use of com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class CeylonDocModuleManager method addOutputModuleToClassPath.
private void addOutputModuleToClassPath(Module module) {
ArtifactContext ctx = new ArtifactContext(module.getNameAsString(), module.getVersion(), ArtifactContext.CAR);
ArtifactResult result = outputRepositoryManager.getArtifactResult(ctx);
if (result != null)
getModelLoader().addModuleToClassPath(module, result);
use of com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class LazyModuleSourceMapper method resolveModule.
public void resolveModule(ArtifactResult artifact, Module module, ModuleImport moduleImport, LinkedList<Module> dependencyTree, List<PhasedUnits> phasedUnitsOfDependencies, boolean forCompiledModule) {
String moduleName = module.getNameAsString();
LazyModuleManager moduleManager = getModuleManager();
boolean moduleLoadedFromSource = moduleManager.isModuleLoadedFromSource(moduleName);
boolean isLanguageModule = module == module.getLanguageModule();
// module in question will be in the classpath
if (moduleLoadedFromSource || forCompiledModule) {
String standardisedModuleName = ModuleUtil.toCeylonModuleName(moduleName);
// check for an already loaded module with the same name but different version
for (Module loadedModule : getContext().getModules().getListOfModules()) {
String loadedModuleName = loadedModule.getNameAsString();
String standardisedLoadedModuleName = ModuleUtil.toCeylonModuleName(loadedModuleName);
boolean sameModule = loadedModuleName.equals(moduleName);
boolean similarModule = standardisedLoadedModuleName.equals(standardisedModuleName);
if ((sameModule || similarModule) && !loadedModule.getVersion().equals(module.getVersion()) && moduleManager.getModelLoader().isModuleInClassPath(loadedModule)) {
if (sameModule) {
String[] versions = VersionComparator.orderVersions(module.getVersion(), loadedModule.getVersion());
String error = "source code imports two different versions of module '" + moduleName + "': " + "version '" + versions[0] + "' and version '" + versions[1] + "'";
addErrorToModule(dependencyTree.getFirst(), error);
} else {
String moduleA;
String moduleB;
if (loadedModuleName.compareTo(moduleName) < 0) {
moduleA = ModuleUtil.makeModuleName(loadedModuleName, loadedModule.getVersion());
moduleB = ModuleUtil.makeModuleName(moduleName, module.getVersion());
} else {
moduleA = ModuleUtil.makeModuleName(moduleName, module.getVersion());
moduleB = ModuleUtil.makeModuleName(loadedModuleName, loadedModule.getVersion());
String error = "source code imports two different versions of similar modules '" + moduleA + "' and '" + moduleB + "'";
addWarningToModule(dependencyTree.getFirst(), Warning.similarModule, error);
if (moduleLoadedFromSource) {
super.resolveModule(artifact, module, moduleImport, dependencyTree, phasedUnitsOfDependencies, forCompiledModule);
} else if (forCompiledModule || isLanguageModule || moduleManager.shouldLoadTransitiveDependencies()) {
// we only add stuff to the classpath and load the modules if we need them to compile our modules
// To be able to load it from the corresponding archive
moduleManager.getModelLoader().addModuleToClassPath(module, artifact);
if (!module.isDefault() && !moduleManager.getModelLoader().loadCompiledModule(module)) {
// we didn't find module.class so it must be a java module if it's not the default module
((LazyModule) module).setJava(true);
List<ArtifactResult> deps = artifact.dependencies();
for (ArtifactResult dep : deps) {
Module dependency = moduleManager.getOrCreateModule(ModuleManager.splitModuleName(, dep.version());
ModuleImport depImport = moduleManager.findImport(module, dependency);
if (depImport == null) {
moduleImport = new ModuleImport(dependency, dep.importType() == ImportType.OPTIONAL, dep.importType() == ImportType.EXPORT, Backend.Java);
LazyModule lazyModule = (LazyModule) module;
if (!lazyModule.isJava() && !module.isDefault()) {
// it must be a Ceylon module
// default modules don't have any module descriptors so we can't check them
Overrides overrides = getContext().getRepositoryManager().getOverrides();
if (overrides != null) {
if (overrides.getArtifactOverrides(new ArtifactContext(, artifact.version())) != null) {
Set<ModuleDependencyInfo> existingModuleDependencies = new HashSet<>();
for (ModuleImport i : lazyModule.getImports()) {
Module m = i.getModule();
if (m != null) {
existingModuleDependencies.add(new ModuleDependencyInfo(m.getNameAsString(), m.getVersion(), i.isOptional(), i.isExport()));
ModuleInfo sourceModuleInfo = new ModuleInfo(null, existingModuleDependencies);
ModuleInfo newModuleInfo = overrides.applyOverrides(, artifact.version(), sourceModuleInfo);
List<ModuleImport> newModuleImports = new ArrayList<>();
for (ModuleDependencyInfo dep : newModuleInfo.getDependencies()) {
Module dependency = moduleManager.getOrCreateModule(ModuleManager.splitModuleName(dep.getName()), dep.getVersion());
Backends backends = dependency.getNativeBackends();
moduleImport = new ModuleImport(dependency, dep.isOptional(), dep.isExport(), backends);
if (!Versions.isJvmBinaryVersionSupported(lazyModule.getMajor(), lazyModule.getMinor())) {
attachErrorToDependencyDeclaration(moduleImport, dependencyTree, "version '" + lazyModule.getVersion() + "' of module '" + module.getNameAsString() + "' was compiled by an incompatible version of the compiler (binary version " + lazyModule.getMajor() + "." + lazyModule.getMinor() + " of module is not compatible with binary version " + Versions.JVM_BINARY_MAJOR_VERSION + "." + Versions.JVM_BINARY_MINOR_VERSION + " of this compiler)");
// module is now available
use of com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class CeylonCopyTool method run.
public void run() throws Exception {
Set<String> artifacts = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
boolean defaults = js == null && jvm == null && src == null && scripts == null && docs == null && all == null;
if (BooleanUtil.isTrue(all)) {
if (BooleanUtil.isTrue(js) || defaults) {
} else if (BooleanUtil.isFalse(js)) {
if (BooleanUtil.isTrue(jvm) || defaults) {
// put the CAR first since its presence will shortcut the other three
} else if (BooleanUtil.isFalse(jvm)) {
if (BooleanUtil.isTrue(src)) {
} else if (BooleanUtil.isFalse(src)) {
if (BooleanUtil.isTrue(scripts)) {
} else if (BooleanUtil.isFalse(scripts)) {
if (BooleanUtil.isTrue(docs)) {
} else if (BooleanUtil.isFalse(docs)) {
// Create the list of ArtifactContexts to copy
List<ArtifactContext> acs = new ArrayList<ArtifactContext>();
String[] artifactsArray = new String[artifacts.size()];
for (ModuleSpec module : modules) {
if (module != ModuleSpec.DEFAULT_MODULE && !module.isVersioned()) {
String version = checkModuleVersionsOrShowSuggestions(getRepositoryManager(), module.getName(), null, ModuleQuery.Type.ALL, null, null);
module = new ModuleSpec(module.getName(), version);
ArtifactContext ac = new ArtifactContext(module.getName(), module.getVersion(), artifactsArray);
// Now do the actual copying
final boolean logArtifacts = verbose != null && (verbose.contains("all") || verbose.contains("files"));
ModuleCopycat copier = new ModuleCopycat(getRepositoryManager(), getOutputRepositoryManager(), log, new ModuleCopycat.CopycatFeedback() {
public boolean beforeCopyModule(ArtifactContext ac, int count, int max) throws IOException {
String module = ModuleUtil.makeModuleName(ac.getName(), ac.getVersion());
msg("copying.module", module, count + 1, max).flush();
return true;
public void afterCopyModule(ArtifactContext ac, int count, int max, boolean copied) throws IOException {
if (!logArtifacts) {
append(") ").msg((copied) ? "copying.ok" : "copying.skipped").newline().flush();
public boolean beforeCopyArtifact(ArtifactContext ac, ArtifactResult ar, int count, int max) throws IOException {
if (logArtifacts) {
if (count == 0) {
append(" -- ");
append(" ").msg("copying.artifact", ar.artifact().getName(), count + 1, max).flush();
} else {
if (count > 0) {
append(", ");
} else {
append(" (");
String name = ArtifactContext.getSuffixFromFilename(ar.artifact().getName());
if (name.startsWith(".") || name.startsWith("-")) {
name = name.substring(1);
} else if ("module-doc".equals(name)) {
name = "doc";
return true;
public void afterCopyArtifact(ArtifactContext ac, ArtifactResult ar, int count, int max, boolean copied) throws IOException {
if (logArtifacts) {
append(" ").msg((copied) ? "copying.ok" : "copying.skipped").newline().flush();
public void notFound(ArtifactContext ac) throws IOException {
String err = getModuleNotFoundErrorMessage(getRepositoryManager(), ac.getName(), ac.getVersion());
use of com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class ModuleLoadingTool method internalLoadModule.
private boolean internalLoadModule(String name, String version, boolean optional) throws IOException {
String key = name + "/" + version;
if (loadedModules.containsKey(key))
return true;
if (shouldExclude(name)) {
// let's not check the version and assume it's provided
// treat it as a missing optional for the purpose of classpath
loadedModules.put(key, null);
return true;
// remember which version we loaded
SortedSet<String> loadedVersions = loadedModuleVersions.get(name);
if (loadedVersions == null) {
loadedVersions = new TreeSet<>(VersionComparator.INSTANCE);
loadedModuleVersions.put(name, loadedVersions);
RepositoryManager repositoryManager = getRepositoryManager();
ArtifactContext artifactContext = new ArtifactContext(name, version, ArtifactContext.CAR, ArtifactContext.JAR);
ArtifactResult result = repositoryManager.getArtifactResult(artifactContext);
if (!optional && (result == null || result.artifact() == null || !result.artifact().exists())) {
String err = getModuleNotFoundErrorMessage(repositoryManager, name, version);
return false;
// save even missing optional modules as nulls to not re-resolve them
loadedModules.put(key, result);
if (result != null) {
for (ArtifactResult dep : result.dependencies()) {
internalLoadModule(, dep.version(), dep.importType() == ImportType.OPTIONAL);
return true;
use of com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class CeylonDocToolTests method compileSdkJavaFiles.
* This is disgusting, but the current CeylonDoc doesn't handle source files, so we need to compile them first,
* and we do it using javac to avoid compiling the whole SDK for one java file.
private void compileSdkJavaFiles() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
// put it all in a special folder
File dir = new File("build", "CeylonDocToolTest/" + name.getMethodName());
if (dir.exists()) {
// download a required jar
RepositoryManager repoManager = CeylonUtils.repoManager().buildManager();
File undertowCoreModule = repoManager.getArtifact(new ArtifactContext("io.undertow.core", "1.0.0.Beta20", ".jar"));
File narnyaModule = repoManager.getArtifact(new ArtifactContext("org.jboss.narayana.jta", "5.1.1.Final", ".jar"));
File languageModule = repoManager.getArtifact(new ArtifactContext(AbstractModelLoader.CEYLON_LANGUAGE, TypeChecker.LANGUAGE_MODULE_VERSION, ".car"));
// fire up the java compiler
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
assertNotNull("Missing Java compiler, this test is probably being run with a JRE instead of a JDK!", compiler);
List<String> options = Arrays.asList("-sourcepath", "../ceylon-sdk/source", "-d", dir.getAbsolutePath(), "-classpath", undertowCoreModule.getAbsolutePath() + File.pathSeparator + narnyaModule.getAbsolutePath() + File.pathSeparator + languageModule.getAbsolutePath());
StandardJavaFileManager fileManager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
String[] fileNames = new String[] { "ceylon/net/http/server/internal/", "ceylon/interop/java/internal/", "ceylon/interop/java/internal/", "ceylon/interop/java/internal/", "ceylon/interop/java/internal/", "ceylon/interop/java/internal/", "ceylon/interop/java/internal/", "ceylon/interop/java/internal/", "ceylon/interop/java/internal/", "ceylon/interop/java/internal/", "ceylon/interop/java/internal/", "ceylon/interop/java/internal/", "ceylon/transaction/internal/", "ceylon/transaction/internal/" };
List<String> qualifiedNames = new ArrayList<String>(fileNames.length);
for (String name : fileNames) {
qualifiedNames.add("../ceylon-sdk/source/" + name);
Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> fileObjects = fileManager.getJavaFileObjectsFromStrings(qualifiedNames);
CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask(null, null, null, options, null, fileObjects);
Boolean ret =;
Assert.assertEquals("Compilation failed", Boolean.TRUE, ret);
// now we need to zip it up
makeCarFromClassFiles(dir, fileNames, "", Versions.CEYLON_VERSION_NUMBER);
makeCarFromClassFiles(dir, fileNames, "", Versions.CEYLON_VERSION_NUMBER);
makeCarFromClassFiles(dir, fileNames, "ceylon.transaction", Versions.CEYLON_VERSION_NUMBER);