PARSING);
    } else
        // By default value is always wrapped to allow for ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN commands.
    if (!F.isEmpty(res.valueTypeName()) && F.eq(res.keyTypeName(), res.valueTypeName())) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("Key and value type names " + "should be different for CREATE TABLE: " + res.valueTypeName(), IgniteQueryErrorCode.PARSING);
    if (res.affinityKey() == null) {
        LinkedHashSet<String> pkCols0 = res.primaryKeyColumns();
        if (!F.isEmpty(pkCols0) && pkCols0.size() == 1 && wrapKey0)
    return res;
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) Query(org.h2.command.dml.Query) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) IdentityHashMap(java.util.IdentityHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Schema(org.h2.schema.Schema) DefineCommand(org.h2.command.ddl.DefineCommand) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) IndexColumn(org.h2.table.IndexColumn) GridSqlType.fromColumn(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlType.fromColumn) AlterTableAlterColumn(org.h2.command.ddl.AlterTableAlterColumn) Column(org.h2.table.Column) ExpressionColumn(org.h2.expression.ExpressionColumn) IndexColumn(org.h2.table.IndexColumn) AlterTableAddConstraint(org.h2.command.ddl.AlterTableAddConstraint) CreateTableData(org.h2.command.ddl.CreateTableData) AlterTableAddConstraint(org.h2.command.ddl.AlterTableAddConstraint) IgniteSQLException(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.IgniteSQLException) Map(java.util.Map) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) IdentityHashMap(java.util.IdentityHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)


Schema (org.h2.schema.Schema)35 CreateSchema (org.h2.command.ddl.CreateSchema)16 DropSchema (org.h2.command.ddl.DropSchema)16 ValueString (org.h2.value.ValueString)16 Column (org.h2.table.Column)10 IndexColumn (org.h2.table.IndexColumn)10 Table (org.h2.table.Table)10 Expression (org.h2.expression.Expression)8 ExpressionColumn (org.h2.expression.ExpressionColumn)8 ValueExpression (org.h2.expression.ValueExpression)8 Schema (io.s4.schema.Schema)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 AlterTableAddConstraint (org.h2.command.ddl.AlterTableAddConstraint)7 AlterTableAlterColumn (org.h2.command.ddl.AlterTableAlterColumn)7 CreateTable (org.h2.command.ddl.CreateTable)7 RangeTable (org.h2.table.RangeTable)7 Property (io.s4.schema.Schema.Property)6 CreateLinkedTable (org.h2.command.ddl.CreateLinkedTable)6 DropTable (org.h2.command.ddl.DropTable)6 TruncateTable (org.h2.command.ddl.TruncateTable)6