use of com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.context.PhasedUnit in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class ClassOrPackageDoc method writeParameterAssertions.
private void writeParameterAssertions(Declaration decl, Map<Tree.Assertion, List<Tree.Condition>> parameterAssertions) throws IOException {
if (parameterAssertions == null || parameterAssertions.isEmpty()) {
PhasedUnit pu = tool.getUnit(decl);
open("div class='assertions' title='Parameter assertions'");
for (Tree.Assertion assertion : parameterAssertions.keySet()) {
List<Annotation> annotations = new ArrayList<Annotation>();
buildAnnotations(assertion.getAnnotationList(), annotations);
String doc = Util.getRawDoc(decl.getUnit(), annotations);
if (!Util.isEmpty(doc)) {
write("<i class='icon-assertion'></i>");
write(Util.wikiToHTML(doc, linkRenderer()));
} else {
for (Tree.Condition c : parameterAssertions.get(assertion)) {
String sourceCode = getSourceCode(pu, c);
write("<i class='icon-assertion'></i>");
around("code", sourceCode);
use of com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.context.PhasedUnit in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class ModelLoaderTests method verifyCompilerClassLoading.
protected void verifyCompilerClassLoading(String ceylon, final ModelComparison modelCompare) {
// now compile the ceylon decl file
CeyloncTaskImpl task = getCompilerTask(ceylon);
// get the context to grab the phased units
Context context = task.getContext();
if (simpleAnnotationModels) {
ExpressionTransformer.getInstance(context).simpleAnnotationModels = true;
CeylonTransformer.getInstance(context).simpleAnnotationModels = true;
StatementTransformer.getInstance(context).simpleAnnotationModels = true;
ClassTransformer.getInstance(context).simpleAnnotationModels = true;
Boolean success =;
PhasedUnits phasedUnits = LanguageCompiler.getPhasedUnitsInstance(context);
// find out what was in that file
Assert.assertEquals(2, phasedUnits.getPhasedUnits().size());
PhasedUnit one = phasedUnits.getPhasedUnits().get(0);
PhasedUnit two = phasedUnits.getPhasedUnits().get(1);
PhasedUnit phasedUnit = one.getUnitFile().getName().endsWith("module.ceylon") ? two : one;
final Map<String, Declaration> decls = new HashMap<String, Declaration>();
for (Declaration decl : phasedUnit.getUnit().getDeclarations()) {
if (decl.isToplevel()) {
decls.put(getQualifiedPrefixedName(decl), decl);
// now compile the ceylon usage file
// remove the extension, make lowercase and add "test"
String testfile = ceylon.substring(0, ceylon.length() - 7).toLowerCase() + "test.ceylon";
JavacTaskImpl task2 = getCompilerTask(testfile);
// get the context to grab the declarations
final Context context2 = task2.getContext();
// declarations from the jar anymore because we've overridden the jar and the javac jar index is corrupted
class Listener implements TaskListener {
public void started(TaskEvent e) {
public void finished(TaskEvent e) {
if (e.getKind() == Kind.ENTER) {
AbstractModelLoader modelLoader = CeylonModelLoader.instance(context2);
Modules modules = LanguageCompiler.getCeylonContextInstance(context2).getModules();
// now see if we can find our declarations
compareDeclarations(modelCompare, decls, modelLoader, modules);
Listener listener = new Listener();
success =;
Assert.assertTrue("Compilation failed", success);
// now check with the runtime model loader too
String module = moduleForJavaModelLoading();
String version = "1";
ModuleWithArtifact moduleWithArtifact = new ModuleWithArtifact(module, version);
synchronized (RUN_LOCK) {
// this initialises the metamodel, even if we don't use the resulting ClassLoader
URLClassLoader classLoader;
try {
classLoader = getClassLoader("runtime model loader tests", moduleWithArtifact);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
try {
RuntimeModuleManager moduleManager = Metamodel.getModuleManager();
RuntimeModelLoader modelLoader = moduleManager.getModelLoader();
Modules modules = moduleManager.getModules();
// now see if we can find our declarations
compareDeclarations(modelCompare, decls, modelLoader, modules);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
use of com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.context.PhasedUnit in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class ModelLoaderTests method compareNativeRuntimeWithJavaRuntime.
public void compareNativeRuntimeWithJavaRuntime() {
// parse the ceylon sources from the language module and
// build a map of all the native declarations
final Map<String, Declaration> nativeFromSource = new HashMap<String, Declaration>();
ClosableVirtualFile latestZippedLanguageSourceFile = getLatestZippedLanguageSourceFile();
try {
TypeCheckerBuilder typeCheckerBuilder = new TypeCheckerBuilder().verbose(false).addSrcDirectory(latestZippedLanguageSourceFile);
TypeChecker typeChecker = typeCheckerBuilder.getTypeChecker();
for (PhasedUnit pu : typeChecker.getPhasedUnits().getPhasedUnits()) {
for (Declaration d : pu.getDeclarations()) {
if (d.isNativeHeader() && d.isToplevel()) {
String qualifiedNameString = d.getQualifiedNameString();
String key = d.getDeclarationKind() + ":" + qualifiedNameString;
Declaration prev = nativeFromSource.put(key, d);
if (prev != null) {"Two declarations with the same key " + key + ": " + d + " and: " + prev);
} finally {
// now compile something (it doesn't matter what, we just need
// to get our hands on from-binary models for the language module)
RunnableTest tester = new RunnableTest() {
public void test(ModelLoader loader) {
OtherModelCompare comparer = new OtherModelCompare();
Module binaryLangMod = loader.getLoadedModule(AbstractModelLoader.CEYLON_LANGUAGE, Versions.CEYLON_VERSION_NUMBER);
for (Map.Entry<String, Declaration> entry : nativeFromSource.entrySet()) {
Declaration source = entry.getValue();
ModelLoader.DeclarationType dt = null;
switch(source.getDeclarationKind()) {
case TYPE:
dt = DeclarationType.TYPE;
case MEMBER:
case SETTER:
dt = DeclarationType.VALUE;
// Ensure the package is loaded
binaryLangMod.getDirectPackage(source.getQualifiedNameString().replaceAll("::.*", ""));
Declaration binary = loader.getDeclaration(binaryLangMod, source.getQualifiedNameString().replace("::", "."), dt);
comparer.compareDeclarations(source.getQualifiedNameString(), source, binary);
verifyCompilerClassLoading("Any.ceylon", tester, defaultOptions);
use of com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.context.PhasedUnit in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class LanguageCompiler method loadCompiledModules.
private List<JCCompilationUnit> loadCompiledModules(List<JCCompilationUnit> trees, LinkedList<JCCompilationUnit> moduleTrees) {
Modules modules = ceylonContext.getModules();
// now make sure the phase units have their modules and packages set correctly
for (PhasedUnit pu : phasedUnits.getPhasedUnits()) {
Package pkg = pu.getPackage();
loadModuleFromSource(pkg, modules, moduleTrees, trees);
// also make sure we have packages and modules set up for every Java file we compile
for (JCCompilationUnit cu : trees) {
// skip Ceylon CUs
if (cu instanceof CeylonCompilationUnit)
String packageName = "";
if ( != null)
packageName = TreeInfo.fullName(;
* Stef: see javadoc for findOrCreateModulelessPackage() for why this is here.
Package pkg = modelLoader.findOrCreateModulelessPackage(packageName);
loadModuleFromSource(pkg, modules, moduleTrees, trees);
for (PhasedUnit phasedUnit : phasedUnits.getPhasedUnits()) {
for (Tree.ModuleDescriptor modDescr : phasedUnit.getCompilationUnit().getModuleDescriptors()) {
String name = phasedUnit.getPackage().getNameAsString();
CeylonPhasedUnit cpu = (CeylonPhasedUnit) phasedUnit;
CeylonFileObject cfo = (CeylonFileObject) cpu.getFileObject();
moduleNamesToFileObjects.put(name, cfo);
for (JCCompilationUnit moduleTree : moduleTrees) {
trees = trees.append(moduleTree);
return trees;
use of com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.context.PhasedUnit in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.
the class CeyloncCompilerDelegate method typeCheck.
public void typeCheck(java.util.List<PhasedUnit> listOfUnits) {
StatusPrinter sp = getStatusPrinter();
int size = listOfUnits.size();
int i = 1;
for (PhasedUnit pu : listOfUnits) {
if (sp != null)
progress(sp, 1, i++, size, pu);
i = 1;
for (PhasedUnit pu : listOfUnits) {
if (sp != null)
progress(sp, 2, i++, size, pu);
i = 1;
for (PhasedUnit pu : listOfUnits) {
if (sp != null)
progress(sp, 3, i++, size, pu);
i = 1;
for (PhasedUnit pu : listOfUnits) {
if (sp != null)
progress(sp, 4, i++, size, pu);
i = 1;
for (PhasedUnit pu : listOfUnits) {
if (sp != null)
progress(sp, 5, i++, size, pu);
i = 1;
for (PhasedUnit pu : listOfUnits) {
if (sp != null)
progress(sp, 6, i++, size, pu);
i = 1;
UnknownTypeCollector utc = new UnknownTypeCollector();
for (PhasedUnit pu : listOfUnits) {
if (sp != null)
progress(sp, 7, i++, size, pu);