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Example 16 with DD

use of com.revolsys.geometry.math.DD in project by revolsys.

the class TriPredicate method isInCircleDD.

 * Tests if a point is inside the circle defined by the points a, b, c.
 * The computation uses {@link DD} arithmetic for robustness.
 * @param a a vertex of the triangle
 * @param b a vertex of the triangle
 * @param c a vertex of the triangle
 * @param p the point to test
 * @return true if this point is inside the circle defined by the points a, b, c
public static boolean isInCircleDD(final Point a, final Point b, final Point c, final Point p) {
    final DD px = new DD(p.getX());
    final DD py = new DD(p.getY());
    final DD ax = new DD(a.getX());
    final DD ay = new DD(a.getY());
    final DD bx = new DD(b.getX());
    final DD by = new DD(b.getY());
    final DD cx = new DD(c.getX());
    final DD cy = new DD(c.getY());
    final DD aTerm = ax.multiply(ax).add(ay.multiply(ay)).multiply(triAreaDD(bx, by, cx, cy, px, py));
    final DD bTerm = bx.multiply(bx).add(by.multiply(by)).multiply(triAreaDD(ax, ay, cx, cy, px, py));
    final DD cTerm = cx.multiply(cx).add(cy.multiply(cy)).multiply(triAreaDD(ax, ay, bx, by, px, py));
    final DD pTerm = px.multiply(px).add(py.multiply(py)).multiply(triAreaDD(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy));
    final DD sum = aTerm.subtract(bTerm).add(cTerm).subtract(pTerm);
    final boolean isInCircle = sum.doubleValue() > 0;
    return isInCircle;
Also used : DD(com.revolsys.geometry.math.DD)

Example 17 with DD

use of com.revolsys.geometry.math.DD in project by revolsys.

the class TriPredicate method isInCircleDD3.

public static boolean isInCircleDD3(final Point a, final Point b, final Point c, final Point p) {
    final DD adx = DD.valueOf(a.getX()).selfSubtract(p.getX());
    final DD ady = DD.valueOf(a.getY()).selfSubtract(p.getY());
    final DD bdx = DD.valueOf(b.getX()).selfSubtract(p.getX());
    final DD bdy = DD.valueOf(b.getY()).selfSubtract(p.getY());
    final DD cdx = DD.valueOf(c.getX()).selfSubtract(p.getX());
    final DD cdy = DD.valueOf(c.getY()).selfSubtract(p.getY());
    final DD abdet = adx.multiply(bdy).selfSubtract(bdx.multiply(ady));
    final DD bcdet = bdx.multiply(cdy).selfSubtract(cdx.multiply(bdy));
    final DD cadet = cdx.multiply(ady).selfSubtract(adx.multiply(cdy));
    final DD alift = adx.multiply(adx).selfSubtract(ady.multiply(ady));
    final DD blift = bdx.multiply(bdx).selfSubtract(bdy.multiply(bdy));
    final DD clift = cdx.multiply(cdx).selfSubtract(cdy.multiply(cdy));
    final DD sum = alift.selfMultiply(bcdet).selfAdd(blift.selfMultiply(cadet)).selfAdd(clift.selfMultiply(abdet));
    final boolean isInCircle = sum.doubleValue() > 0;
    return isInCircle;
Also used : DD(com.revolsys.geometry.math.DD)

Example 18 with DD

use of com.revolsys.geometry.math.DD in project by revolsys.

the class DDIOTest method testStandardNotation.

public void testStandardNotation() {
    // standard cases
    checkStandardNotation(1.0, "1.0");
    checkStandardNotation(0.0, "0.0");
    // cases where hi is a power of 10 and lo is negative
    checkStandardNotation(DD.valueOf(1e12).subtract(DD.valueOf(1)), "999999999999.0");
    checkStandardNotation(DD.valueOf(1e14).subtract(DD.valueOf(1)), "99999999999999.0");
    checkStandardNotation(DD.valueOf(1e16).subtract(DD.valueOf(1)), "9999999999999999.0");
    final DD num8Dec = DD.valueOf(-379363639).divide(DD.valueOf(100000000));
    checkStandardNotation(num8Dec, "-3.79363639");
    checkStandardNotation(new DD(-3.79363639, 8.039137357367426E-17), "-3.7936363900000000000000000");
    checkStandardNotation(DD.valueOf(34).divide(DD.valueOf(1000)), "0.034");
    checkStandardNotation(1.05e3, "1050.0");
    checkStandardNotation(0.34, "0.34000000000000002442490654175344");
    checkStandardNotation(DD.valueOf(34).divide(DD.valueOf(100)), "0.34");
    checkStandardNotation(14, "14.0");
Also used : DD(com.revolsys.geometry.math.DD)

Example 19 with DD

use of com.revolsys.geometry.math.DD in project by revolsys.

the class DDIOTest method checkParse.

private void checkParse(final String str, final DD expectedVal, final double relErrBound) {
    final DD xdd = DD.parse(str);
    final double err = xdd.subtract(expectedVal).doubleValue();
    final double relErr = err / xdd.doubleValue();
    // System.out.println("Parsed= " + xdd + " rel err= " + relErr);
    assertTrue(err <= relErrBound);
Also used : DD(com.revolsys.geometry.math.DD)

Example 20 with DD

use of com.revolsys.geometry.math.DD in project by revolsys.

the class DDIOTest method writeRepeatedSqrt.

 * This routine simply tests for robustness of the toString function.
 * @param xdd
void writeRepeatedSqrt(DD xdd) {
    int count = 0;
    while (xdd.doubleValue() > 1e-300) {
        final double x = xdd.doubleValue();
        final DD xSqrt = xdd.sqrt();
        final String s = xSqrt.toString();
        // System.out.println(count + ": " + s);
        final DD xSqrt2 = DD.parse(s);
        final DD xx = xSqrt2.multiply(xSqrt2);
        final double err = Math.abs(xx.doubleValue() - x);
        // assertTrue(err < 1e-10);
        xdd = xSqrt;
        // square roots converge on 1 - stop when very close
        final DD distFrom1DD = xSqrt.subtract(DD.valueOf(1.0));
        final double distFrom1 = distFrom1DD.doubleValue();
        if (Math.abs(distFrom1) < 1.0e-40) {
Also used : DD(com.revolsys.geometry.math.DD)


DD (com.revolsys.geometry.math.DD)34 Stopwatch (com.revolsys.geometry.util.Stopwatch)3 Point (com.revolsys.geometry.model.Point)1 PointDoubleXY (com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.PointDoubleXY)1