use of com.revolsys.record.code.CodeTable in project by revolsys.
the class QueryWhereConditionField method toQueryValue.
private <V extends QueryValue> V toQueryValue(final ValueNode expression) {
if (expression instanceof BetweenOperatorNode) {
final BetweenOperatorNode betweenExpression = (BetweenOperatorNode) expression;
final ValueNode leftValueNode = betweenExpression.getLeftOperand();
final ValueNodeList rightOperandList = betweenExpression.getRightOperandList();
final ValueNode betweenExpressionStart = rightOperandList.get(0);
final ValueNode betweenExpressionEnd = rightOperandList.get(1);
if (!(leftValueNode instanceof ColumnReference)) {
setInvalidMessage("Between operator must use a column name not: " + leftValueNode);
return null;
if (!(betweenExpressionStart instanceof NumericConstantNode)) {
setInvalidMessage("Between min value must be a number not: " + betweenExpressionStart);
return null;
if (!(betweenExpressionEnd instanceof NumericConstantNode)) {
setInvalidMessage("Between max value must be a number not: " + betweenExpressionEnd);
return null;
final Column column = toQueryValue(leftValueNode);
final Value min = toQueryValue(betweenExpressionStart);
final Value max = toQueryValue(betweenExpressionEnd);
final FieldDefinition fieldDefinition = this.recordDefinition.getField(column.getName());
return (V) new Between(column, min, max);
} else if (expression instanceof BinaryLogicalOperatorNode) {
final BinaryLogicalOperatorNode binaryOperatorNode = (BinaryLogicalOperatorNode) expression;
final String operator = binaryOperatorNode.getOperator().toUpperCase();
final ValueNode leftValueNode = binaryOperatorNode.getLeftOperand();
final ValueNode rightValueNode = binaryOperatorNode.getRightOperand();
final QueryValue leftValue = toQueryValue(leftValueNode);
if (leftValue instanceof Condition) {
final Condition leftCondition = (Condition) leftValue;
final QueryValue rightValue = toQueryValue(rightValueNode);
if (rightValue instanceof Condition) {
final Condition rightCondition = (Condition) rightValue;
if ("AND".equals(operator)) {
return (V) new And(leftCondition, rightCondition);
} else if ("OR".equals(operator)) {
return (V) new Or(leftCondition, rightCondition);
} else {
setInvalidMessage("Binary logical operator " + operator + " not supported.");
return null;
} else {
setInvalidMessage("Right side of " + operator + " must be a condition (e.g. column_name = 'value') not: " + rightValue);
return null;
} else {
setInvalidMessage("Left side of " + operator + " must be a condition (e.g. column_name = 'value') not: " + leftValue);
return null;
} else if (expression instanceof BinaryOperatorNode) {
final BinaryOperatorNode binaryOperatorNode = (BinaryOperatorNode) expression;
final String operator = binaryOperatorNode.getOperator();
final ValueNode leftValueNode = binaryOperatorNode.getLeftOperand();
final ValueNode rightValueNode = binaryOperatorNode.getRightOperand();
if (QueryValue.SUPPORTED_BINARY_OPERATORS.contains(operator.toUpperCase())) {
final QueryValue leftCondition = toQueryValue(leftValueNode);
QueryValue rightCondition = toQueryValue(rightValueNode);
if (leftCondition instanceof Column) {
if (rightCondition instanceof Value) {
final Object value = ((Value) rightCondition).getValue();
if (value == null) {
setInvalidMessage("Values can't be null for " + operator + " use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL instead.");
} else {
final Column column = (Column) leftCondition;
final String name = column.getName();
final FieldDefinition fieldDefinition = this.recordDefinition.getField(name);
final CodeTable codeTable = this.recordDefinition.getCodeTableByFieldName(name);
if (codeTable == null || fieldDefinition == this.recordDefinition.getIdField()) {
try {
final Object convertedValue = fieldDefinition.toFieldValueException(value);
if (convertedValue == null) {
setInvalidMessage("Values can't be null for " + operator + " use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL instead.");
return null;
} else {
rightCondition = new Value(fieldDefinition, convertedValue);
} catch (final Throwable t) {
setInvalidMessage(name + "='" + value + "' is not a valid " + fieldDefinition.getDataType().getValidationName());
} else {
Object id;
if (value instanceof String) {
final String string = (String) value;
final String[] values = string.split(":");
id = codeTable.getIdentifier((Object[]) values);
} else {
id = codeTable.getIdentifier(value);
if (id == null) {
setInvalidMessage(name + "='" + value + "' could not be found in the code table " + codeTable.getName());
} else {
rightCondition = new Value(fieldDefinition, id);
if (expression instanceof BinaryArithmeticOperatorNode) {
final QueryValue arithmaticCondition = Q.arithmatic(leftCondition, operator, rightCondition);
return (V) arithmaticCondition;
} else {
final Condition binaryCondition = Q.binary(leftCondition, operator, rightCondition);
return (V) binaryCondition;
} else {
setInvalidMessage("Unsupported binary operator " + operator);
} else if (expression instanceof ColumnReference) {
final ColumnReference column = (ColumnReference) expression;
String columnName = column.getColumnName();
columnName = columnName.replaceAll("\"", "");
final FieldDefinition fieldDefinition = this.recordDefinition.getField(columnName);
if (fieldDefinition == null) {
setInvalidMessage("Invalid field name " + columnName);
} else {
return (V) new Column(fieldDefinition);
} else if (expression instanceof LikeEscapeOperatorNode) {
final LikeEscapeOperatorNode likeEscapeOperatorNode = (LikeEscapeOperatorNode) expression;
final ValueNode leftValueNode = likeEscapeOperatorNode.getReceiver();
final ValueNode rightValueNode = likeEscapeOperatorNode.getLeftOperand();
final QueryValue leftCondition = toQueryValue(leftValueNode);
final QueryValue rightCondition = toQueryValue(rightValueNode);
return (V) new ILike(leftCondition, rightCondition);
} else if (expression instanceof NotNode) {
final NotNode notNode = (NotNode) expression;
final ValueNode operand = notNode.getOperand();
final Condition condition = toQueryValue(operand);
return (V) new Not(condition);
} else if (expression instanceof InListOperatorNode) {
final InListOperatorNode inListOperatorNode = (InListOperatorNode) expression;
final ValueNode leftOperand = inListOperatorNode.getLeftOperand();
final QueryValue leftCondition = toQueryValue(leftOperand);
final List<QueryValue> conditions = new ArrayList<>();
final RowConstructorNode itemsList = inListOperatorNode.getRightOperandList();
for (final ValueNode itemValueNode : itemsList.getNodeList()) {
final QueryValue itemCondition = toQueryValue(itemValueNode);
return (V) new In(leftCondition, new CollectionValue(conditions));
} else if (expression instanceof IsNullNode) {
final IsNullNode isNullNode = (IsNullNode) expression;
final ValueNode operand = isNullNode.getOperand();
final QueryValue value = toQueryValue(operand);
if (isNullNode.getNodeType() == NodeTypes.IS_NOT_NULL_NODE) {
return (V) new IsNotNull(value);
} else {
return (V) new IsNull(value);
// } else if (expression instanceof Parenthesis) {
// final Parenthesis parenthesis = (Parenthesis)expression;
// final ValueNode parenthesisValueNode = parenthesis.getExpression();
// final Condition condition = toCondition(parenthesisExpression);
// final ParenthesisCondition parenthesisCondition = new
// ParenthesisCondition(
// condition);
// if (parenthesis.isNot()) {
// return (V)Q.not(parenthesisCondition);
// } else {
// return (V)parenthesisCondition;
// }
} else if (expression instanceof RowConstructorNode) {
final RowConstructorNode rowConstructorNode = (RowConstructorNode) expression;
final ValueNodeList values = rowConstructorNode.getNodeList();
final ValueNode valueNode = values.get(0);
return (V) toQueryValue(valueNode);
} else if (expression instanceof UserTypeConstantNode) {
final UserTypeConstantNode constant = (UserTypeConstantNode) expression;
final Object objectValue = constant.getObjectValue();
return (V) new Value(objectValue);
} else if (expression instanceof ConstantNode) {
final ConstantNode constant = (ConstantNode) expression;
final Object value = constant.getValue();
return (V) new Value(value);
} else if (expression instanceof SimpleStringOperatorNode) {
final SimpleStringOperatorNode operatorNode = (SimpleStringOperatorNode) expression;
final String functionName = operatorNode.getMethodName().toUpperCase();
final ValueNode operand = operatorNode.getOperand();
final QueryValue condition = toQueryValue(operand);
return (V) new Function(functionName, condition);
} else if (expression instanceof CastNode) {
final CastNode castNode = (CastNode) expression;
final String typeName = castNode.getType().getSQLstring();
final ValueNode operand = castNode.getCastOperand();
final QueryValue condition = toQueryValue(operand);
return (V) new Cast(condition, typeName);
} else if (expression == null) {
return null;
} else {
setInvalidMessage("Unsupported expression" + expression.getClass() + " " + expression);
return null;
use of com.revolsys.record.code.CodeTable in project by revolsys.
the class LayerRecordForm method getFieldValue.
public <T> T getFieldValue(final String name) {
final Object value = this.fieldValues.get(name);
final CodeTable codeTable = this.recordDefinition.getCodeTableByFieldName(name);
if (codeTable == null) {
if (value != null && name.endsWith("_IND")) {
if ("Y".equals(value) || Boolean.TRUE.equals(value)) {
return (T) "Y";
} else {
return (T) "N";
} else {
return (T) value;
} else {
final Identifier id = codeTable.getIdentifier(value);
return (T) id;
use of com.revolsys.record.code.CodeTable in project by revolsys.
the class LayerRecordForm method addCodeTableLabelField.
protected ObjectLabelField addCodeTableLabelField(final String fieldName) {
final RecordStore recordStore = getRecordStore();
final CodeTable codeTable = recordStore.getCodeTableByFieldName(fieldName);
final ObjectLabelField field = new ObjectLabelField(fieldName, codeTable);
addField(fieldName, field);
return field;
use of com.revolsys.record.code.CodeTable in project by revolsys.
the class LayerRecordForm method getCodeValue.
public String getCodeValue(final String fieldName, final Object value) {
final CodeTable codeTable = this.recordDefinition.getCodeTableByFieldName(fieldName);
String string;
if (value == null) {
return "-";
} else if (codeTable == null) {
string = DataTypes.toString(value);
} else {
final List<Object> values = codeTable.getValues(value);
if (values == null || values.isEmpty()) {
string = "-";
} else {
string = Strings.toString(values);
if (!Property.hasValue(string)) {
string = "-";
return string;
use of com.revolsys.record.code.CodeTable in project by revolsys.
the class RecordStoreLayer method refreshDo.
protected void refreshDo() {
synchronized (getSync()) {
if (this.loadingWorker != null) {
this.loadedBoundingBox = BoundingBox.empty();
this.loadingBoundingBox = this.loadedBoundingBox;
final RecordStore recordStore = getRecordStore();
final PathName pathName = getPathName();
final CodeTable codeTable = recordStore.getCodeTable(pathName);
if (codeTable != null) {
if (hasIdField()) {
final List<Identifier> identifiers = new ArrayList<>();
synchronized (getSync()) {
if (!identifiers.isEmpty()) {
final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = recordStore.getRecordDefinition(pathName);
final List<FieldDefinition> idFields = recordDefinition.getIdFields();
final int idFieldCount = idFields.size();
if (idFieldCount == 1) {
final FieldDefinition idField = idFields.get(0);
final int pageSize = 999;
final int identifierCount = identifiers.size();
for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.size(); i += pageSize) {
final List<Identifier> queryIdentifiers = identifiers.subList(i, Math.min(identifierCount, i + pageSize));
final In in =, queryIdentifiers);
final Query query = new Query(recordDefinition, in);
updateCachedRecords(recordStore, query);
} else if (!idFields.isEmpty()) {
for (final Identifier identifier : identifiers) {
final Query query = new Query(recordDefinition, Q.equalId(idFields, identifier));
updateCachedRecords(recordStore, query);