use of com.qcloud.cos.exception.CosServiceException in project cos-java-sdk-v5 by tencentyun.
the class COSClient method setBucketLifecycleConfiguration.
public void setBucketLifecycleConfiguration(SetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest setBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest) throws CosClientException, CosServiceException {
rejectNull(setBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest, "The set bucket lifecycle configuration request object must be specified.");
String bucketName = setBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest.getBucketName();
BucketLifecycleConfiguration bucketLifecycleConfiguration = setBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest.getLifecycleConfiguration();
rejectNull(bucketName, "The bucket name parameter must be specified when setting bucket lifecycle configuration.");
rejectNull(bucketLifecycleConfiguration, "The lifecycle configuration parameter must be specified when setting bucket lifecycle configuration.");
rejectNull(clientConfig.getRegion(), "region is null, region in clientConfig must be specified when setting bucket lifecycle configuration");
CosHttpRequest<SetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest> request = createRequest(bucketName, null, setBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest, HttpMethodName.PUT);
request.addParameter("lifecycle", null);
byte[] content = new BucketConfigurationXmlFactory().convertToXmlByteArray(bucketLifecycleConfiguration);
request.addHeader("Content-Length", String.valueOf(content.length));
request.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml");
request.setContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
try {
byte[] md5 = Md5Utils.computeMD5Hash(content);
String md5Base64 = BinaryUtils.toBase64(md5);
request.addHeader("Content-MD5", md5Base64);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CosClientException("Couldn't compute md5 sum", e);
invoke(request, voidCosResponseHandler);
use of com.qcloud.cos.exception.CosServiceException in project cos-java-sdk-v5 by tencentyun.
the class COSClient method getObject.
public COSObject getObject(GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest) throws CosClientException, CosServiceException {
rejectNull(getObjectRequest, "The GetObjectRequest parameter must be specified when requesting an object");
rejectNull(getObjectRequest.getBucketName(), "The bucket name parameter must be specified when requesting an object");
rejectNull(getObjectRequest.getKey(), "The key parameter must be specified when requesting an object");
rejectNull(clientConfig.getRegion(), "region is null, region in clientConfig must be specified when requesting an object");
CosHttpRequest<GetObjectRequest> request = createRequest(getObjectRequest.getBucketName(), getObjectRequest.getKey(), getObjectRequest, HttpMethodName.GET);
addParameterIfNotNull(request, "versionId", getObjectRequest.getVersionId());
// Range
long[] range = getObjectRequest.getRange();
if (range != null) {
request.addHeader(Headers.RANGE, "bytes=" + Long.toString(range[0]) + "-" + Long.toString(range[1]));
addResponseHeaderParameters(request, getObjectRequest.getResponseHeaders());
addDateHeader(request, Headers.GET_OBJECT_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, getObjectRequest.getModifiedSinceConstraint());
addDateHeader(request, Headers.GET_OBJECT_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, getObjectRequest.getUnmodifiedSinceConstraint());
addStringListHeader(request, Headers.GET_OBJECT_IF_MATCH, getObjectRequest.getMatchingETagConstraints());
addStringListHeader(request, Headers.GET_OBJECT_IF_NONE_MATCH, getObjectRequest.getNonmatchingETagConstraints());
// Populate the SSE-C parameters to the request header
populateSSE_C(request, getObjectRequest.getSSECustomerKey());
// Populate the traffic limit parameter to the request header
populateTrafficLimit(request, getObjectRequest.getTrafficLimit());
try {
COSObject cosObject = invoke(request, new COSObjectResponseHandler());
InputStream is = cosObject.getObjectContent();
HttpRequestBase httpRequest = cosObject.getObjectContent().getHttpRequest();
is = new ServiceClientHolderInputStream(is, this);
// bytes and complains if what we received doesn't match the Etag.
if (!skipMd5CheckStrategy.skipClientSideValidation(getObjectRequest, cosObject.getObjectMetadata())) {
try {
byte[] serverSideHash = BinaryUtils.fromHex(cosObject.getObjectMetadata().getETag());
// No content length check is performed when the
// MD5 check is enabled, since a correct MD5 check would
// imply a correct content length.
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
is = new DigestValidationInputStream(is, digest, serverSideHash);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
log.warn("No MD5 digest algorithm available. Unable to calculate " + "checksum and verify data integrity.", e);
} catch (DecoderException e) {
log.warn("BinaryUtils.fromHex error. Unable to calculate " + "checksum and verify data integrity. etag:" + cosObject.getObjectMetadata().getETag(), e);
} else {
// Ensures the data received from COS has the same length as the
// expected content-length
is = new LengthCheckInputStream(is, // expected length
cosObject.getObjectMetadata().getContentLength(), // bytes received from cos are all included even if
// skipped
cosObject.setObjectContent(new COSObjectInputStream(is, httpRequest));
return cosObject;
} catch (CosServiceException cse) {
* If the request failed because one of the specified constraints was not met (ex:
* matching ETag, modified since date, etc.), then return null, so that users don't have
* to wrap their code in try/catch blocks and check for this status code if they want to
* use constraints.
if (cse.getStatusCode() == 412 || cse.getStatusCode() == 304) {
return null;
throw cse;
use of com.qcloud.cos.exception.CosServiceException in project cos-java-sdk-v5 by tencentyun.
the class COSClient method copyObject.
public CopyObjectResult copyObject(CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest) throws CosClientException, CosServiceException {
rejectNull(copyObjectRequest, "The CopyObjectRequest parameter must be specified when copying an object");
rejectNull(copyObjectRequest.getSourceBucketName(), "The source bucket name must be specified when copying an object");
rejectNull(copyObjectRequest.getSourceKey(), "The source object key must be specified when copying an object");
rejectNull(copyObjectRequest.getDestinationBucketName(), "The destination bucket name must be specified when copying an object");
rejectNull(copyObjectRequest.getDestinationKey(), "The destination object key must be specified when copying an object");
rejectNull(clientConfig.getRegion(), "region is null, region in clientConfig must be specified when copying an object");
String destinationKey = copyObjectRequest.getDestinationKey();
String destinationBucketName = copyObjectRequest.getDestinationBucketName();
CosHttpRequest<CopyObjectRequest> request = createRequest(destinationBucketName, destinationKey, copyObjectRequest, HttpMethodName.PUT);
populateRequestWithCopyObjectParameters(request, copyObjectRequest);
* We can't send a non-zero length Content-Length header if the user specified it, otherwise
* it messes up the HTTP connection when the remote server thinks there's more data to pull.
CopyObjectResultHandler copyObjectResultHandler = null;
try {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ResponseHeaderHandlerChain<CopyObjectResultHandler> handler = new ResponseHeaderHandlerChain<CopyObjectResultHandler>(// xml payload unmarshaller
new Unmarshallers.CopyObjectUnmarshaller(), // header handlers
new ServerSideEncryptionHeaderHandler<CopyObjectResultHandler>(), new ObjectExpirationHeaderHandler<CopyObjectResultHandler>(), new VIDResultHandler<CopyObjectResultHandler>());
copyObjectResultHandler = invoke(request, handler);
} catch (CosServiceException cse) {
* If the request failed because one of the specified constraints was not met (ex:
* matching ETag, modified since date, etc.), then return null, so that users don't have
* to wrap their code in try/catch blocks and check for this status code if they want to
* use constraints.
if (cse.getStatusCode() == Constants.FAILED_PRECONDITION_STATUS_CODE) {
return null;
throw cse;
* CopyObject has two failure modes: 1 - An HTTP error code is returned and the error is
* processed like any other error response. 2 - An HTTP 200 OK code is returned, but the
* response content contains an XML error response.
* This makes it very difficult for the client runtime to cleanly detect this case and
* handle it like any other error response. We could extend the runtime to have a more
* flexible/customizable definition of success/error (per request), but it's probably
* overkill for this one special case.
if (copyObjectResultHandler.getErrorCode() != null) {
String errorCode = copyObjectResultHandler.getErrorCode();
String errorMessage = copyObjectResultHandler.getErrorMessage();
String requestId = copyObjectResultHandler.getErrorRequestId();
CosServiceException cse = new CosServiceException(errorMessage);
throw cse;
CopyObjectResult copyObjectResult = new CopyObjectResult();
return copyObjectResult;
use of com.qcloud.cos.exception.CosServiceException in project cos-java-sdk-v5 by tencentyun.
the class COSClient method getBucketPolicy.
public BucketPolicy getBucketPolicy(GetBucketPolicyRequest getBucketPolicyRequest) throws CosClientException, CosServiceException {
rejectNull(getBucketPolicyRequest, "The request object must be specified when getting a bucket policy");
String bucketName = getBucketPolicyRequest.getBucketName();
rejectNull(bucketName, "The bucket name must be specified when getting a bucket policy");
CosHttpRequest<GetBucketPolicyRequest> request = createRequest(bucketName, null, getBucketPolicyRequest, HttpMethodName.GET);
request.addParameter("policy", null);
BucketPolicy result = new BucketPolicy();
try {
String policyText = invoke(request, new COSStringResponseHandler());
return result;
} catch (CosServiceException cse) {
if (cse.getErrorCode().equals("NoSuchBucketPolicy"))
return result;
throw cse;
use of com.qcloud.cos.exception.CosServiceException in project cos-java-sdk-v5 by tencentyun.
the class COSClient method restoreObject.
public void restoreObject(RestoreObjectRequest restoreObjectRequest) throws CosClientException, CosServiceException {
rejectNull(restoreObjectRequest, "The RestoreObjectRequest parameter must be specified when restore a object.");
String bucketName = restoreObjectRequest.getBucketName();
String key = restoreObjectRequest.getKey();
String versionId = restoreObjectRequest.getVersionId();
int expirationIndays = restoreObjectRequest.getExpirationInDays();
rejectNull(bucketName, "The bucket name parameter must be specified when copying a cas object");
rejectNull(key, "The key parameter must be specified when copying a cas object");
if (expirationIndays == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The expiration in days parameter must be specified when copying a cas object");
CosHttpRequest<RestoreObjectRequest> request = createRequest(bucketName, key, restoreObjectRequest, HttpMethodName.POST);
request.addParameter("restore", null);
addParameterIfNotNull(request, "versionId", versionId);
byte[] content = RequestXmlFactory.convertToXmlByteArray(restoreObjectRequest);
request.addHeader("Content-Length", String.valueOf(content.length));
request.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml");
request.setContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
try {
byte[] md5 = Md5Utils.computeMD5Hash(content);
String md5Base64 = BinaryUtils.toBase64(md5);
request.addHeader("Content-MD5", md5Base64);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CosClientException("Couldn't compute md5 sum", e);
invoke(request, voidCosResponseHandler);