use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class RecoveryTests method testTako.
@Ignore("This test largely depends on modules that are now binary-incompatible")
public void testTako() throws IOException {
String subPath = "modules/bug1411";
String srcPath = getPackagePath() + subPath;
List<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
ErrorCollector c = new ErrorCollector();
CeyloncTaskImpl task = getCompilerTask(options, c, subPath + "/dupdecl.ceylon", subPath + "/moduletest1/module.ceylon", subPath + "/moduletest1/package.ceylon", subPath + "/moduletest1/helloworld.ceylon", subPath + "/hello/hello.ceylon", subPath + "/hello/module.ceylon", subPath + "/hello/package.ceylon", subPath + "/testtest/module.ceylon", subPath + "/testtest/test.ceylon", subPath + "/sub/mod/module.ceylon", subPath + "/sub/mod/run.ceylon", subPath + "/sub/mod/package.ceylon", subPath + "/unknownmodule/module.ceylon", subPath + "/unknownmodule/run.ceylon", subPath + "/unknownmodule/package.ceylon", subPath + "/interop/module.ceylon", subPath + "/interop/interop.ceylon", subPath + "/jsonly/jsonly.ceylon", subPath + "/jsonly/module.ceylon", subPath + "/jsonly/package.ceylon", subPath + "/modulep/module.ceylon", subPath + "/modulep/main.ceylon", subPath + "/browser/dom/main.ceylon", subPath + "/browser/dom/package.ceylon", subPath + "/browser/module.ceylon", subPath + "/browser/main.ceylon", subPath + "/browser/package.ceylon", subPath + "/test/InheritanceAndBoxingTest.ceylon", subPath + "/test/ExceptionTest.ceylon", subPath + "/test/Foo.ceylon", subPath + "/test/GameOfLife.ceylon", subPath + "/test/Bar.ceylon", subPath + "/test/encoding.ceylon", subPath + "/test/helloworld.ceylon", subPath + "/swing/module.ceylon", subPath + "/swing/run.ceylon", subPath + "/swing/package.ceylon", subPath + "/interoprev/module.ceylon", subPath + "/interoprev/run.ceylon", subPath + "/interoprev/package.ceylon", subPath + "/java/hello.ceylon", subPath + "/java/module.ceylon", subPath + "/java/package.ceylon", subPath + "/helloworld.ceylon", subPath + "/wrongversion/module.ceylon", subPath + "/wrongversion/run.ceylon", subPath + "/wrongversion/package.ceylon", subPath + "/importhello/module.ceylon", subPath + "/importhello/helloworld.ceylon", subPath + "/usingimport.ceylon", // subPath + "/javaa/run.ceylon"
subPath + "/gavinprob/module.ceylon", subPath + "/gavinprob/main.ceylon", subPath + "/web_ide_script/module.ceylon", subPath + "/web_ide_script/hello_world.ceylon", subPath + "/timetest/module.ceylon", subPath + "/timetest/test.ceylon");
Boolean ret =;
TreeSet<CompilerError> actualErrors = c.get(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR);
compareErrors(actualErrors, new CompilerError(1, "package not found in imported modules: 'java.lang' (define a module and add module import to its module descriptor)"), new CompilerError(2, "source code imports two different versions of module 'ceylon.file': version '0.5' and version '1.1.0'"), new CompilerError(2, "cannot find module artifact fooxhilio.bastardo-77.9(.car|.jar)\n" + " \t- dependency tree: unknownmodule/1.0.0 -> fooxhilio.bastardo/77.9"), new CompilerError(4, "function or value does not exist: 'nanoTime'"), new CompilerError(4, "type does not exist: 'Test'"), new CompilerError(4, "unsupported module name: this namespace is used by Java platform modules"), new CompilerError(5, "duplicate declaration name: 'run'"), new CompilerError(7, "duplicate declaration name: 'run'"), new CompilerError(10, "case must be a toplevel anonymous class: 'alive' is not toplevel"), new CompilerError(10, "case must be a toplevel anonymous class: 'dead' is not toplevel"), new CompilerError(10, "case must be a toplevel anonymous class: 'moribund' is not toplevel"), new CompilerError(10, "case must be a toplevel anonymous class: 'resurrected' is not toplevel"), new CompilerError(12, "imported declaration not found: 'newServer_bogus'"), new CompilerError(30, "function or value does not exist: 'newServer_bogus'"), new CompilerError(135, "function or value does not exist: 'array'"), new CompilerError(138, "could not determine type of function or value reference: 'cells'"), new CompilerError(139, "could not determine type of function or value reference: 'c'"), new CompilerError(140, "could not determine type of function or value reference: 'c'"));
File carFile = getModuleArchive("default", null);
String[] modules = new String[] { "swing/1.0.0", "web_ide_script/1.0.0", "browser/1.0.0", "timetest/1.0.0", "interop/1.0.0", "importhello/0.1", "interoprev/1.0.0", "modulep/0.1", "hello/1.0.0", "moduletest1/0.1", "jsonly/1.0.0", "testtest/1.1", "sub.mod/1.0.0" };
for (String module : modules) {
int sep = module.indexOf('/');
String name = module.substring(0, sep);
String version = module.substring(sep + 1);
carFile = getModuleArchive(name, version);
assertTrue("Module created car: " + module, carFile.exists());
use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class CMRTests method testOverridesCeylonModuleShareImport.
public void testOverridesCeylonModuleShareImport() {
ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector();
CeyloncTaskImpl compilerTask = getCompilerTask(Arrays.asList("-src", getPackagePath() + "/modules", "-overrides", getPackagePath() + "modules/overridesCeylonModule/overrides-share-c-import.xml"), collector, "modules/overridesCeylonModule/module.ceylon");
ModulesRetriever modulesRetriever = new ModulesRetriever(compilerTask.getContext());
Boolean result =;
Assert.assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, result);
Module a = modulesRetriever.modules.get("a");
assert (a != null);
ModuleImport cImport = getModuleImport(a, "c");
assert (cImport != null);
assertEquals("The 'c' module import should be seen as 'exported' after applying the overrides file", true, cImport.isExport());
use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class CMRTests method testMdlMultipleVersionsDuringImport.
public void testMdlMultipleVersionsDuringImport() {
// Compile module A/1
Boolean result = getCompilerTask(Arrays.asList("-src", getPackagePath() + "/modules/multiversion/a1"), "modules/multiversion/a1/a/module.ceylon", "modules/multiversion/a1/a/package.ceylon", "modules/multiversion/a1/a/A.ceylon").call();
Assert.assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, result);
// Compile module A/2
result = getCompilerTask(Arrays.asList("-src", getPackagePath() + "/modules/multiversion/a2"), "modules/multiversion/a2/a/module.ceylon", "modules/multiversion/a2/a/package.ceylon", "modules/multiversion/a2/a/A.ceylon").call();
Assert.assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, result);
ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector();
// Compile module cImportsATwice which imports both A/1 and A/2
result = getCompilerTask(Arrays.asList("-src", getPackagePath() + "/modules/multiversion/c"), collector, "modules/multiversion/c/cImportsATwice/module.ceylon", "modules/multiversion/c/cImportsATwice/C.ceylon").call();
Assert.assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, result);
compareErrors(collector.get(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR), new CompilerError(20, "module (transitively) imports conflicting versions of dependency 'a': version '1' and version '2'"), new CompilerError(20, "source code imports two different versions of module 'a': version '1' and version '2'"), new CompilerError(22, "duplicate module import: 'a'"));
use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class CMRTests method testOverridesCeylonModuleInSourceImport.
public void testOverridesCeylonModuleInSourceImport() {
ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector();
CeyloncTaskImpl compilerTask = getCompilerTask(Arrays.asList("-continue", "-src", getPackagePath() + "/modules", "-overrides", getPackagePath() + "modules/overridesCeylonModule/overrides-a-version.xml"), collector, "modules/overridesCeylonModule/module.ceylon");
ModulesRetriever modulesRetriever = new ModulesRetriever(compilerTask.getContext());
Boolean result =;
Assert.assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, result);
compareErrors(collector.get(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR), new CompilerError(2, "The module import should not be overriden, since it is explicitely imported by a project source module"));
assert (modulesRetriever.modules != null);
Module a = modulesRetriever.modules.get("a");
Module b = modulesRetriever.modules.get("b");
Module c = modulesRetriever.modules.get("c");
assert (a != null);
assert (b != null);
assert (c != null);
assertEquals("The version override should not be applied to modules imported in source code", "2", a.getVersion());
assertEquals("The version override should not be applied to modules imported in source code", "2", b.getVersion());
assertEquals("The version override should not be applied to modules imported in source code", "2", c.getVersion());
use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class CMRTests method testOverridesCeylonModuleVersionAlterdPackageSharing.
public void testOverridesCeylonModuleVersionAlterdPackageSharing() {
ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector();
CeyloncTaskImpl compilerTask = getCompilerTask(Arrays.asList("-src", getPackagePath() + "/modules", "-overrides", getPackagePath() + "modules/overridesCeylonModule/overrides-b-version.xml"), collector, "modules/overridesCeylonModule/module.ceylon", "modules/overridesCeylonModule/testImportHiddenPackage.ceylon");
ModulesRetriever modulesRetriever = new ModulesRetriever(compilerTask.getContext());
Boolean result =;
Assert.assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, result);
compareErrors(collector.get(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR), new CompilerError(2, "imported package is not shared: 'b.hidden'"));