use of com.qcloud.cos.model.PutObjectRequest in project cos-java-sdk-v5 by tencentyun.
the class QRCodeDemo method identifyQrCodeWithTransferManager.
public static void identifyQrCodeWithTransferManager(TransferManager transferManager) throws InterruptedException {
// bucket名需包含appid
// api 请参考
String bucketName = "examplebucket-1250000000";
String key = "qrcode.png";
File localFile = new File("E://qrcode.png");
PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, key, localFile);
PicOperations picOperations = new PicOperations();
List<PicOperations.Rule> ruleList = new LinkedList<>();
PicOperations.Rule rule1 = new PicOperations.Rule();
Upload upload = transferManager.upload(putObjectRequest);
UploadResult uploadResult = upload.waitForUploadResult();
CIUploadResult ciUploadResult = uploadResult.getCiUploadResult();
for (CIObject ciObject : ciUploadResult.getProcessResults().getObjectList()) {
use of com.qcloud.cos.model.PutObjectRequest in project cos-java-sdk-v5 by tencentyun.
the class COSCryptoModuleBase method createInstructionPutRequest.
protected final PutObjectRequest createInstructionPutRequest(String bucketName, String key, ContentCryptoMaterial cekMaterial) {
byte[] bytes = cekMaterial.toJsonString().getBytes(UTF8);
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
metadata.addUserMetadata(Headers.CRYPTO_INSTRUCTION_FILE, "");
InstructionFileId ifileId = new COSObjectId(bucketName, key).instructionFileId();
return new PutObjectRequest(ifileId.getBucket(), ifileId.getKey(), is, metadata);
use of com.qcloud.cos.model.PutObjectRequest in project cos-java-sdk-v5 by tencentyun.
the class COSCryptoModuleBase method putInstructionFileSecurely.
public final PutObjectResult putInstructionFileSecurely(PutInstructionFileRequest req) {
final COSObjectId id = req.getCOSObjectId();
final GetObjectRequest getreq = new GetObjectRequest(id);
// Get the object from cos
final COSObject retrieved = cos.getObject(getreq);
// We only need the meta-data already retrieved, not the data stream.
// So close it immediately to prevent resource leakage.
IOUtils.closeQuietly(retrieved, log);
if (retrieved == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified COS object (" + id + ") doesn't exist.");
COSObjectWrapper wrapped = new COSObjectWrapper(retrieved, id);
try {
final ContentCryptoMaterial origCCM = contentCryptoMaterialOf(wrapped);
securityCheck(origCCM, wrapped);
// Re-ecnrypt the CEK in a new content crypto material
final EncryptionMaterials newKEK = req.getEncryptionMaterials();
final ContentCryptoMaterial newCCM;
if (newKEK == null) {
newCCM = origCCM.recreate(req.getMaterialsDescription(), this.kekMaterialsProvider, cryptoScheme, cryptoConfig.getCryptoProvider(), kms, req);
} else {
newCCM = origCCM.recreate(newKEK, this.kekMaterialsProvider, cryptoScheme, cryptoConfig.getCryptoProvider(), kms, req);
PutObjectRequest putInstFileRequest = req.createPutObjectRequest(retrieved);
// Put the new instruction file into COS
return cos.putObject(updateInstructionPutRequest(putInstFileRequest, newCCM));
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
// If we're unable to set up the decryption, make sure we close the
// HTTP connection
IOUtils.closeQuietly(retrieved, log);
throw ex;
} catch (Error error) {
IOUtils.closeQuietly(retrieved, log);
throw error;
use of com.qcloud.cos.model.PutObjectRequest in project cos-java-sdk-v5 by tencentyun.
the class COSCryptoModuleBase method putObjectUsingMetadata.
private PutObjectResult putObjectUsingMetadata(PutObjectRequest req) {
ContentCryptoMaterial cekMaterial = createContentCryptoMaterial(req);
// Wraps the object data with a cipher input stream
final File fileOrig = req.getFile();
final InputStream isOrig = req.getInputStream();
PutObjectRequest wrappedReq = wrapWithCipher(req, cekMaterial);
// Update the metadata
req.setMetadata(updateMetadataWithContentCryptoMaterial(req.getMetadata(), req.getFile(), cekMaterial));
// Put the encrypted object into COS
try {
return cos.putObject(wrappedReq);
} finally {
cleanupDataSource(req, fileOrig, isOrig, wrappedReq.getInputStream(), log);
use of com.qcloud.cos.model.PutObjectRequest in project cos-java-sdk-v5 by tencentyun.
the class COSCryptoModuleBase method putObjectUsingInstructionFile.
* Puts an encrypted object into COS, and puts an instruction file into COS. Encryption info is
* stored in the instruction file.
* @param putObjectRequest The request object containing all the parameters to upload a new
* object to COS.
* @return A {@link PutObjectResult} object containing the information returned by COS for
* the new, created object.
private PutObjectResult putObjectUsingInstructionFile(PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest) {
final File fileOrig = putObjectRequest.getFile();
final InputStream isOrig = putObjectRequest.getInputStream();
final PutObjectRequest putInstFileRequest = putObjectRequest.clone().withFile(null).withInputStream(null);
putInstFileRequest.setKey(putInstFileRequest.getKey() + DOT + DEFAULT_INSTRUCTION_FILE_SUFFIX);
// Create instruction
ContentCryptoMaterial cekMaterial = createContentCryptoMaterial(putObjectRequest);
// Wraps the object data with a cipher input stream; note the metadata
// is mutated as a side effect.
PutObjectRequest req = wrapWithCipher(putObjectRequest, cekMaterial);
// Put the encrypted object into COS
final PutObjectResult result;
try {
result = cos.putObject(req);
} finally {
cleanupDataSource(putObjectRequest, fileOrig, isOrig, req.getInputStream(), log);
// Put the instruction file into COS
cos.putObject(updateInstructionPutRequest(putInstFileRequest, cekMaterial));
// Return the result of the encrypted object PUT.
return result;