use of in project by revolsys.
the class EpsgCoordinateSystems method loadCoordinateSystem.
private static void loadCoordinateSystem() {
try (ChannelReader reader = newChannelReader("coordinateSystem")) {
while (true) {
final int id = reader.getInt();
final int type = reader.getByte();
final boolean deprecated = readBoolean(reader);
final CoordinateSystemType coordinateSystemType = new CoordinateSystemType(id, type, deprecated);
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE_BY_ID.put(id, coordinateSystemType);
} catch (final NoSuchResourceException e) {
} catch (final WrappedException e) {
if (Exceptions.isException(e, EOFException.class)) {
} else {
throw e;
use of in project by revolsys.
the class EpsgCoordinateSystems method loadUnitOfMeasure.
private static void loadUnitOfMeasure() {
try (ChannelReader reader = newChannelReader("unitOfMeasure")) {
if (reader != null) {
while (true) {
final int id = reader.getInt();
final byte type = reader.getByte();
final int baseId = reader.getInt();
final boolean deprecated = readBoolean(reader);
final double conversionFactorB = reader.getDouble();
final double conversionFactorC = reader.getDouble();
double conversionFactor;
if (Double.isFinite(conversionFactorB)) {
if (Double.isFinite(conversionFactorC)) {
conversionFactor = conversionFactorB / conversionFactorC;
} else {
conversionFactor = conversionFactorB;
} else {
conversionFactor = conversionFactorC;
final String name = reader.getStringUtf8ByteCount();
final EpsgAuthority authority = new EpsgAuthority(id);
UnitOfMeasure unit;
switch(type) {
case 0:
final ScaleUnit baseScaleUnit = (ScaleUnit) UNIT_BY_ID.get(baseId);
unit = new ScaleUnit(name, baseScaleUnit, conversionFactor, authority, deprecated);
case 1:
final LinearUnit baseLinearUnit = (LinearUnit) UNIT_BY_ID.get(baseId);
if (id == 9001) {
unit = new Metre(name, baseLinearUnit, conversionFactor, authority, deprecated);
} else {
unit = new LinearUnit(name, baseLinearUnit, conversionFactor, authority, deprecated);
case 2:
final AngularUnit baseAngularUnit = (AngularUnit) UNIT_BY_ID.get(baseId);
if (id == 9102) {
unit = new Degree(name, baseAngularUnit, conversionFactor, authority, deprecated);
} else if (id == 9105) {
unit = new Grad(name, baseAngularUnit, conversionFactor, authority, deprecated);
} else if (id == 9110) {
unit = new DegreeSexagesimalDMS(name, baseAngularUnit, conversionFactor, authority, deprecated);
} else {
unit = new AngularUnit(name, baseAngularUnit, conversionFactor, authority, deprecated);
case 3:
final TimeUnit baseTimeUnit = (TimeUnit) UNIT_BY_ID.get(baseId);
unit = new TimeUnit(name, baseTimeUnit, conversionFactor, authority, deprecated);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid unitId=" + id);
UNIT_BY_NAME.put(name, unit);
UNIT_BY_ID.put(id, unit);
} catch (final NoSuchResourceException e) {
} catch (final WrappedException e) {
if (Exceptions.isException(e, EOFException.class)) {
} else {
throw e;
use of in project by revolsys.
the class EpsgCoordinateSystems method loadCoordOperationParamValue.
private static void loadCoordOperationParamValue(final IntHashMap<CoordinateOperationMethod> methodById, final IntHashMap<Map<ParameterName, ParameterValue>> operationParameters, final IntHashMap<List<Byte>> paramReversal) {
try (ChannelReader reader = newChannelReader("coordOperationParamValue")) {
while (true) {
final int operationId = reader.getInt();
final CoordinateOperationMethod method = readCode(reader, methodById);
final ParameterName parameterName = readCode(reader, PARAM_NAME_BY_ID);
final double value = reader.getDouble();
final String fileRef = reader.getStringUtf8ByteCount();
final UnitOfMeasure unit = readCode(reader, UNIT_BY_ID);
final ParameterValue parameterValue;
if (Double.isFinite(value)) {
if (Property.hasValue(fileRef)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have a value and fileRef for coordOperationParamValue=" + operationId + " " + parameterName);
} else {
parameterValue = new ParameterValueNumber(unit, value);
} else {
if (Property.hasValue(fileRef)) {
parameterValue = new ParameterValueString(fileRef);
} else {
parameterValue = null;
Map<ParameterName, ParameterValue> parameterValues = operationParameters.get(operationId);
if (parameterValues == null) {
parameterValues = Maps.newLinkedHash();
final List<ParameterName> parameterOrder = method.getParameterNames();
for (final ParameterName orderParameterName : parameterOrder) {
parameterValues.put(orderParameterName, null);
operationParameters.put(operationId, parameterValues);
method.setParameter(parameterValues, parameterName, parameterValue);
} catch (final NoSuchResourceException e) {
} catch (final WrappedException e) {
if (Exceptions.isException(e, EOFException.class)) {
} else {
Logs.error(EpsgCoordinateSystems.class, "Error loading coordOperationParamValue", e);
use of in project by revolsys.
the class EpsgCoordinateSystems method loadCoordinateReferenceSystem.
private static void loadCoordinateReferenceSystem(final IntHashMap<List<Axis>> axisMap) {
try (ChannelReader reader = newChannelReader("coordinateReferenceSystem")) {
while (true) {
final int id = reader.getInt();
final String name = reader.getStringUtf8ByteCount();
final Area area = readCode(reader, AREA_BY_ID);
final int type = reader.getByte();
final CoordinateSystemType coordinateSystemType = readCode(reader, COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE_BY_ID);
final Datum datum = readCode(reader, DATUM_BY_ID);
final CoordinateSystem sourceCoordinateSystem = readCode(reader, COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BY_ID);
final CoordinateOperation operation = readCode(reader, OPERATION_BY_ID);
final CoordinateSystem horizontalCoordinateSystem = readCode(reader, COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BY_ID);
final VerticalCoordinateSystem verticalCoordinateSystem = (VerticalCoordinateSystem) readCode(reader, COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BY_ID);
final boolean deprecated = readBoolean(reader);
final List<Axis> axis;
if (coordinateSystemType == null) {
axis = null;
} else {
axis = axisMap.get(coordinateSystemType.getId());
CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem = null;
if (type == 0) {
// geocentric
coordinateSystem = newCoordinateSystemGeocentric(id, name, datum, axis, area, deprecated);
} else if (type == 1) {
// geographic 3D
coordinateSystem = new GeographicCoordinateSystem(id, name, (GeodeticDatum) datum, axis, area, sourceCoordinateSystem, operation, deprecated);
} else if (type == 2) {
// geographic 2D
coordinateSystem = new GeographicCoordinateSystem(id, name, (GeodeticDatum) datum, axis, area, sourceCoordinateSystem, operation, deprecated);
} else if (type == 3) {
// projected
coordinateSystem = newCoordinateSystemProjected(id, name, area, sourceCoordinateSystem, operation, axis, deprecated);
} else if (type == 4) {
// engineering
coordinateSystem = new EngineeringCoordinateSystem(id, name, (EngineeringDatum) datum, axis, area, deprecated);
} else if (type == 5) {
// vertical
coordinateSystem = new VerticalCoordinateSystem(id, name, (VerticalDatum) datum, axis, area, deprecated);
} else if (type == 6) {
coordinateSystem = new CompoundCoordinateSystem(id, name, horizontalCoordinateSystem, verticalCoordinateSystem, area, deprecated);
} else {
coordinateSystem = null;
} catch (final NoSuchResourceException e) {
} catch (final WrappedException e) {
if (Exceptions.isException(e, EOFException.class)) {
} else {
throw e;
use of in project by revolsys.
the class EsriCoordinateSystems method getProjectedCoordinateSystem.
public static ProjectedCoordinateSystem getProjectedCoordinateSystem(final int id) {
ProjectedCoordinateSystem coordinateSystem = (ProjectedCoordinateSystem) COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BY_ID.get(id);
if (coordinateSystem == null) {
try (final ChannelReader reader = ChannelReader.newChannelReader("classpath:CoordinateSystems/esri/Projected.cs")) {
while (true) {
final int coordinateSystemId = reader.getInt();
final String csName = reader.getStringUtf8ByteCount();
final int geographicCoordinateSystemId = reader.getInt();
final String projectionName = reader.getStringUtf8ByteCount();
final Map<ParameterName, ParameterValue> parameters = readParameters(reader);
final String unitName = reader.getStringUtf8ByteCount();
final double conversionFactor = reader.getDouble();
if (id == coordinateSystemId) {
LinearUnit linearUnit = LINEAR_UNITS_BY_NAME.get(unitName);
if (linearUnit == null) {
linearUnit = new LinearUnit(unitName, conversionFactor);
LINEAR_UNITS_BY_NAME.put(unitName, linearUnit);
final Authority authority = new BaseAuthority("ESRI", coordinateSystemId);
final GeographicCoordinateSystem geographicCoordinateSystem = getGeographicCoordinateSystem(geographicCoordinateSystemId);
coordinateSystem = new ProjectedCoordinateSystem(coordinateSystemId, csName, geographicCoordinateSystem, projectionName, parameters, linearUnit, authority);
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BY_ID.put(id, coordinateSystem);
return coordinateSystem;
} catch (final WrappedException e) {
if (Exceptions.isException(e, EOFException.class)) {
return null;
} else {
Logs.error("Cannot load coordinate system=" + id, e);
throw e;
return coordinateSystem;