Search in sources :

Example 6 with JournalException

use of com.questdb.std.ex.JournalException in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class JournalServerAgent method addClientKey.

private void addClientKey(ByteChannel channel) throws JournalNetworkException {;
    IndexedJournalKey indexedKey = setKeyRequestConsumer.getValue();
    LOG.debug().$(socketAddress).$(" AddKey command received. Index: ").$(indexedKey.getIndex()).$();
    JournalKey<?> readerKey = indexedKey.getKey();
    int index = indexedKey.getIndex();
    IndexedJournalKey augmentedReaderKey = server.getWriterIndex0(readerKey);
    if (augmentedReaderKey == null) {
        error(channel, "Requested key not exported: " + readerKey);
    } else {
        writerToReaderMap.put(augmentedReaderKey.getIndex(), index);
        readerToWriterMap.extendAndSet(index, augmentedReaderKey.getIndex());
        try {
            createReader(index, augmentedReaderKey.getKey());
            sendMetadata(channel, index);
        } catch (JournalException e) {
            error(channel, "Could not created reader for key: " + readerKey, e);
Also used : JournalException(com.questdb.std.ex.JournalException) IndexedJournalKey(

Example 7 with JournalException

use of com.questdb.std.ex.JournalException in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class AppendObjectConcurrent method main.

 * Multiple threads append to same journal concurrently.
 * <p>
 * Single append thread receives data from multiple publishers via circular queue using QuestDB's thread messaging mechanism.
 * Please refer to my blog post: for more details.
public static void main(String[] args) throws JournalException, InterruptedException {
    if (args.length != 1) {
        System.out.println("Usage: " + AppendObjectConcurrent.class.getName() + " <path>");
    RingQueue<Quote> queue = new RingQueue<>(Quote::new, 4096);
    // publisher sequence
    final MPSequence pubSequence = new MPSequence(queue.getCapacity());
    final SCSequence subSequence = new SCSequence();
    // create circular dependency between sequences
    // run configuration
    int nThreads = 2;
    int nMessages = 1000000;
    JournalConfiguration configuration =[0]);
    try (Factory factory = new Factory(configuration, 1000, 1, 0)) {
        // start publishing threads
        for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) {
            new Thread(new Publisher(queue, pubSequence, nMessages)).start();
        // consume messages in main thread
        int count = 0;
        int deadline = nMessages * nThreads;
        try (JournalWriter<Quote> writer = factory.writer(Quote.class)) {
            while (count < deadline) {
                long cursor =;
                if (cursor < 0) {
                long available = subSequence.available();
                while (cursor < available) {
                    Quote q = queue.get(cursor++);
                    try {
                    } catch (JournalException e) {
                        // append may fail, log and continue
                        // N.B. this logging uses builder pattern to construct message. Building finishes with $() call.
                        LOG.error().$("Sequence failed: ").$(cursor - 1).$(e).$();
                subSequence.done(available - 1);
                try {
                } catch (JournalException e) {
                    // something serious, attempt to rollback
                    LOG.error().$("Batch commit() failed [").$(available - 1).$(']').$(e).$();
        }$("Writer done").$();
Also used : MPSequence( RingQueue( JournalException(com.questdb.std.ex.JournalException) Factory( LogFactory(com.questdb.log.LogFactory) Quote( SCSequence( JournalConfiguration(

Example 8 with JournalException

use of com.questdb.std.ex.JournalException in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class FactoryEventLogger method runSerially.

protected boolean runSerially() {
    long cursor =;
    try {
        if (cursor < 0) {
            if (lastEventTimestamp > -1 && clock.getTicks() - lastEventTimestamp > commitInterval) {
                lastEventTimestamp = -1;
            return false;
        long available = subSeq.available();
        try {
            long count = available - cursor;
            while (cursor < available) {
                FactoryEvent ev = eventQueue.get(cursor++);
                JournalEntryWriter ew = writer.entryWriter(clock.getTicks());
                ew.putInt(0, PID);
                ew.put(1, ev.factoryType);
                ew.putLong(2, ev.thread);
                ew.putShort(4, ev.event);
                ew.putShort(5, ev.segment);
                ew.putShort(6, ev.position);
            if (count > commitBatchSize) {
            lastEventTimestamp = clock.getTicks();
        } finally {
            subSeq.done(available - 1);
        return true;
    } catch (JournalException e) {
        LOG.error().$("Failed to log factory event: ").$(e).$();
        return false;
Also used : JournalException(com.questdb.std.ex.JournalException) JournalEntryWriter(

Example 9 with JournalException

use of com.questdb.std.ex.JournalException in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class JournalIterators method createRanges.

private static <T> ObjList<JournalIteratorRange> createRanges(Journal<T> journal) {
    final int partitionCount = journal.getPartitionCount();
    ObjList<JournalIteratorRange> ranges = new ObjList<>(partitionCount);
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < partitionCount; i++) {
            Partition<T> p = journal.getPartition(i, true);
            long size = p.size();
            if (size > 0) {
                ranges.add(new JournalIteratorRange(p.getPartitionIndex(), 0, size - 1));
    } catch (JournalException e) {
        throw new JournalRuntimeException(e);
    return ranges;
Also used : ObjList(com.questdb.std.ObjList) JournalException(com.questdb.std.ex.JournalException) JournalRuntimeException(com.questdb.common.JournalRuntimeException)

Example 10 with JournalException

use of com.questdb.std.ex.JournalException in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class JournalIterators method incrementBufferedIterator.

public static <T> JournalPeekingIterator<T> incrementBufferedIterator(Journal<T> journal) {
    try {
        long lo = journal.getMaxRowID();
        return new JournalBufferedIterator<>(journal, createRanges(journal, journal.incrementRowID(lo)));
    } catch (JournalException e) {
        throw new JournalRuntimeException(e);
Also used : JournalException(com.questdb.std.ex.JournalException) JournalRuntimeException(com.questdb.common.JournalRuntimeException)


JournalException (com.questdb.std.ex.JournalException)63 JournalRuntimeException (com.questdb.common.JournalRuntimeException)29 AbstractTest ( Test (org.junit.Test)13 KVIndex ( Partition ( Quote (com.questdb.model.Quote)8 IndexCursor ( File ( CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)7 IncompatibleJournalException (com.questdb.ex.IncompatibleJournalException)5 JournalStructure ( ObjList (com.questdb.std.ObjList)4 JournalWriter ( AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)4 ClientConfig ( FixedColumn ( Factory ( ColumnMetadata ( JournalLockedException (com.questdb.ex.JournalLockedException)2