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Example 11 with LineStringDouble

use of com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.LineStringDouble in project by revolsys.

the class GmlGeometryReader method parse.

public static final LineString parse(final String value, final String separator, final int axisCount) {
    final String[] values = value.split(separator);
    final double[] coordinates = new double[values.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        final String string = values[i];
        coordinates[i] = Double.parseDouble(string);
    return new LineStringDouble(axisCount, coordinates);
Also used : LineString(com.revolsys.geometry.model.LineString) Point(com.revolsys.geometry.model.Point) LineStringDouble(com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.LineStringDouble)

Example 12 with LineStringDouble

use of com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.LineStringDouble in project by revolsys.

the class GeometryFactoryTest method testCreateGeometry.

private static void testCreateGeometry() {
    final LineString pointPoints = new LineStringDouble(2, 0.0, 0);
    final LineString point2Points = new LineStringDouble(2, 20.0, 20);
    final LineString ringPoints = new LineStringDouble(2, 0.0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0);
    final LineString ring2Points = new LineStringDouble(2, 20.0, 20, 20, 80, 80, 80, 80, 20, 20, 20);
    final LineString ring3Points = new LineStringDouble(2, 120.0, 120, 120, 180, 180, 180, 180, 120, 120, 120);
    final Point point = GEOMETRY_FACTORY.point(2, 0.0, 0);
    assertCopyGeometry(point, pointPoints);
    final LineString line = GEOMETRY_FACTORY.lineString(ringPoints);
    assertCopyGeometry(line, ringPoints);
    final LinearRing linearRing = GEOMETRY_FACTORY.linearRing(ringPoints);
    assertCopyGeometry(linearRing, ringPoints);
    final Polygon polygon = GEOMETRY_FACTORY.polygon(ringPoints);
    assertCopyGeometry(polygon, ringPoints);
    final Polygon polygon2 = GEOMETRY_FACTORY.polygon(ringPoints, ring2Points);
    assertCopyGeometry(polygon2, ringPoints, ring2Points);
    final Punctual multiPoint = GEOMETRY_FACTORY.punctual(pointPoints);
    assertCopyGeometry(multiPoint, pointPoints);
    final Punctual multiPoint2 = GEOMETRY_FACTORY.punctual(pointPoints, point2Points);
    assertCopyGeometry(multiPoint2, pointPoints, point2Points);
    final Lineal multiLineString = GEOMETRY_FACTORY.lineal(ringPoints);
    assertCopyGeometry(multiLineString, ringPoints);
    final Lineal multiLineString2 = GEOMETRY_FACTORY.lineal(ringPoints, ring2Points);
    assertCopyGeometry(multiLineString2, ringPoints, ring2Points);
    final Polygonal multiPolygon = GEOMETRY_FACTORY.polygonal(ringPoints);
    assertCopyGeometry(multiPolygon, ringPoints);
    final Polygonal multiPolygon2 = GEOMETRY_FACTORY.polygonal(ringPoints, ring3Points);
    assertCopyGeometry(multiPolygon2, ringPoints, ring3Points);
Also used : Punctual(com.revolsys.geometry.model.Punctual) Lineal(com.revolsys.geometry.model.Lineal) LineString(com.revolsys.geometry.model.LineString) Polygonal(com.revolsys.geometry.model.Polygonal) Point(com.revolsys.geometry.model.Point) LinearRing(com.revolsys.geometry.model.LinearRing) Polygon(com.revolsys.geometry.model.Polygon) LineStringDouble(com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.LineStringDouble)

Example 13 with LineStringDouble

use of com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.LineStringDouble in project by revolsys.

the class LineSegmentUtil method getIntersection.

 * Get the intersection between line (segment) 1 and line (segment) 2. The
 * result will be either and empty collection, a single coordinates value for
 * a crosses intersection or a pair of coordinates for a linear intersection.
 * The results will be rounded according to the precision model. Any z-value
 * interpolation will be calculated using the z-values from line (segment) 1.
 * For linear intersections the order of the points will be the same as the
 * orientation of line1.
 * @param geometryFactory
 * @param line1Start
 * @param line1End
 * @param line2Start
 * @param line2End
 * @return
public static LineString getIntersection(final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, Point line1Start, Point line1End, Point line2Start, Point line2End) {
    line1Start = line1Start.convertGeometry(geometryFactory);
    line1End = line1End.convertGeometry(geometryFactory);
    line2Start = line2Start.convertGeometry(geometryFactory);
    line2End = line2End.convertGeometry(geometryFactory);
    if (RectangleUtil.intersects(line1Start, line1End, line2Start, line2End)) {
        final Set<Point> intersections = new TreeSet<>(new CoordinatesDistanceComparator(line1Start.getX(), line1Start.getY()));
        if (LineSegmentUtil.isPointOnLine(geometryFactory, line2Start, line2End, line1Start)) {
        if (LineSegmentUtil.isPointOnLine(geometryFactory, line2Start, line2End, line1End)) {
        if (LineSegmentUtil.isPointOnLine(geometryFactory, line1Start, line1End, line2Start)) {
            final Point intersection = getElevation(geometryFactory, line1Start, line1End, line2Start);
        if (LineSegmentUtil.isPointOnLine(geometryFactory, line1Start, line1End, line2End)) {
            final Point intersection = getElevation(geometryFactory, line1Start, line1End, line2End);
        if (intersections.isEmpty()) {
            final double line1x1 = line1Start.getX();
            final double line1y1 = line1Start.getY();
            final double line1x2 = line1End.getX();
            final double line1y2 = line1End.getY();
            final double line2x1 = line2Start.getX();
            final double line2y1 = line2Start.getY();
            final double line2x2 = line2End.getX();
            final double line2y2 = line2End.getY();
            final int Pq1 = CoordinatesListUtil.orientationIndex(line1x1, line1y1, line1x2, line1y2, line2x1, line2y1);
            final int Pq2 = CoordinatesListUtil.orientationIndex(line1x1, line1y1, line1x2, line1y2, line2x2, line2y2);
            if (!(Pq1 > 0 && Pq2 > 0 || Pq1 < 0 && Pq2 < 0)) {
                final int Qp1 = CoordinatesListUtil.orientationIndex(line2x1, line2y1, line2x2, line2y2, line1x1, line1y1);
                final int Qp2 = CoordinatesListUtil.orientationIndex(line2x1, line2y1, line2x2, line2y2, line1x2, line1y2);
                if (!(Qp1 > 0 && Qp2 > 0 || Qp1 < 0 && Qp2 < 0)) {
                    final double detLine1StartLine1End = LineSegmentUtil.det(line1x1, line1y1, line1x2, line1y2);
                    final double detLine2StartLine2End = LineSegmentUtil.det(line2x1, line2y1, line2x2, line2y2);
                    final double x = LineSegmentUtil.det(detLine1StartLine1End, line1x1 - line1x2, detLine2StartLine2End, line2x1 - line2x2) / LineSegmentUtil.det(line1x1 - line1x2, line1y1 - line1y2, line2x1 - line2x2, line2y1 - line2y2);
                    final double y = LineSegmentUtil.det(detLine1StartLine1End, line1y1 - line1y2, detLine2StartLine2End, line2y1 - line2y2) / LineSegmentUtil.det(line1x1 - line1x2, line1y1 - line1y2, line2x1 - line2x2, line2y1 - line2y2);
                    Point intersection = geometryFactory.point(x, y);
                    intersection = getElevation(geometryFactory, line1Start, line1End, intersection);
                    final LineStringDouble points = new LineStringDouble(geometryFactory.getAxisCount(), intersection);
                    return points;
        } else {
            return geometryFactory.lineString(intersections);
    return geometryFactory.lineString();
Also used : CoordinatesDistanceComparator(com.revolsys.geometry.model.coordinates.comparator.CoordinatesDistanceComparator) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) Point(com.revolsys.geometry.model.Point) Point(com.revolsys.geometry.model.Point) LineStringDouble(com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.LineStringDouble)

Example 14 with LineStringDouble

use of com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.LineStringDouble in project by revolsys.

the class Graph method splitEdge.

public <V extends Point> List<Edge<T>> splitEdge(final Edge<T> edge, final Collection<V> splitPoints, final double maxDistance) {
    final Collection<V> nodes = new ArrayList<>(splitPoints);
    if (edge.isRemoved()) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    } else {
        final LineString line = edge.getLineString();
        final LineString points = line;
        final Set<Integer> splitVertices = new TreeSet<>();
        final Set<Integer> splitIndexes = new TreeSet<>();
        for (final Iterator<V> nodeIter = nodes.iterator(); nodeIter.hasNext(); ) {
            final Point node =;
            final double distance = points.distanceVertex(0, node);
            if (distance < maxDistance) {
        final Map<Point, Double> nodeDistanceMap = new HashMap<>();
        final Map<Point, Integer> nodeSegment = new HashMap<>();
        for (int i = 1; i < points.getVertexCount() && !nodes.isEmpty(); i++) {
            for (final Iterator<V> nodeIter = nodes.iterator(); nodeIter.hasNext(); ) {
                final Point node =;
                final double nodeDistance = points.distanceVertex(i, node);
                if (nodeDistance < maxDistance) {
                    if (i < points.getVertexCount() - 1) {
                } else {
                    final int segmentIndex = i - 1;
                    final double x = node.getX();
                    final double y = node.getY();
                    final double x1 = points.getX(segmentIndex);
                    final double y1 = points.getY(segmentIndex);
                    final double x2 = points.getX(i);
                    final double y2 = points.getY(i);
                    final double segmentDistance = LineSegmentUtil.distanceLinePoint(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y);
                    if (segmentDistance == 0) {
                        nodeDistanceMap.put(node, segmentDistance);
                        nodeSegment.put(node, segmentIndex);
                    } else {
                        final double projectionFactor = LineSegmentUtil.projectionFactor(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y);
                        if (projectionFactor >= 0.0 && projectionFactor <= 1.0) {
                            final Double closestDistance = nodeDistanceMap.get(node);
                            if (closestDistance == null) {
                                nodeSegment.put(node, segmentIndex);
                                nodeDistanceMap.put(node, segmentDistance);
                            } else if (closestDistance.compareTo(segmentDistance) > 0) {
                                nodeSegment.put(node, segmentIndex);
                                nodeDistanceMap.put(node, segmentDistance);
        final T object = edge.getObject();
        final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = line.getGeometryFactory();
        final Map<Integer, Set<Point>> segmentSplitNodes = new TreeMap<>();
        for (final Entry<Point, Integer> entry : nodeSegment.entrySet()) {
            final Point node = entry.getKey();
            final Integer index = entry.getValue();
            Set<Point> splitNodes = segmentSplitNodes.get(index);
            if (splitNodes == null) {
                final double x = points.getX(index);
                final double y = points.getY(index);
                splitNodes = new TreeSet<>(new CoordinatesDistanceComparator(x, y));
                segmentSplitNodes.put(index, splitNodes);
        if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
            final List<LineString> newLines = new ArrayList<>();
            int startIndex = 0;
            Point startPoint = null;
            for (final Integer index : splitIndexes) {
                if (splitVertices.contains(index)) {
                    final LineString newPoints = points.subLine(startPoint, startIndex, index - startIndex + 1, null);
                    startPoint = null;
                    startIndex = index;
                final Set<Point> splitNodes = segmentSplitNodes.get(index);
                if (splitNodes != null) {
                    for (final Point splitPoint : splitNodes) {
                        final Node<T> node = getNode(splitPoint);
                        final String typePath = edge.getTypeName();
                        Point point = splitPoint;
                        double splitPointZ = splitPoint.getZ();
                        if (splitPointZ == 0 || Double.isNaN(splitPointZ)) {
                            if (splitPoint instanceof Node<?>) {
                                final Node<?> splitNode = (Node<?>) splitPoint;
                                point = splitNode.get3dCoordinates(typePath);
                                splitPointZ = point.getZ();
                            if (splitPointZ == 0 || Double.isNaN(splitPointZ)) {
                                point = node.get3dCoordinates(typePath);
                            if (splitPointZ == 0 || Double.isNaN(splitPointZ)) {
                                final Point p1 = points.getPoint(index);
                                final Point p2 = points.getPoint(index + 1);
                                final double z = LineSegmentUtil.getElevation(p1, p2, point);
                                point = new PointDoubleXYZ(point.getX(), point.getY(), z);
                        final LineString newPoints;
                        if (startIndex > index) {
                            newPoints = new LineStringDouble(points.getAxisCount(), startPoint, point);
                        } else {
                            newPoints = points.subLine(startPoint, startIndex, index - startIndex + 1, point);
                        startPoint = point;
                        startIndex = index + 1;
            final LineString newPoints = points.subLine(startPoint, startIndex, points.getVertexCount(), null);
            if (newLines.size() > 1) {
                final List<Edge<T>> newEdges = new ArrayList<>();
                for (final LineString edgePoints : newLines) {
                    final Edge<T> newEdge = newEdge(geometryFactory, object, edgePoints);
                return newEdges;
            } else {
                return Collections.singletonList(edge);
        } else {
            return Collections.singletonList(edge);
Also used : GeometryFactory(com.revolsys.geometry.model.GeometryFactory) Set(java.util.Set) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) IntHashMap( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LineString(com.revolsys.geometry.model.LineString) PointDoubleXYZ(com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.PointDoubleXYZ) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) CoordinatesDistanceComparator(com.revolsys.geometry.model.coordinates.comparator.CoordinatesDistanceComparator) Point(com.revolsys.geometry.model.Point) BPlusTreeMap(com.revolsys.collection.bplus.BPlusTreeMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) LineStringDouble(com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.LineStringDouble) Point(com.revolsys.geometry.model.Point) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) LineString(com.revolsys.geometry.model.LineString) LineStringDouble(com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.LineStringDouble)

Example 15 with LineStringDouble

use of com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.LineStringDouble in project by revolsys.

the class Edge method getCollapsedEdge.

// of this edge
public Edge getCollapsedEdge() {
    final LineString points = new LineStringDouble(getPoint(0), getPoint(1));
    final Label lineLabel = Label.toLineLabel(this.label);
    final Edge edge = new Edge(points, lineLabel);
    return edge;
Also used : DelegatingLineString(com.revolsys.geometry.model.DelegatingLineString) LineString(com.revolsys.geometry.model.LineString) MonotoneChainEdge(com.revolsys.geometry.geomgraph.index.MonotoneChainEdge) LineStringDouble(com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.LineStringDouble)


LineStringDouble (com.revolsys.geometry.model.impl.LineStringDouble)22 Point (com.revolsys.geometry.model.Point)17 LineString (com.revolsys.geometry.model.LineString)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 CoordinatesDistanceComparator (com.revolsys.geometry.model.coordinates.comparator.CoordinatesDistanceComparator)2 IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 List (java.util.List)2 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)2 BPlusTreeMap (com.revolsys.collection.bplus.BPlusTreeMap)1 IntHashMap ( MonotoneChainEdge (com.revolsys.geometry.geomgraph.index.MonotoneChainEdge)1 Edge (com.revolsys.geometry.graph.Edge)1 Node (com.revolsys.geometry.graph.Node)1 LineStringGraph (com.revolsys.geometry.graph.linestring.LineStringGraph)1 DelegatingLineString (com.revolsys.geometry.model.DelegatingLineString)1 GeometryFactory (com.revolsys.geometry.model.GeometryFactory)1 Lineal (com.revolsys.geometry.model.Lineal)1 LinearRing (com.revolsys.geometry.model.LinearRing)1 Polygon (com.revolsys.geometry.model.Polygon)1