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Example 11 with ExtendedWebElement

use of in project carina by qaprosoft.

the class NotificationPage method clearNotifications.

     * public MessagesPage tapLastItemsContent(int num) {
     * tapElement(lastItemsContainer.get(num));
     * return new MessagesPage(driver);
     * }
     * public MessagesPage tapItemTitle(int num) {
     * tapElement(lastItemsContent.get(num));
     * return new MessagesPage(driver);
     * }
 * clearNotifications
public void clearNotifications() {
    if (!isOpened(1)) {
    if (dismissBtn.isElementPresent(SHORT_TIMEOUT)) {"Dismiss all notifications btn is present.");;
    } else {"Dismiss all notifications btn isn't present. Attempt to clear all notifications manually");
        LOGGER.debug("Notifications page source: ".concat(getDriver().getPageSource()));
        int x1, x2, y1, y2;
        Point point;
        Dimension dim;
        List<ExtendedWebElement> notificationList;
        if (notifications.size() > 0) {
            notificationList = notifications;
        } else {
            notificationList = notificationsOtherDevices;
        }"Visible Notifications size:" + notificationList.size());
        for (ExtendedWebElement notification : notificationList) {
            point = notification.getElement().getLocation();
            dim = notification.getElement().getSize();
            x1 = point.x + dim.width / 6;
            x2 = point.x + dim.width * 5 / 6;
            y1 = y2 = point.y + dim.height / 2;
            MobileUtils.swipe(x1, y1, x2, y2, SWIPE_DURATION);
Also used : ExtendedWebElement( Point(org.openqa.selenium.Point) Dimension(org.openqa.selenium.Dimension) Point(org.openqa.selenium.Point)

Example 12 with ExtendedWebElement

use of in project carina by qaprosoft.

the class ScreenElementExtractor method getElementsByCoordinates.

public ExtendedWebElement getElementsByCoordinates(int x, int y) {
    String elementName = String.format("Element founded by x:%d - y:%d", x, y);
    WebDriver driver = getDriver();
    List<WebElement> elements = getEndLevelElements(driver);
    List<WebElement> result = new ArrayList<WebElement>();
    Rectangle rect;
    for (WebElement webElement : elements) {
        try {
            rect = getRect(webElement);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (isInside(rect, x, y)) {
    return generateExtenedElement(result, elementName);
Also used : WebDriver(org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Rectangle(org.openqa.selenium.Rectangle) WebElement(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement) ExtendedWebElement(

Example 13 with ExtendedWebElement

use of in project carina by qaprosoft.

the class IAndroidUtils method scroll.

 * Scrolls into view in specified container
 * @param scrollToEle
 *            - has to be id, text, contentDesc or className
 * @param scrollableContainer
 *            - ExtendedWebElement type
 * @param containerSelectorType
 *            - container Selector type: has to be id, text, textContains,
 *            textStartsWith, Description, DescriptionContains or className
 * @param eleSelectorType
 *            - scrollToEle Selector type: has to be id, text, textContains,
 *            textStartsWith, Description, DescriptionContains or className
 * @return ExtendedWebElement
 *         <p>
 *         example of usage: ExtendedWebElement res =
 *         AndroidUtils.scroll("News", newsListContainer,
 *         AndroidUtils.SelectorType.CLASS_NAME,
 *         AndroidUtils.SelectorType.TEXT);
public default ExtendedWebElement scroll(String scrollToEle, ExtendedWebElement scrollableContainer, SelectorType containerSelectorType, SelectorType eleSelectorType) {
    ExtendedWebElement extendedWebElement = null;
    long startTime = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(System.currentTimeMillis());
    // TODO: support multi threaded WebDriver's removing DriverPool usage
    WebDriver drv = castDriver();
    // workaorund for appium issue:
    if (scrollToEle.contains(",")) {
        scrollToEle = StringUtils.join(StringUtils.split(scrollToEle, ","), ",", 0, 2);
        if (eleSelectorType.equals(SelectorType.TEXT)) {
            eleSelectorType = SelectorType.TEXT_CONTAINS;
    for (int i = 0; i < SCROLL_MAX_SEARCH_SWIPES; i++) {
        try {
            By scrollBy = MobileBy.AndroidUIAutomator("new UiScrollable(" + getScrollContainerSelector(scrollableContainer, containerSelectorType) + ")" + ".setMaxSearchSwipes(" + SCROLL_MAX_SEARCH_SWIPES + ")" + ".scrollIntoView(" + getScrollToElementSelector(scrollToEle, eleSelectorType) + ")");
            WebElement ele = drv.findElement(scrollBy);
            if (ele.isDisplayed()) {
      "Element found!!!");
                extendedWebElement = new ExtendedWebElement(scrollBy, scrollToEle, drv);
        } catch (NoSuchElementException noSuchElement) {
            UTILS_LOGGER.error(String.format("Element %s:%s was NOT found.", eleSelectorType, scrollToEle), noSuchElement);
        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
            MobileBy.AndroidUIAutomator("new UiScrollable(" + getScrollContainerSelector(scrollableContainer, containerSelectorType) + ").scrollForward()");
  "Scroller got stuck on a page, scrolling forward to next page of elements..");
    return extendedWebElement;
Also used : WebDriver(org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver) ExtendedWebElement( MobileBy(io.appium.java_client.MobileBy) By(org.openqa.selenium.By) WebElement(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement) ExtendedWebElement( NoSuchElementException(org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException)

Example 14 with ExtendedWebElement

use of in project carina by qaprosoft.

the class IAndroidUtils method toggleAppNotificationsFromDeviceSettings.

 * Toggles a specified app's ability to recieve Push Notifications on the system level
 * @param appName - The app name as it appears within device System Settings
 * @param setValue - The value you wish to set the toggle to
default void toggleAppNotificationsFromDeviceSettings(String appName, boolean setValue) {
    WebDriver driver = getDriver();
    ExtendedWebElement element = new ExtendedWebElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(@text, 'Notifications') or contains(@text, 'notifications')]"), "notifications", driver);;
    element = new ExtendedWebElement(By.xpath("//*[@resource-id='']/following-sibling::android.widget.Switch"), "toggle", driver);
    if (Boolean.valueOf(element.getAttribute("checked")) != setValue) {;
Also used : WebDriver(org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver) ExtendedWebElement(

Example 15 with ExtendedWebElement

use of in project carina by qaprosoft.

the class IAndroidUtils method openAppMenuFromDeviceSettings.

 * Method enters an App's menu within device System Settings
 * @param appName - Name of the app as it appears in the device's Apps list (Language specific)
default void openAppMenuFromDeviceSettings(String appName) {
    AndroidService androidService = AndroidService.getInstance();
    androidService.executeAdbCommand("shell am start -a android.settings.APPLICATION_SETTINGS");
    ExtendedWebElement appItem = new ExtendedWebElement(By.xpath(String.format("//*[contains(@text, '%s')]", appName)), "notifications", getDriver());
Also used : ExtendedWebElement(


ExtendedWebElement ( WebElement (org.openqa.selenium.WebElement)10 WebDriver (org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver)6 NoSuchElementException (org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException)5 MobileBy (io.appium.java_client.MobileBy)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 By (org.openqa.selenium.By)2 Rectangle (org.openqa.selenium.Rectangle)2 Action (org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Action)2 Actions (org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions)2 SpecialKeywords ( CryptoTool ( Configuration ( Parameter ( LogicUtils ( Messager ( CommonUtils ( DevicePool ( AbstractPage (com.qaprosoft.carina.core.gui.AbstractPage)1 IOException (