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Example 71 with Path

use of com.questdb.std.str.Path in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class CairoTestUtils method create.

public static void create(TableModel model) {
    final Path path = model.getPath();
    final FilesFacade ff = model.getCairoCfg().getFilesFacade();
    final int rootLen = path.length();
    if (ff.mkdirs(path.put(Files.SEPARATOR).$(), model.getCairoCfg().getMkDirMode()) == -1) {
        throw CairoException.instance(ff.errno()).put("Cannot create dir: ").put(path);
    try (AppendMemory mem = model.getMem()) {
        mem.of(ff, path.trimTo(rootLen).concat(META_FILE_NAME).$(), ff.getPageSize());
        int count = model.getColumnCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            mem.putByte((byte) model.getColumnType(i));
            // reserved
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        // create symbol maps
        int symbolMapCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            if (model.getColumnType(i) == ColumnType.SYMBOL) {
                SymbolMapWriter.createSymbolMapFiles(ff, mem, path.trimTo(rootLen), model.getColumnName(i), model.getSymbolCapacity(i), model.getSymbolCacheFlag(i));
        mem.of(ff, path.trimTo(rootLen).concat(TXN_FILE_NAME).$(), ff.getPageSize());
        TableUtils.resetTxn(mem, symbolMapCount);
Also used : Path(com.questdb.std.str.Path) FilesFacade(com.questdb.std.FilesFacade)

Example 72 with Path

use of com.questdb.std.str.Path in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class TableReader method createBitmapIndexReaderAt.

private BitmapIndexReader createBitmapIndexReaderAt(int columnBase, int columnIndex) {
    BitmapIndexReader reader;
    RecordColumnMetadata meta = metadata.getColumnQuick(columnIndex);
    if (!meta.isIndexed()) {
        throw CairoException.instance(0).put("Not indexed: ").put(meta.getName());
    ReadOnlyColumn col = columns.getQuick(getPrimaryColumnIndex(columnBase, columnIndex));
    if (col instanceof NullColumn) {
        reader = new BitmapIndexNullReader();
    } else {
        Path path = partitionPathGenerator.generate(this, getPartitionIndex(columnBase));
        try {
            reader = new BitmapIndexBackwardReader(configuration, path.chopZ(), meta.getName(), getColumnTop(columnBase, columnIndex));
        } finally {
    bitmapIndexes.setQuick(columnBase / 2 + columnIndex, reader);
    return reader;
Also used : Path(com.questdb.std.str.Path) NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)

Example 73 with Path

use of com.questdb.std.str.Path in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class TableReader method reloadPartitioned.

private boolean reloadPartitioned() {
    assert timestampFloorMethod != null;
    long currentPartitionTimestamp = floorToPartitionTimestamp(maxTimestamp);
    boolean b = readTxn();
    if (b) {
        assert intervalLengthMethod != null;
        // calculate timestamp delta between before and after reload.
        int delta = getPartitionCountBetweenTimestamps(currentPartitionTimestamp, floorToPartitionTimestamp(maxTimestamp));
        int partitionIndex = partitionCount - 1;
        // do we have something to reload?
        if (getPartitionRowCount(partitionIndex) > -1) {
            if (delta > 0) {
                Path path = partitionPathGenerator.generate(this, partitionIndex);
                try {
                    reloadPartition(partitionIndex, readPartitionSize(ff, path.chopZ(), tempMem8b));
                } finally {
            } else {
                reloadPartition(partitionIndex, transientRowCount);
        } else if (delta > 0) {
            // although we have nothing to reload we still have to bump partition count
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : Path(com.questdb.std.str.Path)

Example 74 with Path

use of com.questdb.std.str.Path in project questdb by bluestreak01.

the class TableReader method createNewColumnList.

private void createNewColumnList(int columnCount, long pTransitionIndex, int columnBits) {
    int capacity = partitionCount << columnBits;
    final ObjList<ReadOnlyColumn> columns = new ObjList<>(capacity);
    final LongList columnTops = new LongList(capacity / 2);
    final ObjList<BitmapIndexReader> indexReaders = new ObjList<>(capacity / 2);
    columnTops.setPos(capacity / 2);
    indexReaders.setPos(capacity / 2);
    final long pIndexBase = pTransitionIndex + 8;
    for (int partitionIndex = 0; partitionIndex < partitionCount; partitionIndex++) {
        final int base = partitionIndex << columnBits;
        final int oldBase = partitionIndex << columnCountBits;
        try {
            Path path = partitionPathGenerator.generate(this, partitionIndex);
            final long partitionRowCount = partitionRowCounts.getQuick(partitionIndex);
            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                final int copyFrom = Unsafe.getUnsafe().getInt(pIndexBase + i * 8) - 1;
                if (copyFrom > -1) {
                    fetchColumnsFrom(this.columns, this.columnTops, this.bitmapIndexes, oldBase, copyFrom);
                    copyColumnsTo(columns, columnTops, indexReaders, base, i, partitionRowCount);
                } else {
                    // new instance
                    reloadColumnAt(path, columns, columnTops, indexReaders, base, i, partitionRowCount);
            // free remaining columns
            for (int i = 0; i < this.columnCount; i++) {
      , i)));
      , i)));
        } finally {
    this.columns = columns;
    this.columnTops = columnTops;
    this.columnCountBits = columnBits;
    this.bitmapIndexes = indexReaders;
Also used : Path(com.questdb.std.str.Path)


Path (com.questdb.std.str.Path)74 Test (org.junit.Test)46 File ( Rnd (com.questdb.std.Rnd)7 LPSZ (com.questdb.std.str.LPSZ)6 NativeLPSZ (com.questdb.std.str.NativeLPSZ)5 NumericException (com.questdb.common.NumericException)3 RecordColumnMetadata (com.questdb.common.RecordColumnMetadata)3 DirectCharSequence (com.questdb.std.str.DirectCharSequence)3 StringSink (com.questdb.std.str.StringSink)3 RowCursor (com.questdb.common.RowCursor)2 CreateTableModel (com.questdb.griffin.lexer.model.CreateTableModel)2 ObjList (com.questdb.std.ObjList)2 JournalMetadata ( TestMicroClock ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)2 Record (com.questdb.common.Record)1 RecordCursor (com.questdb.common.RecordCursor)1 Chars (com.questdb.std.Chars)1 FilesFacade (com.questdb.std.FilesFacade)1