use of com.revolsys.geometry.model.LinearRing in project by revolsys.
the class SierpinskiCarpetBuilder method getGeometry.
public Geometry getGeometry() {
final int level = recursionLevelForSize(this.numPts);
final LineSegment baseLine = getSquareBaseLine();
final Point origin = baseLine.getPoint(0);
final List<LinearRing> rings = new ArrayList<>();
final LinearRing shell = ((Polygon) getSquareExtent().toGeometry()).getShell();
addHoles(level, origin.getX(), origin.getY(), getDiameter(), rings);
return this.geometryFactory.polygon(shell);
use of com.revolsys.geometry.model.LinearRing in project by revolsys.
the class GeometryTransformer method transformPolygon.
protected Geometry transformPolygon(final Polygon polygon, final Geometry parent) {
boolean isAllValidLinearRings = true;
final Geometry newShell = transformLinearRing(polygon.getShell(), polygon);
if (newShell == null || !(newShell instanceof LinearRing) || newShell.isEmpty()) {
isAllValidLinearRings = false;
final List<Geometry> components = new ArrayList<>();
for (final LinearRing hole : polygon.holes()) {
final Geometry newHole = transformLinearRing(hole, polygon);
if (Property.hasValue(newHole)) {
if (!(newHole instanceof LinearRing)) {
} else {
isAllValidLinearRings = false;
if (isAllValidLinearRings) {
return this.factory.polygon(components);
} else {
return this.factory.buildGeometry(components);
use of com.revolsys.geometry.model.LinearRing in project by revolsys.
the class SineStarFactory method newSineStar.
* Generates the geometry for the sine star
* @return the geometry representing the sine star
public Geometry newSineStar() {
final BoundingBox env = this.dim.getEnvelope();
final double radius = env.getWidth() / 2.0;
double armRatio = this.armLengthRatio;
if (armRatio < 0.0) {
armRatio = 0.0;
if (armRatio > 1.0) {
armRatio = 1.0;
final double armMaxLen = armRatio * radius;
final double insideRadius = (1 - armRatio) * radius;
final double centreX = env.getMinX() + radius;
final double centreY = env.getMinY() + radius;
final double[] coordinates = new double[(this.vertexCount + 1) * 2];
int coordinateIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < this.vertexCount; i++) {
// the fraction of the way thru the current arm - in [0,1]
final double ptArcFrac = i / (double) this.vertexCount * this.numArms;
final double armAngFrac = ptArcFrac - Math.floor(ptArcFrac);
// the angle for the current arm - in [0,2Pi]
// (each arm is a complete sine wave cycle)
final double armAng = 2 * Math.PI * armAngFrac;
// the current length of the arm
final double armLenFrac = (Math.cos(armAng) + 1.0) / 2.0;
// the current radius of the curve (core + arm)
final double curveRadius = insideRadius + armMaxLen * armLenFrac;
// the current angle of the curve
final double ang = i * (2 * Math.PI / this.vertexCount);
final double x = curveRadius * Math.cos(ang) + centreX;
final double y = curveRadius * Math.sin(ang) + centreY;
coordinates[coordinateIndex++] = this.geomFact.makeXyPrecise(x);
coordinates[coordinateIndex++] = this.geomFact.makeXyPrecise(y);
final LinearRing ring = this.geomFact.linearRing(2, coordinates);
final Polygon poly = this.geomFact.polygon(ring);
return poly;
use of com.revolsys.geometry.model.LinearRing in project by revolsys.
the class GeometricShapeFactory method newRectangle.
* Creates a rectangular {@link Polygon}.
* @return a rectangular Polygon
public Polygon newRectangle() {
int i;
int ipt = 0;
int nSide = this.vertexCount / 4;
if (nSide < 1) {
nSide = 1;
final double XsegLen = this.dim.getEnvelope().getWidth() / nSide;
final double YsegLen = this.dim.getEnvelope().getHeight() / nSide;
final Point[] pts = new Point[4 * nSide + 1];
final BoundingBox env = this.dim.getEnvelope();
for (i = 0; i < nSide; i++) {
final double x = env.getMinX() + i * XsegLen;
final double y = env.getMinY();
pts[ipt++] = newPoint(x, y);
for (i = 0; i < nSide; i++) {
final double x = env.getMaxX();
final double y = env.getMinY() + i * YsegLen;
pts[ipt++] = newPoint(x, y);
for (i = 0; i < nSide; i++) {
final double x = env.getMaxX() - i * XsegLen;
final double y = env.getMaxY();
pts[ipt++] = newPoint(x, y);
for (i = 0; i < nSide; i++) {
final double x = env.getMinX();
final double y = env.getMaxY() - i * YsegLen;
pts[ipt++] = newPoint(x, y);
pts[ipt++] = pts[0];
final LinearRing ring = this.geomFact.linearRing(pts);
final Polygon poly = this.geomFact.polygon(ring);
return poly;
use of com.revolsys.geometry.model.LinearRing in project by revolsys.
the class GeometricShapeFactory method newArcPolygon.
* Creates an elliptical arc polygon.
* The polygon is formed from the specified arc of an ellipse
* and the two radii connecting the endpoints to the centre of the ellipse.
* @param startAng start angle in radians
* @param angExtent size of angle in radians
* @return an elliptical arc polygon
public Polygon newArcPolygon(final double startAng, final double angExtent) {
final BoundingBox env = this.dim.getEnvelope();
final double xRadius = env.getWidth() / 2.0;
final double yRadius = env.getHeight() / 2.0;
final double centreX = env.getMinX() + xRadius;
final double centreY = env.getMinY() + yRadius;
double angSize = angExtent;
if (angSize <= 0.0 || angSize > 2 * Math.PI) {
angSize = 2 * Math.PI;
final double angInc = angSize / (this.vertexCount - 1);
// double check = angInc * nPts;
// double checkEndAng = startAng + check;
final Point[] pts = new Point[this.vertexCount + 2];
int iPt = 0;
pts[iPt++] = newPoint(centreX, centreY);
for (int i = 0; i < this.vertexCount; i++) {
final double ang = startAng + angInc * i;
final double x = xRadius * Math.cos(ang) + centreX;
final double y = yRadius * Math.sin(ang) + centreY;
pts[iPt++] = newPoint(x, y);
pts[iPt++] = newPoint(centreX, centreY);
final LinearRing ring = this.geomFact.linearRing(pts);
final Polygon poly = this.geomFact.polygon(ring);
return poly;