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Example 86 with SSHCommandResult

use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.

the class SubscriptionManagerTasks method listConsumedProductSubscriptions.

 * @return SSHCommandResult from "subscription-manager-cli list --consumed"
public SSHCommandResult listConsumedProductSubscriptions() {
    SSHCommandResult sshCommandResult = list(null, null, Boolean.TRUE, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
    List<File> entitlementCertFiles = getCurrentEntitlementCertFiles();
    String expectedConsumedListMessage = "No consumed subscription pools to list";
    if (isPackageVersion("subscription-manager", ">=", "1.20.2-1")) {
        // commit da72dfcbbb2c3a44393edb9e46e1583d05cc140a
        expectedConsumedListMessage = "No consumed subscription pools were found.";
    if (entitlementCertFiles.isEmpty()) {
        Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getStdout().trim(), expectedConsumedListMessage, "Expected message when there are no consumed subscription pools.");
    } else {
        String title = "Consumed Product Subscriptions";
        // changed in
        title = "Consumed Subscriptions";
        // Assert.assertContainsMatch(sshCommandResult.getStdout(), title); // produces too much logging
        Assert.assertTrue(sshCommandResult.getStdout().contains(title), "The list of consumed products is entitled '" + title + "'.");
    return sshCommandResult;
Also used : SSHCommandResult( File(

Example 87 with SSHCommandResult

use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.

the class SubscriptionManagerTasks method unsubscribeFromTheCurrentlyConsumedProductSubscriptionSerialsCollectively.

 * Collectively unsubscribe from all of the currently consumed product subscriptions.
 * This will ultimately issue a single call to unsubscribe --serial SERIAL1 --serial SERIAL2 --serial SERIAL3 for each of the product subscriptions being consumed.
 * @throws Exception
public SSHCommandResult unsubscribeFromTheCurrentlyConsumedProductSubscriptionSerialsCollectively() throws Exception {"Unsubscribing from all of the currently consumed product subscription serials in one collective call...");
    List<BigInteger> serials = new ArrayList<BigInteger>();
    for (ProductSubscription productSubscription : getCurrentlyConsumedProductSubscriptions()) {
        EntitlementCert entitlementCert = getEntitlementCertCorrespondingToProductSubscription(productSubscription);
        JSONObject jsonEntitlement = CandlepinTasks.getEntitlementUsingRESTfulAPI(this.currentlyRegisteredUsername, this.currentlyRegisteredPassword, candlepinUrl,;
        String poolHref = jsonEntitlement.getJSONObject("pool").getString("href");
        JSONObject jsonPool = new JSONObject(CandlepinTasks.getResourceUsingRESTfulAPI(this.currentlyRegisteredUsername, this.currentlyRegisteredPassword, candlepinUrl, poolHref));
        String poolId = jsonPool.getString("id");
        if (CandlepinTasks.isPoolAModifier(this.currentlyRegisteredUsername, this.currentlyRegisteredPassword, poolId, candlepinUrl)) {
            // serials to entitlements that modify others should be at the front of the list to be removed, otherwise they will get re-issued under a new serial number when the modified entitlement is removed first.
            serials.add(0, productSubscription.serialNumber);
        } else {
    // unsubscribe from all serials collectively
    SSHCommandResult result = unsubscribe(false, serials, null, null, null, null, null);
    Assert.assertTrue(getCurrentlyConsumedProductSubscriptions().size() == 0, "Currently no product subscriptions are consumed.");
    Assert.assertTrue(getCurrentEntitlementCertFiles().size() == 0, "This machine has no entitlement certificate files.");
    return result;
Also used : EntitlementCert( JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) SSHCommandResult( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ProductSubscription( BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger)

Example 88 with SSHCommandResult

use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.

the class SubscriptionManagerTasks method getYumListAvailable.

// public ArrayList<String> yumListAvailable (String disableplugin, String disablerepo, String enablerepo, String globExpression) {
 * @param options
 * @return array of packages returned from a call to yum list available [options]
public ArrayList<String> getYumListAvailable(String options) {
    ArrayList<String> packages = new ArrayList<String>();
    sshCommandRunner.runCommandAndWaitWithoutLogging("killall -9 yum");
    if (options == null)
        options = "";
    // String							command  = "yum list available";
    // if (disableplugin!=null)		command += " --disableplugin="+disableplugin;
    // if (disablerepo!=null)			command += " --disablerepo="+disablerepo;
    // if (enablerepo!=null)			command += " --enablerepo="+enablerepo;
    // if (globExpression!=null)		command += " "+globExpression;
    // --disableplugin=rhnplugin helps avoid: up2date_client.up2dateErrors.AbuseError
    String command = "yum list available " + options + " --disableplugin=rhnplugin";
    // execute the yum command to list available packages
    int min = 5;
    log.fine("Using a timeout of " + min + " minutes for next ssh command...");
    SSHCommandResult result = sshCommandRunner.runCommandAndWait(command, Long.valueOf(min * 60000));
    // FINE: ExitCode: 1
    if (result.getStderr().contains("Error 500: Internal Server Error")) {
        log.warning(result.getStderr());"Encountered an Internal Server Error while running: " + command);
    // Error: No matching Packages to list
    if (result.getStderr().contains("Error: No matching Packages to list")) {"No matching Packages to list from: " + command);
        return packages;
    // Example result.getStdout()
    // Loaded plugins: product-id, refresh-packagekit, subscription-manager
    // No plugin match for: rhnplugin
    // Updating certificate-based repositories.
    // Available Packages
    // xmltex.noarch                 20020625-16.el6     red-hat-enterprise-linux-6-entitlement-alpha-rpms
    // xmlto.x86_64                  0.0.23-3.el6        red-hat-enterprise-linux-6-entitlement-alpha-rpms
    // xmlto-tex.noarch              0.0.23-3.el6        red-hat-enterprise-linux-6-entitlement-alpha-rpms
    // xorg-x11-apps.x86_64          7.4-10.el6          red-hat-enterprise-linux-6-entitlement-alpha-rpms
    // pacemaker-libs-devel.i686     1.1.7-6.el6         rhel-ha-for-rhel-6-server-rpms
    // pacemaker-libs-devel.x86_64   1.1.7-6.el6         rhel-ha-for-rhel-6-server-rpms
    // perl-Net-Telnet.noarch        3.03-11.el6         rhel-ha-for-rhel-6-server-rpms
    // pexpect.noarch                2.3-6.el6           rhel-ha-for-rhel-6-server-rpms
    // python-repoze-what-plugins-sql.noarch
    // 1.0-0.6.rc1.el6     rhel-ha-for-rhel-6-server-rpms
    // python-repoze-what-quickstart.noarch
    // 1.0.1-1.el6         rhel-ha-for-rhel-6-server-rpms
    // python-repoze-who-friendlyform.noarch
    // 1.0-0.3.b3.el6      rhel-ha-for-rhel-6-server-rpms
    // python-repoze-who-plugins-sa.noarch
    // 1.0-0.4.rc1.el6     rhel-ha-for-rhel-6-server-rpms
    // python-suds.noarch            0.4.1-3.el6         rhel-ha-for-rhel-6-server-rpms
    // python-tw-forms.noarch        0.9.9-1.el6         rhel-ha-for-rhel-6-server-rpms
    // resource-agents.x86_64        3.9.2-12.el6_3.2    rhel-ha-for-rhel-6-server-rpms
    // cluster-cim.x86_64                  0.12.1-8.el5_9
    // rhel-ha-for-rhel-5-server-rpms
    // cluster-snmp.x86_64                 0.12.1-8.el5_9
    // rhel-ha-for-rhel-5-server-rpms
    // ipvsadm.x86_64                      1.24-13.el5   rhel-ha-for-rhel-5-server-rpms
    String availablePackadesTable = result.getStdout();
    String prefix = "Available Packages";
    if (availablePackadesTable.contains(prefix)) {
        // strip leading info before the list of "Availabile Packages"
        availablePackadesTable = availablePackadesTable.substring(availablePackadesTable.indexOf(prefix) + prefix.length(), availablePackadesTable.length()).trim();
    // if (enablerepo==null||enablerepo.equals("*")) enablerepo="(\\S+)";
    // String regex="^(\\S+) +(\\S+) +"+enablerepo+"$";
    // String regex="^(\\S+) +(\\S+) +(\\S+)$";	// assume all the packages are on a line with three words
    // String regex="^(\\S+)(?:\\n)? +(\\S+) +(\\S+)$";	// works when the second and third word are on the next line, but not just the third
    String regex = "^(\\S+)(?:\\n)? +(\\S+)(?: +(\\S+)$|\\n +(\\S+)$)";
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(availablePackadesTable);
    if (!matcher.find()) {"Did NOT find any available packages from: " + command);
        return packages;
    // assemble the list of packages and return them
    do {
        // group(1) is the pkg,  group(2) is the version,  group(3) is the repo
    } while (matcher.find());
    // flip the packages since the ones at the end of the list are usually easier to install
    ArrayList<String> packagesCloned = (ArrayList<String>) packages.clone();
    for (int p = packagesCloned.size() - 1; p >= 0; p--) packages.add(packagesCloned.get(p));
    return packages;
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) SSHCommandResult( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 89 with SSHCommandResult

use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.

the class SubscriptionManagerTasks method plugins.

 * plugins with asserting results
public SSHCommandResult plugins(Boolean list, Boolean listslots, Boolean listhooks, Boolean verbose) {
    SSHCommandResult sshCommandResult = plugins_(list, listslots, listhooks, verbose);
    // assert results for a successful call to plugins
    Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getExitCode(), Integer.valueOf(0), "The exit code from the plugins command indicates a success.");
    Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getStderr(), "", "Stderr from the plugins command indicates a success.");
    // from the plugins command
    return sshCommandResult;
Also used : SSHCommandResult(

Example 90 with SSHCommandResult

use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.

the class SubscriptionManagerTasks method facts.

 * @param list
 * @param update
 * @param proxy TODO
 * @param proxyuser TODO
 * @param proxypassword TODO
 * @param noproxy TODO
 * @return
public SSHCommandResult facts(Boolean list, Boolean update, String proxy, String proxyuser, String proxypassword, String noproxy) {
    SSHCommandResult sshCommandResult = facts_(list, update, proxy, proxyuser, proxypassword, noproxy);
    // assert results for a successful facts
    Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getExitCode(), Integer.valueOf(0), "The exit code from the facts command indicates a success.");
    String regex = "";
    if (list != null && list) {
        // list of the current facts
        regex = ".*:.*";
        // Assert.assertTrue(SubscriptionManagerCLITestScript.doesStringContainMatches(sshCommandResult.getStdout().trim(), regex), "The list of facts contains matches to regex '"+regex+"'.");
        List<String> facts = SubscriptionManagerCLITestScript.getSubstringMatches(sshCommandResult.getStdout().trim(), regex);
        Assert.assertTrue(facts.size() > 1, "A list of facts matching regex '" + regex + "' was reported.");
    if (update != null && update) {
        // expectedMsg=getCurrentConsumerCert().consumerid;	// consumerid	// RHEL57 RHEL61
        String expectedMsg = "Successfully updated the system facts.";
        Assert.assertTrue(sshCommandResult.getStdout().trim().contains(expectedMsg), "The facts update feedback contains expected message '" + expectedMsg + "'.");
    // from the facts command
    return sshCommandResult;
Also used : SSHCommandResult(


SSHCommandResult ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)416 TestDefinition (com.github.redhatqe.polarize.metadata.TestDefinition)401 SkipException (org.testng.SkipException)219 ImplementsNitrateTest ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)101 BugzillaAPIException ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)68 File ( SubscriptionPool ( JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)47 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)42 ProductSubscription ( EntitlementCert ( List (java.util.List)21 YumRepo ( ProductCert ( Repo ( InstalledProduct ( Calendar (java.util.Calendar)13